DubStep drum machine. SPARK DubStep brings a complete and powerful production suite to the Dubstep producer. Featuring a comprehensive library of 30 kits / 480 instruments created...
    SPARK Vintage Drum Machines
    Vintage Drum Machines. SPARK Vintage Drum Machines brings 30 legendary drum machines to the musician. Intuitive and powerful, this software is much more than your typical sample...
    SpatSampler 16
    Monotimbral polyphonic sampler. SpatSampler 16 is a mono-timbral polyphonic sampler with spatial control on 16 outputs in a 3D space, featuring : loop modulations, 2 LFOs, 2 multimode filters,...
    SpatSampler 88P
    Multitimbral wave file player. - eight simultaneous file players - 16 and 24 bits in streaming - setting of loop points independant for each file - eight multimode filters (LP-BP-HP-RB)...
    Substractive Synth. - 2 oscillators - 1 multimode resonant filter - 3 LFO - 2 envelopes - Frequency modulation between the two oscillators - Synchronization of the two...
    SpatTest 5.1
    Surround signal generator. Signal generator for 5.1 surround configurations : six outputs, choice of waveform signal, pitch and amplitude. Monophonic wave file player.
    Hybrid synth. Spectra is a synthesizer plug-in which combines multistage additive synthesis with subtractive synthesis in an easy to operate and intuitive product. Features...
    Hybrid synthesizer. Spectral is a very unique software synthesizer, in some aspects similar to additive as well as subtractive synthesizers. It features four unique 121 band...
    Spicy Guitar
    Virtual guitar. Spicy Guitar is a real-time acoustic guitar synthesis software. Based on a new synthesis method, it sounds really realistic. The Spicy Guitar project is the...
    Polyphonic synthesizer. Spire is a software polyphonic synthesizer that combines powerful sound engine modulation and flexible architecture, a graphical interface provides unparalleled...
    Spook Keys
    Virtual Theremin. Designed to re-create the sound of a 'Theremin' and can be controlled using either a MIDI keyboard or a mouse
    Wavetable synthesizer. Wavetable synthesizer made with synthedit
    Virtual steeldrum. Steeldrum is based on samples of real percussion instrument made of steel called Steeldrum (Steelpan). It has 8 layers of velocity so you can feel some natural...
    Step sequencer. VST port of the classic "Hammerhead" drum loop software. Steps features a 6 part, 4 measure sequencer, and adds an ADSR, looping, humanization and bit reduction...
    Sting Thing
    Plucked string. Plucked string synth based on 'Karplus Strong' algorithm with advanced controls and filtering to create a more natural tone
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