TC-11 is the only fully programmable multi-touch synthesizer for the iPad. Choose from the 160 included presets, or build your own using touch controls, device...
Tera Synth - Modular Analog Synthesizer
Explore new sound spaces with Tera Synth that go beyond the emulation of synthesizer legends. Use the power of analog...
Play with light – Theremin I/O turns your iPhone into a touchless music instrument. It uses your camera and flash to measure the distance to your hand, this...
TOPLAPapp is a sonic puzzle based around a virtual machine for sound synthesis. This machine accepts a few valid instructions represented by the letters T, O, P,...
ToyTone is simple synthesizer!
- Select waveform, and move the slider.
- Tap the pad at bottom, you can play.
iPhone/iPodTouch only (In iPad, please use...
Voice Synth is a professional live voice processor and music synthesizer played by your voice. With the vast set of integrated tools including Vocoders, Auto...
Xynthesizr is a streamlined yet capable 32-step matrix sequencer/monotimbral synthesizer with generative features and MIDI.
"This really is a lot of fun and,...