Spectral Vertex Synthesizer. Cycle was designed to excel in two frontiers: timbral complexity and timbral variation with time.
Cycle is ideal for modelling real instruments, for designing...
Vintage sampler emulation. Sonic Charge Cyclone is a free software emulation of the Yamaha TX16W sampler from 1988. It was written to celebrate that 20 years have passed since the first...
Bass synthesizer. - New kinds of modulators like the Wobble Generator and the Sound Knob.
- FX-Sequencer, also to be controlled by the FX-Knob.
- 6 Synthesis Engines: Saw...
Analogue modelling monophonic synth. Dagger is a compact and powerful monophonic synthesizer, that incorporates the most advanced and authentic circuit modelling technology. Dagger captures the...
Vintage Synth. DaHornet is the virtual simulation of a cult synth. It's a full fledged plugin with midi-learn, random patch generator and many presets.
Create your sounds with colors. It is easy to use Dazibao : first create some "sound colors" thanks to an analogy between colors and sound. The hue modifies the wavefrom, the saturation and...
Virtual synthesizers. At the heart of DCAM: Synth Squad are three modeled synthesizers - Strobe, Amber and Cypher - bulging with the weight and power of old-skool analogue, according...
The Virtual Singing Monk. Delay Lama is the first VST-instrument to offer both vocal synthesis and a real-time animated 3D interface. Its advanced monophonic vocal synthesis engine...
Motion waveshape synthesizer. Diffusion is an AudioUnit instrument plugin especially developed for creating rich motion sounds. It's unique synthesizer engine combines additive oscillators...
Phase distortion synthesizer. Digits is a phase distortion synthesizer inspired by Casio's CZ series but takes that form of synthesis to the limit. Create warm pads, glitchy sounds, dirty...
Synthesizer. Combines real instruments with advanced synthesis, giving you endless sound possibilities. Dimension Pro offers an abundance of vital, usable sounds that range...