SPECIAL UPDATE DISCOUNT: reduced price for a limited period! If you want to learn rhythms like quintuplets, septuplets and similar, you will enjoy TUPLET...
    If you want to learn rhythms like quintuplets, septuplets and similar, you will enjoy TUPLET TRAINER. TUPLET TRAINER is based on a simple method for learning...
    Practice sight reading with a violin by matching up the finger positions to the notes in the keys of C. This app uses a straight forward approach of displaying...
    5 Simple Songs for the starting violin player. You can listen to the songs and play together with the iPad on the different strings. Choose the string on which...
    The Vocal Mastery Warm Up App, is the ultimate vocal warm-up app designed to enhance your singing abilities and unlock your true vocal potential! Easy to...
    This app is a guide to a professionally directed voice warm up for beginners, intermediate students and professionals. It offers an emergency tool for a warm up...
    The secret of all successful singers is daily Vocal Warm Ups. Whether you’re a pop star, rock star, classical opera or karaoke singer, you need to perform daily...
    VocalEase is an amazing vocal warmup and training studio for musicians and public speakers designed by well-known vocal trainer and professional vocalist ARnold...
    WHAT IS "VOCALIZE IT"? It's an app created with "lo studio del canto di Simone Moscato" to help who wants to exercise their voice without the need to have or...
    Ranked in top 100 music apps worldwide! Voice Builder™ is a breakthrough iOS application for bringing power, resonance, range, flexibility, and endurance to the...
    • Follow the singing exercises and the app tells you whether you sing in tune. • You can enjoy a singing class environment where teachers use a piano as a guide...
    Do you sing in a choir but can't read notes? Would you like to hear how a song sounds? Want to map notes to keys on the piano? Want to learn how to read notes?...
    An app for choral singers who don't read music well. Snap a photo or import JPG, PNG or PDF. Touch notes in the image to hear the pitch. Not for instrumental...
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