
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 3.0.8
Format AUVST
Compatibilité LittleOneMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $75  /  69€
Mis à jour le 24 juin 2017
Téléchargements 334
Télécharg. Mac 137
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 3.0.8
Format VST
Compatibilité LittleOneWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $75  /  69€
Mis à jour le 24 juin 2017
Téléchargements 334
Télécharg. PC 197

Synthétiseur à modélisation analogique

- modélisation analogique de réels synthétiseurs analogiques
- tout en un: synthétiseur + séquenceur + trancegate + racks d'effets
- émulation de composants analogiques
- deux oscillateurs (Triangle, Saw, Square, Pulse)
- filtre passe bas résonant Ladder
- enveloppe ADSR
- modes monophonique / polyphonique
- plus de 350 presets
- effet trancegate
- séquenceur 16 pas
- deux slots d'effets master (Tempo Synced Stereo Delay, Electronic Reverb, Tube Distortion, Flanger, Chorus)
- contrôle MIDI
MacOS version 10.7 or above (64-bit)
LittleOne LittleOne v 3.0.8 24 juin 2017 MacOS X Intel
  • Under certain circumstances, the note retrig behaviour was not correctly performed. Now this is FIXED.

  • Sometimes some minor graphic glitches occurred. Now this is FIXED.

  • The MIDI Control Change assignment for the Modulation Amount parameter has been changed from CC#06 to CC#14, to avoid any possible conflict with the MIDI RPN/NRPN implementation used by some Hosts.

  • Improved compatibility when converting presets from unofficial formats (example : Steinberg's ".fxp" file format) into LittleOne native ".littleonepreset" file format.
  • Xhun Audio LittleOne LittleOne v 3.0.5 3 juin 2017 MacOS X Intel
    Xhun Audio has updated LittleOne analogue modeling synthesizer to version 3.0.5, bringing improvements and bug fixes for problems that occurred with certain Hosts and/or Operating Systems. This update improves stability when using LittleOne for music production scenarios. It is important to reload LittleOne in a Host/DAW (just once, after the plugin update), if it has been used in previous tracks/projects.

    Changes in LittleOne version 3.0.5:
  • Presets engine: on certain Hosts/DAWs, current synth state was not 100% preserved when saving a project (at project reload, the Host/DAW loaded the previous preset on the list, instead of the current/modified one). Now this is FIXED.

  • GUI: on certain Hosts/DAWs, Panel C was auto-switched/selected at first run and/or at reset. Now this is FIXED.

  • Bonus Pack expansion (free add-on) was not correctly detected when installed and it was not possible to select presets using the presets menu. Now this is FIXED.

  • Demo version mode: sound is now interrupted every 60 seconds, instead of 30 seconds.

  • Demo version mode: the interrupting signal is now less loud. LittleOne version 3.0.5 update is available now for download from Xhun Audio website.
  • Xhun Audio LittleOne v 3.0 6 mai 2017 MacOS X Intel
    Xhun Audio has announced version 3.0 of LittleOne, a complete reboot for its analogue modeling software. After several years under continuous development - the research stage started in 2013 and led to a vastly improved analogue electronics components emulation, while the development itself started in 2015 - LittleOne version 3.0 represents a huge step forward compared to the previous versions of the software. In addition to a massive improvement on the DSP side (not limited to the synthesizer section but also involving all the sequencers and effects processors included in the sequencer/rack section) LittleOne version 3.0 features a true analogue polyphony simulation (4-voices, with independent tuning for each voice) as designed in the original analogue hardware specifications, a completely new presets management system (based on plain-text, human-readable proprietary format) and much more. For a deeper overview of the software and the technologies involved, more info and details can be found following the published posts (starting from Summer 2016) on Xhun Audio's Facebook profile. Completely re-written from the ground up in efficient C++, LittleOne version 3.0 now features native cross-platform compatibility. It is available for both Windows and macOS (formerly OS X) as 32-bit / 64-bit plugins in VST (2.4), VST3 and AU formats.
    LittleOne LittleOne v 3.0.8 24 juin 2017 Windows
  • Under certain circumstances, the note retrig behaviour was not correctly performed. Now this is FIXED.

  • Sometimes some minor graphic glitches occurred. Now this is FIXED.

  • The MIDI Control Change assignment for the Modulation Amount parameter has been changed from CC#06 to CC#14, to avoid any possible conflict with the MIDI RPN/NRPN implementation used by some Hosts.

  • Improved compatibility when converting presets from unofficial formats (example : Steinberg's ".fxp" file format) into LittleOne native ".littleonepreset" file format.
  • Xhun Audio LittleOne LittleOne v 3.0.5 3 juin 2017 Windows
    Xhun Audio has updated LittleOne analogue modeling synthesizer to version 3.0.5, bringing improvements and bug fixes for problems that occurred with certain Hosts and/or Operating Systems. This update improves stability when using LittleOne for music production scenarios. It is important to reload LittleOne in a Host/DAW (just once, after the plugin update), if it has been used in previous tracks/projects.

    Changes in LittleOne version 3.0.5:
  • Presets engine: on certain Hosts/DAWs, current synth state was not 100% preserved when saving a project (at project reload, the Host/DAW loaded the previous preset on the list, instead of the current/modified one). Now this is FIXED.

  • GUI: on certain Hosts/DAWs, Panel C was auto-switched/selected at first run and/or at reset. Now this is FIXED.

  • Bonus Pack expansion (free add-on) was not correctly detected when installed and it was not possible to select presets using the presets menu. Now this is FIXED.

  • Demo version mode: sound is now interrupted every 60 seconds, instead of 30 seconds.

  • Demo version mode: the interrupting signal is now less loud. LittleOne version 3.0.5 update is available now for download from Xhun Audio website.
  • Xhun Audio LittleOne v 3.0 6 mai 2017 Windows
    Xhun Audio has announced version 3.0 of LittleOne, a complete reboot for its analogue modeling software. After several years under continuous development - the research stage started in 2013 and led to a vastly improved analogue electronics components emulation, while the development itself started in 2015 - LittleOne version 3.0 represents a huge step forward compared to the previous versions of the software. In addition to a massive improvement on the DSP side (not limited to the synthesizer section but also involving all the sequencers and effects processors included in the sequencer/rack section) LittleOne version 3.0 features a true analogue polyphony simulation (4-voices, with independent tuning for each voice) as designed in the original analogue hardware specifications, a completely new presets management system (based on plain-text, human-readable proprietary format) and much more. For a deeper overview of the software and the technologies involved, more info and details can be found following the published posts (starting from Summer 2016) on Xhun Audio's Facebook profile. Completely re-written from the ground up in efficient C++, LittleOne version 3.0 now features native cross-platform compatibility. It is available for both Windows and macOS (formerly OS X) as 32-bit / 64-bit plugins in VST (2.4), VST3 and AU formats.
    synth LittleOne v 2.9 3 mai 2015 Windows
    LittleOne version 2.9 will bring several features in the Synth as well as the Rack/FX sections
    trancegate LittleOne v 2.8.2 14 déc. 2014 Windows
    # Rack/FX Section : "Tone" parameter added to the D-lay (tempo-synced delay fx) module. This brings more control for the analog delayed signal deterioration

    # Rack/FX Section : fix for the D-lay module "On-Off" button/switch

    # Fix for the pre-mapped MIDI CC#77. It is now properly associated to the correct destination parameter (more details can be found inside LittleOne's included manual)

    # Some fixes and enhancements on the GUI side
    d'effets LittleOne v 2.8 28 oct. 2014 Windows
    # Analogue Components Behaviour Engine updated to version 3.0 : the improved simulation of analogue technology micro-instability and imperfections for all componenets (Oscillators, Filters, Lfos , ...) brings a much more natural and authentic analogue response, sound and feel

    # Envelope Generators for both the Filter (VCF) and the Amplifier (VCA) sections have been rewritten from the ground on, featuring a 100% accurate exponential curve response as found in the original hardware

    # Massive low level code replacement on the DSP side : LittleOne code is now 90% cross-platform

    # All Presets and Banks have been re-adjusted ( or in some cases re-designed ) for taking advance of the new accurate Envelope Generators responses. Big Steps Expansion soundbank has been updated too

    # Some fixes and enhancements on the GUI side
    analogiques LittleOne v 2.7.6 6 mars 2014 Windows
    # Small fixes on the DSP side (sound banks/presets load process)

    # Small fixes on the GUI side

    # Partial low level code replacement on the DSP side
    quenceur LittleOne v 2.7.5 5 déc. 2013 Windows
    This important update involves all Products and brings the adoption of a new Copy Protection / Activation System.
    telecharger LittleOne v 2.7 25 oct. 2013 Windows
    # The Oscillators Morphing Engine has been totally re-written, with far better accuracy and CPU-saving also at fast/deep modulations

    # The syncing engine between the Step Sequencer and the Trancegate modules has been improved (now 100% time-accurate, sharing the same sync signals from the Host)

    # The main Host connection for time syncing has been improved (used in the Step Sequencer, Trancegate and Delay modules), and the list of compatible Host for full timing accuracy has been extended

    # Partial re-design and improvements on the GUI side

    # Minor fixes on the DSP signal-path side

    # Big Steps soundbank has been optimized for LittleOne version 2.7

    # Further low-level, cross-platform code revisions
    mac LittleOne v 2.6 8 nov. 2012 Windows
    # Advanced Presets Mode added

    # Modulation Source 5 (OS. page 6) : select one of two modulation options that will be used when the F.ENV source is selected on the front panel (Modulation Source 5). FILT (Filter Envelope) is the default source, but S-H (Sample & Hold) can be chosen as an alternate

    # Modulation Source 6 (OS. page 7) : select one of two modulation options that will be used when the OSC2 source is selected on the front panel (Modulation Source 6). OSC2 (Oscillator 2) is the default source, but NOISE can be chosen as an alternate

    # Modulation Destination 2 (OS. page 8) : program a secondary destination for modulation (OFF, PITCH, FILTER, WAVE, OSC2). The Modulation AMOUNT control specifies both the primary and secondary modulation amounts

    # Additional Presets

    # Minor Fixes on the DSP side
    Xhun Audio
    Acheter LittleOne près de Columbus, United States chez:

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