Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 4.0.4
Compatibilité CrXMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $149  /  119€
Mis à jour le 30 mars 2015
Téléchargements 561
Télécharg. Mac 353
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 4.0.4
Format VST
Compatibilité CrXWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $149  /  119€
Mis à jour le 30 mars 2015
Téléchargements 561
Télécharg. PC 208


- architecture versatile avec 4 générateurs et 2 filtres
- sampleur avec time-streching et pitch-shifting indépendants et modulables
- générateur à table d'ondes modulable
- générateur de boucles
- générateur d'oscillateur à modélisation analogique
- oscillateur de bruit avec nombreuses options de filtrage
- arpégiateur
- 2 filtres stéréo multi-mode de style analogique
- 7 enveloppes ADSFR ou AHDSR
- 4 LFOs
- matrice de modulation
- MIDI learn
- 6 unités multi-effets disponible simultanément
- polyphonie 32 voix (en fonction du processeur)
A Mac or PC computer with at least 1.5 GHz CPU and 2 GB RAM and 2 GB free Disk Space An AU, VST or RTAS capable host software (DAW), like Cubase, Logic, Orion, FL Studio etc (RTAS on Mac only) a Screen resolution of 1280 x 800 or better Mac OSX 10.5 or newer (including OSX 10.8) Windows XP or newer (incluing Windows 8) CrX4 comes both as native 32 bit and 64 bit plugin
A Mac or PC computer with at least 1.5 GHz CPU and 2 GB RAM and 2 GB free Disk Space An AU, VST or RTAS capable host software (DAW), like Cubase, Logic, Orion, FL Studio etc (RTAS on Mac only) a Screen resolution of 1280 x 800 or better Mac OSX 10.5 or newer (including OSX 10.8) Windows XP or newer (incluing Windows 8) CrX4 comes both as native 32 bit and 64 bit plugin
CrX CrX v 4.0.4 30 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
Fixing a potential problem when using FM crossmodulation with a Sample based carrier
LinPlug CrX CrX v 4.0.3 11 avril 2014 MacOS X Intel
Fixed compatibility problem with Cubase which prevented session settings to restore
Fixed Gator effect may not work accoring to settings in rare cases
Fixed Alternate modulation source not correct in Mono-Mode
Removed option which prevented editor to show
Improved Library Path now adjusted immediately when setting a Startup Preset
LinPlug CrX v 4.0.2 18 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixed a bug which could cause a crash

  • Fixed inverted samples are not shown correctly for Generator 2 to 4

  • Fixed issues with serial filter audio signal flow

  • Improved Logic X compatibility
  • rateur CrX v 4.0.1 2 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Arpeggiator Swing is back
    fixed LFO Attack not working whith certain Phase settings
    fixed EQ could be working even when Gain=0
    fixed Gator could be out of sync when used in non 4/4 beats
    fixed LFO operation mode not saved
    Fixed hangs when switching presets
    Compatibility enhancements
    Added MIDI output (parameter feedback) for Audio Units
    analogique CrX v 4.0.0 28 août 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Filter saturation can be modulated
    loaded loop sampler presets have samples now loaded successively (no gaps)
    filter may be routed in serial or parallel
    LFO's speed can be modulated
    now up to 4 loop samplers
    invisible, automatic master limiter
    envelopes switchable between ADSFR and AHDSR mode
    envelopes shape (lin…log) now individually adjustable for every phase
    switchable MIDI Program/bank change (may be disabled in setup)
    chorus now with invert switch
    oscillators can be run up to +12 dB now
    oscillators allow +-5 octave pitch modulation now (+-3 or -2/+5 before)
    oscillator FM and AM now with much wider range (more intensity)
    oscillator balance can be modulated
    all-on-one-edit-page design
    larger sample display
    extended envelope parameter modulation (sustain, hold)
    LFO frequency range up to 275 Hz,
    new LFO waveforms (impulse, peak and random pulse)
    LFO one-shot mode
    Symmetry now working for LFO Noise too
    New noise oscillator with double filter, pitching and cross modulation
    reworked oscillator with variable aliasing (thus compatible with CronoX 2 and 3)
    switchable CronoX 2 sound compatibility (automatically on loading CronoX 2 presets)
    editing functions (typically load, save, copy, paste and init for many modules)
    all sample content comes now in WAV format (for easier processing outside CrX4)
    new preset browser with full size bank or patch view
    MIDI-CC indicators next to preset name
    About 300 reworked CronoX 3 presets + about 200 new presets
    CrX CrX v 4.0.4 30 mars 2015 Windows
    Fixing a potential problem when using FM crossmodulation with a Sample based carrier
    LinPlug CrX CrX v 4.0.3 11 avril 2014 Windows
    Fixed compatibility problem with Cubase which prevented session settings to restore
    Fixed Gator effect may not work accoring to settings in rare cases
    Fixed Alternate modulation source not correct in Mono-Mode
    Removed option which prevented editor to show
    Improved Library Path now adjusted immediately when setting a Startup Preset
    LinPlug CrX v 4.0.2 18 févr. 2014 Windows
  • Fixed a bug which could cause a crash

  • Fixed inverted samples are not shown correctly for Generator 2 to 4

  • Fixed issues with serial filter audio signal flow

  • Improved Logic X compatibility
  • rateur CrX v 4.0.1 2 nov. 2012 Windows
    Arpeggiator Swing is back
    fixed LFO Attack not working whith certain Phase settings
    fixed EQ could be working even when Gain=0
    fixed Gator could be out of sync when used in non 4/4 beats
    fixed LFO operation mode not saved
    Fixed hangs when switching presets
    Compatibility enhancements
    Added MIDI output (parameter feedback) for Audio Units
    analogique CrX v 4.0.0 28 août 2012 Windows
    Filter saturation can be modulated
    loaded loop sampler presets have samples now loaded successively (no gaps)
    filter may be routed in serial or parallel
    LFO's speed can be modulated
    now up to 4 loop samplers
    invisible, automatic master limiter
    envelopes switchable between ADSFR and AHDSR mode
    envelopes shape (lin…log) now individually adjustable for every phase
    switchable MIDI Program/bank change (may be disabled in setup)
    chorus now with invert switch
    oscillators can be run up to +12 dB now
    oscillators allow +-5 octave pitch modulation now (+-3 or -2/+5 before)
    oscillator FM and AM now with much wider range (more intensity)
    oscillator balance can be modulated
    all-on-one-edit-page design
    larger sample display
    extended envelope parameter modulation (sustain, hold)
    LFO frequency range up to 275 Hz,
    new LFO waveforms (impulse, peak and random pulse)
    LFO one-shot mode
    Symmetry now working for LFO Noise too
    New noise oscillator with double filter, pitching and cross modulation
    reworked oscillator with variable aliasing (thus compatible with CronoX 2 and 3)
    switchable CronoX 2 sound compatibility (automatically on loading CronoX 2 presets)
    editing functions (typically load, save, copy, paste and init for many modules)
    all sample content comes now in WAV format (for easier processing outside CrX4)
    new preset browser with full size bank or patch view
    MIDI-CC indicators next to preset name
    About 300 reworked CronoX 3 presets + about 200 new presets
    Acheter CrX près de Columbus, United States chez:

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