par PCDJ
Categorie Production Audio / DJs
Version 3.5.6
Format App
Compatibilité PCDJ DEXMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $229  /  212€
Mis à jour le 16 janv. 2016
Téléchargements 726
Télécharg. Mac 428
Categorie Production Audio / DJs
Version 3.5.6
Format App
Compatibilité PCDJ DEXWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $229  /  212€
Mis à jour le 16 janv. 2016
Téléchargements 726
Télécharg. PC 298

Mixage DJ

- 4 platines (2 pour video et karaoke) avec mixeur et playlist
- mixage manuel ou automatique (beat-matching en un clic)
- mixage video (incluant pitch, break, reverse, scratch)
- support timecode vinyl/CD
- bibliothèque avec filtres de format
- bouclage intelligent
- support de skin
- détection de bpm automatique avec traitement par lots
- simulation de vinyl incluant scratch, pitch, reverse, brake
- monitoring casque
- support effets VST
- entrée pour microphone
- contrainte de gamme pour mixage harmonique / tonal
- gain automatique perceptuel
- lecteur de sample
- support Karaoke CDG
- export des mix vers mp3, WAV et AIFF
- système de navigation avec listes illimitées, explorateur de disque, base de donnée, import de bibliothèque iTunes
- chargement de morceau entier en RAM
- support de fichiers p3, m4a, wav, aiff, ogg, cda, mpeg, avi, mov, mkv, wmv, flac (Non DRM)
Windows 7 / 8
PCDJ DEX PCDJ DEX v 3.5.6 16 janv. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Key Detection Optimization
New DEX 3 Logo/Launch Icon
Now Includes Official Pulselocker 1.0 SDK
Pulselocker Info Window Added
Various Performance Optimizations
PCDJ PCDJ DEX PCDJ DEX v 3.4 30 juil. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Revamped BPM detection engine: You can count on more accurate BPMs and beat grids, making sync and beat aware effects work more effectively
Icecast support: You can now broadcast your live mix online
Scratch tab/panel on the 2-decks skins: New scratch tab displayed side-by-side waveforms for easy visual beat sync and scratching reference
Loop points: You can now save and recall loops using a new loops/cues toggle
Loop “Slip mode” setting: When exiting a loop in slip mode the track will continue as if no looping occurred (from the position it ought to be)
Auto-Cueing completely revamped:
Automatically detected mix-in and mix-out cue points (IN/OUT) – trimming off silence automatically
Setting to use either soft sounds or percussion for the in/out cue points detection (so you can have it skip quite intros, or start at the first audible sound)
Setting to utilize the new autocue when loading and for Auto-Mix
Effects engine refactoring: Overall effects quality improvements and leveling.
Revamped Effects: Bit Crusher – Robot Delay – Temolo – And new redesigned High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters.
Various Samplers improvements: Includes Sampler play modes (normal, stutter, instant/momentary), recording, waveform, cutoff filter, monitoring (pre-listen)
DJ Controller Support: Controllers can now be detected using USB VID:PID also on Mac
Automatic detection of arrival/removal of DJ MIDI controllers: You can now plug-in or disconnect DJ controllers DEX 3.4 is running. EXPLANATION: You are able to start DEX 3.4 and connect or disconnect any (supported DJ controller) MIDI controller and DEX 3.4 will detect it on-the-fly. This means you can start DEX 3.4 without a DJ controller connected and then add or remove controllers (up to 8 at the same time) and they will be detected and start working automatically and immediately. DJ controller detection works on both Mac and Windows. This feature is really great if a controller hangs for some reason (so you would simply power it off and then back on — or remove it and then add it back) or if you simply wants to hook an additional controller (for additional control over features like the sampler).
Denon MC-6000 MKII DJ Controller is fully supported
Numark Mixtrack Pro 3 DJ Controller is fully supported
Search Change: When exiting search DEX 3.4 restores the last viewed list/folder
Graphics rendering improvements: Graphics will appear sharper with very sharp on-screen text
Drag & drop files from Explorer / Finder: You can now drag files from windows explorer directly into DEX 3.4 lists (current list or side list)
Several small bug fixes (including 2 crash fixes) and various performance optimizations
PCDJ PCDJ DEX v 3.4RC 21 juil. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Brand new BPM detection engine (beta)
Icecast support (beta) – broadcast your live mix
Scratch tab/panel on the 2-decks skins
Loop points (saving and recalling loops)
Loop “Slip mode” setting – when exiting the loop it will continue as if no looping occurred (from the position it ought to be)
Auto-Cueing completely revamped:
Automatically detected mix-in and mix-out cue points (IN/OUT)
Setting to use either soft sounds or percussion for the in/out cue points detection
Setting to use or not Auto-cueing when loading and for Auto-Mix
Effect engine refactoring (internal)
New Effects: Bit Crusher – Robot Delay – Temolo – And new redesigned High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters.
Samplers improvements incl. Sampler play modes (normal, stutter, instant/momentary), recording, waveform, cutoff filter, monitoring (pre-listen)
Controllers can now be detected using USB VID:PID also on Mac
Denon MC-6000 MKII DJ Controller is fully supported
When exiting search it restores the last viewed list/folder
Graphics rendering improvements (eg. better looking text)
Setting to change between then new and the old (compatibility mode) BPM detection
Several small bug fixes (including 2 crash fixes) and optimizations
Drag & drop files from Explorer / Finder to the current-list or the side-list
support PCDJ DEX v 3.3.3 13 avril 2015 MacOS X Intel
Play-Pause and CUE buttons blinking modes (works on controllers too)
Key stepper setting (full/half/quarter semitone) now also applied to the key slider (not only to the key up/down buttons)
Initial Support for the Denon MC-6000 MK2 (more improvement coming in 3.4)
Denon HC-4500 improvements to the jog-wheels
Support for WAV+G files (wav+cdg and zipped wav+cdg)
Black video background when the track is paused (so we can clearly see the karaoke “Next Singer” list)
Karaoke “Next Singer” list now shows the first 3 singers available in the first 10 tracks (no matter if there are audio tracks in between them)
Fixed bug: if you drag and re-order singers, the next singer display goes blank.
Fixed bug: database lost when certain tracks (with over 4000 chars + non-latin chars in the comment tag) are added
mixage PCDJ DEX v 3.3.1 25 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel

Reloop Beatmix 2 Now Supported
Reloop Beatmix 4 Now Supported
Reloop Terminal Mix 8 Now Supported


Waveforms amplitude normalized
Allows using special characters in lists names (eg. &)
Fixed several bugs
Denon DN-MC6000 improvements
Minor improvements
automatique PCDJ DEX v 3.3 27 janv. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Added multi-track selection (work for/with: drag&drop tracks (to sidelist or to browser lists), remove tracks, analyse tracks, color/highlight tracks, send to sidelist, etc)
* you can use the or keys
* you can use the keyboard (eg. arrow keys)
Added 5 new video transitions: Blur, Pixelate, Blinds, Swipe H, Swipe V (The Swipe transitions are Star Wars inspired – yes we’re geeks are heart! )
Added setting to Preferences: “Search in the middle of words” (eg. to allow you to find “bcd” in “abcde”)
Added clock (time) in the included skins
Added new keyboard shortcuts:
* adds all inserted tracks in the current list to the sidelist
* inserts/clears all tracks in the list
* inserts the current track selected in the list
* drags/moves the current selected track up or down
* or drags/moves the current selected track to top/bottom of the list
Fixed crash when loading huge iTunes libraries
Fixed crash: tap/edit BPM from controllers
Fixed: for skins designers: vertical sound-displays (waveforms) work ok now
Other small fixes and improvements
scratch PCDJ DEX v 3.2 31 déc. 2014 MacOS X Intel
DEX 3.2 is now available for download, here’s what’s new and improved:
IMPORTANT: the Windows version needs DirectX 10/11 compatible hardware (99% of Windows 7/8/8.1 machines should be compatible. If you’re using older Windows 7 hardware you can download a Direct X 9 specific version from the DEX 3 support page HERE).

Video Mix Recording (Beta Feature with various resolution recording options included)
Windows 64 Bit Support
Windows: Changed the graphics rendering system to DirectX 11 (much better performance)
Optimizations to allow for up to one-million tracks in the database and the search cache (Works on any Mac; 64-bit Windows with 4GB of RAM or more is recommended)
Searching improved
Fixed bug: reading tags/album artwork from files/folders with non-standard Latin characters (accents, etc)
* please note that this will work only for new files — the files already added to the database can’t be updated without a rebuild (We plan to offer this in 3.3)
Added 2 simple video fx/filters: Black & White, Sepia
Fixed crash on Mac when switching between Audio/Video skins
Updated SkinDesigner with new attributes for playlist and wheel controls
Several other performance improvements and bug fixes

Additional Release Notes:

Video recording is at experimental/beta stage; you need a powerful computer to use it (especially if you’re looking to record in HD quality)
The video window needs to be in full-screen mode if you want the best quality
For now you can record to MP4 (on Mac) and MPG (on Windows)
Database loading time: on a regular computer we can read from the database about 10K tracks in 1s (so about 100K tracks in 10s)
reverse PCDJ DEX v 3.1 19 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Extensive performance optimizations and stability improvements
Added list-mode (table-like display mode) for current list/sidelist
* To change between normal and list-mode right-click on the list and select “Toggle view mode” from the popup menu
* You can: change columns order, hide/show columns, re-size columns, lock sorting or re-sizing, sort by clicking on the columns (and revert the sorting by clicking on the “No.” column header)
Added daytime skins (and also modified master VU-meter color for the original skins)
Added compatibility with iTunes 12
Tags support greatly improved for both reading and writing (you can now edit tags for: mp3, m4a, mp4, wav, aif, flac, ogg, wma; note that most video files (except for mp4) don’t support tags so no tag editing is possible on mov, mkv, cdg-zip, au, etc)
Changed functionality: you can also scroll the lists by dragging them from the right side (very useful for touch-screen users); drag-&-drop still works if you drag a track from the left side; (left 75% drag&drop / right 25% scroll)
Improved controller engine on MacOSX
Loaded tracks are “greyed out” (session only)
Search improvements (includes fixing a search cache issue)
For skins designers: jog-wheel artwork now possible (spinning or not, you can also use a mask for it)
On Macs the app is now 64-bit (MacOSX 10.7+)
Known issues (to be addressed in next release):
On some AMD-powered graphics cards (AMD APU ones more specifically) the interface might not load ok
telecharger PCDJ DEX v 3.0.1 26 août 2014 MacOS X Intel
Fixed slow searching bug (for MAC users experiencing a lag while using search / it’s snappy now!)
Changed max favorite folders to 128 (up from 32)
Added .divx extension support (files would play in previous release, but only if you changed file extension to .avi. No longer necessary)
Various small bug fixes
mac PCDJ DEX v 2.6.5 25 oct. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Controllers added and performance upgrades
windows PCDJ DEX v 2.6.4 8 oct. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • displaying loading/saving database message (prevents users having a corrupt DB by powering off windows before the software has saved your lists/db)

  • fixed: Timecode bug in relative mode (when moving the vinyl to the beginning of the track)

  • fixed: DirectSound WDM mode (multichannel) WASPI

  • fixed: loop bug when using fixed-beat loops

  • other small fixes and improvements
  • macintosh PCDJ DEX v 2.6.3 7 août 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • advanced searching (separate search terms by spaces, search/filter by bpm/year/key (eg. b123 displays only songs with 123BPM))

  • harmonic mixing: support for key in Circle of Fifths or compatible formats (in ID3 tags)

  • reimplemented MIDI buffering (major stability improvement)

  • MIDI controllers can be detected also with VID/PID in scripts (Windows only)

  • MIDI scripting improvements

  • fixed: bug on loading different skins (even ones that are bigger resolution than the screen)

  • fixed: karaoke soft/blurry images

  • fixed: certain Karaoke zip files (with special characters in the name) won’t load

  • fixed: crash when importing certain mp3 files (with bad ID3 tags)

  • fixed: crash when using Singers List

  • new controllers added: Novation Twitch, Numark NS6, Numark Quad, Reloop Contour IE, Reloop Mixage CE, Reloop Digital Jockey 2 CE

  • other small improvements and bug fixes
  • pc PCDJ DEX v 2.6.2 16 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • new Nighttime and Daytime skin for multiple resolutions (the Nighttime is the default now)

  • MIDI and HID improvements

  • numerous bug fixes.

  • New Controllers:
    Hercules DJ Console RMX2
    Hercules DJ Control Air
    Hercules DJ Control Instinct
    Reloop Digital Jockey IE2 (completely re-implemented)
    PCDJ DEX v 2.6 17 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
    The latest 2.6 update for DEX 2 and RED Mobile 2 includes new DJ controller support for the Numark MixTrack Pro II, the Pioneer PRO DJ DDJ WeGo and XDJ Aero, The Denon DJ MC3000 and 6000, and the American DJ MXR's (all three).
    PCDJ DEX v 2.5.1beta 13 déc. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    We invite you to test our latest DEX 2.5 Beta for Windows and MAC - This is a Release Candidate version, so if testing goes well over the next few days we'll launch this version to the public The Windows version is officially for Windows 7 and above ONLY (We now utilize the new Direct X environment for new video effects and some other core features) Mountain Lion is now supported for the MAC release.

    A couple important things to note:

  • This is a BETA version, so please test thoroughly before going live

  • You will need Windows 7 or later for the windows release (The older OS's are simply not capable of some of the new requirements. MS has recently dropped support for XP entirely as well. Windows 8 will also work well now)

  • Notable Changes:

  • Preferences system completely revamped both visually and internally

  • Settings are applied instantly

  • You can keep the preferences window open and still control the software

  • All your old settings are lost

  • Brand new flexible audio routing

  • 2-decks skin is now the default one (and has an Audio and a Video tab)

  • Global lists and database search

  • Change font dynamically (in real-time) in playlist/browser (press on the list to have focus and then press +/-/0 on your keyboard)

  • Key stepper with digital read-out

  • Video effects (different per each deck)

  • Video transitions and effects now included (more to come in a later release)

  • Video transitions: Fade, Cut, Slide Horizontal & Vertically, Wave, Circle
    Video effects: Water, ZoomBlur, Invert, Toon, Tiles, Red, Green, Blue
  • Disabled Auto-Cueing by default

  • Video looping improved

  • FLV videos support

  • Now scanning tags for m4a, flac, wma too

  • User writable controllers and skins folder (user's Documents/PCDJ/Controllers)

  • key stepper configurable (full/half/quarter steps)

  • New controllers included:

  • American Audio VersaDeck
    New VMS4.1 map included
    Beyond Music Abma1
    Beyond Music MIDI 8
    Denon MC6000
    Denon MC3000
    Denon HC1000
    Faderfox DJ3
    Hercules DJ Control Steel (re-implemented from scratch)

  • lots of performance tweaks, fixes and improvements
  • PCDJ DEX v 2.0 4 avril 2012 MacOS X Intel
    PCDJ DEX PCDJ DEX v 3.5.6 16 janv. 2016 Windows
    Key Detection Optimization
    New DEX 3 Logo/Launch Icon
    Now Includes Official Pulselocker 1.0 SDK
    Pulselocker Info Window Added
    Various Performance Optimizations
    PCDJ PCDJ DEX PCDJ DEX v 3.4 30 juil. 2015 Windows
    Revamped BPM detection engine: You can count on more accurate BPMs and beat grids, making sync and beat aware effects work more effectively
    Icecast support: You can now broadcast your live mix online
    Scratch tab/panel on the 2-decks skins: New scratch tab displayed side-by-side waveforms for easy visual beat sync and scratching reference
    Loop points: You can now save and recall loops using a new loops/cues toggle
    Loop “Slip mode” setting: When exiting a loop in slip mode the track will continue as if no looping occurred (from the position it ought to be)
    Auto-Cueing completely revamped:
    Automatically detected mix-in and mix-out cue points (IN/OUT) – trimming off silence automatically
    Setting to use either soft sounds or percussion for the in/out cue points detection (so you can have it skip quite intros, or start at the first audible sound)
    Setting to utilize the new autocue when loading and for Auto-Mix
    Effects engine refactoring: Overall effects quality improvements and leveling.
    Revamped Effects: Bit Crusher – Robot Delay – Temolo – And new redesigned High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters.
    Various Samplers improvements: Includes Sampler play modes (normal, stutter, instant/momentary), recording, waveform, cutoff filter, monitoring (pre-listen)
    DJ Controller Support: Controllers can now be detected using USB VID:PID also on Mac
    Automatic detection of arrival/removal of DJ MIDI controllers: You can now plug-in or disconnect DJ controllers DEX 3.4 is running. EXPLANATION: You are able to start DEX 3.4 and connect or disconnect any (supported DJ controller) MIDI controller and DEX 3.4 will detect it on-the-fly. This means you can start DEX 3.4 without a DJ controller connected and then add or remove controllers (up to 8 at the same time) and they will be detected and start working automatically and immediately. DJ controller detection works on both Mac and Windows. This feature is really great if a controller hangs for some reason (so you would simply power it off and then back on — or remove it and then add it back) or if you simply wants to hook an additional controller (for additional control over features like the sampler).
    Denon MC-6000 MKII DJ Controller is fully supported
    Numark Mixtrack Pro 3 DJ Controller is fully supported
    Search Change: When exiting search DEX 3.4 restores the last viewed list/folder
    Graphics rendering improvements: Graphics will appear sharper with very sharp on-screen text
    Drag & drop files from Explorer / Finder: You can now drag files from windows explorer directly into DEX 3.4 lists (current list or side list)
    Several small bug fixes (including 2 crash fixes) and various performance optimizations
    PCDJ PCDJ DEX v 3.4RC 21 juil. 2015 Windows
    Brand new BPM detection engine (beta)
    Icecast support (beta) – broadcast your live mix
    Scratch tab/panel on the 2-decks skins
    Loop points (saving and recalling loops)
    Loop “Slip mode” setting – when exiting the loop it will continue as if no looping occurred (from the position it ought to be)
    Auto-Cueing completely revamped:
    Automatically detected mix-in and mix-out cue points (IN/OUT)
    Setting to use either soft sounds or percussion for the in/out cue points detection
    Setting to use or not Auto-cueing when loading and for Auto-Mix
    Effect engine refactoring (internal)
    New Effects: Bit Crusher – Robot Delay – Temolo – And new redesigned High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters.
    Samplers improvements incl. Sampler play modes (normal, stutter, instant/momentary), recording, waveform, cutoff filter, monitoring (pre-listen)
    Controllers can now be detected using USB VID:PID also on Mac
    Denon MC-6000 MKII DJ Controller is fully supported
    When exiting search it restores the last viewed list/folder
    Graphics rendering improvements (eg. better looking text)
    Setting to change between then new and the old (compatibility mode) BPM detection
    Several small bug fixes (including 2 crash fixes) and optimizations
    Drag & drop files from Explorer / Finder to the current-list or the side-list
    support PCDJ DEX v 3.3.3 13 avril 2015 Windows
    Play-Pause and CUE buttons blinking modes (works on controllers too)
    Key stepper setting (full/half/quarter semitone) now also applied to the key slider (not only to the key up/down buttons)
    Initial Support for the Denon MC-6000 MK2 (more improvement coming in 3.4)
    Denon HC-4500 improvements to the jog-wheels
    Support for WAV+G files (wav+cdg and zipped wav+cdg)
    Black video background when the track is paused (so we can clearly see the karaoke “Next Singer” list)
    Karaoke “Next Singer” list now shows the first 3 singers available in the first 10 tracks (no matter if there are audio tracks in between them)
    Fixed bug: if you drag and re-order singers, the next singer display goes blank.
    Fixed bug: database lost when certain tracks (with over 4000 chars + non-latin chars in the comment tag) are added
    mixage PCDJ DEX v 3.3.1 25 févr. 2015 Windows

    Reloop Beatmix 2 Now Supported
    Reloop Beatmix 4 Now Supported
    Reloop Terminal Mix 8 Now Supported


    Waveforms amplitude normalized
    Allows using special characters in lists names (eg. &)
    Fixed several bugs
    Denon DN-MC6000 improvements
    Minor improvements
    automatique PCDJ DEX v 3.3 27 janv. 2015 Windows
    Added multi-track selection (work for/with: drag&drop tracks (to sidelist or to browser lists), remove tracks, analyse tracks, color/highlight tracks, send to sidelist, etc)
    * you can use the or keys
    * you can use the keyboard (eg. arrow keys)
    Added 5 new video transitions: Blur, Pixelate, Blinds, Swipe H, Swipe V (The Swipe transitions are Star Wars inspired – yes we’re geeks are heart! )
    Added setting to Preferences: “Search in the middle of words” (eg. to allow you to find “bcd” in “abcde”)
    Added clock (time) in the included skins
    Added new keyboard shortcuts:
    * adds all inserted tracks in the current list to the sidelist
    * inserts/clears all tracks in the list
    * inserts the current track selected in the list
    * drags/moves the current selected track up or down
    * or drags/moves the current selected track to top/bottom of the list
    Fixed crash when loading huge iTunes libraries
    Fixed crash: tap/edit BPM from controllers
    Fixed: for skins designers: vertical sound-displays (waveforms) work ok now
    Other small fixes and improvements
    scratch PCDJ DEX v 3.2 31 déc. 2014 Windows
    DEX 3.2 is now available for download, here’s what’s new and improved:
    IMPORTANT: the Windows version needs DirectX 10/11 compatible hardware (99% of Windows 7/8/8.1 machines should be compatible. If you’re using older Windows 7 hardware you can download a Direct X 9 specific version from the DEX 3 support page HERE).

    Video Mix Recording (Beta Feature with various resolution recording options included)
    Windows 64 Bit Support
    Windows: Changed the graphics rendering system to DirectX 11 (much better performance)
    Optimizations to allow for up to one-million tracks in the database and the search cache (Works on any Mac; 64-bit Windows with 4GB of RAM or more is recommended)
    Searching improved
    Fixed bug: reading tags/album artwork from files/folders with non-standard Latin characters (accents, etc)
    * please note that this will work only for new files — the files already added to the database can’t be updated without a rebuild (We plan to offer this in 3.3)
    Added 2 simple video fx/filters: Black & White, Sepia
    Fixed crash on Mac when switching between Audio/Video skins
    Updated SkinDesigner with new attributes for playlist and wheel controls
    Several other performance improvements and bug fixes

    Additional Release Notes:

    Video recording is at experimental/beta stage; you need a powerful computer to use it (especially if you’re looking to record in HD quality)
    The video window needs to be in full-screen mode if you want the best quality
    For now you can record to MP4 (on Mac) and MPG (on Windows)
    Database loading time: on a regular computer we can read from the database about 10K tracks in 1s (so about 100K tracks in 10s)
    reverse PCDJ DEX v 3.1 19 nov. 2014 Windows
    Extensive performance optimizations and stability improvements
    Added list-mode (table-like display mode) for current list/sidelist
    * To change between normal and list-mode right-click on the list and select “Toggle view mode” from the popup menu
    * You can: change columns order, hide/show columns, re-size columns, lock sorting or re-sizing, sort by clicking on the columns (and revert the sorting by clicking on the “No.” column header)
    Added daytime skins (and also modified master VU-meter color for the original skins)
    Added compatibility with iTunes 12
    Tags support greatly improved for both reading and writing (you can now edit tags for: mp3, m4a, mp4, wav, aif, flac, ogg, wma; note that most video files (except for mp4) don’t support tags so no tag editing is possible on mov, mkv, cdg-zip, au, etc)
    Changed functionality: you can also scroll the lists by dragging them from the right side (very useful for touch-screen users); drag-&-drop still works if you drag a track from the left side; (left 75% drag&drop / right 25% scroll)
    Improved controller engine on MacOSX
    Loaded tracks are “greyed out” (session only)
    Search improvements (includes fixing a search cache issue)
    For skins designers: jog-wheel artwork now possible (spinning or not, you can also use a mask for it)
    On Macs the app is now 64-bit (MacOSX 10.7+)
    Known issues (to be addressed in next release):
    On some AMD-powered graphics cards (AMD APU ones more specifically) the interface might not load ok
    telecharger PCDJ DEX v 3.0.1 26 août 2014 Windows
    Fixed slow searching bug (for MAC users experiencing a lag while using search / it’s snappy now!)
    Changed max favorite folders to 128 (up from 32)
    Added .divx extension support (files would play in previous release, but only if you changed file extension to .avi. No longer necessary)
    Various small bug fixes
    mac PCDJ DEX v 2.6.5 25 oct. 2013 Windows
    Controllers added and performance upgrades
    windows PCDJ DEX v 2.6.4 8 oct. 2013 Windows
  • displaying loading/saving database message (prevents users having a corrupt DB by powering off windows before the software has saved your lists/db)

  • fixed: Timecode bug in relative mode (when moving the vinyl to the beginning of the track)

  • fixed: DirectSound WDM mode (multichannel) WASPI

  • fixed: loop bug when using fixed-beat loops

  • other small fixes and improvements
  • macintosh PCDJ DEX v 2.6.3 7 août 2013 Windows
  • advanced searching (separate search terms by spaces, search/filter by bpm/year/key (eg. b123 displays only songs with 123BPM))

  • harmonic mixing: support for key in Circle of Fifths or compatible formats (in ID3 tags)

  • reimplemented MIDI buffering (major stability improvement)

  • MIDI controllers can be detected also with VID/PID in scripts (Windows only)

  • MIDI scripting improvements

  • fixed: bug on loading different skins (even ones that are bigger resolution than the screen)

  • fixed: karaoke soft/blurry images

  • fixed: certain Karaoke zip files (with special characters in the name) won’t load

  • fixed: crash when importing certain mp3 files (with bad ID3 tags)

  • fixed: crash when using Singers List

  • new controllers added: Novation Twitch, Numark NS6, Numark Quad, Reloop Contour IE, Reloop Mixage CE, Reloop Digital Jockey 2 CE

  • other small improvements and bug fixes
  • pc PCDJ DEX v 2.6.2 16 juil. 2013 Windows
  • new Nighttime and Daytime skin for multiple resolutions (the Nighttime is the default now)

  • MIDI and HID improvements

  • numerous bug fixes.

  • New Controllers:
    Hercules DJ Console RMX2
    Hercules DJ Control Air
    Hercules DJ Control Instinct
    Reloop Digital Jockey IE2 (completely re-implemented)
    PCDJ DEX v 2.6 17 mai 2013 Windows
    The latest 2.6 update for DEX 2 and RED Mobile 2 includes new DJ controller support for the Numark MixTrack Pro II, the Pioneer PRO DJ DDJ WeGo and XDJ Aero, The Denon DJ MC3000 and 6000, and the American DJ MXR's (all three).
    PCDJ DEX v 2.5.1beta 13 déc. 2012 Windows
    We invite you to test our latest DEX 2.5 Beta for Windows and MAC - This is a Release Candidate version, so if testing goes well over the next few days we'll launch this version to the public The Windows version is officially for Windows 7 and above ONLY (We now utilize the new Direct X environment for new video effects and some other core features) Mountain Lion is now supported for the MAC release.

    A couple important things to note:

  • This is a BETA version, so please test thoroughly before going live

  • You will need Windows 7 or later for the windows release (The older OS's are simply not capable of some of the new requirements. MS has recently dropped support for XP entirely as well. Windows 8 will also work well now)

  • Notable Changes:

  • Preferences system completely revamped both visually and internally

  • Settings are applied instantly

  • You can keep the preferences window open and still control the software

  • All your old settings are lost

  • Brand new flexible audio routing

  • 2-decks skin is now the default one (and has an Audio and a Video tab)

  • Global lists and database search

  • Change font dynamically (in real-time) in playlist/browser (press on the list to have focus and then press +/-/0 on your keyboard)

  • Key stepper with digital read-out

  • Video effects (different per each deck)

  • Video transitions and effects now included (more to come in a later release)

  • Video transitions: Fade, Cut, Slide Horizontal & Vertically, Wave, Circle
    Video effects: Water, ZoomBlur, Invert, Toon, Tiles, Red, Green, Blue
  • Disabled Auto-Cueing by default

  • Video looping improved

  • FLV videos support

  • Now scanning tags for m4a, flac, wma too

  • User writable controllers and skins folder (user's Documents/PCDJ/Controllers)

  • key stepper configurable (full/half/quarter steps)

  • New controllers included:

  • American Audio VersaDeck
    New VMS4.1 map included
    Beyond Music Abma1
    Beyond Music MIDI 8
    Denon MC6000
    Denon MC3000
    Denon HC1000
    Faderfox DJ3
    Hercules DJ Control Steel (re-implemented from scratch)

  • lots of performance tweaks, fixes and improvements
  • PCDJ DEX v 2.0 4 avril 2012 Windows
    Acheter PCDJ DEX près de Columbus, United States chez:

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