Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.4
Compatibilité DivaMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $179  /  166€
4.3 / 5 , 4 votes
Mis à jour le 10 oct. 2015
Téléchargements 1 320
Télécharg. Mac 979
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.4
Compatibilité DivaWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $179  /  166€
4.3 / 5 , 4 votes
Mis à jour le 10 oct. 2015
Téléchargements 1 320
Télécharg. PC 341

Synthétiseur analogique virtuel

Les oscillateurs, filtres et enveloppes ont été modélisés d'après les composants de quelques-uns des plus grands synthétiseurs monophoniques et polyphoniques. La modélisation analogique de DIVA requiert une consommation élevée du CPU, car Diva est le premier synthétiseur logiciel à appliquer les méthodes des simulateurs de circuits industriels (PSpice). Le comportement des filtres à feedback sans délai quand on les pousse à la limite démontre clairement l'avantage de cette approche novatrice.
Mac OSX 10.5 or newer
Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Diva Diva v 1.4 10 oct. 2015 MacOS X Intel
UI improvements:
- All plugin UIs now have 10% scaling, from 70% to 200%.
- The ACE UI is now clearer and has new modulation sources.
- Diva UI was also improved for increased clarity.
- The Zebra2 "Unempty Dark Horse" skin is now complete.
- And finally, a number of small graphics issues in various plugins are fixed.
Configuration Menu: Bazille, Zebra2, Hive, Diva, ACE and Podolski now have a configuration menu (look for the cogwheel icon). This menu houses:
- MIDI learn: a visual overlay for assigning MIDI controls to the plugin interface.
- MIDI list table: editable list of assigned MIDI controls.
- Preferences: global settings for controls, appearance and audio.
Host/DAW issues:
- The "Missing UI" in Logic and Studio One is fixed.
- A number of small issues were fixed in Logic X, Studio One, Cubase, Reaper, Digital Performer, ProTools, Maschine and Kore.
Everything else: These updates include a heap of general improvements: fixed hanging and dropped notes, improved MIDI timing, new FX parameters and much more.
Urs Heckmann (u-he) Diva Diva v 1.3.1 14 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
This fixes the glitch. It also brings back preset navigation with cursor keys, GUI updates when changing presets in AAX and a few other fixes that happend during recent weeks.
Urs Heckmann (u-he) Diva v 1.3 10 déc. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Added the new Uhbie filter

Added Arpeggiator and Time-Clock

Added new presets (sorted into the folders and also in the Extras-Folder in the zip download)

Added AAX

Added a separator between MIDI Learn and Lock in controls menu

Improved frequency loudness-inconsistencies of several waveforms - this might alter the sound very slightly for existing presets!

Improved Trimmer-Page UI

Improved readme and manual

Improved gamma factor on Windows

Improved font support

Improved Windows installer (for example it no longer creates "C:\Progam Files\u-he")

Improved Drag&Drop

Fixed that Diva didn't open with the pane it was closed with

Fixed a resize bug on Win64

Fixed vst2 crash when changing the insert in cubase to vst3

Fixed forgotten Default-Settings if the gui is closed and reopened

Fixed problem with "vanishing" drive control of Easter Egg filters.

Fixes "new" folder being created when aborting text input for new folder
synth Diva v 1.2 4 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
All - Cleaned up installers, texts and manuals.
All - Added a demo nagscreen to enter registration.
All - VST2 64-bit for MacOS X!
All - VST3 support on MacOS X and Windows!
All - Improved installers on Win and Mac.
All - Loading of converted vst2 presets in .vstpreset format.
All - Added Revision numbers for simple version control (e.g. for support).
All - Horizontally scrolling preset selector added to all plugins with multi-column view.

Zebra2 - Now comes with the ZebraHZ - Easter-Egg filters!
Zebra2 - Pitchbend range is now up to +- 24 semitones!

Diva - Osc reset! Check Trimmers page for knobs to set the start phase of the oscs. (Trimmers page will be redesigned before final release)
Diva - Drift goes up to 200 now.
Diva - PWM is tiny a bit smoother now. (Requires no preset changes.)

ACE - Multicore support!
ACE - Standby buttons for FX section. Enables preset switching with FX turned off.

Filterscape - Added PitchBend Down control.

ZebraCM - Added Pitchbend ranges.

  • ---- Fixed -----

  • All - Improved 14bit MIDI Controllers
    All - Mac Installers are signed differently and allow downgrades to older versions.
    All - Improved and updated readmes and user guides.
    All - Microtuning window displayed "not applicable" after opening the guy twice. Fixed.
    All - Sometimes Notes didn't go off properly - they were 'hanging'. Fixed.
    All - "On/Off" buttons didn't work in some plugins (for example Triple Cheese). Fixed.
    All - On Windows, long preset descriptions were cut of and replaced by "...". Fixed.
    All - VST3 forgot to draw cables (like in ACE) sometimes. Fixed.
    All - .tun file loading crashed sometimes, fixed.
    All - When a midi preset change was sent although the midi presets folder was empty, it crashed on windows; fixed.
    All - The effect of double clicks happened a few pixels next to the mouse pointer, fixed.
    All - Vst 64bit (Mac), when opened a second time, appeared to be shifted out of the window, fixed.
    All - Module presets work under vst3 now. This fixes the problem, that Zebra couldn't load it's waveforms!
    All - .h2p ending isn't shown in preset browser anymore.
    All - In Reaper/Windows, the preset save dialog quit on even if the cursor was in the description field. fixed!
    All - Crashes on preset change via drop down menu, fixed.
    All - No u-he folder in Library/ApplicationSupport or Library/Audio/Presets did crash, fixed.
    All - Hanging notes and missing notes, no more! Hopefully... :-)
    All - VST2 presets didn't load correctly in preset browser, fixed.
    All - Retriggering of voices was changed to the worse. This affected certain legato and arp situations. Fixed.
    All - Using a Wacom tablet gave problems with random erroneously right clicks, fixed.
    All - Reaper adds a buffer when playing a loop using a u-he synth. Workaround: A text file renamed to default.h2p put into the preset folder with !BLOCK_LATENCY_OFF=YES in it cures that problem.
    All - U-he AU Parameters weren't updated in Maschine on preset changes, fixed.
    All - MidiLearn: Unlearning created an entry in the midiassign.txt, fixed.
    All - AU, wrong formatting of text and other problems in the preset save dialog, fixed.
    All - VST, GUI size was wrong under certain circumstances, fixed.
    All - Portamento now takes stack-voice Detuning into account to calculate the pitch start position.
    All - Glide not working properly for stacked voices, fixed.
    All - Cocoa Namespace Collisions. It wasn't possible to mix AU and VST versions of one plugin in one project. Not all GUIs were shown. Fixed.
    All - "Voice" modulator is now called "Stack Index".
    All - All Windows installers handle the options correctly now (vst2 doesn't install vst3 anymore).
    All - Mac versions are quicker now.
    All - Slightly updated manuals.

    Zebra2 - Fixes problem that creates overtones in Zebra's GeoBlend mode.
    Zebra2 - Opening the Zebra GUI in VST3 twice showed more modules than were actually used; fixed.
    Zebra2 - "set current to default" didn't work on the upper page selectors, fixed.
    Uhbik & Zebra2 - Windows Installer doesn't create empty Program Files folder anymore.

    The Dark Zebra - Windows installer installed presets wether they were selected or not. Fixed.
    The Dark Zebra - Nag screen didn't disappear properly. Fixed.

    Diva - MS20 Oscillator was one octave off depending on the accuracy setting. Fixed. (This may require a change in your settings if you were working in Fast or Draft accuracy!)
    Diva - DCO overloaded the CPU which resulted in crackles, fixed.
    Diva - LPF crashed in draft mode on Windows, fixed.
    Diva - The "Stack Index" didn't have the right "Dymo"-image, fixed.
    Diva - Noise was too low when in Acc modes higher than draft and TuneMod was on, fixed.
    Diva - Some faders were slighty misplaced on the GUI, fixed.
    Diva - Switching Diva Offline Acc while in Realtime does not click anymore.
    Diva - The Damp parameter in Diva's Plates doesn't turn the reverb off anymore when turned to max.

    ACE - MIDI Program Changes "incomplete". Sometimes only a part of the preset was changes using a midi program change. Fixed.
    ACE - Browser bug: Couldn't select the lowest patch if the horizontal slider was hidden. Fixed.

    Uhbik - Low level output was cut off at a to high level. Fixed.
    Uhbik - some Uhbiks did denormals since the 1.2 update. Sending audio, waiting a minute with no input and the CPU meter went up. Fixed.

    Filterscape - Slew rate of the LFO was too high, fixed.
    Filterscape - Sometimes it wasn't possible to choose Arp as Voice Mode. Fixed.

    and much, much more
    filtres Diva v 1.1.1 27 août 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Installers now ready for Mountain Lion
    Junk and Favourite files now recognize Windows-type line breaks
    Zebrify: fixed mono/left/right modes
    symbolic links can no longer create endless loops
    fixed microtuning (.TUN) file related crash
    Diva: fixed Tune modulation
    fixed info text bug while saving in Windows VST
    Zebra: fixed hanging notes while switching presets
    fixed "silent synth" in large Win64 projects
    Diva: fixed crash / silent voices while tweaking cutoff
    fixed several more minor niggles
    analogique Diva v 1.1 8 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • Multi-threaded operation allows use of multi-core capabilities

  • In many cases, Diva's filters are now a lot faster

  • Sound:
  • White-noise DC-offset removed

  • Panning inverted to make it correct

  • Triggered notes sound more coherent

  • Sonic improvements (more harmonics, less noise in VCF and synced oscillators)

  • New feature "Transient Mode" can reset DC-blockers and filter states on attack

  • Usability:
  • Completely new MIDI-learn mode

  • Presets can be revealed in Finder (OSX) or opened in Explorer (Windows)

  • drag & drop presets in Cocoa view (Mac)

  • Better file error messages for windows

  • log written if a file named Diva.log exists on the desktop

  • Bugfix:
  • deadlocks that some experienced under Windows are gone

  • no more unwanted legato mode after preset selection

  • no more crashes after invalid file access

  • All Notes Off releases current notes instead of killing them

  • MIDI preset change no longer forgets modulator section

  • Init preset is correct in the presence of MIDI Banks

  • no more crashes after long silence
  • tiseur Diva v 1.1b3 27 avril 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Main changes and additions:

    1. Multicore Support

    Finally play as many voices as you like on selected systems! This needs multicore system with on-cpu-memory-interface like i5, i7, Nehalem.

    2. up to 40% less CPU usage on expensive presets

    We have improved the feedback prediction algorithim in the filters so dramatically that highly resonant patches will now use up to 40% less cpu than older versions. Can't get that sound any faster Wink

    3. Improved sound quality

    You'll notice that Diva now sounds like a freshly refurbished analogue synthesizer. We've polished the attack transients and we've added a bit more shine to the VCO models. Even though these changes are subtle we recommend to render your current projects done with Diva before installing this beta.

    Background: Actually, what happened is this... to improve the crossmodulation behaviour of the very early betas, we switched away from the widely used miniBLEPs, towards a version with more accurate phase response. A few people then noticed that Diva's release version sounded a tad duller than the beta. We fixed that now, so she got all the glamour of the beta back alongside the goodness that we added later Smile

    4. Revised User Guide

    More info, more detail, more tutorials, more fun to read! (included in downloads)
    telecharger Diva v 1.0.1 13 janv. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    We\'ve fixed a few niggles - including those pops and spikes when switching filters/presets. And we\'ve added a full user manual. Simply download from below and install again - Diva\'s revision number should show 517 in the bottom right corner.
    Diva Diva v 1.4 10 oct. 2015 Windows
    UI improvements:
    - All plugin UIs now have 10% scaling, from 70% to 200%.
    - The ACE UI is now clearer and has new modulation sources.
    - Diva UI was also improved for increased clarity.
    - The Zebra2 "Unempty Dark Horse" skin is now complete.
    - And finally, a number of small graphics issues in various plugins are fixed.
    Configuration Menu: Bazille, Zebra2, Hive, Diva, ACE and Podolski now have a configuration menu (look for the cogwheel icon). This menu houses:
    - MIDI learn: a visual overlay for assigning MIDI controls to the plugin interface.
    - MIDI list table: editable list of assigned MIDI controls.
    - Preferences: global settings for controls, appearance and audio.
    Host/DAW issues:
    - The "Missing UI" in Logic and Studio One is fixed.
    - A number of small issues were fixed in Logic X, Studio One, Cubase, Reaper, Digital Performer, ProTools, Maschine and Kore.
    Everything else: These updates include a heap of general improvements: fixed hanging and dropped notes, improved MIDI timing, new FX parameters and much more.
    Urs Heckmann (u-he) Diva Diva v 1.3.1 14 janv. 2014 Windows
    This fixes the glitch. It also brings back preset navigation with cursor keys, GUI updates when changing presets in AAX and a few other fixes that happend during recent weeks.
    Urs Heckmann (u-he) Diva v 1.3 10 déc. 2013 Windows
    Added the new Uhbie filter

    Added Arpeggiator and Time-Clock

    Added new presets (sorted into the folders and also in the Extras-Folder in the zip download)

    Added AAX

    Added a separator between MIDI Learn and Lock in controls menu

    Improved frequency loudness-inconsistencies of several waveforms - this might alter the sound very slightly for existing presets!

    Improved Trimmer-Page UI

    Improved readme and manual

    Improved gamma factor on Windows

    Improved font support

    Improved Windows installer (for example it no longer creates "C:\Progam Files\u-he")

    Improved Drag&Drop

    Fixed that Diva didn't open with the pane it was closed with

    Fixed a resize bug on Win64

    Fixed vst2 crash when changing the insert in cubase to vst3

    Fixed forgotten Default-Settings if the gui is closed and reopened

    Fixed problem with "vanishing" drive control of Easter Egg filters.

    Fixes "new" folder being created when aborting text input for new folder
    synth Diva v 1.2 4 mai 2013 Windows
    All - Cleaned up installers, texts and manuals.
    All - Added a demo nagscreen to enter registration.
    All - VST2 64-bit for MacOS X!
    All - VST3 support on MacOS X and Windows!
    All - Improved installers on Win and Mac.
    All - Loading of converted vst2 presets in .vstpreset format.
    All - Added Revision numbers for simple version control (e.g. for support).
    All - Horizontally scrolling preset selector added to all plugins with multi-column view.

    Zebra2 - Now comes with the ZebraHZ - Easter-Egg filters!
    Zebra2 - Pitchbend range is now up to +- 24 semitones!

    Diva - Osc reset! Check Trimmers page for knobs to set the start phase of the oscs. (Trimmers page will be redesigned before final release)
    Diva - Drift goes up to 200 now.
    Diva - PWM is tiny a bit smoother now. (Requires no preset changes.)

    ACE - Multicore support!
    ACE - Standby buttons for FX section. Enables preset switching with FX turned off.

    Filterscape - Added PitchBend Down control.

    ZebraCM - Added Pitchbend ranges.

  • ---- Fixed -----

  • All - Improved 14bit MIDI Controllers
    All - Mac Installers are signed differently and allow downgrades to older versions.
    All - Improved and updated readmes and user guides.
    All - Microtuning window displayed "not applicable" after opening the guy twice. Fixed.
    All - Sometimes Notes didn't go off properly - they were 'hanging'. Fixed.
    All - "On/Off" buttons didn't work in some plugins (for example Triple Cheese). Fixed.
    All - On Windows, long preset descriptions were cut of and replaced by "...". Fixed.
    All - VST3 forgot to draw cables (like in ACE) sometimes. Fixed.
    All - .tun file loading crashed sometimes, fixed.
    All - When a midi preset change was sent although the midi presets folder was empty, it crashed on windows; fixed.
    All - The effect of double clicks happened a few pixels next to the mouse pointer, fixed.
    All - Vst 64bit (Mac), when opened a second time, appeared to be shifted out of the window, fixed.
    All - Module presets work under vst3 now. This fixes the problem, that Zebra couldn't load it's waveforms!
    All - .h2p ending isn't shown in preset browser anymore.
    All - In Reaper/Windows, the preset save dialog quit on even if the cursor was in the description field. fixed!
    All - Crashes on preset change via drop down menu, fixed.
    All - No u-he folder in Library/ApplicationSupport or Library/Audio/Presets did crash, fixed.
    All - Hanging notes and missing notes, no more! Hopefully... :-)
    All - VST2 presets didn't load correctly in preset browser, fixed.
    All - Retriggering of voices was changed to the worse. This affected certain legato and arp situations. Fixed.
    All - Using a Wacom tablet gave problems with random erroneously right clicks, fixed.
    All - Reaper adds a buffer when playing a loop using a u-he synth. Workaround: A text file renamed to default.h2p put into the preset folder with !BLOCK_LATENCY_OFF=YES in it cures that problem.
    All - U-he AU Parameters weren't updated in Maschine on preset changes, fixed.
    All - MidiLearn: Unlearning created an entry in the midiassign.txt, fixed.
    All - AU, wrong formatting of text and other problems in the preset save dialog, fixed.
    All - VST, GUI size was wrong under certain circumstances, fixed.
    All - Portamento now takes stack-voice Detuning into account to calculate the pitch start position.
    All - Glide not working properly for stacked voices, fixed.
    All - Cocoa Namespace Collisions. It wasn't possible to mix AU and VST versions of one plugin in one project. Not all GUIs were shown. Fixed.
    All - "Voice" modulator is now called "Stack Index".
    All - All Windows installers handle the options correctly now (vst2 doesn't install vst3 anymore).
    All - Mac versions are quicker now.
    All - Slightly updated manuals.

    Zebra2 - Fixes problem that creates overtones in Zebra's GeoBlend mode.
    Zebra2 - Opening the Zebra GUI in VST3 twice showed more modules than were actually used; fixed.
    Zebra2 - "set current to default" didn't work on the upper page selectors, fixed.
    Uhbik & Zebra2 - Windows Installer doesn't create empty Program Files folder anymore.

    The Dark Zebra - Windows installer installed presets wether they were selected or not. Fixed.
    The Dark Zebra - Nag screen didn't disappear properly. Fixed.

    Diva - MS20 Oscillator was one octave off depending on the accuracy setting. Fixed. (This may require a change in your settings if you were working in Fast or Draft accuracy!)
    Diva - DCO overloaded the CPU which resulted in crackles, fixed.
    Diva - LPF crashed in draft mode on Windows, fixed.
    Diva - The "Stack Index" didn't have the right "Dymo"-image, fixed.
    Diva - Noise was too low when in Acc modes higher than draft and TuneMod was on, fixed.
    Diva - Some faders were slighty misplaced on the GUI, fixed.
    Diva - Switching Diva Offline Acc while in Realtime does not click anymore.
    Diva - The Damp parameter in Diva's Plates doesn't turn the reverb off anymore when turned to max.

    ACE - MIDI Program Changes "incomplete". Sometimes only a part of the preset was changes using a midi program change. Fixed.
    ACE - Browser bug: Couldn't select the lowest patch if the horizontal slider was hidden. Fixed.

    Uhbik - Low level output was cut off at a to high level. Fixed.
    Uhbik - some Uhbiks did denormals since the 1.2 update. Sending audio, waiting a minute with no input and the CPU meter went up. Fixed.

    Filterscape - Slew rate of the LFO was too high, fixed.
    Filterscape - Sometimes it wasn't possible to choose Arp as Voice Mode. Fixed.

    and much, much more
    filtres Diva v 1.1.1 27 août 2012 Windows
    Installers now ready for Mountain Lion
    Junk and Favourite files now recognize Windows-type line breaks
    Zebrify: fixed mono/left/right modes
    symbolic links can no longer create endless loops
    fixed microtuning (.TUN) file related crash
    Diva: fixed Tune modulation
    fixed info text bug while saving in Windows VST
    Zebra: fixed hanging notes while switching presets
    fixed "silent synth" in large Win64 projects
    Diva: fixed crash / silent voices while tweaking cutoff
    fixed several more minor niggles
    analogique Diva v 1.1 8 mai 2012 Windows
  • Multi-threaded operation allows use of multi-core capabilities

  • In many cases, Diva's filters are now a lot faster

  • Sound:
  • White-noise DC-offset removed

  • Panning inverted to make it correct

  • Triggered notes sound more coherent

  • Sonic improvements (more harmonics, less noise in VCF and synced oscillators)

  • New feature "Transient Mode" can reset DC-blockers and filter states on attack

  • Usability:
  • Completely new MIDI-learn mode

  • Presets can be revealed in Finder (OSX) or opened in Explorer (Windows)

  • drag & drop presets in Cocoa view (Mac)

  • Better file error messages for windows

  • log written if a file named Diva.log exists on the desktop

  • Bugfix:
  • deadlocks that some experienced under Windows are gone

  • no more unwanted legato mode after preset selection

  • no more crashes after invalid file access

  • All Notes Off releases current notes instead of killing them

  • MIDI preset change no longer forgets modulator section

  • Init preset is correct in the presence of MIDI Banks

  • no more crashes after long silence
  • tiseur Diva v 1.1b3 27 avril 2012 Windows
    Main changes and additions:

    1. Multicore Support

    Finally play as many voices as you like on selected systems! This needs multicore system with on-cpu-memory-interface like i5, i7, Nehalem.

    2. up to 40% less CPU usage on expensive presets

    We have improved the feedback prediction algorithim in the filters so dramatically that highly resonant patches will now use up to 40% less cpu than older versions. Can't get that sound any faster Wink

    3. Improved sound quality

    You'll notice that Diva now sounds like a freshly refurbished analogue synthesizer. We've polished the attack transients and we've added a bit more shine to the VCO models. Even though these changes are subtle we recommend to render your current projects done with Diva before installing this beta.

    Background: Actually, what happened is this... to improve the crossmodulation behaviour of the very early betas, we switched away from the widely used miniBLEPs, towards a version with more accurate phase response. A few people then noticed that Diva's release version sounded a tad duller than the beta. We fixed that now, so she got all the glamour of the beta back alongside the goodness that we added later Smile

    4. Revised User Guide

    More info, more detail, more tutorials, more fun to read! (included in downloads)
    telecharger Diva v 1.0.1 13 janv. 2012 Windows
    We\'ve fixed a few niggles - including those pops and spikes when switching filters/presets. And we\'ve added a full user manual. Simply download from below and install again - Diva\'s revision number should show 517 in the bottom right corner.
    Urs Heckmann (u-he)
    Acheter Diva près de Columbus, United States chez:

    Vous devez vous identifier pour poster un commentaire:

    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 1.0.1, MacOS X Intel
    C'est sûr que ça sonne mais sur 2 notes !! Mon pov Mac est à la ramasse, il faut une bête de course. Du coup est-ce bien raisonnable pour avoir des sons archi connus ? Bon, je vais continuer avec Zebra qui est déjà super bien.
    Oui, je confirme et alors que d'habitude les instruments virtuels d'Uhe sont voués à la recherche sonore, ce DIVA posséde surtout un gain énorme . Bref, ça claque !
    À 106€ jusqu'au 15/01 , grouillez vous car c'est du bon
    version 1.1b3, MacOS X Intel
    Completely convincing and luscious. on my 8 core MacPro it's playable to 8 voices at 'diva' quality. great synth.

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