Learn to sight read sheet music with this simple note training app. Great for kids and adults trying to learn how to read sheet music by sight. Just play for a...
    Experience the luxury of a digital piano with your iPad. Piano Partner is iPad app that provides a fresh, interactive way to learn and play a piano with your...
    Play By Ear is a call-and-response ear training application that helps you develop the ability to hear pitches and play them back on your instrument by ear....
    • Read Ahead provides short and enjoyable 5-10 minute daily practice sessions which help pianists quickly develop their sight-reading ability. • Innovative...
    ? Do you feel hard to learn the rhythm? ? Is it hard for you to be on beat when learning an instrument? ? Did you beat accurately when you play the music? ?...
    Use the Ten Minutes Practice app to have a set of exercises ready to go when you want to warm up or practice drumming. The app has a number of rudiments set up...
    If you want to learn rhythms like quintuplets, septuplets and similar, you will enjoy TUPLET TRAINER. TUPLET TRAINER is based on a simple method for learning...
    Practice sight reading with a violin by matching up the finger positions to the notes in the keys of C. This app uses a straight forward approach of displaying...
    The Vocal Mastery Warm Up App, is the ultimate vocal warm-up app designed to enhance your singing abilities and unlock your true vocal potential! Easy to...
    • Follow the singing exercises and the app tells you whether you sing in tune. • You can enjoy a singing class environment where teachers use a piano as a guide...
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