Metro SE

Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 6.3.6
Format App
Compatibilité Metro SEMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $70  /  64€
Mis à jour le 14 août 2006
Téléchargements 1 592
Télécharg. Mac 1 592

Séquenceur Audio Et MIDI

Métro SE est une version allégée de Métro, certaines fonctions non esssentielles ont été éliminées pour pouvoir offrir un produit à un prix incroyablement bas.
Mac PPC ou Intel
Metro SE Metro SE v 6.3.6 14 août 2006 MacOS X UB
Nouveautés et corrections : tous les détails ici
Sagan Technology Metro SE Metro SE v 2 juil. 2006 MacOS X UB
Nouveautés et corrections: tous les détails ici
Sagan Technology Metro SE v 5 mai 2006 MacOS X UB
  • A crash could occur when selecting a Metro output of a non-selected track in the tracks window.

  • - Some problems with subsections have been corrected.
    - RNotes (Random Velocity Notes) are supported correctly in the new note edit dialog.
    - Changing different plug-ins when in continuous efx automation views could fail to refresh properly in certain instances.
    - VST plug-in editor windows would come up blank on the second edit.
    - New output is now always created when loading a soft-synth as a track insert.
    - Master fader VU is no longer updated for softsynths since the audio level of the softsynth is king.
    - Possible crash when stopping playback while direct-recording with software audio thru on.
    - Possible crash when expanding subsections with a frozen audio track contained in the subsection.
    - Program names loaded from the program names dialog on soft-synths ports were not being remembered correctly since Metro version 6.3.3.
    - The Jukebox was creating an internal error if certain OS errors occurred.
    - The Subsection edit dialog did not refresh the color swatch after it was changed.
    - New plug-in option for plug-ins that cannot be re-initialized (USB:Ultrafocus). Accessed, as usual, by a right-click or control-click on the plug-in in the plug-in's window.
    Metro SE v 26 avril 2006 MacOS X UB
    Nombreuses nouveautés et corrections. Tous les détails ici
    telecharger Metro SE v 6.3.5 11 mars 2006 MacOS X UB
    Support pour processeurs Intel
    Autres nouveautés et corrections. Tous les détails ici
    mac Metro SE v 7 sept. 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
    Changements mineurs et corrections de bugs. Tous les détails ici
    windows Metro SE v 6.3.2pre 20 août 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
    Nombreux ajouts, améliorations et corrections. Les détails ici
    macintosh Metro SE v 30 juin 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
    New to this version:
    - New: support for plug-ins dragged from the plug-ins window to the graphic editor.
    - New: Rhythm Explorer drum insertion algorithm now respects the currently displayed set of drums in the graphic editor's drum view. If there are no notes in the selection it will try to create a standard drum pattern using only those drums. If there are no drum names displayed it will go ahead and add them to the graphic editors drum display.
    - New: The about dialog displays the complete version number.
    - New: Freeze quality sub menu. Freeze quality has three settings ranging from best to fast. The difference in speed at the 'fast' setting can be up to 30 times (or more) faster than Metro 6.3.1. The difference in the quality of the mix when set to 'fast' ranges from none, depending on the plug-in being rendered/mixed, to particular defects in the resultant audio file. Freeze quality is saved with each section since it may be dependent on the plug-ins in use.
    - New: A Mix quality slider has been added to the Mix/Render dialog. See above about Freeze quality for more information on this setting.

    - Fixed: A crash that could occur if a soft-synth plug-in has no factory presets.
    - Fixed: Rhythm Explorer recording now works much better and no longer places data way in the future if the user pressed the record button during preview.
    - Fixed: Expand subsections can now be undone properly. There was a problem whereby the Metro outputs were not being sufficiently restored.
    - Fixed: Importing a MIDI file by dragging it to the graphic editor or tracks window could have messed up the tempo (and thereby the audio) of the current document.
    - Fixed: Minor plug-in support enhancements.
    - Fixed: Importing of indirectly supported audio types (such as 24 bit for SE or compressed for LX) by dragging to the graphic editor or tracks window would sometimes fail silently after being converted to aif.
    - Fixed: Better support for detecting changes in plug-in factory presets and synchronizing the current preset with the plug-in.
    - Fixed: Miscellaneous display enhancements in the markers window.
    - Fixed: A problem whereby plugin effect automation being recorded would play back during the recording process. This was making it very difficult to move the mixer fader (or pan knob) assigned to a MIDI controller of a soft-synth plug-in.
    pc Metro SE v 6.2.5 24 févr. 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
  • version en français

  • nombreux autres ajouts, améliorations et corrections. Les détails ici
  • Metro SE v 6.2.3 26 janv. 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
    Ajouts, améliorations et corrections. Les détails ici
    Sagan Technology
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    Très bon séquenceur, beaucoup de souplesse, excellent support sur le web et manuel html.

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