    Rhode emulation. This is a vintage Rhodes-typed piano module with gentle overdrive. This module reproduces the classic sound similar to RSP73 pianos. Module is not sample based,...
    Rhyme Genie
    Dynamic rhyming dictionary. Free your creative spirits with the world's first dynamic rhyming dictionary with 30 different rhyme types and over 300,000 entries including 170,000 phrases,...
    Rhythm Master
    Analog drum machine. 10 different "classic" rhythm patterns 7 analog drumsounds 3 soundset presets Midi input for keyboard playing Midi output for drum pattern recording or external...
    FM synth. Programme synthesizer "Rhythm - 2 " is created on base of the legend soviet synthesizer "Ritm - 2" (1984), which was an one-voice keyboard synthesizer designed...
    Rhythmic Metalisation Delay
    Special delay. A fairly simple delay plugin which also has a 'Rhythmic Mode'. Basically this alters the delay time in a sequence using very short delay times, which gives a...
    Phono equalization. This Plug-In provides normal and inverse RIAA equalization. It thus can be used for record playback or vinyl cutting purposes. Another nice trick is to use it to...
    Multi-tap delay plug-in. Ricochet is a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use multi-tap delay, with the signature Audio Damage sound. Featuring a 16-step grid for programming tap time, Ricochet...
    Compressor. Rider is an AudioUnit which automatically rides the gain to keep the apparent volume level consistent. Useful for mastering, broadcast, or just listening.
    Ridiculously Red
    Hybrid studio synth. Monophonic hybrid virtual studio instrument intended for live use
    RIFF File Viewer
    Shows the internal structure of Audio Files. This program shows you the internal structure of WAV, DLS, SF2 and many other RIFF files and can be used to diagnose incompatibility problems and analyse file...
    RiffBook Professional
    Organization of Musical Ideas. RiffBook is a computer "notebook" for music where you can quickly record audio, video, transcriptions, tablature, and text notes and keep everything together in...
    Recording Software with Effects and Drums for guitarists. Have fun recording your musical ideas! Create songs with high quality sound, InstantDrummer professional drums and the effects you want. Try collaborating with...
    RiffWorks T4
    Free guitar recording & online collaboration software. With RiffWorks T4, musicians can record ideas at the moment of inspiration, quickly create complete songs with drums and effects, easily collaborate online with...
    Converts to MP3 with one click. RightclickMP3 was created for one simple purpose; to remove the hassle from converting an audio file to MP3. With RightClickMP3, there's no need to install or...
    RigSonics Level Meter
    Level meter. The Rig::Sonics Level Meter is a cross-platform audio plug-in for digital audio workstations. It is a digital peak programme meter (PPM) + root mean square (RMS)...
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