
Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 3.0
Format App
Compatibilité SpectraLayersMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $399  /  370€
Mis à jour le 14 janv. 2015
Téléchargements 200
Télécharg. Mac 119
Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 3.0
Format App
Compatibilité SpectraLayersWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $399  /  370€
Mis à jour le 14 janv. 2015
Téléchargements 200
Télécharg. PC 81

Editeur de spectre audio avancé

SpectraLayers est un programme d'édition audio intelligent qui opère directement sur le spectre de la forme d'onde à l'aide de nombreux outils d'édition. L'utilisateur peut éditer avec précision le signal audio en divisant graphiquement le fichier en couches discrètes éditables indépendemment.


Edition audio extrême
- divisez graphiquement le fichier en couches discrètes éditables indépendemment.
- enlevez les bruits indésirables et artéfacts en laissant l'audio environnant intact
- séparez musique et dialogue en couches individuelles
- corrigez l'intonation de composants choisis à l'intérieur d'un fichier audio

Outils d'extraction
- Area: sélectionnez tout audio pour transfert directement depuis le spectragramme
- Frequency: sélectionnez des fréquences et transférez-les en...
SpectraLayers est un programme d'édition audio intelligent qui opère directement sur le spectre de la forme d'onde à l'aide de nombreux outils d'édition. L'utilisateur peut éditer avec précision le signal audio en divisant graphiquement le fichier en couches discrètes éditables indépendemment.


Edition audio extrême
- divisez graphiquement le fichier en couches discrètes éditables indépendemment.
- enlevez les bruits indésirables et artéfacts en laissant l'audio environnant intact
- séparez musique et dialogue en couches individuelles
- corrigez l'intonation de composants choisis à l'intérieur d'un fichier audio

Outils d'extraction
- Area: sélectionnez tout audio pour transfert directement depuis le spectragramme
- Frequency: sélectionnez des fréquences et transférez-les en couches
- Harmonics: trouvez et sélectionnez les harmoniques

Outils de modification du spectre
- Amplify
- Clone
- Erase

Outils de création de son directement dans l'interface
- Frequency
- Noise
Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.9 (Mavericks) or 10.10 (Yosemite)
Microsoft® Windows Vista®, 7, 8 or 8.1 operating system (64-bit)
SpectraLayers SpectraLayers v 3.0 14 janv. 2015 MacOS X Intel
New feaures in version 3.0
  • New selection workflow and editing tools.

  • Added a waveform display and overview bar to help you navigate your project.

  • Redesigned Layers panel.

  • Faster processing.

  • 24-bit/192 kHz and surround support.

  • Customizable keyboard shortcuts.
  • Sony Creative Software SpectraLayers SpectraLayers v 2.1 28 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Free update for registered SpectraLayers Pro 2.0 users; purchase price unchanged.

    Interoperability with Sound Forge Pro Mac. Effortlessly move audio data between SpectraLayers Pro and Sound Forge Pro Mac and enjoy the strengths of both programs in a seamless process.

    Reverb removal process. Reduce or eliminate reverb in the spectral domain with just a few clicks.

    Improved noise reduction algorithm. Subtract more noise with less impact on the program material.

    Noise reduction process option. Send program material directly to a new layer.
    Sony Creative Software SpectraLayers v 2.0 19 oct. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Enhanced spectral engine for improved overall performance.
    Added support for exchanging audio data with Sound Forge Pro.
    Added exclusive Spectral Casting and Spectral Molding processes.
    Added support for extracting shapes.
    Added support for reading and editing markers, regions, and summary metadata.
    Added a variety of logarithmic scale options for the spectrum display.
    Enhanced noise-extraction algorithm.
    Added Process > Extract > Noise to allow you to quickly extract noise from a layer.
    Added support for looped playback in the Transport Controls toolbar.
    Added support for defining, routing, and mixing channels during the resampling process.
    Added Retina Display support for Retina Display equipped MacBook Pro computers.
    audio SpectraLayers v 1.0 19 juil. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    SpectraLayers SpectraLayers v 3.0 14 janv. 2015 Windows
    New feaures in version 3.0
  • New selection workflow and editing tools.

  • Added a waveform display and overview bar to help you navigate your project.

  • Redesigned Layers panel.

  • Faster processing.

  • 24-bit/192 kHz and surround support.

  • Customizable keyboard shortcuts.
  • Sony Creative Software SpectraLayers SpectraLayers v 2.1 28 janv. 2014 Windows
    Free update for registered SpectraLayers Pro 2.0 users; purchase price unchanged.

    Interoperability with Sound Forge Pro Mac. Effortlessly move audio data between SpectraLayers Pro and Sound Forge Pro Mac and enjoy the strengths of both programs in a seamless process.

    Reverb removal process. Reduce or eliminate reverb in the spectral domain with just a few clicks.

    Improved noise reduction algorithm. Subtract more noise with less impact on the program material.

    Noise reduction process option. Send program material directly to a new layer.
    Sony Creative Software SpectraLayers v 2.0 19 oct. 2013 Windows
    Enhanced spectral engine for improved overall performance.
    Added support for exchanging audio data with Sound Forge Pro.
    Added exclusive Spectral Casting and Spectral Molding processes.
    Added support for extracting shapes.
    Added support for reading and editing markers, regions, and summary metadata.
    Added a variety of logarithmic scale options for the spectrum display.
    Enhanced noise-extraction algorithm.
    Added Process > Extract > Noise to allow you to quickly extract noise from a layer.
    Added support for looped playback in the Transport Controls toolbar.
    Added support for defining, routing, and mixing channels during the resampling process.
    Added Retina Display support for Retina Display equipped MacBook Pro computers.
    audio SpectraLayers v 1.0 19 juil. 2012 Windows
    Sony Creative Software
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