
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version R5.1
Format AUVST
Compatibilité CoronaMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $139  /  95€
Mis à jour le 5 août 2015
Téléchargements 2 062
Télécharg. Mac 1 232
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version R5.1
Format VST
Compatibilité CoronaWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $139  /  95€
Mis à jour le 5 août 2015
Téléchargements 2 062
Télécharg. PC 830

Synthèse hybride

- 3 oscillateurs (sine, saw, triangle, PWM, square, parabolic, noise) avec phase aléatoire
- combinaison d'oscillateurs à l'aide d'opérateurs à 10 algorithmes pour mode phase et 14 algorithmes pour mode detune
- les oscillateurs peuvent charger des fichiers WAV, dont une banque d'usine
- modélisation analogique des défauts des oscillateurs
- 7 filtres résonants
- enveloppe ADSR pour amplitude, filtre et modulation avec 5 types de courbes
- 3 LFOs avec synchronisation au tempo hôte et 12 formes d'onde
- unisson avec octaviation, écartement stéréo et detune
- 5 courbes de vélocité (hard, normal, soft, fixed 100, fixed 127)
- dual pitch bend
- matrice de modulation
- portamento
- 128 mémoires de patchs par banque
- deux modes poly/mono/legato
- chorus intégré, panning et limiteur
- support de molette de souris
Os x 10.6+
XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Corona Corona v R5.1 5 août 2015 MacOS X Intel
New default bank by Dominique Huchet aka tinga.
New Tuning Lock button.
Fixed multiple Dark Theme GUI glitches.
Fixed Arpeggiator on/off buttons with 150% / 200% GUI sizes.
Delay now mutes on All Sound Off MIDI message.
DiscoDSP Corona Corona v R5.0 11 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
New GUI size options (beta): 75%, 100%, 150%, 200%.
New LP303 filter type.
New distortion types: S&H Clip, S&H Asymmetric.
Sound quality optimizations.
Wave Expansion now included with Demo version.
DiscoDSP Corona v R4.7 6 déc. 2012 MacOS X Intel
New envelope curve type: RC (Analog Style). Check Manual > Envelope section.
Vibrato Depth values behave correctly with Mod Matrix destination amount.
Mod Matrix Envelope Speed behaves correctly with modulation wheel.
oscillateurs Corona v R4.6 23 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
New portamento modes: exp 99% / exp 1 cent / linear oct / glissando types.
New arpeggiator glide mode. Ctrl+Click arp numbers to switch it.
New tuning menu. Each octave note can be tuned individually now.
Minor graphic enhancements.
phase Corona v R4.5 26 août 2012 MacOS X Intel
New Low Pass filter types: LP 6 / 18 .
New special 6 to 16 stages Phaser filter: PH 6 / 8 / 12 / 16.
New fader bitmaps.
fixed Corona v R4.4 7 août 2012 MacOS X Intel
New Modulation destination: Envelope Speed. Sets envelope ADSR times.
Fixed Arpeggiator sustain pedal behavior.
algorithmes Corona v R4.3 6 juil. 2012 MacOS X Intel
New Distortion effect with 7 types: overdrive, foldback, clip, asymmetric, scream, quantize and sample & hold.
New knobs.
Performance optimizations.
Manual revision.
modulation Corona v R4.2 16 juin 2012 MacOS X Intel
Arpeggiator lock button. State won't change when switching presets or banks.
Filter and Modulation LFO fade-in buttons.
Documented Arp M1 and M2 sending MIDI CC 22 and 23.
Vibrato depth background gradient.
New discoDSP logo.
Corrected OSC 2 Level gradient background and label alignment.
telecharger Corona v R4.1 5 juin 2012 MacOS X Intel
Fixed arpeggiator stuck notes.
Fixed wave oscillator muting.
mac Corona v R4 22 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • Several minor bug fixes.

  • New VU Meter valistic: added 0VU=-20dBfs.

  • Fixed problems with some hosts.
  • plus...
    windows Corona v R3.1 4 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Fixed random arpeggio mode (Mac only).
    macintosh Corona v R3 9 janv. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Added 32 steps arpeggiator with MIDI out, 10 modes, 3 trigger types, 4 octaves range, velocity mix, bipolar swing, 13 clock sync types, editing and preset management. MIDI out is supported on VST plugins only.
    Added MIDI Solo icon below MASTER label to send MIDI only.
    Added EDIT > Settings > Tooltips.
    pc Corona v 2.3 21 nov. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    MIDI Program Change supported.
    Out of voices signal indicator by changing polyphony drop down font color.
    Automatic wave search from other banks if original is not found.
    Wave not found warning message.
    Corona v 2.2 10 oct. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Two new oscillator combination modes: Modular addition and bitwise rotation.
    Two new filter shapes: Quantize and asymmetric quantize.
    Corona v 2.1 29 sept. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Performance optimizations.
    Fixed modulation matrix filter envelope modulation (FENVMOD) destination range.
    Free wave extension for registered customers at members area.
    Corona v 2.0 20 sept. 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • SoundFont 2 (SF2) supported by wave oscillators.

  • Support for folders with .dwb extension for custom oscillator WAV / SF2 load.

  • Super 7 Unison. Modeled Super Saw for parabola, saw, square, triangle and sine oscillators.

  • Additional ADR curves on modulation envelope.

  • LFO smoothing.

  • Phase parameter now working with wave oscillators.

  • Modulation matrix unison detune destination.

  • Factory and Creation bank presets sorted by type.

  • GUI enhancements, sub pixel rendered fonts, new logos and module reallocation.
  • Corona v 1.1 29 juil. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    OS X 10.5 compatibility in addition to 10.6 and 10.7.
    CPU won't spike when not playing.
    Smaller menu fonts for Mac build.
    Sound resets correctly after preset switching.
    Added EDIT > Settings > Dark Theme.
    Corona Corona v R5.1 5 août 2015 Windows
    New default bank by Dominique Huchet aka tinga.
    New Tuning Lock button.
    Fixed multiple Dark Theme GUI glitches.
    Fixed Arpeggiator on/off buttons with 150% / 200% GUI sizes.
    Delay now mutes on All Sound Off MIDI message.
    DiscoDSP Corona Corona v R5.0 11 mars 2015 Windows
    New GUI size options (beta): 75%, 100%, 150%, 200%.
    New LP303 filter type.
    New distortion types: S&H Clip, S&H Asymmetric.
    Sound quality optimizations.
    Wave Expansion now included with Demo version.
    DiscoDSP Corona v R4.7 6 déc. 2012 Windows
    New envelope curve type: RC (Analog Style). Check Manual > Envelope section.
    Vibrato Depth values behave correctly with Mod Matrix destination amount.
    Mod Matrix Envelope Speed behaves correctly with modulation wheel.
    oscillateurs Corona v R4.6 23 sept. 2012 Windows
    New portamento modes: exp 99% / exp 1 cent / linear oct / glissando types.
    New arpeggiator glide mode. Ctrl+Click arp numbers to switch it.
    New tuning menu. Each octave note can be tuned individually now.
    Minor graphic enhancements.
    phase Corona v R4.5 26 août 2012 Windows
    New Low Pass filter types: LP 6 / 18 .
    New special 6 to 16 stages Phaser filter: PH 6 / 8 / 12 / 16.
    New fader bitmaps.
    fixed Corona v R4.4 7 août 2012 Windows
    New Modulation destination: Envelope Speed. Sets envelope ADSR times.
    Fixed Arpeggiator sustain pedal behavior.
    algorithmes Corona v R4.3 6 juil. 2012 Windows
    New Distortion effect with 7 types: overdrive, foldback, clip, asymmetric, scream, quantize and sample & hold.
    New knobs.
    Performance optimizations.
    Manual revision.
    modulation Corona v R4.2 16 juin 2012 Windows
    Arpeggiator lock button. State won't change when switching presets or banks.
    Filter and Modulation LFO fade-in buttons.
    Documented Arp M1 and M2 sending MIDI CC 22 and 23.
    Vibrato depth background gradient.
    New discoDSP logo.
    Corrected OSC 2 Level gradient background and label alignment.
    telecharger Corona v R4.1 5 juin 2012 Windows
    Fixed arpeggiator stuck notes.
    Fixed wave oscillator muting.
    mac Corona v R4 22 mai 2012 Windows
    New zero-delay feedback filter mode.
    Second filter with Envelope and LFO.
    New filter shape: asym3.
    Chorus and Limiter parameters.
    M1 and M2 arpeggiator modulation sources.
    Fine-tuned factory bank.
    windows Corona v R3 9 janv. 2012 Windows
    Added 32 steps arpeggiator with MIDI out, 10 modes, 3 trigger types, 4 octaves range, velocity mix, bipolar swing, 13 clock sync types, editing and preset management. MIDI out is supported on VST plugins only.
    Added MIDI Solo icon below MASTER label to send MIDI only.
    Added EDIT > Settings > Tooltips.
    macintosh Corona v 2.3 21 nov. 2011 Windows
    MIDI Program Change supported.
    Out of voices signal indicator by changing polyphony drop down font color.
    Automatic wave search from other banks if original is not found.
    Wave not found warning message.
    pc Corona v 2.2 10 oct. 2011 Windows
    Two new oscillator combination modes: Modular addition and bitwise rotation.
    Two new filter shapes: Quantize and asymmetric quantize.
    Corona v 2.1 29 sept. 2011 Windows
    Performance optimizations.
    Fixed modulation matrix filter envelope modulation (FENVMOD) destination range.
    Free wave extension for registered customers at members area.
    Corona v 2.0 20 sept. 2011 Windows
  • SoundFont 2 (SF2) supported by wave oscillators.

  • Support for folders with .dwb extension for custom oscillator WAV / SF2 load.

  • Super 7 Unison. Modeled Super Saw for parabola, saw, square, triangle and sine oscillators.

  • Additional ADR curves on modulation envelope.

  • LFO smoothing.

  • Phase parameter now working with wave oscillators.

  • Modulation matrix unison detune destination.

  • Factory and Creation bank presets sorted by type.

  • GUI enhancements, sub pixel rendered fonts, new logos and module reallocation.
  • Corona v 1.1 29 juil. 2011 Windows
    OS X 10.5 compatibility in addition to 10.6 and 10.7.
    CPU won't spike when not playing.
    Smaller menu fonts for Mac build.
    Sound resets correctly after preset switching.
    Added EDIT > Settings > Dark Theme.
    Acheter Corona près de Columbus, United States chez:

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