Golden Records

Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 1.84
Format App
Compatibilité Golden RecordsMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $60  /  56€
Mis à jour le 24 mai 2011
Téléchargements 239
Télécharg. Mac 145
Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 1.95
Format App
Compatibilité Golden RecordsWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $60  /  56€
Mis à jour le 27 oct. 2012
Téléchargements 239
Télécharg. PC 94

Numérisation de disques et cassettes

Logiciel d'enregistrement et de conversion de disques et cassettes en fichiers numériques

- outils de restauration pour nettoyer automatiquement le signal audio endommagé
- suppression de hiss, clics et pops
- détection automatique de silence pour séparer les différents morceaux
- logiciel de gravure CD intégré
- encodage mp3 ou wave
- correction de dc offset lors de conversion analogique vers mp3
- Egalisation Phono RIAA peut être appliquée au sein du logiciel, ainsi aucun pré-ampli n'est nécessaire.
- Peut convertir des 78 tours tournant à 45.
Golden Records Golden Records v 1.84 24 mai 2011 MacOS X UB
NCH Software Golden Records Golden Records v 1.84 24 mai 2011 MacOS X PPC
Golden Records Golden Records v 1.95 27 oct. 2012 Windows
Version 1.95
Windows French Language Upgrade Release

Uploaded 2012-09-13

Version 1.95
Windows Spanish Language Upgrade Release

Uploaded 2012-09-13

Version 1.95
Windows Japanese Language Upgrade Release

Fixed Golden Application shows 'This Program is not responding." error.
Fixed Golden Records crash if user click FW/RW btn in Play window after deleting the particular mp3 file from Music Folder
Uploaded 2012-09-12

Version 1.94
Windows German Language Upgrade Release

Fixed Golden Records crashed after clicking on OK button on Edit Audio Tags dialog.
Fixed 'Help' button cuts off in 800 x 600 resolution
Uploaded 2012-09-03

Version 1.93
Windows Upgrade Release

Done recordings list should have prompt text when it's blank
Done Golden should not confirm exiting the program
Done GUI improvement
Fixed the 'Trial Expired...' dialog is not modal. This allows to use Golden without registration.
Done Burn Audio and Burn Data should be merged.
Fixed in the final wizard step, if "Burn recorded audio to an audio CD...' is selected, the burn audio dialog should open
Uploaded 2012-08-11

Version 1.92
Windows Upgrade Release

Fixed excess file burnt to CD/DVD.
Fixed 'Split' conflicts with 'Pause' while recording.
Fixed Options ~ Audio Settings: 'Post-recording Action' options do not work properly.
Done simplification of the wizard process
Uploaded 2012-07-19

Version 1.91
Windows Japanese Language Version Release

Fixed border disappears from recording session window when user click on close of popup message
Uploaded 2012-06-08

Version 1.90
Windows Spanish Lanuage Version Release

Fixed disabled short cuts are working well
Fixed Assistant wizard configuration shows trace error in aero theme.
Fixed over usage stack and shows application crashes
Uploaded 2012-06-04

Version 1.89
Windows Version Release

Fixed button text cuts-off
Fixed Pause button is not working on recording session dialog.
Fixed recorded file is not showing in main window
Fixed audio restoration tools states do not match
Fixed incorrect duration for Auto-split.
Fixed wizard page
Fixed open recording window
Fixed 'Wizard: Start a recording session immediatelly' does not work
Fixed App cannot save files to mp3 if language for non-unicode programs is non Spanish
Fixed disabled short cuts are working well
Fixed Assistant wizard configuration shows trace error in aero theme.
Fixed over usage stack and shows application crashes
Fixed border disappears from recording session window when user click on close of popup message
Fixed excess file burnt to CD/DVD.
Fixed 'Split' conflicts with 'Pause' while recording.
Fixed Options ~ Audio Settings: 'Post-recording Action' options do not work properly.
Done simplification of the wizard process
Uploaded 2012-05-30

Version 1.88
Windows Version Release

Fixed installation crashing on computers with Dell Dock
Fixed the 'Burning completed successfully' dialog appears in left-top corner of screen.
Fixed forced normalization when joining files.
Fixed last recording may be lost if burning to Audio CD is starting automatically.
Fixed the 'Play Window'. Figures of current playing position do not fit on display.
Fixed application shows crashes while changes CART Mark id in tag updation
Fixed forced normalization when burning audio CD.
Fixed the 'Auto-split' option produces many short files when silence and the 'Start recording only when audio starts' option is disabled.
Fixed hitting the delete key offers to delete the entire track - even when you're in rename mode.
Fixed in rename mode you can't add a hyphen and plus to a track name.
Fixed Wavepad installation does not happens
Fixed issue with Help - some links not working
Fixed seems 'Auto-Split' and 'Start recording only when audio starts' don't work properly
Uploaded 2012-05-22

Version 1.87
Windows Version Release

Fixed default record save location is not validated
Fixed if scroll the long records list to end and then clear it, newly added or recorded files will not be visible.
Done improve Noise Floor wizard step
Done update and improve Recording Calibration page of wizard
Done fix mainwindow layout on 125dpi
Done improve list of recording usability
Done faster, more intuitive way to select noise floor while recording
Fixed the Track length from track information should match the actual length of the track
Fixed attempt to rename file during recording causes unexpected result when pressing some keys.
Fixed the 'Add Files' option works too slow, but progress bar is not displayed.
Fixed some URLs in Help are not hyperlinks(just text).
Fixed wrong description of keyboard shortcuts in Help.
Fixed recording options are not visible
Uploaded 2011-09-06
NCH Software Golden Records Golden Records v 1.86 24 juil. 2011 Windows
Fixed Wizard->Recording Source->Image for the "Cassette Tape" are not with proper alignment
Fixed Auto-split feature is non functional in this version - appears to have issues with timeout not working correctly and/or noise floor sensitivity
NCH Software
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