
Categorie Production Audio / Boucleurs
Version 0.13.4
Format App
Compatibilité GiadaMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Mis à jour le 29 avril 2017
Téléchargements 1 511
Télécharg. Mac 1 051
Categorie Production Audio / Boucleurs
Version 0.13.4
Format App
Compatibilité GiadaWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Mis à jour le 29 avril 2017
Téléchargements 1 511
Télécharg. PC 460


Giada est un outil audio gratuit et minimal pour DJs ou performeurs en live. Chargez ou enregistrez jusqu'à 32 samples et jouez-les en mode single (boite à rythme) ou mode boucle (séquenceur), appliquez au besoin des effets VST.
Giada Giada v 0.13.4 29 avril 2017 MacOS X Intel
Removed support for old ini-based MIDImap files
Initial support for channel-based MIDI filtering
New Orphaned MIDI events in Piano Roll editor
Improve action filtering in Piano Roll editor
Lots of code refactoring
New test suite for Action Recorder
Fix obscure bug when overdubbing actions and a null loop occurs
Fix "clear all actions" menu refresh when removing items on Piano Roll
Mono.casual Giada Giada v 0.13.3 1 avril 2017 MacOS X Intel
New Jack implementation with BPM sync and Rewind (GitHub #89)
Update RtMidi to version 2.1.1
Improve 'free channel' function (GitHub #105)
Fix 'Close' button's position inside MIDI input window
Strip VST folder from Git repository
New 'Clock' structure for timing operations
Fix missing tracker reset on 'free channel' function (GitHub #99)
Mono.casual Giada v 0.13.2 21 janv. 2017 MacOS X Intel
MIDI learn for plugins parameters
Toggle hidden files in File Browser
Fix broken compilation when build without VST support
Make sure PluginChooser window has a sane size
Decouple Recorder from any global variable
Better source code organization
Make plugin creation more robust
More source code reorganization
Fix crash on clicking scrollbar arrows (GitHub #53)
Fix crash when doubling/dividing length while recording (GitHub #110)
Giada v 0.13.1 20 nov. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Input MIDI to MIDI channels/plugins
Refinements to show/hide 'R' button's dynamics
Increase piano roll items' height
Set input volume to max by default
Start live-recorded sample channels right away
Avoid potential crashes when loading samples on running channels
Generate metronome during output post-processing
Better widgets' layout in Sample Editor
Lots of source code optimizations and cleanups
Fix inverted 'R' button's status (GitHub #94)
Better handling of 'R' button's status when the sequencer is off (GitHub #95)
Fix non-playing samples if live-recorded and 'R' button is on (GitHub #93)
Reset button statuses once channels have been freed (GitHub #100)
Fix missing ASIO and WASAPI APIs on Windows (GitHub #96)
Missing RtMidi libs on Linux (GitHub #102)
Fix fade-in/fade-out editing not triggering alert on save (GitHub #101)
telecharger Giada v 0.12.0 9 mars 2016 MacOS X Intel
Port to JUCE Framework for audio plugin management
Increase global font size
Minor UI fixes and cleanups
Add ability to run tests outside Travis CI
Switch to C++11
64 bit binaries for OS X
Use new constant for global font size
mac Giada v 0.11.1 23 déc. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Ability to clone channels;
new JSON-based configuration file;
usability improvements in Configuration panel;
many stability enhancements and fixes;
lots of bugs fixed.
windows Giada v 0.11.1 5 déc. 2015 MacOS X Intel
New JSON-based patch system — forget the old, buggy, messy patches: now they are clear and beautiful JSON files, easy to read and to manage. You can even generate them via scripts, if you like it!;
ability to save and restore column widths;
more code reorganization and cleanups;
lots of bugs fixed.
macintosh Giada v 0.10.1 29 août 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • Massive source folders refactoring

  • Improved usability of "play" buttons for channels

  • Remove support for patches created with Giada < 0.6.x

  • Fix check for configured soundsystem (would break compilation on g++5)

  • Small fixes and cleanup in
  • pc Giada v 0.9.6 12 mai 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Keyboard binding for MIDI channels
    Support for multiple files in drag-n-drop operations
    Different color for wait/end statuses
    Small improvements to Keyboard grabber widget
    Fix random crashes with Jack enabled
    Fix weird behavior with multiple drag and drop
    Code refactoring
    Giada v 0.9.5 30 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
    New patch loading system with permanent MIDI mapping;
    Ability to clear assigned keys (keyboard mode);
    Minor fixes and tweaks.
    Giada v 0.9.4 27 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Drag-n-drop now works also in existing channels
    Store 'resize recordings' flag in giada.conf
    Better management of duplicate samples
    Add more VST debug information
    Minor fixes and tweaks
    Giada v 0.9.3 2 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    New GUI improvement: responsive and resizable columns
    Upgrade to FLTK 1.3.3
    More robust column handling mechanism
    Support for MIDI devices without note-off message (@blablack)
    Fix segfaults when saving a patch with missing plugins
    Fix many minor graphical bugs
    Fix wrong vector assignment in MIDI send event
    Fix reloaded patches with no right tempo/beats displayed
    Fix random odd frames when adding/moving events in Piano Roll
    Minor internal cleanup
    Giada v 0.9.2 30 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    New grid tool for the Sample Editor – cutting and chopping samples as never seen before;
    load samples via drag and drop;
    fix compilation issues on some Linux distros;
    many internal optimizations and bugs fixed.
    Giada v 0.9.1 27 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Bring back custom version of rtAudio in source package
    Automatically turn up volume when adding new channel
    Updated 'misc' tab in configuration panel
    Fix startup crash on OS X
    Fix missing jack headers
    Giada v 0.9.0 19 août 2014 MacOS X Intel
    New full-screen GUI
    Multi-column support
    Advanced logging system
    Upgrade to RtAudio 4.1.1 and RtMidi 2.1.0
    Removed embedded RtAudio (thanks to Arty)
    Fix wrong processing of VST MIDI events on 64 bit version
    Fix stretched buttons when resizing sample editor window
    'Clear all samples' destroys channels (fixed)
    'Free channel' messes up loop / mute buttons (fixed)
    Fix potential recordings with odd frames
    Giada v 0.8.4 28 mars 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Giada Loop Machine 0.8.4, codename Gevurah is finally ready. It features a magnificent new loop once bar mode, tons of internal (and invisible) improvements and bugs fixed. We are also happy to announce the end of the 0.8 series. Let's get ready for a new era of exciting new features, like the full screen mode and the multi-column layout. Happy looping!
    Giada v 0.8.3 14 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Experimental MIDI timing output with MTC and MIDI clock;
    New pitch operators x2 and /2;
    Many nasty bugs fixed and other minor improvements done.
    Giada v 0.8.2 14 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Pitch control exposed via MIDI;
    New tools in Sample Editor (linear fade in/out, smooth edges);
    Enhanced VST MIDI event support;
    Tons of bugs fixed and internal improvements.
    Giada v 0.8.1 10 déc. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    New high quality pitch control, based on libsamplerate;
    spread sample to bar, spread sample to song functions.
    Giada v 0.8.0 4 nov. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Giada 0.8.0, codename benzoyl peroxide is out today, introducing a long-awaited (by us, at least) feature: initial MIDI input support! The release also fixes many annoying bugs and introduces some minor improvements.
    Giada v 0.7.3 18 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Experimental 64 bit version for Linux;
    many many improvements in the Piano Roll tool;
    massive internal cleanup - Giada is now ready for future development;
    copious bugs fixed and minor improvements.
    Giada v 0.7.2 27 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Initial MIDI output support on multiple channels (1-16);
    a complete rewrite of the VST GUI part on OS X: better design, more stability, less/no crashes;
    many improvements on the internal MIDI routing;
    usual bugfixing and cleanups.
    Giada v 0.7.1 28 juin 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Initial Jack Transport support
    Send global note off when sequencer is being stopped
    Send note off when deleting notes in Piano Roll
    Store position and size of Piano Roll in conf file
    Avoid overlap MIDI notes in Piano Roll
    MIDI channel refactoring
    MIDI channels now behave like loopmode ones
    Fix graphical bugs in Action Editor, sample mode
    Fix refresh issue in Piano Roll when deleting items
    Lots of invisible cleanups and improvements
    Giada v 0.7.0 6 juin 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • Initial MIDI output implementation

  • Initial VSTi (instrument) support

  • New piano roll widget in action editor

  • New chan mode: MIDI vs SAMPLE

  • Fix E-MU Tracker Pre not correctly listed in audio in/output
  • Giada v 0.6.4 10 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Resizable plugin parameter window
    New and standard package name format
    Implement RtAudio::getCompiledApi() to fetch compiled APIs
    Implement audioMasterGetSampleRate, audioMasterGetLanguage VST opcodes
    Add drop down menu for buffer size values in config panel
    Enhance project portability between OSes
    Lots of fixes and improvements for VST strings and parameters
    Avoid segfault when loading recs from a patch with files not found
    Always remember selected program when shifting up/down plugins
    Fix wrong size of single_press displayed in action editor
    Fix volume actions resized with value set to zero
    Fix volume envelope always over the cover area
    Fix src package extracts to current dir
    Fix segfault in loadpatch process if plugin GUIs are open
    Fix segfault when closing patch with plugins in BAD status
    Giada v 0.6.3 24 avril 2013 MacOS X Intel
    New solo button;
    Portable project system — share works with the world;
    New 'Single Endless' channel mode — perfect for your drone music project;
    GUI enhancements and minor fixes.
    Giada v 0.6.2 5 avril 2013 MacOS X Intel
    New volume envelope tool;
    Big enhancements in the action editor — zoom with mouse wheel, GUI redesign and much more;
    Many, many other improvements and bugs fixed.
    Giada v 0.6.1 24 mars 2013 MacOS X Intel
    This release features support for unlimited number of channels, as well as a deep internal refactoring
    Giada v 0.6.0 2 mars 2013 MacOS X Intel
    A revamped Sample Editor — with full screen support and zoom with mouse wheel;
    Sound bug in OS X fixed

    and many other small but interesting improvements.
    Giada v 0.5.8 13 févr. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • Internal samplerate conversion (with libsamplerate)

  • Bring channels automatically to full volume on sample load

  • Ability to set the audio device frequency

  • New "internal mute" feature

  • fix for deprecated VST opcode 14

  • fix deb package issues on Ubuntu 12.10 / KXStudio
  • moins...
    Giada Giada v 0.13.4 29 avril 2017 Windows
    Removed support for old ini-based MIDImap files
    Initial support for channel-based MIDI filtering
    New Orphaned MIDI events in Piano Roll editor
    Improve action filtering in Piano Roll editor
    Lots of code refactoring
    New test suite for Action Recorder
    Fix obscure bug when overdubbing actions and a null loop occurs
    Fix "clear all actions" menu refresh when removing items on Piano Roll
    Mono.casual Giada Giada v 0.13.3 1 avril 2017 Windows
    New Jack implementation with BPM sync and Rewind (GitHub #89)
    Update RtMidi to version 2.1.1
    Improve 'free channel' function (GitHub #105)
    Fix 'Close' button's position inside MIDI input window
    Strip VST folder from Git repository
    New 'Clock' structure for timing operations
    Fix missing tracker reset on 'free channel' function (GitHub #99)
    Mono.casual Giada v 0.13.2 21 janv. 2017 Windows
    MIDI learn for plugins parameters
    Toggle hidden files in File Browser
    Fix broken compilation when build without VST support
    Make sure PluginChooser window has a sane size
    Decouple Recorder from any global variable
    Better source code organization
    Make plugin creation more robust
    More source code reorganization
    Fix crash on clicking scrollbar arrows (GitHub #53)
    Fix crash when doubling/dividing length while recording (GitHub #110)
    Giada v 0.13.1 20 nov. 2016 Windows
    Input MIDI to MIDI channels/plugins
    Refinements to show/hide 'R' button's dynamics
    Increase piano roll items' height
    Set input volume to max by default
    Start live-recorded sample channels right away
    Avoid potential crashes when loading samples on running channels
    Generate metronome during output post-processing
    Better widgets' layout in Sample Editor
    Lots of source code optimizations and cleanups
    Fix inverted 'R' button's status (GitHub #94)
    Better handling of 'R' button's status when the sequencer is off (GitHub #95)
    Fix non-playing samples if live-recorded and 'R' button is on (GitHub #93)
    Reset button statuses once channels have been freed (GitHub #100)
    Fix missing ASIO and WASAPI APIs on Windows (GitHub #96)
    Missing RtMidi libs on Linux (GitHub #102)
    Fix fade-in/fade-out editing not triggering alert on save (GitHub #101)
    telecharger Giada v 0.12.0 9 mars 2016 Windows
    Port to JUCE Framework for audio plugin management
    Increase global font size
    Minor UI fixes and cleanups
    Add ability to run tests outside Travis CI
    Switch to C++11
    64 bit binaries for OS X
    Use new constant for global font size
    mac Giada v 0.11.1 23 déc. 2015 Windows
    Ability to clone channels;
    new JSON-based configuration file;
    usability improvements in Configuration panel;
    many stability enhancements and fixes;
    lots of bugs fixed.
    windows Giada v 0.11.1 5 déc. 2015 Windows
    New JSON-based patch system — forget the old, buggy, messy patches: now they are clear and beautiful JSON files, easy to read and to manage. You can even generate them via scripts, if you like it!;
    ability to save and restore column widths;
    more code reorganization and cleanups;
    lots of bugs fixed.
    macintosh Giada v 0.10.1 29 août 2015 Windows
  • Massive source folders refactoring

  • Improved usability of "play" buttons for channels

  • Remove support for patches created with Giada < 0.6.x

  • Fix check for configured soundsystem (would break compilation on g++5)

  • Small fixes and cleanup in
  • pc Giada v 0.9.6 12 mai 2015 Windows
    Keyboard binding for MIDI channels
    Support for multiple files in drag-n-drop operations
    Different color for wait/end statuses
    Small improvements to Keyboard grabber widget
    Fix random crashes with Jack enabled
    Fix weird behavior with multiple drag and drop
    Code refactoring
    Giada v 0.9.5 30 mars 2015 Windows
    New patch loading system with permanent MIDI mapping;
    Ability to clear assigned keys (keyboard mode);
    Minor fixes and tweaks.
    Giada v 0.9.4 27 févr. 2015 Windows
    Drag-n-drop now works also in existing channels
    Store 'resize recordings' flag in giada.conf
    Better management of duplicate samples
    Add more VST debug information
    Minor fixes and tweaks
    Giada v 0.9.3 2 févr. 2015 Windows
    New GUI improvement: responsive and resizable columns
    Upgrade to FLTK 1.3.3
    More robust column handling mechanism
    Support for MIDI devices without note-off message (@blablack)
    Fix segfaults when saving a patch with missing plugins
    Fix many minor graphical bugs
    Fix wrong vector assignment in MIDI send event
    Fix reloaded patches with no right tempo/beats displayed
    Fix random odd frames when adding/moving events in Piano Roll
    Minor internal cleanup
    Giada v 0.9.2 30 nov. 2014 Windows
    New grid tool for the Sample Editor – cutting and chopping samples as never seen before;
    load samples via drag and drop;
    fix compilation issues on some Linux distros;
    many internal optimizations and bugs fixed.
    Giada v 0.9.1 27 sept. 2014 Windows
    Bring back custom version of rtAudio in source package
    Automatically turn up volume when adding new channel
    Updated 'misc' tab in configuration panel
    Fix startup crash on OS X
    Fix missing jack headers
    Giada v 0.9.0 19 août 2014 Windows
    New full-screen GUI
    Multi-column support
    Advanced logging system
    Upgrade to RtAudio 4.1.1 and RtMidi 2.1.0
    Removed embedded RtAudio (thanks to Arty)
    Fix wrong processing of VST MIDI events on 64 bit version
    Fix stretched buttons when resizing sample editor window
    'Clear all samples' destroys channels (fixed)
    'Free channel' messes up loop / mute buttons (fixed)
    Fix potential recordings with odd frames
    Giada v 0.8.4 28 mars 2014 Windows
    Giada Loop Machine 0.8.4, codename Gevurah is finally ready. It features a magnificent new loop once bar mode, tons of internal (and invisible) improvements and bugs fixed. We are also happy to announce the end of the 0.8 series. Let's get ready for a new era of exciting new features, like the full screen mode and the multi-column layout. Happy looping!
    Giada v 0.8.3 14 févr. 2014 Windows
    Experimental MIDI timing output with MTC and MIDI clock;
    New pitch operators x2 and /2;
    Many nasty bugs fixed and other minor improvements done.
    Giada v 0.8.2 14 janv. 2014 Windows
    Pitch control exposed via MIDI;
    New tools in Sample Editor (linear fade in/out, smooth edges);
    Enhanced VST MIDI event support;
    Tons of bugs fixed and internal improvements.
    Giada v 0.8.1 10 déc. 2013 Windows
    New high quality pitch control, based on libsamplerate;
    spread sample to bar, spread sample to song functions.
    Giada v 0.8.0 4 nov. 2013 Windows
    Giada 0.8.0, codename benzoyl peroxide is out today, introducing a long-awaited (by us, at least) feature: initial MIDI input support! The release also fixes many annoying bugs and introduces some minor improvements.
    Giada v 0.7.3 18 sept. 2013 Windows
    Experimental 64 bit version for Linux;
    many many improvements in the Piano Roll tool;
    massive internal cleanup - Giada is now ready for future development;
    copious bugs fixed and minor improvements.
    Giada v 0.7.2 27 juil. 2013 Windows
    Initial MIDI output support on multiple channels (1-16);
    a complete rewrite of the VST GUI part on OS X: better design, more stability, less/no crashes;
    many improvements on the internal MIDI routing;
    usual bugfixing and cleanups.
    Giada v 0.7.1 28 juin 2013 Windows
    Initial Jack Transport support
    Send global note off when sequencer is being stopped
    Send note off when deleting notes in Piano Roll
    Store position and size of Piano Roll in conf file
    Avoid overlap MIDI notes in Piano Roll
    MIDI channel refactoring
    MIDI channels now behave like loopmode ones
    Fix graphical bugs in Action Editor, sample mode
    Fix refresh issue in Piano Roll when deleting items
    Lots of invisible cleanups and improvements
    Giada v 0.7.0 6 juin 2013 Windows
  • Initial MIDI output implementation

  • Initial VSTi (instrument) support

  • New piano roll widget in action editor

  • New chan mode: MIDI vs SAMPLE

  • Fix E-MU Tracker Pre not correctly listed in audio in/output
  • Giada v 0.6.4 10 mai 2013 Windows
    Resizable plugin parameter window
    New and standard package name format
    Implement RtAudio::getCompiledApi() to fetch compiled APIs
    Implement audioMasterGetSampleRate, audioMasterGetLanguage VST opcodes
    Add drop down menu for buffer size values in config panel
    Enhance project portability between OSes
    Lots of fixes and improvements for VST strings and parameters
    Avoid segfault when loading recs from a patch with files not found
    Always remember selected program when shifting up/down plugins
    Fix wrong size of single_press displayed in action editor
    Fix volume actions resized with value set to zero
    Fix volume envelope always over the cover area
    Fix src package extracts to current dir
    Fix segfault in loadpatch process if plugin GUIs are open
    Fix segfault when closing patch with plugins in BAD status
    Giada v 0.6.3 24 avril 2013 Windows
    New solo button;
    Portable project system — share works with the world;
    New 'Single Endless' channel mode — perfect for your drone music project;
    GUI enhancements and minor fixes.
    Giada v 0.6.2 5 avril 2013 Windows
    New volume envelope tool;
    Big enhancements in the action editor — zoom with mouse wheel, GUI redesign and much more;
    Many, many other improvements and bugs fixed.
    Giada v 0.6.1 24 mars 2013 Windows
    This release features support for unlimited number of channels, as well as a deep internal refactoring
    Giada v 0.6.0 2 mars 2013 Windows
    A revamped Sample Editor — with full screen support and zoom with mouse wheel;
    Sound bug in OS X fixed

    and many other small but interesting improvements.
    Giada v 0.5.8 13 févr. 2013 Windows
  • Internal samplerate conversion (with libsamplerate)

  • Bring channels automatically to full volume on sample load

  • Ability to set the audio device frequency

  • New "internal mute" feature

  • fix for deprecated VST opcode 14

  • fix deb package issues on Ubuntu 12.10 / KXStudio
  • moins...
    Acheter Giada près de Columbus, United States chez:

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