
par Tone2
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 2.5
Format AppAUVST
Compatibilité SaurusMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $107  /  99€
Mis à jour le 9 sept. 2017
Téléchargements 1 155
Télécharg. Mac 795
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 2.5
Format AppVST
Compatibilité SaurusWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $107  /  99€
Mis à jour le 9 sept. 2017
Téléchargements 1 155
Télécharg. PC 360

Synthé analogique virtuel

- couvre tous les aspects importants des synthétiseurs analogiques traditionnels
- modes mono, legato et polyphonique avec gestion de voix analogique
- deux oscillateurs synchronisables et deux sous-oscillateurs
- technologie de modélisation analogique propriétaire True Analog Modeling
- formes d'ondes standards plus un grand nombre de formes plus exotiques
- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) et Oscillator Sync applicable à toutes les formes d'onde
- contrôles de modulation de Drift, Phase et Noise
- modulation Noise, FM, AM et en anneau pour les oscillateurs
- filtre analogique auto-oscillant, non-linéaire, avec 6 types de filtres, FM et feedback
- LFOs et modulation
- arpégiateur
- matrice de modulation
- gate programmable
- modes unisson stéréo 4x avec contrôle de spread et panning
- distorsion et ampli à lampes
- traitement psycho-acoustique optionnel
- effets
Mac OSX 10.5 or higher; G4, G5 or Intel Mac (32 or 64 bit)
Windows XP / ME / 7 / 8 / Vista (32 bit or 64 bit); Intel Pentium4 compatible CPU
Saurus Saurus v 2.5 9 sept. 2017 MacOS X UB
New features:

  • Drag & Drop modulation: Drag an envelope or lfo and drop it to a knob to modulate it

  • Midi learn support: Right-click on a knob to assign or remove a CC

  • Right-click on a knob opens a menu where you can assign a massive amount of modulation sources

  • Hovering the mouse over a knob shows a box with information

  • Modulation depth control on top left of a knob if a source is assigned

  • Sectors on knobs show the modulation amount

  • A red sector is shown when clipping of modulation occurs

  • File->'Show version info' shows the version number of Saurus

  • Right-click on a knob and 'reset' resets a knob to the default value

  • File->'reset midi learn' removes all CC assignments

  • File->'Clean matrix' cleans up the mod matrix and resets unused slots

  • Right-click on a knob and 'remove modulation' removes all assigned mod sources

  • Tooltips are shown when the mouse is hovered over a button

  • Enhancements:

  • More beautiful background skin

  • Enhanced sound of the Reverb: Less detuned sound and more beautiful early reflections

  • Enhanced sound of the PingPong delay: Added a lowCut filter

  • Enhanced sound of the Delay: No more detuning and a more wide sound

  • Enhanced sound of microtuning

  • Better sound quality: New high-end resampling algorithm

  • More bass and warmer sound

  • More linear frequency response in 'linear mode'

  • Faster Volume Envelope for more punch

  • Saurus v2.5 'fits better to the mix'

  • New knobs with enhanced performance

  • Parameters are more easy to adjust

  • Patch rankings are now stored as .rnk files within Saurus_sounds

  • Fat Unison is more easy to setup

  • More 'bottom' if a new patch is initialized

  • Texts are more easy to read

  • Activation dialogue is now also available in German language

  • Faster loading of 32bit PC version

  • More robustness

  • Faster patch loading

  • Lower CPU on Mac

  • Fixes:

  • Better compatibility with Fruity Loops

  • Matrix source 'random' did not work in legato mode

  • It is not longer possible to click on the VU diodes

  • Fixed a very unlikely but possible crash
  • Tone2 Saurus Saurus v 2.0 30 avril 2015 MacOS X UB
    Enhanced sound quality because the synthesis engine has been completely reworked.
    Over 260 additional patches.
    Completely reworked all existing factory sounds.
    Added a comfortable patch browser.
    More detailed emulation of the ‘analog’ sound. The degree of analog behavior is now selectable.
    Enhanced graphics.
    More comfortable user interface.
    A large number of further new features and enhancements.
    Saurus2 is 100% downward compatible with all previous versions.
    Tone2 Saurus v 1.1 10 janv. 2013 MacOS X UB
    New features:

    Arpeggiator can be loaded and saved
    Added 42 additional arpeggiator patterns
    Selecting patches by clicking on the arrows is supported now
    Included 14 demosounds of Analog SoundSet
    Gatekeeper support (Mac)
    Help PDF can be shown from GUI (Mac)
    Windows8 support for 64 bit versions


    Enhanced sound of boost
    Enhanced sound of 24dB filter
    Enhanced sound of feedback
    Enhanced sound of sync
    Enhanced sound of unison in poly16 mode
    Enhanced sound of OSC noise
    Enhanced Legato
    More punchy sound
    Slighly enhanced shape of volume envelope
    Enhanced installers
    Many other minor enhancements


    Removed demo voice
    Demo time has been extended to 20 min
    Init patch is available in demo


    Fixed a memory leak
    Fixed a rarely appearing problem with hanging notes
    Sustain pedal
    Fixed a subtle click which could happen with allSoundOff in 44 khz
    Fixed wrong labels of LFO waveforms
    Some fixes in list selectors
    modulation Saurus v 1.0 6 avril 2012 MacOS X UB
    Saurus Saurus v 2.5 9 sept. 2017 Windows
    New features:

  • Drag & Drop modulation: Drag an envelope or lfo and drop it to a knob to modulate it

  • Midi learn support: Right-click on a knob to assign or remove a CC

  • Right-click on a knob opens a menu where you can assign a massive amount of modulation sources

  • Hovering the mouse over a knob shows a box with information

  • Modulation depth control on top left of a knob if a source is assigned

  • Sectors on knobs show the modulation amount

  • A red sector is shown when clipping of modulation occurs

  • File->'Show version info' shows the version number of Saurus

  • Right-click on a knob and 'reset' resets a knob to the default value

  • File->'reset midi learn' removes all CC assignments

  • File->'Clean matrix' cleans up the mod matrix and resets unused slots

  • Right-click on a knob and 'remove modulation' removes all assigned mod sources

  • Tooltips are shown when the mouse is hovered over a button

  • Enhancements:

  • More beautiful background skin

  • Enhanced sound of the Reverb: Less detuned sound and more beautiful early reflections

  • Enhanced sound of the PingPong delay: Added a lowCut filter

  • Enhanced sound of the Delay: No more detuning and a more wide sound

  • Enhanced sound of microtuning

  • Better sound quality: New high-end resampling algorithm

  • More bass and warmer sound

  • More linear frequency response in 'linear mode'

  • Faster Volume Envelope for more punch

  • Saurus v2.5 'fits better to the mix'

  • New knobs with enhanced performance

  • Parameters are more easy to adjust

  • Patch rankings are now stored as .rnk files within Saurus_sounds

  • Fat Unison is more easy to setup

  • More 'bottom' if a new patch is initialized

  • Texts are more easy to read

  • Activation dialogue is now also available in German language

  • Faster loading of 32bit PC version

  • More robustness

  • Faster patch loading

  • Lower CPU on Mac

  • Fixes:

  • Better compatibility with Fruity Loops

  • Matrix source 'random' did not work in legato mode

  • It is not longer possible to click on the VU diodes

  • Fixed a very unlikely but possible crash
  • Tone2 Saurus Saurus v 2.0 30 avril 2015 Windows
    Enhanced sound quality because the synthesis engine has been completely reworked.
    Over 260 additional patches.
    Completely reworked all existing factory sounds.
    Added a comfortable patch browser.
    More detailed emulation of the ‘analog’ sound. The degree of analog behavior is now selectable.
    Enhanced graphics.
    More comfortable user interface.
    A large number of further new features and enhancements.
    Saurus2 is 100% downward compatible with all previous versions.
    Tone2 Saurus v 1.1 10 janv. 2013 Windows
    New features:

    Arpeggiator can be loaded and saved
    Added 42 additional arpeggiator patterns
    Selecting patches by clicking on the arrows is supported now
    Included 14 demosounds of Analog SoundSet
    Gatekeeper support (Mac)
    Help PDF can be shown from GUI (Mac)
    Windows8 support for 64 bit versions


    Enhanced sound of boost
    Enhanced sound of 24dB filter
    Enhanced sound of feedback
    Enhanced sound of sync
    Enhanced sound of unison in poly16 mode
    Enhanced sound of OSC noise
    Enhanced Legato
    More punchy sound
    Slighly enhanced shape of volume envelope
    Enhanced installers
    Many other minor enhancements


    Removed demo voice
    Demo time has been extended to 20 min
    Init patch is available in demo


    Fixed a memory leak
    Fixed a rarely appearing problem with hanging notes
    Sustain pedal
    Fixed a subtle click which could happen with allSoundOff in 44 khz
    Fixed wrong labels of LFO waveforms
    Some fixes in list selectors
    modulation Saurus v 1.0 6 avril 2012 Windows
    Acheter Saurus près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

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