
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.5.0
Compatibilité OxiumMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $75  /  69€
Mis à jour le 15 avril 2013
Téléchargements 362
Télécharg. Mac 226
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.5.0
Compatibilité OxiumWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $75  /  69€
Mis à jour le 15 avril 2013
Téléchargements 362
Télécharg. PC 136


Synthétiseur offrant à la fois un son analogique classique et des sonorités plus modernes, doté de puissantes possibilités de modulation en temps réel.

- instruments classiques: 8 formes d'onde d'oscillateurs Xils-lab par patch, souble structure de filtrage.
- instruments modernes: LFO, enveloppes D-ADSR, modulateur Le Masque
- interface utilisateur intuitive basé sur un nouveau concept IVF (Instant Visual Feedback)
- protection par numéro de série
- 2 skins
Mac OSX 10.5.0 and late
Windows XP, Vista and windows7 (32&64bits) ; VST, RTAS (Protools 7.0 and later)
Oxium Oxium v 1.5.0 15 avril 2013 MacOS X UB
New features?:

Modulation Targets: More than 10 new modulation targets have been implemented. Both Mixers Global Levels, as well as the Level of all the Oscillators and Noise sources in each Mixer have been added. Stunning filters morphings, envelope or Lfo controled specific components of the sound blended in the most flexible way, superb evolving textures and sounds are just a few examples of what is now possible.

Masks Envelopes: The Masks have their own simple envelopes, and the segments of these envelopes have been added as modulation targets as well. As we have not already seen the end of what the Masks are capable of, so these new possibilities open the way to endless spaces of creativity and passion. You can really make some crazy parts or never heard sequences when modulating these parameters in real time with the mod wheel or other HW controlers for example.

All in all, you now get 59 modulation targets you can use in the Modulation Matrix Page, and in the Musical Gestures Modulation page, making Oxium one of the most powerfull Virtual Analog Synthesizers for Sound Design.

New Masks Handling Functions: You can now perform MultiSelection and MultiEdition of the Masks, as well as any complex selections of continuous or discontinuous Masks to edit them simultaneously.

We have also added three Easy Toggles Buttons to perform selections?: Select ALL, Select ODD, Select EVEN.

Improved Masks Locator handling: In addition, we have enhanced the behaviour of the Mask Locators.

They will now gradually change their color when you approach them, making them easy to grab when you want to edit the length of a selection, and nullifying the risk of moving the mask(s), when actually you just wanted to edit the lenght.

With these new Masks functions, it’s now very easy and fast for example to adapt the masks to a complex groove, sophisticated syncopated material, unquantised drumgrooves, or to "?gate?" or Extend a selection of Mask(s) . Masks can emulate in a perfect way old stepsequencers or trancegate units. They add total freedom and flexibility as a gift.

Ergonomy and GUI: Oxium GUI has been slightly modified

The Filter Block has been redisigned, and is now easy to locate and identify, with two new labels for the Main and secondary filters, and its unification as a "?block?" on the UI.
LFO 2 has now the same disposition than its two brothers ( it was inversed )
The Glide/Protamento Block has better Mouse hadling ( Could be hasardous sometimes )
The Toggle Button of the "?Keyboard/FX/Info Zone?" is now located on the right of this zone, allowing space for future developments, and a clearer view of the modules surroundint it.

A 3rd ICE skin completes the existing Orange and Rusty skins (?Note?: Depends on the results of the Group Buy ) We think a lot of people will love this one.

New Presets: More than 50 new presets have been added to the Factory Library, and most of them use the new features of Oxium 1.5. A new Sound Designer, Green Echoes, has joined our team.

AAX compatible: Oxium 1.5 is already AAX compatible, ready for PT10 and PT11
XILS-lab Oxium Oxium v 1.0.1 4 sept. 2012 MacOS X UB
Windows 7 : GUI is now working smoothly
LeMasque presets menu crached in some cases. This is now fixed.
Ten new Masque presets added to save your time
Windows, Mac x64 : Information panel is now correctly updated when a new preset is launched.
Windows, Mac x64 : Arpeggio advanced settings are now correctly updated.
Label added for the main filter.
XILS-lab Oxium v 0.9.4beta 18 juil. 2012 MacOS X UB
Advanced beta version, released during the "pre-order" campaign
From the 0.9.3 : no more crash at launch
Oxium Oxium v 1.5.0 15 avril 2013 Windows
New features?:

Modulation Targets: More than 10 new modulation targets have been implemented. Both Mixers Global Levels, as well as the Level of all the Oscillators and Noise sources in each Mixer have been added. Stunning filters morphings, envelope or Lfo controled specific components of the sound blended in the most flexible way, superb evolving textures and sounds are just a few examples of what is now possible.

Masks Envelopes: The Masks have their own simple envelopes, and the segments of these envelopes have been added as modulation targets as well. As we have not already seen the end of what the Masks are capable of, so these new possibilities open the way to endless spaces of creativity and passion. You can really make some crazy parts or never heard sequences when modulating these parameters in real time with the mod wheel or other HW controlers for example.

All in all, you now get 59 modulation targets you can use in the Modulation Matrix Page, and in the Musical Gestures Modulation page, making Oxium one of the most powerfull Virtual Analog Synthesizers for Sound Design.

New Masks Handling Functions: You can now perform MultiSelection and MultiEdition of the Masks, as well as any complex selections of continuous or discontinuous Masks to edit them simultaneously.

We have also added three Easy Toggles Buttons to perform selections?: Select ALL, Select ODD, Select EVEN.

Improved Masks Locator handling: In addition, we have enhanced the behaviour of the Mask Locators.

They will now gradually change their color when you approach them, making them easy to grab when you want to edit the length of a selection, and nullifying the risk of moving the mask(s), when actually you just wanted to edit the lenght.

With these new Masks functions, it’s now very easy and fast for example to adapt the masks to a complex groove, sophisticated syncopated material, unquantised drumgrooves, or to "?gate?" or Extend a selection of Mask(s) . Masks can emulate in a perfect way old stepsequencers or trancegate units. They add total freedom and flexibility as a gift.

Ergonomy and GUI: Oxium GUI has been slightly modified

The Filter Block has been redisigned, and is now easy to locate and identify, with two new labels for the Main and secondary filters, and its unification as a "?block?" on the UI.
LFO 2 has now the same disposition than its two brothers ( it was inversed )
The Glide/Protamento Block has better Mouse hadling ( Could be hasardous sometimes )
The Toggle Button of the "?Keyboard/FX/Info Zone?" is now located on the right of this zone, allowing space for future developments, and a clearer view of the modules surroundint it.

A 3rd ICE skin completes the existing Orange and Rusty skins (?Note?: Depends on the results of the Group Buy ) We think a lot of people will love this one.

New Presets: More than 50 new presets have been added to the Factory Library, and most of them use the new features of Oxium 1.5. A new Sound Designer, Green Echoes, has joined our team.

AAX compatible: Oxium 1.5 is already AAX compatible, ready for PT10 and PT11
XILS-lab Oxium Oxium v 1.0.1 4 sept. 2012 Windows
Windows 7 : GUI is now working smoothly
LeMasque presets menu crached in some cases. This is now fixed.
Ten new Masque presets added to save your time
Windows, Mac x64 : Information panel is now correctly updated when a new preset is launched.
Windows, Mac x64 : Arpeggio advanced settings are now correctly updated.
Label added for the main filter.
XILS-lab Oxium v 0.9.4beta 18 juil. 2012 Windows
Windows XP, Vista and windows7 (32&64bits) ; VST, RTAS (Protools 7.0 and later)
Acheter Oxium en ligne chez:
Acheter Oxium près de Columbus, United States chez:

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