
Categorie Production Audio / DJs
Version 3.52
Format App
Compatibilité ZuluMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $50  /  48€
Mis à jour le 20 mai 2015
Téléchargements 768
Télécharg. Mac 495
Categorie Production Audio / DJs
Version 3.27
Format App
Compatibilité ZuluWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $50  /  48€
Mis à jour le 4 mars 2014
Téléchargements 768
Télécharg. PC 273

Mixage DJ

Zulu est une solution logicielle complete pour DJs amateurs et professionnels.

- détection de pulsation automatique
- synchronisation entre platines
- crossfades entre deux morceaux
- effets temps réel
- préécoute des morceaux au casque
- interface simple et intuitive
- contrôle de hauteur en temps réel
- contrôle de tempo en temps réel
- raccourcis-clavier
- boucles synchronisées au tempo
Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008 & Windows 7
Zulu Zulu v 3.52 20 mai 2015 MacOS X Intel
NCH Software Zulu Zulu v 3.44 10 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
NCH Software Zulu v 3.40 8 janv. 2015 MacOS X Intel
temps Zulu v 3.35 2 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
tempo Zulu v 3.30 30 mai 2014 MacOS X Intel
contr Zulu v 3.28 6 mai 2014 MacOS X Intel
morceaux Zulu v 3.21 17 déc. 2013 MacOS X Intel
entre Zulu v 2.41 24 juil. 2012 MacOS X Intel
User Interface improvements
Add link to recommended hardware
Improved shuffle to play songs more evenly
Better exposure of VST and sampler
Improved the way cue points work
Removed the bookmark system in favor of improved cue point system
Fixed Loop size resets to 1 while you move to Cue mark
Fixed When user click on any deck and left click then deck sound meter is not activated
Fixed Play Count should not increment if track is paused and re-started
Fixed Exception error occurs when user drag the mouse inside the detailed waveform window after adding a particular VST plugin
Fixed crash when changed Pitch/Speed after adding specific VST plugin
Fixed When importing an m4a file, Artist and Album in playlist say "unknown"
Fixed Win version doesn't set loop duration properly
Fixed It's not possible to adjust loop properly on the fly.
Fixed Clicking on waveform should not have any effect on sounds but now sound makes cradles and sometimes stops
Fixed Volume of track drops and audio becomes muddy if Lock Pitch and Sync buttons are enabled
Uploaded 2012-07-17
telecharger Zulu v 2.40 14 avril 2012 MacOS X Intel
Fixed loop 1 is always enabled even if previously it was Loop x (where x is not 1).
Fixed sound repeats when you leave loop mode
Fixed if you change pitch while loop mode enabled Zulu changes the position of cursor. Sound changes also
Fixed playing sample causes playing waveform to hesitate and jump
Fixed sound in Deck A interupts when you click on waveform of Deck B
Fixed alert window does not close immediately
mac Zulu v 2.35 13 nov. 2011 MacOS X Intel
windows Zulu v 2.19 24 juil. 2011 MacOS X Intel
Done [CD]: Please add ability to select which track need to be ripped as in other NCH apps
Done add ability to Load CD Information From Internet(Free DB) like what others program is doing
Done add Unit test to Zulu for M4A tags
Fixed options dialogue has problems when using 2nd device for headphones
macintosh Zulu v 2.19 24 juil. 2011 MacOS X PPC
Done [CD]: Please add ability to select which track need to be ripped as in other NCH apps
Done add ability to Load CD Information From Internet(Free DB) like what others program is doing
Done add Unit test to Zulu for M4A tags
Fixed options dialogue has problems when using 2nd device for headphones
Zulu Zulu v 3.27 4 mars 2014 Windows
NCH Software Zulu Zulu v 3.26 26 févr. 2014 Windows
NCH Software Zulu v 3.22 14 févr. 2014 Windows
temps Zulu v 3.20 2 févr. 2014 Windows
tempo Zulu v 3.19 22 janv. 2014 Windows
contr Zulu v 3.10 5 sept. 2013 Windows
Updated the sync mechanism
Create a Suggestion for the product to add a new test plan to detect the bug "CrossFader issue: AutoPlay works not properly if 0 length overlap is used.".
Scan selected tracks for BPM
morceaux Zulu v 2.42 13 oct. 2012 Windows
Fixed shuffle mode works incorrectly when Playlist has odd number of songs loaded
Fixed cursor and waveform lose synchronisation when pitch is shifted
Fixed deck starts from wrong position if other deck is playing
Fixed pitch shifting while looping causes non-sequential playback
Fixed sound in recording skipped while using crossfader
Done create a Suggestion for the product to add a new test plan to detect the bug "Beat loop not shown when applied while deck is paused".
Fixed deck position s not updated when song is removed from list
Fixed in pause mode, when activating a loop through loop menu button or shortcut key, the loop starts in a wrong position.
Fixed audio jumps forward when increasing loop length
entre Zulu v 2.39 14 avril 2012 Windows
Fixed the bmp offset is not accurate
Fixed application crashes with cue play, pause under loop
Fixed cue pause deck A slider skips instantly to the cue point and plays the track again.
Done improve Looping function
Done the play sample function needs to be changed to allow the sample to play whether the track is playing or not.
Done add looping ability to sample bank
Fixed when user click on "Go to end button" then slider stuck at that position
Fixed application Crash If User click multiple times on the Deck B
Done Zulu GUI mockup
Done allow loading samples to Sample Bank from NCH Sound Library.
Done cue up playlist
Fixed Autoplay mode should enable you to add new files in list
Fixed edit BPM displayed as "Unknown"
Fixed Zulu doesnot display information in deck column
Done add compressor to Zulu.
Fixed when playing preview waveform is displayed partially.
Done stream Zulu to Broadwave
Fixed when user click on cue pause Deck A in auto play mode then slider skips instantly to the cue point and plays the track again.
Fixed mix sliders for Distortion and High-Pass Filter works incorrectly
Fixed Pause button looks bad, it ruffles in eyes.
Fixed Short cut keys for 'Snap Cue Mark to Beat On/Off' and 'Headphones On/Off' seems to be working even if no file is loaded
Done improve textbox label: "Track can be fed to separate deck"
Fixed sound in opposite Deck interupts if you drag cursor and move it back and forward
Fixed disabled buttons short cut keys are working
telecharger Zulu v 2.38 13 janv. 2012 Windows
Fixed if playing in Separate mode, change Pitch slider resets playback to begin
Fixed cursor changes position while changing Pitch slider by dragging it or pressing arrow keys
Fixed the \'Command-H\' key hide Zulu window instead of decrease volume in headphones.
Fixed failed Recording
Fixed Add files button - by default opens iTunes Music folder but if select a file, \"Open\" button keeps grayed out
Fixed when user Edit BPM While BPM scanning is going on, New BPM display in Deck but Display unknown in BPM column
Fixed VST plugin window blocks access to main window.
Done rearrange Deck Buttons
Done sample bank
Done waveform zoom
Done add scratching effect
Fixed while Auto Play Mode is On, on clicking \'Jump to Start Deck B\' will start Deck A instead of Deck B.
Done make beat markers scroll more smoothly while deck plays
Fixed sometimes Application hangs when drag and drop multiple files
Added several new features but most important of all are:
  • Add scratching effect

  • Sample bank

  • Fixed the \'Jump to Start\' and \'Play\' buttons are pixelated.
    mac Zulu v 2.23 24 juil. 2011 Windows
    Done when you delete a track from the playlist and if this track currently playing, playback stops.
    Fixed Zulu plays sound to headphones with more than half-second delay regarding main channel.
    Fixed after Delete all Track( Remove all files), Track exists in Deck B
    Done remove popup unable to add file because it's already in list
    Done allow addition of more than 1 track with a given filename (identify items in cache by full path, not just filename)
    Fixed Zulu hangs the second time you try to play a track
    Done expose loop length menu
    Fixed recording overwrite confirmation window error
    Fixed Playlist import for existing list of files playing in Autoplay mode
    Uploaded 2011-07-20
    NCH Software
    Acheter Zulu près de , United States chez:

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