
par DDMF
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.0
Compatibilité EnvelopeMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $47  /  44€
Mis à jour le 3 sept. 2016
Téléchargements 62
Télécharg. Mac 31
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.0
Compatibilité EnvelopeWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $47  /  44€
Mis à jour le 3 sept. 2016
Téléchargements 62
Télécharg. PC 31


The creation of this true stereo reverb effect started with the observation that somehow, whenever I’d use one of the existing reverb plugins, the sound was never quite ‘there’: many of them did sound quite good when used with a solo vocal or instrument track, but in a mix contest, I’d quickly end up with a certain muddiness in the lower frequency and/or a too intrusive reverb effect around 5k-7k, where those nasty syllables usually make themselves heard. So the goal was to create something that would add air without ever sounding harsh, create a rich 3D impression without losing the fine details of the stereo field, and still be light enough on the CPU to be used ad lib in a true mixing context. Well, in all modesty, I think that goal has been reached: Envelope has, from a really early...
The creation of this true stereo reverb effect started with the observation that somehow, whenever I’d use one of the existing reverb plugins, the sound was never quite ‘there’: many of them did sound quite good when used with a solo vocal or instrument track, but in a mix contest, I’d quickly end up with a certain muddiness in the lower frequency and/or a too intrusive reverb effect around 5k-7k, where those nasty syllables usually make themselves heard. So the goal was to create something that would add air without ever sounding harsh, create a rich 3D impression without losing the fine details of the stereo field, and still be light enough on the CPU to be used ad lib in a true mixing context. Well, in all modesty, I think that goal has been reached: Envelope has, from a really early stage of its development, become my go-to reverb plugin, and now it is finally ready to become yours too! And not only does it sound great, it also looks fantastic, thanks to the invaluable UI design skills of the one and only Mr. Marek Zaris.

- Zero-latency reverb algorithm with 8 simulated true stereo environments
- Size and Depth control for full control of the individual algorithms
- Switch between exponential (the ‘natural’ way) and linear decay (longer, more dreamy/eerie)
- Low- and high cut EQ controls
- Stereo width control: from full stereo to full mono
- Wet/dry balance
- 30 beautiful presets to get you started
Envelope Envelope v 1.0 3 sept. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Envelope Envelope v 1.0 3 sept. 2016 Windows
Acheter Envelope près de Columbus, United States chez:

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