
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.1.1
Format VST
Compatibilité SwierkWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 9 sept. 2014
Téléchargements 1 531
Télécharg. PC 1 531

Synthétiseur soustractif

-2 Oscillators (each consists of the following)
-3 waveforms (Saw, Triangle and Square)
-Width (Square waveform)
- Octave range (32, 16, 8, 4, 2)
-Semitone (-12 to +12)
-Fine tune (-1 to +1 semitone)
-Unison/detune (up to 8 voices per oscillator)
-Sync (Oscillator 1 master, Oscillator 2 slave)
-1 Sub Oscillator
-Sine wave
-Octave range (-1 to +1 octaves)
-1 Noise Generator
-Noise type (White/Pink)
-Volume for each sound generator (oscillators 1+2, Sub and Noise)
-Low Pass Filter
-Frequency cut off
-Cut off point resonance
-2 ADSR envelopes (Attack, decay, sustain, release)
-Envelope amount
-2 Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO) (each consists of the following)
-4 waveforms (Sine, Saw, Triangle and Square)
-Width (Square waveform)
-LFO rate (user...
-2 Oscillators (each consists of the following)
-3 waveforms (Saw, Triangle and Square)
-Width (Square waveform)
- Octave range (32, 16, 8, 4, 2)
-Semitone (-12 to +12)
-Fine tune (-1 to +1 semitone)
-Unison/detune (up to 8 voices per oscillator)
-Sync (Oscillator 1 master, Oscillator 2 slave)
-1 Sub Oscillator
-Sine wave
-Octave range (-1 to +1 octaves)
-1 Noise Generator
-Noise type (White/Pink)
-Volume for each sound generator (oscillators 1+2, Sub and Noise)
-Low Pass Filter
-Frequency cut off
-Cut off point resonance
-2 ADSR envelopes (Attack, decay, sustain, release)
-Envelope amount
-2 Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO) (each consists of the following)
-4 waveforms (Sine, Saw, Triangle and Square)
-Width (Square waveform)
-LFO rate (user defined/sync to host)
-Wave cycle re-trigger
-Re-trigger wave position
-Master Volume
-Midi Control
-Pitch bend wheel
-Pitch bend range (1 to 12 semitones)
Modulation wheel
-Midi channel (All, 1 to 16)
-Mono mode
-Left click controls for midi learn, unlearn and edit
-Internal Modulation Matrix
-8 Modulation slots (with invert source signal and source to amount control)
-4 Sources
-Envelope 1
-Envelope 2
-12 Destinations
-Oscillator 1 pitch
-Oscillator 1 width
-Oscillator 1 mix
-Oscillator 2 pitch
-Oscillator 2 width
-Oscillator 2 mix
-Sub pitch
-Sub mix
-Noise type
-Noise mix
-Filter cut off
-Master volume
-External Modulation Matrix
-8 Modulation slots (with invert source signal and source to amount control)
-5 Sources
-Pitch wheel
-Mod wheel
-Kef follow
-24 Destinations
-Oscillator 1 pitch
-Oscillator 1 width
-Oscillator 1 mix
-Oscillator 2 pitch
-Oscillator 2 width
-Oscillator 2 mix
-Sub pitch
-Sub mix
-Noise type
-Noise mix
-Filter cut off
-Master volume
-LFO1 rate
-LFO1 width (Square waveform)
-LFO2 rate
-LFO2 width (Square waveform)
-IM amount 1 (This sends the chosen source signal to the amount of internal modulation
matrix slot 1 e.g. You select “MOD WHEEL” as your source, you select “IM AMOUNT 1”
as your destination. The mod wheel will now control the signal amount of Internal modulation
Slot 1)
-IM amount 2
-IM amount 3
-IM amount 4
-IM amount 6
-IM amount 7
-IM amount 8
Swierk Swierk v 1.1.1 9 sept. 2014 Windows
Minor graphical changes
Sub waveform mix added
Double click to reset on centered controls
Envelope 1 + 2 response curves and time adjust added
Envelopes 1-3 added to external matrix
Unison voices increased to 8
Tune drift and heat added to oscillators 1+2
Output LP/HP filter bypass
Saltline Swierk Swierk v 1.1.0 24 mai 2014 Windows
Maintenance update, LP/HP output filter added.
Saltline Swierk v 1.0.9 8 févr. 2014 Windows
Graphics update.
amount Swierk v 1.0.8 14 janv. 2014 Windows
Issues resolved causing DAW problems when running multiple instances. Adjusted envelope release times. ‘View’ selector added to switch from waveform text to images.
-oscillator Swierk v 1.0.7 9 janv. 2014 Windows
Larger preset bank and new preset manager. 4 extra internal modulation slots. LFO 1+2 signal release. 8 stage envelope added . 3 different metering modes. Oscillator to filter bypass. New user interface. Minor maintenance updates.
modulation Swierk v 1.0.6 7 oct. 2013 Windows
Extra filter modes
Minor GUI changes
source Swierk v 1.0.5 17 sept. 2013 Windows
This update fixes the pitch bend wheel alterations to velocity parameters
wheel Swierk v 1.0.4 9 juin 2013 Windows
This update affects oscillators 1 and 2.Any work created using version 1.0.3 should be completed or bounced down before installing the new version.

This update includes:-

Lower CPU hit.

Global pitch added to mod matrix destinations.

Changes to unison and graphics.
telecharger Swierk v 1.0.3 11 avril 2013 Windows
This update resolves an issue with the LFO waveform position in relation to DAW transport run. The unison section has also been revised.
mac Swierk v 1.0.2 21 mars 2013 Windows
This update addresses some graphical issues with the pitch and mod wheels.
windows Swierk v 1.0.1 4 mars 2013 Windows
Updated GUI and a few little extras
macintosh Swierk v 1.0 27 févr. 2013 Windows

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