
Categorie Production Audio / Hôtes de Plug-Ins
Version 2.1.1
Format App
Compatibilité LiveProfessorMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $75  /  69€
Mis à jour le 5 août 2017
Téléchargements 1 485
Télécharg. Mac 179
Categorie Production Audio / Hôtes de Plug-Ins
Version 2.1.1
Format App
Compatibilité LiveProfessorWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $75  /  69€
Mis à jour le 5 août 2017
Téléchargements 1 485
Télécharg. PC 1 306

Hôte de plug-ins VST pour le live

LiveProfessor est conçu comme un rack d'effets de plug-ins VST, spécialement pour le son live. Le concept est très siumple: à l'aide d'une interface audio ASIO vous routez entrées et sorties à travers vos plug-ins VST. Le programme supporte instantanés, MIDI, effets et instruments VST.
os x 10.9+
LiveProfessor LiveProfessor v 2.1.1 5 août 2017 MacOS X Intel
Crash when loading project with certain midi device setup
Crash of Slate Digital AU plugin
Crash of Sound Toys AU plugin
Some plugins with multi-channel show up as stereo
Pop up menu of Valhalla plugins got hidden
Crash when saving state of certain VST3 plugins
Generic plugin compatibility
The Go Next command will run the first cue if no cue is set as “Next”
LiveProfessor LiveProfessor v 2.1.1 5 août 2017 Windows
Crash when loading project with certain midi device setup
Crash of Slate Digital AU plugin
Crash of Sound Toys AU plugin
Some plugins with multi-channel show up as stereo
Pop up menu of Valhalla plugins got hidden
Crash when saving state of certain VST3 plugins
Generic plugin compatibility
The Go Next command will run the first cue if no cue is set as “Next”
Ifoundasound LiveProfessor LiveProfessor v 1.2.0beta 8 juil. 2014 Windows
Released a beta version of 1.2.0. This has some changes in the underlying framework, and I would appreciate you test this before we call it an official release.

This version should include a bunch of stability improvements, and some issues regarding high memory usage in 64 bit (4GB+). Because we were required to update many third party components, we need help to make sure that no new bugs where introduced by this upgrade.
Ifoundasound LiveProfessor v 1.1.1 29 juin 2013 Windows
Fix: Controller maps where not recalled correctly in global snapshots, leading to all sorts of errors.
Note that the Global snapshots now reference the controller maps in the project. So if you delete or change a map it will also be changed in the global snapshot.

Fix: General bug fixes and some memory issues.
plug-ins LiveProfessor v 1.1.0 19 juin 2013 Windows
Fix: Several cosmetic bugs.

New: X64 Version

New: Midi indicator on each plugin

New: Possible to stop running wait times with a keyboard shortcut

Fix: Several typos

Change: When scanning for new plugins it now saves the plugin list after each plugin so that if a plugin should crash during scan you don't have to start all over.

Fix: Could crash on startup if the ASIO driver had problems

Fix: Panels could jump outside the screen when snapping to other panels.

Fix: Check boxes in the view menu sometimes showed the wrong state.

Fix: Bug when dragging items to the cue lists after deleting cue actions.

Fix: Plugin categories: Fixed bugs and added option to delete categories and removed a bug where it was possible to create categories with out a name

Fix: Cue lists/LiveProfessor use less resources now. it was not possible to create more then about 80 cue lists when the system would get unstable . Should be fine to add about 200 now. If you need more then 200 cue lists, email me..

Fix: Fixed a bug with the Maximize to Full screen option

Fix: The option to reverse a controller assignment did not work when transformation where active.
telecharger LiveProfessor v 1.1.0b4 11 avril 2013 Windows
mac LiveProfessor v 1.0.3 12 déc. 2012 Windows
Release fixing a minor bug.
windows LiveProfessor v 1.0.2 10 oct. 2012 Windows
This release focuses on some bug fixes, but what is more exiting is that I have decided to include the Miksebord plugin in the pro version. In addition, the limits on the free version have been raised a bit.
macintosh LiveProfessor v Beta2.4.1 12 juin 2012 Windows
pc LiveProfessor v Beta2.4 3 juin 2012 Windows
New: New horizontal menu bar in the plugin windows
New: Full screen view
New: Possible to set the default window layout of plugins
New: You can now send midi-messages from a cue to a plugin
New: Possible to filter out individual plugins from a global snapshot
Fix: Plugins that reported”strange values” could corrupt the project
Fix: Activates all IO when first selecting ASIO driver
Fix: Close (X) button did not work on some panels
LiveProfessor v Beta2.3.2 26 févr. 2012 Windows
LiveProfessor Beta 2.3.2 fixes a bug with waves (v7 & v8) plugins not showing their window
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