
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.3.0
Format AUVST
Compatibilité SpectralMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $149  /  138€
Mis à jour le 29 sept. 2015
Téléchargements 1 121
Télécharg. Mac 791
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.3.0
Format VST
Compatibilité SpectralWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $149  /  138€
Mis à jour le 29 sept. 2015
Téléchargements 1 121
Télécharg. PC 330

Synthèse hybride

Spectral est un synthétiseur qui tient autant de la synthèse additive que de la synthèse soustractive. Il propose 256 oscillateurs additifs d'harmoniques, chacun disposant de quatre filtres. Il dispose de possibilités sophistiquées de cross-modulation permettant des méthodes de synthèse par modulation de fréquence et similaire, d'un arpégiateur, d'une section d'effets.

Spectral est fourni avec une sélection de presets dans une large variété de styles.
Mac OSX 10.6 and newer
Windows 7 and newer
Spectral Spectral v 1.3.0 29 sept. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixed various small issues with LFO's

  • Fixed functional and cosmetical problems with serial number text edit box

  • Added support for additional sound sets
  • LinPlug Spectral Spectral v 1.2.7 2 juin 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Fixed a few bugs and added support for latest sound libraries.
    LinPlug Spectral v 1.2.6 29 avril 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • fixing a potential problem when authorizing sound libraries

  • fixing potential hanging notes in FL Studio

  • improved “Yemski Arp” factory presets (added MIDI CC in the Matrix to increase the possible dynamic changes in sound)
  • synth Spectral v 1.2.4 30 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Spectral 1.2.4 fixing several small performance issues at startup (OSX 10.7 and earlier) and when using parameter automation
    telecharger Spectral v 1.2.3 28 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixed Delete not working on Midi-Controller Editing Page

  • Fixed Changes on Midi-Controller Editing Page might not be saved

  • Fixed In Mono Mode each note has its own velocity (was broken when playing legato)

  • Fixed possible crash when changing audio buffer sizes

  • Improved handling when the very same not is played multiple times simultaneously

  • Improved note stealing mechanism when Spectral runs out of voices

  • New Waveform Import: Loading of single cycle waveforms into Harmonics Editor
  • mac Spectral v 1.2.0 29 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    New Sound rating system.
    New MIDI Controller Assignement editing.
    New option to either save to “my sounds” or last used bank.
    New clicking library path opens Finder/Explorer window.
    New Envelopes can run in one-shot more.
    Fixed several Arpeggiator bugs in Modulation-Only Mode or when modulating effects.
    Fixed Glide not correct with anything but default linear curve.
    Fixed sustain pedal not working correctly under specific circumstances.
    windows Spectral v 1.1.1 22 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    What's new in Spectral 1.1.1
  • Fixed problem with Matrix modulation menu

  • Fixed demo noise interval

  • Fixed problem with accepting serial numbers

  • What's new in Spectral 1.1
  • Retina support in 64bit mode

  • RTAS version no longer supported

  • Mac OS X 10.5 no longer supported

  • Many more fx parameter can be modulated (66 new ones in total)

  • Matrix now with 24 slots

  • Improved Oscillator FM cross-modulation

  • Delay-MD now with separate High-Pass/Low-Pass

  • Delay-Stereo with Switch: Filter in Feedback

  • New Sound-set licensing mechanism

  • LP+ filter now in 4 flavours (6..24 dB)

  • Fixed LFO Mono/Single mode now also copied/pasted

  • Fixed Resonance was not part of audio stream for cross-modulation

  • Fixed various filters were not ok @ 96 kHz

  • Fixed Glide Constant Rate modulation now working (was always constant time)

  • Fixed Arp Glide not correct if the notes are of same note number

  • Fixed Arp Sounds may stop arbitrarily

  • Fixed LFO speed changes are applied much faster

  • Various small fixes
  • macintosh Spectral v 1.0.1 30 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Loading of presets now twice as fast as before
    Fixed right clicking dialog Matrix entry of 0:nn semitone/cent now possible
    Fixed Reverb module may misbehave after reducing project samplerate
    Fixed Save Dialog for Arpeggiator does not open at right folder
    Fixed Double Click occasionally aborted preset selection
    Fixed "Select Bank" title now "Select Sound" for sounds
    Fixed hanging notes when playing the same note simultaneously on two midi channels
    Fixed Copy/Paste among instances
    Fixed occasional crashes of 64 bit version when loading presets
    Fixed a number of smaller or cosmetic bugs
    pc Spectral v 1.0 27 nov. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Spectral Spectral v 1.3.0 29 sept. 2015 Windows
  • Fixed various small issues with LFO's

  • Fixed functional and cosmetical problems with serial number text edit box

  • Added support for additional sound sets
  • LinPlug Spectral Spectral v 1.2.7 2 juin 2015 Windows
    Fixed a few bugs and added support for latest sound libraries.
    LinPlug Spectral v 1.2.6 29 avril 2015 Windows
  • fixing a potential problem when authorizing sound libraries

  • fixing potential hanging notes in FL Studio

  • improved “Yemski Arp” factory presets (added MIDI CC in the Matrix to increase the possible dynamic changes in sound)
  • synth Spectral v 1.2.4 30 mars 2015 Windows
    Spectral 1.2.4 fixing several small performance issues at startup (OSX 10.7 and earlier) and when using parameter automation
    telecharger Spectral v 1.2.3 28 févr. 2015 Windows
  • Fixed Delete not working on Midi-Controller Editing Page

  • Fixed Changes on Midi-Controller Editing Page might not be saved

  • Fixed In Mono Mode each note has its own velocity (was broken when playing legato)

  • Fixed possible crash when changing audio buffer sizes

  • Improved handling when the very same not is played multiple times simultaneously

  • Improved note stealing mechanism when Spectral runs out of voices

  • New Waveform Import: Loading of single cycle waveforms into Harmonics Editor
  • mac Spectral v 1.2.0 29 nov. 2014 Windows
    New Sound rating system.
    New MIDI Controller Assignement editing.
    New option to either save to “my sounds” or last used bank.
    New clicking library path opens Finder/Explorer window.
    New Envelopes can run in one-shot more.
    Fixed several Arpeggiator bugs in Modulation-Only Mode or when modulating effects.
    Fixed Glide not correct with anything but default linear curve.
    Fixed sustain pedal not working correctly under specific circumstances.
    windows Spectral v 1.1.1 22 sept. 2014 Windows
    What's new in Spectral 1.1.1
  • Fixed problem with Matrix modulation menu

  • Fixed demo noise interval

  • Fixed problem with accepting serial numbers

  • What's new in Spectral 1.1
  • Retina support in 64bit mode

  • RTAS version no longer supported

  • Mac OS X 10.5 no longer supported

  • Many more fx parameter can be modulated (66 new ones in total)

  • Matrix now with 24 slots

  • Improved Oscillator FM cross-modulation

  • Delay-MD now with separate High-Pass/Low-Pass

  • Delay-Stereo with Switch: Filter in Feedback

  • New Sound-set licensing mechanism

  • LP+ filter now in 4 flavours (6..24 dB)

  • Fixed LFO Mono/Single mode now also copied/pasted

  • Fixed Resonance was not part of audio stream for cross-modulation

  • Fixed various filters were not ok @ 96 kHz

  • Fixed Glide Constant Rate modulation now working (was always constant time)

  • Fixed Arp Glide not correct if the notes are of same note number

  • Fixed Arp Sounds may stop arbitrarily

  • Fixed LFO speed changes are applied much faster

  • Various small fixes
  • macintosh Spectral v 1.0.1 30 janv. 2014 Windows
    Loading of presets now twice as fast as before
    Fixed right clicking dialog Matrix entry of 0:nn semitone/cent now possible
    Fixed Reverb module may misbehave after reducing project samplerate
    Fixed Save Dialog for Arpeggiator does not open at right folder
    Fixed Double Click occasionally aborted preset selection
    Fixed "Select Bank" title now "Select Sound" for sounds
    Fixed hanging notes when playing the same note simultaneously on two midi channels
    Fixed Copy/Paste among instances
    Fixed occasional crashes of 64 bit version when loading presets
    Fixed a number of smaller or cosmetic bugs
    pc Spectral v 1.0 27 nov. 2013 Windows
    Acheter Spectral près de , United States chez:

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