
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.3
Format AUVST
Compatibilité HighLifeMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $69  /  49€
Mis à jour le 12 févr. 2014
Téléchargements 4 507
Télécharg. Mac 2 141
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.3
Format VST
Compatibilité HighLifeWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $69  /  49€
Mis à jour le 12 févr. 2014
Téléchargements 4 507
Télécharg. PC 2 366


Sampleur VST gratuit avec éditeur de sample, cinq effets intégrés, modulation flexible, morphing de paramètre, haute qualité de resampling offline.
XP / Vista / 7 / 8
HighLife HighLife v 1.3 12 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
New LowPass, HighPass, BandPass and BandReject Zero Delay Feedback filters.
Listen to audio comparison.
Edit > Wave Editor cursors on wave selection borders.
Edit > Wave Editor Mouse wheel zoom based on mouse cursor position, Shift+Mouse wheel for quick zoom.
Edit > Wave Editor Zoom in/out based on active selection.
Drag'n'drop support (any supported wave sample/sfz programs if empty) Shift+Drop bypass sample replacement dialog.
Options > Global Parameter Edit (On/Off) or using Shift+Ctrl/Cmd. ADSR led will be on when enabled.
Options > Morph Edit (On/Off).
Edit > Properties < > File arrows browse sample folder on Edit > Sample Properties.
Zone > Duplicate Zone, Delete All Zones functions.
DiscoDSP HighLife HighLife v 1.2.3 28 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Reworked wave editor view:
Mouse wheel scroll and zoom in/out with control key+wheel.
Zoom out limited to wave length.
Selection active if > 2px. Full wave acts as selected when no selection is active.
Enhanced waveform visualization at higher zoom levels.
Import/Export Sample/Program dialog opens at active sample Zone/Program path, falling back to last location when not available (default starts at user's Documents folder).
Automatically enabled Edit menu items.
Morphing opacity support to FX sends.
DiscoDSP HighLife v 1.2.2 21 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Cue/Loop points are removed after wave trim if they are not on the range.
Auto adjust wave size after operation on wave.
Drop down menus for Root / Key / To.
< > buttons to browse waves in the current folder.
Rename Zone function.
HighLife v 1.2.1 12 nov. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Mac/Windows/Linux 1.2.1 builds.
Windows/Linux VST 64-bit support.
Fixed Options menu behavior.
VSTi sampling has been temporarily disabled due code rewrite.
telecharger HighLife v 1.2.1 7 oct. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Fixed Options > Change zone on MIDI note behavior.
A playing position line is displayed on wave area.
FX Chorus/Delay/Reverb sends are enabled by default.
Delay sync to tempo is enabled on by default.
Fixed AU version number.
mac HighLife v 1.2 1 oct. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Panning now uses Michael Gogins law.
EDIT > Cue > Add cues from sync. Adds distributed cue samples from Sync number.
File > Import Sample Auto-Drum-Machine spread when selected several samples.
Improved dialog windows.
Broader LCD display.
High contrast popup menus.
Better color theme for wave display.
Better preset init configuration. MIDI note to zone off by default.
Removed MIDI keyboard.
windows HighLife v 1.1 2 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
Demo version won't recall presets.
Audio Units validated.
Fixed and optimized drop-down menus.
Code optimizations.
Revised PDF manual.
macintosh HighLife v beta 10 oct. 2011 MacOS X Intel
First Mac release
HighLife HighLife v 1.3 12 févr. 2014 Windows
New LowPass, HighPass, BandPass and BandReject Zero Delay Feedback filters.
Listen to audio comparison.
Edit > Wave Editor cursors on wave selection borders.
Edit > Wave Editor Mouse wheel zoom based on mouse cursor position, Shift+Mouse wheel for quick zoom.
Edit > Wave Editor Zoom in/out based on active selection.
Drag'n'drop support (any supported wave sample/sfz programs if empty) Shift+Drop bypass sample replacement dialog.
Options > Global Parameter Edit (On/Off) or using Shift+Ctrl/Cmd. ADSR led will be on when enabled.
Options > Morph Edit (On/Off).
Edit > Properties < > File arrows browse sample folder on Edit > Sample Properties.
Zone > Duplicate Zone, Delete All Zones functions.
DiscoDSP HighLife HighLife v 1.2.3 28 janv. 2014 Windows
Reworked wave editor view:
Mouse wheel scroll and zoom in/out with control key+wheel.
Zoom out limited to wave length.
Selection active if > 2px. Full wave acts as selected when no selection is active.
Enhanced waveform visualization at higher zoom levels.
Import/Export Sample/Program dialog opens at active sample Zone/Program path, falling back to last location when not available (default starts at user's Documents folder).
Automatically enabled Edit menu items.
Morphing opacity support to FX sends.
DiscoDSP HighLife v 1.2.2 21 janv. 2014 Windows
Cue/Loop points are removed after wave trim if they are not on the range.
Auto adjust wave size after operation on wave.
Drop down menus for Root / Key / To.
< > buttons to browse waves in the current folder.
Rename Zone function.
HighLife v 1.2 12 nov. 2013 Windows
Mac/Windows/Linux 1.2.1 builds.
Windows/Linux VST 64-bit support.
Fixed Options menu behavior.
VSTi sampling has been temporarily disabled due code rewrite.
telecharger HighLife v 1.4 25 juin 2011 Windows
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