Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 3.0.8
Format AUVST
Compatibilité TB FlXMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $16  /  15€
Mis à jour le 4 nov. 2014
Téléchargements 240
Télécharg. Mac 132
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 3.0.8
Format VST
Compatibilité TB FlXWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $16  /  15€
Mis à jour le 4 nov. 2014
Téléchargements 240
Télécharg. PC 108

Egaliseur dynamique

TB FlX (“Flex“) combine égalisation et traitement dynamique. En plus du paramètres du gain, chacune des cinq bandes dispose de contrôles de courbe de compression, temps d'attaque et relachement, largeur stéréo.

La courbe d'entrée/sortie du compresseur peut être configurée au-delà des possibilités d'un compresseur conventionnel: expansion, compression downward, compression upward, ratios positifs ou négatifs.

TB FlX interpole automatiquement tous les paramètres d'une bande de fréquence à l'autre en temps réel, de manière à obtenir un comportement d'égalisation dynamique le plus doux possible.
TB FlX TB FlX v 3.0.8 4 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
All plugins
  • Improved support for low sample rates (< 44.1 kHz)

  • Resolved a bug when typing in values while closing a GUI on OSX

  • Changed right-click to double left-click to manually enter values

  • Resolved a bug that could lead to high CPU load or audio not playing in specific hosts

  • Compressor
  • Improved mode switching behavior

  • Equalizer
  • Updated GUI

  • Various DSP optimizations

  • New auto level make-up feature for each equalizer section

  • EBULoudness / EBUCompact
  • Updated ATSC A/85 algorithm according to latest specification (to include gating as specified in ITU-R bs.1770/3)

  • Plugin name changed to facilitate compatibility with older versions

  • Barricade
  • Improvement in multiband limiter quality

  • Evoke
  • First release
  • ToneBooster TB FlX TB FlX v 3.0.4 23 mars 2014 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins
  • Fixed an issue that could Reaper to crash when switching plugin order in track FX

  • Reverb
  • Fixed erroneous mapping of dry/wet control; updating this may change the amount of reverb in your current projects!

  • Improved smoothness of output when changing pre delay, room size and room shape parameters

  • Ferox
  • Now available as v3 plugin

  • ReelBus
  • Fixed issue in Logic Pro sometimes resulting in automatic switch to mono mode

  • BusCompressor
  • Resolved an issue that could result in inresponsiveness of the GUI level detector for very short attack times

  • Equalizer
  • Resolved an issue of the spectrum analyzer sometimes being switched off when host is (auto) saving
  • ToneBooster TB FlX v 3.0.3 19 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins
  • Fixed a minor GUI memory leak

  • Dither
  • First release

  • Barricade
  • Improved accuracy of RMS output VU meter

  • Improved quantization and noise shaping algorithm (derived from TB Dither)

  • EBULoudness
  • Fixed an issue causing the loudness history graph not displaying correctly when closing and re-opening the GUI

  • Mitigated a crash due to a bug in Wavelab when using EBU Loudness on stereo tracks

  • Module
  • Fixed a bug that could result in inresponsiveness of Module

  • ReelBus
  • Added ‘legacy’ saturation mode to simulate v2.9 behavior

  • BusCompressor
  • Added channel linking control and stereo gain meters

  • Improvement in transient detection/compression algorithm
  • dynamique TB FlX v 3.0.0 2 déc. 2013 MacOS X Intel

    If you are in the middle of projects that use TB plugins, you are strongly advised not to update plugins before your projects are completed. Due to major improvements in the way plugin parameters are mapped to host automation lanes and external controllers, updating the plugins on existing projects using plugins with versions prior to v3.0 can cause significant differences in settings and/or sound!

    All plugins
  • Complete GUI redesigns

  • Variety of bug fixes, optimizations, improvements

  • Major improvement on how plugin parameters are mapped onto automation data and external controllers

  • Option to manually enter parameter values by right-click on rotary controls

  • Added mouse-wheel functionality to drop-down menus

  • Improved host automation for all X/Y editors

  • Barricade
  • Autosaturation replaced by intelligent multi-band limiter

  • Lookahead now expressed in ms

  • 33% reduction in latency

  • CPU load reduction on OSX (VST+AU)

  • Reelbus
  • Complete redesign of saturation module, giving much smoother sound

  • Removed certain gimmicks (tape stop, noise reduction)

  • Lost presets are recovered

  • Latency reduced to just 4 samples due to true analog emulation

  • Aprox 15% CPU load reduction

  • BusCompressor
  • Release of all new, low-complexity, high-quality compressor

  • Equalizer
  • Added several new filter types (notch filter, bandpass filter, Pultec-style shelving filters)

  • TimeMachine
  • Enabled continuous change of (re)sampling rate

  • Addition of analog saturation module (with drive and mix controls)

  • TimeMachine is now part of the TrackEssentials bundle

  • FlX / FlX4
  • Approximately 30% CPU load reduction on OSX (VST+AU)

  • Improved GUI responsiveness

  • EBULoudness
  • Increase in GUI refresh rate for smoother metering

  • Ferox/Omnisone/Module/EZQ/IsoneSurround/HumRemover/XYTool
  • These guys are enjoying their retirement
  • compression TB FlX v 2.9.1 14 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins

    Improved key press handling when plugins are in and out of focus
    Improved stability on OSX

    TB ReelBus
    New tape model (Glue tape II)
    New control for adjustable low/high frequency pre-post emphasis
    New control for adjustable mid/side pre-post emphasis
    New tape stop simulation feature
    New noise reduction simulation
    Various quality improvements
    “Normal” (low CPU) and “High Quality” modes available to reduce the CPU load by almost a factor of 3 (depending on platform)
    temps TB FlX v 2.8.9 13 août 2013 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins

    Improved scanning speed by host
    Fixed compatibility with Ocenaudio editor


    New control to reset all peak meters
    CPU load reduction for ISP mode


    CPU load reduction for high sampling rates


    Improved latency correction / communication to host
    Added new control to switch between low complexity and high quality modes

    FlX / FlX4

    Added FlX4 plugin with external side chain option
    param TB FlX v 2.8.8 22 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel

    CPU load reduction on Windows platform (up to a factor of 3 faster, depending on CPU)
    Added spectrum analyzer mode selector (Total energy, only, side only, or off)


    Fixed potential clicking issues when beat-syncing with hosts that are not sample accurate
    galisation TB FlX v 2.8.7 21 avril 2013 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins

    Resolved issue that key files are sometimes not found on Windows 7+


    Fixed some GUI bugs when running in demo mode
    Added X=Y helper line in compressor editor
    Removed y-axis dependency on compressor make-up gain
    Reduced CPU load by a factor of two (latency has increased)
    Fixed a bug sometimes causing wrong filter types when a non-auto link node was in-between auto-link nodes
    Added global dry/wet control
    Effect of global input gain, output gain and dry/wet controls are now visualized in the equalizer curve


    Changed channel mode menu to have automatic, stereo, and 5.1 modes
    telecharger TB FlX v 2.8.6 14 avril 2013 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins

    Added check marks to drop-down menus
    Added control and alt key modifiers to lock x/y-only movement for nodes
    Added snap to zero functionality for nodes
    Various GUI redraw CPU complexity reductions
    Slightly increased font size in almost all plugins for better readability on high-resolution screens


    Added output level control


    Modified GUI color schemes; filter section control colors are now context dependent
    Improved octave-based averaging in frequency analyzer
    Doubled frequency resolution of the frequency analyser


    Fixed GUI display bug when automating input gain level
    Improved auto-saturation algorithm


    Added mode without peak hold on VU meters in realtime analysis display


    Almost complete redesign of the internal DSP core
    Added 30 new filter prototypes, including non-resonating shelving filters, spectral balance filters, analog filters, and many others
    Filters now have Q controls
    Filters can now be set to process in stereo, mid, side, left or right modes
    Automatic filter shape generation + visualization when in “node link” filter mode to give a smooth, interpolated EQ
    Added additional, more traditional controls (frequency, gain) to facilitate easier editing
    Improvement in spectrum analyzer frequency resolution – now features a 4096-point frequency analyzer with zoom functionality
    Soft/hard knee compressor curve can now be set independently from the number of active nodes
    Compressor nodes snap to X=Y for easier editing
    Compressor side chain can use stereo, mid, side, left, right, or side/mid for input level detection
    Added compressor make-up level control
    Added processing “amount” control for each filter section
    Context-dependent control colors to guide editing
    Larger GUI for easier editing
    Auto-phase option: equalizer phase automatically blends between linear and minimum phase for better transient response
    Note: due to the significant changes in this plugin, the current version is not compatible with its initial release.
    mac TB FlX v 2.8.5 27 janv. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    TB FlX TB FlX v 3.0.8 4 nov. 2014 Windows
    All plugins
  • Improved support for low sample rates (< 44.1 kHz)

  • Resolved a bug when typing in values while closing a GUI on OSX

  • Changed right-click to double left-click to manually enter values

  • Resolved a bug that could lead to high CPU load or audio not playing in specific hosts

  • Compressor
  • Improved mode switching behavior

  • Equalizer
  • Updated GUI

  • Various DSP optimizations

  • New auto level make-up feature for each equalizer section

  • EBULoudness / EBUCompact
  • Updated ATSC A/85 algorithm according to latest specification (to include gating as specified in ITU-R bs.1770/3)

  • Plugin name changed to facilitate compatibility with older versions

  • Barricade
  • Improvement in multiband limiter quality

  • Evoke
  • First release
  • ToneBooster TB FlX TB FlX v 3.0.4 23 mars 2014 Windows
    All plugins
  • Fixed an issue that could Reaper to crash when switching plugin order in track FX

  • Reverb
  • Fixed erroneous mapping of dry/wet control; updating this may change the amount of reverb in your current projects!

  • Improved smoothness of output when changing pre delay, room size and room shape parameters

  • Ferox
  • Now available as v3 plugin

  • ReelBus
  • Fixed issue in Logic Pro sometimes resulting in automatic switch to mono mode

  • BusCompressor
  • Resolved an issue that could result in inresponsiveness of the GUI level detector for very short attack times

  • Equalizer
  • Resolved an issue of the spectrum analyzer sometimes being switched off when host is (auto) saving
  • ToneBooster TB FlX v 3.0.3 19 févr. 2014 Windows
    All plugins
  • Fixed a minor GUI memory leak

  • Dither
  • First release

  • Barricade
  • Improved accuracy of RMS output VU meter

  • Improved quantization and noise shaping algorithm (derived from TB Dither)

  • EBULoudness
  • Fixed an issue causing the loudness history graph not displaying correctly when closing and re-opening the GUI

  • Mitigated a crash due to a bug in Wavelab when using EBU Loudness on stereo tracks

  • Module
  • Fixed a bug that could result in inresponsiveness of Module

  • ReelBus
  • Added ‘legacy’ saturation mode to simulate v2.9 behavior

  • BusCompressor
  • Added channel linking control and stereo gain meters

  • Improvement in transient detection/compression algorithm
  • dynamique TB FlX v 3.0.0 2 déc. 2013 Windows

    If you are in the middle of projects that use TB plugins, you are strongly advised not to update plugins before your projects are completed. Due to major improvements in the way plugin parameters are mapped to host automation lanes and external controllers, updating the plugins on existing projects using plugins with versions prior to v3.0 can cause significant differences in settings and/or sound!

    All plugins
  • Complete GUI redesigns

  • Variety of bug fixes, optimizations, improvements

  • Major improvement on how plugin parameters are mapped onto automation data and external controllers

  • Option to manually enter parameter values by right-click on rotary controls

  • Added mouse-wheel functionality to drop-down menus

  • Improved host automation for all X/Y editors

  • Barricade
  • Autosaturation replaced by intelligent multi-band limiter

  • Lookahead now expressed in ms

  • 33% reduction in latency

  • CPU load reduction on OSX (VST+AU)

  • Reelbus
  • Complete redesign of saturation module, giving much smoother sound

  • Removed certain gimmicks (tape stop, noise reduction)

  • Lost presets are recovered

  • Latency reduced to just 4 samples due to true analog emulation

  • Aprox 15% CPU load reduction

  • BusCompressor
  • Release of all new, low-complexity, high-quality compressor

  • Equalizer
  • Added several new filter types (notch filter, bandpass filter, Pultec-style shelving filters)

  • TimeMachine
  • Enabled continuous change of (re)sampling rate

  • Addition of analog saturation module (with drive and mix controls)

  • TimeMachine is now part of the TrackEssentials bundle

  • FlX / FlX4
  • Approximately 30% CPU load reduction on OSX (VST+AU)

  • Improved GUI responsiveness

  • EBULoudness
  • Increase in GUI refresh rate for smoother metering

  • Ferox/Omnisone/Module/EZQ/IsoneSurround/HumRemover/XYTool
  • These guys are enjoying their retirement
  • compression TB FlX v 2.9.1 14 sept. 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Improved key press handling when plugins are in and out of focus
    Improved stability on OSX

    TB ReelBus
    New tape model (Glue tape II)
    New control for adjustable low/high frequency pre-post emphasis
    New control for adjustable mid/side pre-post emphasis
    New tape stop simulation feature
    New noise reduction simulation
    Various quality improvements
    “Normal” (low CPU) and “High Quality” modes available to reduce the CPU load by almost a factor of 3 (depending on platform)
    temps TB FlX v 2.8.9 13 août 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Improved scanning speed by host
    Fixed compatibility with Ocenaudio editor


    New control to reset all peak meters
    CPU load reduction for ISP mode


    CPU load reduction for high sampling rates


    Improved latency correction / communication to host
    Added new control to switch between low complexity and high quality modes

    FlX / FlX4

    Added FlX4 plugin with external side chain option
    param TB FlX v 2.8.8 22 mai 2013 Windows

    CPU load reduction on Windows platform (up to a factor of 3 faster, depending on CPU)
    Added spectrum analyzer mode selector (Total energy, only, side only, or off)


    Fixed potential clicking issues when beat-syncing with hosts that are not sample accurate
    galisation TB FlX v 2.8.7 21 avril 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Resolved issue that key files are sometimes not found on Windows 7+


    Fixed some GUI bugs when running in demo mode
    Added X=Y helper line in compressor editor
    Removed y-axis dependency on compressor make-up gain
    Reduced CPU load by a factor of two (latency has increased)
    Fixed a bug sometimes causing wrong filter types when a non-auto link node was in-between auto-link nodes
    Added global dry/wet control
    Effect of global input gain, output gain and dry/wet controls are now visualized in the equalizer curve


    Changed channel mode menu to have automatic, stereo, and 5.1 modes
    telecharger TB FlX v 2.8.6 14 avril 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Added check marks to drop-down menus
    Added control and alt key modifiers to lock x/y-only movement for nodes
    Added snap to zero functionality for nodes
    Various GUI redraw CPU complexity reductions
    Slightly increased font size in almost all plugins for better readability on high-resolution screens


    Added output level control


    Modified GUI color schemes; filter section control colors are now context dependent
    Improved octave-based averaging in frequency analyzer
    Doubled frequency resolution of the frequency analyser


    Fixed GUI display bug when automating input gain level
    Improved auto-saturation algorithm


    Added mode without peak hold on VU meters in realtime analysis display


    Almost complete redesign of the internal DSP core
    Added 30 new filter prototypes, including non-resonating shelving filters, spectral balance filters, analog filters, and many others
    Filters now have Q controls
    Filters can now be set to process in stereo, mid, side, left or right modes
    Automatic filter shape generation + visualization when in “node link” filter mode to give a smooth, interpolated EQ
    Added additional, more traditional controls (frequency, gain) to facilitate easier editing
    Improvement in spectrum analyzer frequency resolution – now features a 4096-point frequency analyzer with zoom functionality
    Soft/hard knee compressor curve can now be set independently from the number of active nodes
    Compressor nodes snap to X=Y for easier editing
    Compressor side chain can use stereo, mid, side, left, right, or side/mid for input level detection
    Added compressor make-up level control
    Added processing “amount” control for each filter section
    Context-dependent control colors to guide editing
    Larger GUI for easier editing
    Auto-phase option: equalizer phase automatically blends between linear and minimum phase for better transient response
    Note: due to the significant changes in this plugin, the current version is not compatible with its initial release.
    mac TB FlX v 2.8.5 27 janv. 2013 Windows
    Acheter TB FlX près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    Autres Logiciels par ToneBooster (15)

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    TB Dither
    Dithering et noise shaping. - traitement zéro-latence - support de tous taux d'échantillonage de 44.1 à 192 kHz - support des standards de dithering RPDF et TPDF - flexibilité des...
    TB EBULoudness
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    TB Evoke
    Processeur de dynamiques. TB Evoke intègre en un seul plug-in: filtre DC/rumble, gate intelligent, compresseur transparent, processeur de sibillance multi-bandes, exciter. TB Evoke est...
    TB EZQ
    Egaliseur intuitif. TB EZQ est une implémentation du travail de Andrew Sabin et Bryan Pardo du laboratoire audio interactif de la Northwestern University. Ils ont développé une...
    TB Isone
    Simulation d'espace binaural et de haut-parleurs. Système d'espace sonore virtuel pour écoute au casque: - traitement sans latence, utilisable en studio ou en live - support taux d'échantillonage de 22 à...
    TB IsoneSurround
    Simulation binaurale de système surround 5.1. TB IsoneSurround permet de simuler au casque un environnement de haut-parleurs en configuration surround 5.1. Il est adapté aux lecteurs multimédia supportant...
    TB MidSideTransformer
    Conversion MS-LR. Utilitaire gratuit permettant la conversion mid-side en left-right et inversement.
    TB Module
    Multi-effets. TB Module est un processeur générique pour des effets de modulation et de feedback. Il consiste en un ensemble de traitements en série comme panning, delay,...
    TB OmniSone
    Editeur d'image spatiale. TB OmniSone est un plug-in à latence nulle destiné à (re)placer les sources sonores dans l'image stéréo, y compris au-delà des haut-parleurs. Il permet...
    TB ReelBus
    Simulation de bande analogique. TB ReelBus est un simulateur d'enregistrement à bande analogique dont il reproduit toutes les propriétés: saturation dépendante de la fréquence et du niveau,...
    TB Sibalance
    De-esser. Processeur de sibilance usant d'une technologie de filtre adaptatif pour un de-essing transparent.
    TB TimeMachine
    Sampler vintage. TB TimeMachine est une recréation virtuelle des samplers 12 bits vintage. Le plug-in simule les effets d'aliasing de conversion, re-sampling (de 1000 à 44100 Hz)...
    TB VoicePitcher
    Pitch shifting pour voix. - transformation de hauteur pour matériau vocal en temps réel - modes mono et stéréo - possibilité de mixer entrée et sortie pour effets créatifs et doublage...
    Ensemble de 9 plug-ins. Bundle de 9 plug-ins de traitements et d'utilitaires: - TB Equalizer - TB HumRemover (suppression de hum et rumble) - TB DeEsser - TB Ferox (simulateur de...
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