Nebula 3 Pro
    Vintage gear emulation. Nebula is a VST multieffect plug-in that is able to emulate and replicate several types of expensive audio equipment, eliminating the need for costly and bulky...
    Physical modeled Spring Reverb. Simply a spring reverb. Physical modeling, non linear behaviour, multi-mode modulation. Several springs, several combinations (parallel, series). Round, nice...
    Vocal processing toolkit. Nectar is a complete set of 11 vocal production effects combined in one plug-in that's designed to give you immediate results. Built-in Styles get the grunt work...
    FM Synthesis. Nemesis includes traditional FM synthesis as well as a completely new and improved approach to FM called NeoFM synthesis. NeoFM and several other innovative...
    Neo Dynamic
    Dynamic Processing. Neo Dynamic is a new concept in dynamic processing technology. Different from ordinary compressors/limiters, Neo Dynamic not only offers more sonic variety than...
    Neo EQ
    EQ with auto lock feature on the right frequency. Neo EQ is a revolutionary concept in equalizer technology. Totally different from traditional EQ, Neo EQ is able to automatically detect and lock in the most...
    Neo Harmonic
    EQ and Harmonic Exciter. Sound Magic's Neo Harmonic opens a new direction for EQ. With it's custom shaped filter response curve (based on several years of research), Neo Harmonic can...
    Neo Loudness
    Loudness processor. Neo Loudness is a comprehensive tool designed to control loudness. Neo Loudness not only includes traditional compressors and limiters, but it also features a...
    Neo MasteringQ
    Mastering EQ with auto lock feature on the right frequency. Based on Sound Magic's Neo EQ technology, Neo MasteringQ is a revolutionary concept in equalizer technology. Totally different from traditional EQ, Neo...
    Neo Plasma
    Multi delay. Neo Plasma is a new concept in multi delay type effects, completely unlike other systems. Neo Plasma uses a Plasma Collision System to maximize the randomness of...
    Neo Preamp
    Vintage preamp emulation. Neo Preamp is reminiscent of a vintage channel strip which not only boosts or cuts the audio signal, but also add "things" to it. People like to remember that...
    Neo Reference
    Final Processing of Digital Music. Neo Reference is a brand new tool for the final processing of digital music. It combines several of Sound Magic's cutting edge dithering and noise shaping...
    Neo Transient
    Dynamic and Transient Processor. Neo Transient is a new concept for level independent dynamic processing. Unlike common compressors and limiters, Neo Transient reacts on Transients - those short...
    The disk and data library cataloger. NeoFinder (formerly known as CDFinder) rapidly catalogs your entire disk and media library, and backup archive. NeoFinder keeps track of your documents, photos,...
    Hybrid polyphonic synthesizer. Neogen is a hybrid (phase distortion/subtractive) polyphonic synthesizer with sound morphing capabilities and a rhythmic arpeggiator/sequencer. Design your sound...
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