
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.6.1
Compatibilité PitchmapMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $399  /  369€
Mis à jour le 7 juin 2014
Téléchargements 313
Télécharg. Mac 276
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.6.1
Compatibilité PitchmapWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $399  /  369€
Mis à jour le 7 juin 2014
Téléchargements 313
Télécharg. PC 37

Correction de hauteur polyphonique

Pitchmap permet de corriger en temps réel d'erreurs de hauteur au sein de signaux mixés, ou de modifier complètement tonalité, accords, harmonies ou mélodies à la volée.

Pitchmap utilise la technologie propriétaire MAP (Mixed-Signal Audio Processing), intelligence artificielle capable de dé-mixer un signa entrant en éléments individuels, pour ensuite en modifier la hauteur de manière arbitraire ou automatique.

Pitchmap permet aussi de produire délibérément des "erreurs" de traitement pour obtenir des résultats au son synthétique.
Intel CPU with at least 2 Cores Mac OS X 10.6+
Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Pitchmap Pitchmap v 1.6.1 7 juin 2014 MacOS X Intel
New in PITCHMAP 1.6.1:
(Full and Trial) Extended detection upper frequency limit to better capture high harmonics. This translates into slightly increased CPU load with high values of PURIFY
New for all three plug-ins:
(Full and Trial) Enhanced compatibility with FCPX 10.1.x on OS X Mavericks
(Full and Trial) Improved handling of erroneous audio buffers or denormals passed to the plug-in by some hosts when scrubbing or jumping in the time-line
(Full and Trial) Fixed rare issue with CPU load not being freed when the plug-in was bypassed
(Trial only) Fixed rare "un-clickable demo notification window" issue in Pro Tools
Zynaptiq Pitchmap Pitchmap v 1.5 14 nov. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Now also supports VST (32/64bit), RTAS and AAX Native (32/64bit) on Mac and Windows, in addition to AudioUnits on the Mac.
Improved algorithm.
New preset management functionality accessible from within the plug-in GUI allows user presets to be used across all plug-in formats on all platforms.
New factory presets organized by application.
Completely re-designed automation system for improved automation workflow.
New option to enter values numerically by double-clicking controls.
Snapshots now contain Sliders and Keyboard states only for better workflow.
Enhanced compatibility with Mac OS X Sandboxing.
New authorization app for a more streamlined user experience.
Zynaptiq Pitchmap v 1.1.5 3 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
We have updated the demo installers for UNVEIL to version 1.0.8 and PITCHMAP to version 1.1.5. These updates fix an issue with the demos reporting the need to update them. Please note: the full versions are not affected and remain at version 1.0.7 for UNVEIL and version 1.1.4 for PITCHMAP!
hauteur Pitchmap v 1.1.4 18 juin 2012 MacOS X Intel
Changed mode of main controls to relative (absolute mode still available by holding ALT).

Stand-Alone app can now record to a new audio file.

Stand-Alone app now uses sample rate of source file instead of system sample rate.

Fixed incompatibilities with MotU MIDI interfaces.

Various small fixes & enhancements.
permet Pitchmap v 1.1.2 3 mars 2012 MacOS X Intel
modifier Pitchmap v 1.1.0 2 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
Added simple stand-alone application with iTunes library access and MIDI in support.

Added external MIDI input for use in hosts that do not support sending MIDI to plug-ins.

Added more mouse-over help texts.

Added several new scales to the Transform macro.

Added support for OSX 10.5.8.

Added reset of main controls to default values via CTRL-click.

Added Repeat/Visible/Custom parameter to list of persistent parameters.

Added "60" to Lower Keyboard to denote "middle" C.

Added mouse-over activated semitone grid and transpose values to the Display.

Added additional Algorithm mode for increased fidelity on certain signal types.

Added option to load/save Snapshots from/to disk as XML via shift-click.

Added "clear all Snapshots" function via CTRL-click on the Snapshot Save button.

Added "global" option to the Threshold parameter. This helps preserving transients on very dense material.

Optimized detection algorithm for better performance with specific signal types.
Fixed several minor issues and optimized general performance.

Please note: the version 1.1.0 update breaks backward compatibility due to new parameters being added!
Pitchmap Pitchmap v 1.6.1 7 juin 2014 Windows
New in PITCHMAP 1.6.1:
(Full and Trial) Extended detection upper frequency limit to better capture high harmonics. This translates into slightly increased CPU load with high values of PURIFY
New for all three plug-ins:
(Full and Trial) Enhanced compatibility with FCPX 10.1.x on OS X Mavericks
(Full and Trial) Improved handling of erroneous audio buffers or denormals passed to the plug-in by some hosts when scrubbing or jumping in the time-line
(Full and Trial) Fixed rare issue with CPU load not being freed when the plug-in was bypassed
(Trial only) Fixed rare "un-clickable demo notification window" issue in Pro Tools
Zynaptiq Pitchmap Pitchmap v 1.5 14 nov. 2013 Windows
Now also supports VST (32/64bit), RTAS and AAX Native (32/64bit) on Mac and Windows, in addition to AudioUnits on the Mac.
Improved algorithm.
New preset management functionality accessible from within the plug-in GUI allows user presets to be used across all plug-in formats on all platforms.
New factory presets organized by application.
Completely re-designed automation system for improved automation workflow.
New option to enter values numerically by double-clicking controls.
Snapshots now contain Sliders and Keyboard states only for better workflow.
Enhanced compatibility with Mac OS X Sandboxing.
New authorization app for a more streamlined user experience.
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