
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.3C
Format VST
Compatibilité DigitsMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 8 nov. 2012
Téléchargements 1 346
Télécharg. Mac 870
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.3C
Format VST
Compatibilité DigitsWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 17 nov. 2012
Téléchargements 1 346
Télécharg. PC 476


Digits est un synthétiseur à distorsion de phase inspiré des Casio série CZ, poussant cette forme de synthèse jusqu'à ses limites.
Digits Digits v 1.3C 8 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
Full editor GUI!
Much lower CPU usage
New global gain setting
Gain defaults to -3db if not set
(e.g., all old patches/projects default to -3db)
Better bank/patch support
New patch directory layout
1.3C: Fix incompatibility with older Mac OS (tested on 10.5)
1.3C: Fix font color
Digits Digits v 1.3C 17 nov. 2012 Windows
Full editor GUI! (Windows and Mac)
Much lower CPU usage
New global gain setting
Gain defaults to -3db if not set
(e.g., all old patches/projects default to -3db)
Better bank/patch support
New patch directory layout
1.3C: Fix incompatibility with older Mac OS (tested on 10.5)
1.3C: Fix font color
1.3C (Win): Fixed dampening knob behavior
Extent of the Jam Digits Digits v 1.2 8 nov. 2012 Windows
Fixed memory leak on instantiation
Better FruityLoops support
Added "fade" option to sustain stage of envelopes
More and better presets
LFO->pitch mod with noise is improved
64-bit Linux version
Extent of the Jam

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