MonoSynth Controller for Mssiah

Version 1.3
Prix Gratuit
Categorie Instruments / Synthétiseurs
Compatible avec
  • iPad2 3G
  • iPad2 Wifi
  • iPad 3G
  • iPad Wifi
  • Langues
    Sorti le 28 juin 2012
    Mis à jour le 3 mai 2017
    Taille 2.6 Mo
    MonoSynth Controller for Mssiah

    The Mssiah is a Midi cardridge for the Commodore C64. With this app you can easily control the mono synthesizer component of Mssiah via a midi connection.

  • load/save patches
  • generate random patches
  • share your patches with your friends (itunes file sharing enabled)

  • a Commodore 64 and the Mssiah-Midi-Modul is required.

    Please rate this app if you like

    this is not an official 8bitventures app
    this is just a little homemade project to support the mssiah community

    Bjoern Marthen MonoSynth Controller for Mssiah

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      MonoSynth Controller for Mssiah
      Bjoern Marthen MonoSynth Controller for Mssiah
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