Philta XL

Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.2.0
Compatibilité Philta XLMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $65  /  49€
Mis à jour le 8 janv. 2013
Téléchargements 1 884
Télécharg. Mac 1 346
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.2.0
Compatibilité Philta XLWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $65  /  49€
Mis à jour le 8 janv. 2013
Téléchargements 1 884
Télécharg. PC 538


- 2 filtres (12db, 24db, 48db or 96db)
- largeur de résonance variable
- mode band pass et notch
- 2 LFOs synchronisés au tempo (pour bandes basse et haute) avec 5 formes d'ondes
- 2 suiveurs d'enveloppe (pour bandes basse et haute) avc fréquence de source variable
- saturation/distorsion
- réducteur de taux d'échantillonage / bitcrusher
- limteur de sortie (issu de Multiband Compressor)
- automation totale des paramètres
IntelMac 1.5Ghz 512MB RAM Mac OSX 10.5.8 This product requires a Syncrosoft / eLicenser USB dongle.
Pentium III 800Mhz 512MB RAM Windows 2k/XP/Vista/Win7 This product requires a Syncrosoft / eLicenser USB dongle.
Philta XL Philta XL v 1.2.0 8 janv. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • better CPU performance!

  • GUI Code reworked. Higher FPS rates are now possible. Looks much more smoother now

  • fixed: un-bypassing the plugin did create a "click" sound on some circumstances

  • the editor does not steal the keycommands from host.

  • fixed a bug in the ratereducer/bitcrusher

  • improved sync of the lfos. Now they are all 100% in time and dont lose sync any more

  • rework of the RingMod/FM LP-Link mechanism for better adjustability. We dropped the on/off button. Now its automatically off, when the amount is set to 0%

  • Added Syspage Option: "Filter Inertia" for the 48/96 Slopes to allow faster movements. This allows the filter to close/open nearly instantly (attention "clicks/pops" may occur on very big movements)

  • Added new feature FreqMod (FM)

  • Added Square LFO shape (which is pretty neat)

  • Added 43 new factory presets which use all new features created by Manuel Schleis. This makes a total of 132 factory presets!
  • Vengeance-Sound Philta XL Philta XL v 1.1.2 23 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • fixed a crash that occured when loading the plugin.

  • fixed a crash that occured while closing the editor
  • Vengeance-Sound Philta XL v 1.1.1 15 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • editor bug fixed
  • bandes Philta XL v 1.1.0 8 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • as many user requested: A brand new "Dry/Wet" button!

  • many new presets by Manuel Schleis. Total amount of presets is now 100. New presets makes excessive use of the new "Dry/Wet" button.

  • improved performance (up to 25%)

  • added 64bit Version

  • added VST3 Version

  • Mac: AU recording parameter automation should now record the correct parameter

  • bugfix: no more accidently invalid license errors
  • variable Philta XL v 1.0.3 25 juin 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • added full RTAS support

  • memory fix: due to a bug, one instance of PhiltaXL could read over 100MB of memory usage. You should now be able to open a lot more Philtas in your project

  • improved performance
  • Philta XL Philta XL v 1.2.0 8 janv. 2013 Windows
  • better CPU performance!

  • GUI Code reworked. Higher FPS rates are now possible. Looks much more smoother now

  • fixed: un-bypassing the plugin did create a "click" sound on some circumstances

  • the editor does not steal the keycommands from host.

  • fixed a bug in the ratereducer/bitcrusher

  • improved sync of the lfos. Now they are all 100% in time and dont lose sync any more

  • rework of the RingMod/FM LP-Link mechanism for better adjustability. We dropped the on/off button. Now its automatically off, when the amount is set to 0%

  • Added Syspage Option: "Filter Inertia" for the 48/96 Slopes to allow faster movements. This allows the filter to close/open nearly instantly (attention "clicks/pops" may occur on very big movements)

  • Added new feature FreqMod (FM)

  • Added Square LFO shape (which is pretty neat)

  • Added 43 new factory presets which use all new features created by Manuel Schleis. This makes a total of 132 factory presets!
  • Vengeance-Sound Philta XL Philta XL v 1.1.2 23 août 2011 Windows
  • fixed a crash that occured when loading the plugin.

  • fixed a crash that occured while closing the editor
  • Vengeance-Sound Philta XL v 1.1.1 15 août 2011 Windows
  • editor bug fixed
  • bandes Philta XL v 1.1.0 8 août 2011 Windows
  • as many user requested: A brand new "Dry/Wet" button!

  • many new presets by Manuel Schleis. Total amount of presets is now 100. New presets makes excessive use of the new "Dry/Wet" button.

  • improved performance (up to 25%)

  • added 64bit Version

  • added VST3 Version

  • Mac: AU recording parameter automation should now record the correct parameter

  • bugfix: no more accidently invalid license errors
  • variable Philta XL v 1.0.3 25 juin 2011 Windows
  • added full RTAS support

  • memory fix: due to a bug, one instance of PhiltaXL could read over 100MB of memory usage. You should now be able to open a lot more Philtas in your project

  • improved performance
  • Vengeance-Sound
    Acheter Philta XL près de Columbus, United States chez:

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