Metronome. MetroGnome is a highly customizable metronome, featuring many time signatures (2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, and 12/8), volume control, mutes, accents,...
To test midi interfaces inputs.. MidiTest is a simple utility (made with Max) allowing to test midi interfaces inputs.
It shows midi messages like NoteOn, AfterTouch, PitchBend,...
Displays audio file tags. MP3-Info CMM is a Contextual Menu Module designed for Mac OS X.
It displays information about MP3 files, such as their duration, the bitrate, and also some...
Tuner. Perfect Pitch is a powerful and diverse tuner application. It is simple enough for the casual instrumentalist to use, yet contains advanced features for tuning...
Metronome and pitch generator. This is a small but useful app that is a software metronome with an additional pitch generator for reference. Designed to assist in transcribing when a piano or...
Guitar Tuning Software for Musicians. PitchPerfect is a highly accurate professional guitar tuner with a very simple to use interface. PitchPerfect eliminates the need to tune an instrument to some...
Compression utility. EdgeSounds' RatHole is a free unique universal compression utility. It was especially designed for nondestructive compression of any files containing audio data...
Decompression for sfArk compressed SoundFonts. SfArk XT is a small carbon application that will decompress sfArk files, sfArk files contain a SoundFonts file in a special compressed format, and optionally...
Inter-application virtual audio bus. This is yet another core-audio plug-in which will let you get inter-application audio routing possible. It has been reported that it is easier to configure than...
Tool to switch input and output audio sources. Adjust your Input, Output and Sound Effects devices and volume settings in mere moments, right from the menu bar. Enable soft play-thru of input devices to your...
Delay Calculator, Frames to ms and loop pitch rates computer and more. The complete assistant, apart from regular calculation processes, WizCalc is telling you how to pitch a loop to the desire length or tempo by means of detecting...