
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.6.8
Compatibilité TAL-BassLine-101MacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $40 - $60
37€ - 56€
Mis à jour le 29 mai 2016
Téléchargements 986
Télécharg. Mac 707
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.6.8
Compatibilité TAL-BassLine-101Windows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $40 - $60
37€ - 56€
Mis à jour le 29 mai 2016
Téléchargements 986
Télécharg. PC 279

Synthétiseur de basse monophonique

Synthétiseur analogique monophonique virtuel inspiré du Roland SH-101:

- filtre auto-résonnant délai de feedback nul (24dB LP)
- MIDI learn et automation pour tous les contrôles
- oscillateurs sans aliasing
- arpégiateur avec différents modes de synchronisation (host, midi clock, not on)
- mode portamentao original (RC) et linéaire
- step sequenceur avec jusqu'à 64 pas et option enregistrement
- mode polyphonique 6 voix
- export MIDI du séquenceur par glisser-déposer
- sortie MIDI de l'arpégiateur et séquenceur pour la version VST
- mode de-clicker pour enveloppes lentes
- plus de 300 presets
TAL-BassLine-101 TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.6.8 29 mai 2016 MacOS X Intel
Brings back windows XP compatibility (v1.6.8)
Fixes UI preformance problems on OSX and Windows (v1.6.8)
14bit MIDI controller support for CC 1 - 31 added (v1.65).
Stuck MIDI notes for AAX plugin format fixed (v1.64).
Disable MIDI output option added (v1.63).
Wrong factory presets introduced with version 1.60 fixed. Updates are not affected. Please delete the preset folder "presets" and restart the plugin to get the right presets (v1.62)
Keep midi mapping option in menu (v1.61)
Microtuning file import (v1.60)
Different colors - White, Black, Red, Blue - click at the top left corner to switch (v1.60)
High resolution screen support (v1.60)
Scallable UI (v1.60)
Popup menu does not work at the first mouse click on OSX 10.8 or higher (version 1.43).
Togu Audio Line TAL-BassLine-101 TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.41 23 avril 2014 MacOS X Intel
Default preset loading while loading a new plug-in instance removed. This fixes a preset loading issue in ableton live (version 1.41).
MIDI program change disable switch in menu (version 1.37).
Hanging notes with VST MIDI out fixed (version 1.36).
Togu Audio Line TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.35 17 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
MIDI automation in off-line mix-down fixed (version 1.35).
monophonique TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.34 14 nov. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Loading wrong preset LFO sync times fixed (version 1.34).
Show actual slider values below the panic button (version 1.33).
Windows re-scaling issue in context menus fixed (version 1.32, windows only).
giateur TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.30 22 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Windows re-scaling issue fixed (version 1.31, windows only).
LFO rate out of sync fixed (version 1.30).
Sequencer redrawing after reloading UI issue fixed (version 1.30).
Random generator for sequencer added. Click on a sequencer step number to use this feature (version 1.30).
Tune label added (version 1.30).
New slower synced LFO rates added (version 1.30).
MIDI program change stops processing fixed (version 1.30).
quenceur TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.23 4 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel
AAX preset saving / loading issue fixed
synth TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.121 1 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel

AAX support for Pro-Tools 10.3.6 or higher and Pro-Tools 11 added.
Filter-FM for all waveforms as source added.
Sequencer Insert, Delete, Length Global and Velocity Global added.
MIDI automation can now record host automation.
Keyfollow scale fixed for values > 0 and < 1.
Better user interface performance while reading automation.
More stable sequencer host-sync.
Record sequence with MIDI and host sync fixed.
Portamento Linear sample-rate bug fixed.

New Filter-FM features:
Choose a VCO waveform as source and add control the FM-intensity with the horizontal slider. Filter-FM modulates the filter cutoff with the source signal. Use a lot resonance and a low cutoff frequency to hear the effect.
tiseur TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.11 30 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • Serious CPU issue fixed that was introduces by version 1.04 (version 1.11).

  • No PPC support anymore (version 1.11).

  • Change the color to black with a click into the top left corner (version 1.10).

  • Noise Floor switch added. Disables the noise floor if set to off (version 1.10).

  • Enter key does open splash screen fixed (version 1.10).
  • telecharger TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.03 24 juil. 2013 MacOS X UB
    Swing feature for arpeggiator and sequencer (50-75%) added (version 1.03).
    Arpeggiator mode "As Played" plays notes in wrong order fixed (version 1.03).
    Arpeggiator mode "As Played Reverse" added for compatibility (version 1.03).
    Envelope LFO mode fixed. Plays only at the first 50% of the period (version 1.03).
    More reactive faders (verison 1.03).
    More intense parameter smoothing for attack, decay and sustain controls (version 1.03).
    Midi export now produces overlapping notes for steps set to slide (version 1.03).
    Ordered synced LFO rates (version 1.03).
    mac TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.02 13 juil. 2013 MacOS X UB

    Enter-Key does change preset fixed (version 1.02).
    Fixed parameter names in generic host view (version 1.02).
    Added some more VCO pitch instability (version 1.02).
    Improved note transition on overlapping notes (version 1.02).
    De-Click now also smooths note transitions (version 1.02).
    User manual background color changed to white.
    windows TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.01 7 juil. 2013 MacOS X UB
    TAL-BassLine-101 TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.6.8 29 mai 2016 Windows
    Brings back windows XP compatibility (v1.6.8)
    Fixes UI preformance problems on OSX and Windows (v1.6.8)
    14bit MIDI controller support for CC 1 - 31 added (v1.65).
    Stuck MIDI notes for AAX plugin format fixed (v1.64).
    Disable MIDI output option added (v1.63).
    Wrong factory presets introduced with version 1.60 fixed. Updates are not affected. Please delete the preset folder "presets" and restart the plugin to get the right presets (v1.62)
    Keep midi mapping option in menu (v1.61)
    Microtuning file import (v1.60)
    Different colors - White, Black, Red, Blue - click at the top left corner to switch (v1.60)
    High resolution screen support (v1.60)
    Scallable UI (v1.60)
    Popup menu does not work at the first mouse click on OSX 10.8 or higher (version 1.43).
    Togu Audio Line TAL-BassLine-101 TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.41 23 avril 2014 Windows
    Default preset loading while loading a new plug-in instance removed. This fixes a preset loading issue in ableton live (version 1.41).
    MIDI program change disable switch in menu (version 1.37).
    Hanging notes with VST MIDI out fixed (version 1.36).
    Togu Audio Line TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.35 17 janv. 2014 Windows
    MIDI automation in off-line mix-down fixed (version 1.35).
    monophonique TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.34 13 nov. 2013 Windows
    Loading wrong preset LFO sync times fixed (version 1.34).
    Show actual slider values below the panic button (version 1.33).
    Windows re-scaling issue in context menus fixed (version 1.32, windows only).
    giateur TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.31 22 sept. 2013 Windows
    Windows re-scaling issue fixed (version 1.31, windows only).
    LFO rate out of sync fixed (version 1.30).
    Sequencer redrawing after reloading UI issue fixed (version 1.30).
    Random generator for sequencer added. Click on a sequencer step number to use this feature (version 1.30).
    Tune label added (version 1.30).
    New slower synced LFO rates added (version 1.30).
    MIDI program change stops processing fixed (version 1.30).
    quenceur TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.23 4 sept. 2013 Windows
    AAX preset saving / loading issue fixed
    synth TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.121 1 sept. 2013 Windows

    AAX support for Pro-Tools 10.3.6 or higher and Pro-Tools 11 added.
    Filter-FM for all waveforms as source added.
    Sequencer Insert, Delete, Length Global and Velocity Global added.
    MIDI automation can now record host automation.
    Keyfollow scale fixed for values > 0 and < 1.
    Better user interface performance while reading automation.
    More stable sequencer host-sync.
    Record sequence with MIDI and host sync fixed.
    Portamento Linear sample-rate bug fixed.

    New Filter-FM features:
    Choose a VCO waveform as source and add control the FM-intensity with the horizontal slider. Filter-FM modulates the filter cutoff with the source signal. Use a lot resonance and a low cutoff frequency to hear the effect.
    tiseur TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.11 30 juil. 2013 Windows
  • Serious CPU issue fixed that was introduces by version 1.04 (version 1.11).

  • No PPC support anymore (version 1.11).

  • Change the color to black with a click into the top left corner (version 1.10).

  • Noise Floor switch added. Disables the noise floor if set to off (version 1.10).

  • Enter key does open splash screen fixed (version 1.10).
  • telecharger TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.03 24 juil. 2013 Windows
    Swing feature for arpeggiator and sequencer (50-75%) added (version 1.03).
    Arpeggiator mode "As Played" plays notes in wrong order fixed (version 1.03).
    Arpeggiator mode "As Played Reverse" added for compatibility (version 1.03).
    Envelope LFO mode fixed. Plays only at the first 50% of the period (version 1.03).
    More reactive faders (verison 1.03).
    More intense parameter smoothing for attack, decay and sustain controls (version 1.03).
    Midi export now produces overlapping notes for steps set to slide (version 1.03).
    Ordered synced LFO rates (version 1.03).
    mac TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.02 13 juil. 2013 Windows

    Enter-Key does change preset fixed (version 1.02).
    Fixed parameter names in generic host view (version 1.02).
    Added some more VCO pitch instability (version 1.02).
    Improved note transition on overlapping notes (version 1.02).
    De-Click now also smooths note transitions (version 1.02).
    User manual background color changed to white.
    windows TAL-BassLine-101 v 1.01 7 juil. 2013 Windows
    Togu Audio Line
    Acheter TAL-BassLine-101 près de , United States chez:

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