
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.5.1
Compatibilité ChorXMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $42  /  39€
Mis à jour le 14 sept. 2013
Téléchargements 347
Télécharg. Mac 220
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.5.0
Compatibilité ChorXWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $42  /  39€
Mis à jour le 14 sept. 2013
Téléchargements 347
Télécharg. PC 127


Chor'X combine trois types d'effets de chorus vintage, basé sur une émulation du Bucket-Brigade Delay (BBD) et un spatialisateur dynamique stéréo réelle.

Cette association permet d'ajouter facilement espace, profondeur et autres dimensions à vos instruments.
Mac OSX 10.5 and later
Windows XP, Vista and 7
ChorX ChorX v 1.5.1 14 sept. 2013 MacOS X UB
This major update, adds a 4th Chorus algorithm to the Dimension-D, Synthex, and CS-80 ones, as well as some refined versions of these 3 existing modules.

A totally revamped interface that will greatly enhances your workflow has also been added, offering you to switch between the Easy/Legacy Mode (default) and the Advanced-Complex-Deep Mode, without loosing anything of the richness and in depth programming possibilities of the former version !

The Legacy Mode :

The Chor'X 1.5 Graphic Interface has been totally revamped to offer you a Legacy Mode. It’s very easy to get the exact sound of the 4 legendary units we have modeled, without having to do anything and change complex parameters.
Be prepared to experience new Dimension, Synthex, CS-80 like textures without effort.
A new "VP-330" algorithm, finely emulated from the real hardware, is now available in Chor'X 1.5

The Advanced Mode :

Chor'X 1.0 brought you wide and wild sound shaping. You won't loose anything with Chor'X 1.5 : The same internal parameters of these legendary units are still exposed in the same way as they were in version 1.0. But this time, only if you want it or need it !
Project and presets are fully backward compatible.

The Stereo Space Engine:

The True Stereo Dynamic Engine allows you to build spectacular, complex and intrigating stereo scenes, with real time aimations. Some people only use this module on entires mixes.
Now, for those who wants to keep the exact legacy sound of their preferred algorithm, it is easy to by-pass the stereoizer.


Chor'X 1.5 also fixes various issues some people have encountered with version 1.0 :

Windows 7/8 : the graphic Interface is now smooth and fast.
Windows 7 32 bits : authorization correctly completed
Installers (mac and windows) : Possibility to select which plug-in format must be installed
Preset Browser : Randomly, not all the presets were displayed. This is fixed with the 1.5 version
Preset Browser : A dry/wet lock function allows to browse without changing the dry/wet level (Advanced mode only)
XILS-lab ChorX ChorX v 1.0.1 17 avril 2012 MacOS X UB
64 mac and windows : when creating a new category, the menu windows is now updated
Crash when browsing User presets : fixed
New know "LOW" added for the Di mode. It reduces the Low end cancellation.
Crash with Cubase 5 & 6 (windows), fixed
XILS-lab ChorX v 1.0 27 mars 2012 MacOS X UB
ChorX ChorX v 1.5.0 14 sept. 2013 Windows
This major update, adds a 4th Chorus algorithm to the Dimension-D, Synthex, and CS-80 ones, as well as some refined versions of these 3 existing modules.

A totally revamped interface that will greatly enhances your workflow has also been added, offering you to switch between the Easy/Legacy Mode (default) and the Advanced-Complex-Deep Mode, without loosing anything of the richness and in depth programming possibilities of the former version !

The Legacy Mode :

The Chor'X 1.5 Graphic Interface has been totally revamped to offer you a Legacy Mode. It’s very easy to get the exact sound of the 4 legendary units we have modeled, without having to do anything and change complex parameters.
Be prepared to experience new Dimension, Synthex, CS-80 like textures without effort.
A new "VP-330" algorithm, finely emulated from the real hardware, is now available in Chor'X 1.5

The Advanced Mode :

Chor'X 1.0 brought you wide and wild sound shaping. You won't loose anything with Chor'X 1.5 : The same internal parameters of these legendary units are still exposed in the same way as they were in version 1.0. But this time, only if you want it or need it !
Project and presets are fully backward compatible.

The Stereo Space Engine:

The True Stereo Dynamic Engine allows you to build spectacular, complex and intrigating stereo scenes, with real time aimations. Some people only use this module on entires mixes.
Now, for those who wants to keep the exact legacy sound of their preferred algorithm, it is easy to by-pass the stereoizer.


Chor'X 1.5 also fixes various issues some people have encountered with version 1.0 :

Windows 7/8 : the graphic Interface is now smooth and fast.
Windows 7 32 bits : authorization correctly completed
Installers (mac and windows) : Possibility to select which plug-in format must be installed
Preset Browser : Randomly, not all the presets were displayed. This is fixed with the 1.5 version
Preset Browser : A dry/wet lock function allows to browse without changing the dry/wet level (Advanced mode only)
XILS-lab ChorX ChorX v 1.0.1 17 avril 2012 Windows
64 mac and windows : when creating a new category, the menu windows is now updated
Crash when browsing User presets : fixed
New know "LOW" added for the Di mode. It reduces the Low end cancellation.
Crash with Cubase 5 & 6 (windows), fixed
XILS-lab ChorX v 1.0 27 mars 2012 Windows
Acheter ChorX en ligne chez:
Acheter ChorX près de Columbus, United States chez:

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