
par Plogue
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.5
Compatibilité ChipspeechMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $95  /  80€
Mis à jour le 17 sept. 2016
Téléchargements 349
Télécharg. Mac 254
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.5
Compatibilité ChipspeechWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $95  /  80€
Mis à jour le 17 sept. 2016
Téléchargements 349
Télécharg. PC 95

Synthétiseur vocal

Chipspeech est un synthétiseur vocal de style vintage qui récrée le son de fameux synthétiseurs vocaux des années 80. Il propose 7 voix différentes, chacune avec son propre timbre caractéristique. L'utilisation se veut simple: tapez vos paroles et jouez ensuite depuis votre clavier MIDI.

Comme tout synthétiseur, chipspeech peut être amplement modifié à des fins musicales.
Mac®: OS X 10.6.8 or higher
Chipspeech Chipspeech v 1.5 17 sept. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Two new characters join themselves to chipspeech's rowdy bunch:
CiderTalk'84 (MacinTalk 1.x), as heard in the famous mac introduction in 1984.
And Rotten.ST from Atari ST's STSPEECH.TOS, a staple of early techno (eg: U96's Das Boot)
Plogue Chipspeech Chipspeech v 1.032 7 août 2015 MacOS X Intel
We were finally able to obtain the rights to redistribute the ‘Speak & Spell Program’ data files with chipspeech!
You can now do all the cool circuit bending sounds in your DAW!

These are NOT samples but original LPC data files being played back by our TMS5100/TMC0280 emulator core!
Plogue Chipspeech v 1.009 12 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Tweaked Lady Parsec's consonants
Added 'Attack' parameter (CC30)
Added "save as default" in plugins
Improved Release time in POLY mode
Fixed silent playback when restarting in some hosts.
Fixed parameter automation in a few hosts
Fixed SP0 Bending's "non looped" allophone-built strings
Fixed ambience reverb memory use under 192kHz
synth Chipspeech v 1.0 16 janv. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Chipspeech Chipspeech v 1.5 17 sept. 2016 Windows
Two new characters join themselves to chipspeech's rowdy bunch:
CiderTalk'84 (MacinTalk 1.x), as heard in the famous mac introduction in 1984.
And Rotten.ST from Atari ST's STSPEECH.TOS, a staple of early techno (eg: U96's Das Boot)
Plogue Chipspeech Chipspeech v 1.032 7 août 2015 Windows
We were finally able to obtain the rights to redistribute the ‘Speak & Spell Program’ data files with chipspeech!
You can now do all the cool circuit bending sounds in your DAW!

These are NOT samples but original LPC data files being played back by our TMS5100/TMC0280 emulator core!
Plogue Chipspeech v 1.009 12 févr. 2015 Windows
Tweaked Lady Parsec's consonants
Added 'Attack' parameter (CC30)
Added "save as default" in plugins
Improved Release time in POLY mode
Fixed silent playback when restarting in some hosts.
Fixed parameter automation in a few hosts
Fixed SP0 Bending's "non looped" allophone-built strings
Fixed ambience reverb memory use under 192kHz
synth Chipspeech v 1.0 16 janv. 2015 Windows
Acheter Chipspeech près de Columbus, United States chez:

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