
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 8.6
Format App
Compatibilité OrionWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $249  /  228€
Mis à jour le 30 oct. 2015
Téléchargements 875
Télécharg. PC 875


Orion est un studio virtuel complet, incluant un séquenceur à base de pattern, de nombreux synthétiseurs et effets, une table de mixage avec bus sub, et enregistrement audio multipistes.

Orion supporte les protocoles VST, DirectX et ReWire, il est livré avec une importante bibliothèque sonore de 1GB.

A l'aide du mixeur 8 bus et de la section Master, vous pouvez réaliser rapidement des mixages avancés, et le contrôle MultiFX vous permet de réaliser des routages d'effets complexes.

Le logiciel s'adapte à la post-production haute résolution grâce à l'export WAV qui supporte une résolution jusqu'à 32 bit / 192 kHz et peut rendre les pistes ou instruments sous formes de fichiers WAV séparés.

Orion est fourni avec une sélection de 43 effets internes, incluant réverb, délai,...
Orion est un studio virtuel complet, incluant un séquenceur à base de pattern, de nombreux synthétiseurs et effets, une table de mixage avec bus sub, et enregistrement audio multipistes.

Orion supporte les protocoles VST, DirectX et ReWire, il est livré avec une importante bibliothèque sonore de 1GB.

A l'aide du mixeur 8 bus et de la section Master, vous pouvez réaliser rapidement des mixages avancés, et le contrôle MultiFX vous permet de réaliser des routages d'effets complexes.

Le logiciel s'adapte à la post-production haute résolution grâce à l'export WAV qui supporte une résolution jusqu'à 32 bit / 192 kHz et peut rendre les pistes ou instruments sous formes de fichiers WAV séparés.

Orion est fourni avec une sélection de 43 effets internes, incluant réverb, délai, chorus, égaliseur paramétrique… ainsi qu'une panoplie d'instruments virtuels (BAR, synthé FM, piano acoustique, sampler, synthé analo, synthé de basse, synthé à modélisation physique…)
Windows XP/Vista/7 CPU: P4/1.4GHz, SSE2 support RAM: 512 MB DISK: 200 MB VIDEO: 1280x800
Orion Orion v 8.6 30 oct. 2015 Windows
Orion 8.6 introduces track freeze, new effects, usability enhancements and an update of the skin system. Additionally, many bugs from version 8.5 have been addressed.
Synapse Audio Orion Orion v 8.5 27 sept. 2011 Windows
New features:

New default skin by Nick Moritz
New effect: RNA-160 Compressor/Limiter, a faithful emulation of an outboard legend
New effect: Concert Hall, a new algorithmic reverb with a high-quality sound
New effect: Analog Phaser, an analog-modelled six-stage phaser
New effect: Vintage EQ, tone stack emulation of the legendary '59 Bassman Amp
Compressor CV-82, an improved version of the Compressor 8 with additional features
Sidechain support for VST effects
Pro-9 extended with the Noise Spread knob, which increases the spaciousness of the Snare and Clap sound in the stereo field
ASIO Outputs can be freely assigned to individual subgroups in the Master section
Skinning system overhauled, skins are easier to develop and maintain now, most knobs support alpha-blending and an arbitrary number of frames
Toxic 2 synthesizer engine completely overhauled, its performance is now up to 50% higher than previously. New "Pan Spread" knob for spreading Unison voices in the stereo field
All workspace windows can snap to a user-definable grid, facilitating the window arrangement
Full Screen Mode (F11)

Workflow Enhancements:

Popup Hints for generator knobs (can be turned off)
Current Parameter value visible in event editors (red line by default, user-definable)
All workspace Windows can snap to a user-definable grid
"Clone" function which clones all patterns and the arrangement of a generator to a new track. The source mixer strip with all its associated insert FX and EQ settings can be optionally cloned as well

Bug Fixes:

Toolbars no longer 'blink' when clicking on them
Some VST plugins did not redraw properly, fixed
Assigning Transport buttons to MIDI CC did not always work properly, fixed
Song Merge did not always work properly, fixed
MP3 Export did not work in 64-bit version of Orion, fixed
Incorrect meter drawing while mixer was moving, fixed
Audio glitches while window was moving or scrolling, fixed
Playlist cursor drawing bugs while window was moving, fixed
Song Length was not correctly updated when adding huge patterns, fixed
Mousewheel did not work properly in all cases, fixed
Modules were loosing focus and focus was set for playlist (TAB shortcut issue), fixed
Deprecated effect "Simple reverb" was not recovered properly from older projects, fixed
"Audio Input" text was not drawn properly on expanded playlist, fixed
Hitting [Alt]+[-] to invoke MDI window caused hang, fixed
Styles imported from V7 with automation in them did not show the automation, fixed
Pattern list Drop-down in Playlist did not always work, fixed
VST effect "PSP-85" crashed after inserting it, fixed
"Receive MIDI from..." did not work for VST effects, fixed
IL plugins had drawing issues, fixed
Recorded MIDI CC Automation was sometimes not shown for VST plugins, fixed
Event Editor: Events drawn with the line tool while left button was held down were erased by playlist cursor, fixed
Imported v7 projects with many generators did not show all mixer strips, fixed
Scrolling in Piano Roll and Playlist was sluggish sometimes, fixed
Generator window was not resizable if pianoroll was opened while window was rolled, fixed
After un-maximizing a window, the border was not redrawn correctly, fixed
Toxic 2 "Init Program" function created a silent patch, fixed
Calling up minimized Windows from the Window menu did not work, fixed
On some systems the Mixer had redraw issues, fixed
Synapse Audio Orion v 8.5beta2 25 août 2011 Windows
New in this version:

Full Screen Mode (F11)

Changes sice first public beta:

Arpeggiator played wrong notes in some cases, fixed.
VST Sidechain input was not memorized, fixed.
Time View window did not refresh its title bar, fixed.
Cloning channels with FX having sidechains did not clone the sidechain channel, fixed.
Clone Cancel button not working, fixed.
The VSTi Purity did not show its GUI in Orion, fixed.
Last note length used was no longer remembered, fixed.
New Reverb could overload at high decay and low HF Damp values, fixed.
Recording with Metronome Count-in gave odd results when step recording was active, fixed.
Recording in Pattern Mode with Quantize On could yield notes beyond pattern boundary, fixed.
Recording in Song Mode with the Arpeggiator turned on did not work, fixed.
Transport into the middle of a pattern was not always working properly, fixed.
Stereo Pan/Width effect inverted left and right channels, fixed.
Pattern size was not updated properly after an Undo operation, fixed.
Windows moved outside the visible area (e.g. due to a screen resolution change) can be restored via the View menu.
Minor Skin/UI improvements and fixes.
synth Orion v 8.5 28 juin 2011 Windows
Key Features introduced in Version 8.5:

New default skin by Nick Moritz
New effect: RNA-160 Compressor/Limiter, a faithful emulation of an outboard legend.
New effect: Concert Hall, a new algorithmic reverb with a high-quality sound.
New effect: Analog Phaser, an anlog-modelled six-stage phaser
New effect: Vintage EQ, tone stack emulation of the legendary '59 Bassman Amp
Compressor CV-82, an improved version of the Compressor 8 with additional features
Sidechain support for VST effects
Pro-9 extended with the Noise Spread knob, which increases the spaciousness of the Snare and Clap sound in the stereo field
ASIO Outputs can be freely assigned to individual subgroups in the Master section
Skinning system completely overhauled, skins are easier to develop and maintain now, most
knobs support alpha-blending and an arbitrary number of frames.
Toxic 2 synthesizer engine completely overhauled, its performance is now up to 50% higher
than previously. New "Pan Spread" knob for spreading Unison voices in the stereo field.
All workspace windows can snap to a user-definable grid, facilitating the window arrangement

Workflow Enhancements:

Popup Hints for generator knobs (can be turned off)
Current Parameter value visible in event editors (red line by default, user-definable)
All workspace Windows can snap to a user-definable grid
"Clone" function which clones all patterns and the arrangement of a generator to a new track. The source mixer strip with all its associated insert FX and EQ settings can be optionally cloned as well.

Bug Fixes:

Toolbars no longer 'blink' when clicking on them
Some VST plugins did not redraw properly, fixed
Assigning Transport buttons to MIDI CC did not always work properly, fixed
Song Merge did not always work properly, fixed
MP3 Export did not work in 64-bit version of Orion, fixed
Incorrect meter drawing while mixer was moving, fixed
Audio glitches while window was moving or scrolling, fixed
Playlist cursor drawing bugs while window was moving, fixed
Song Length was not correctly updated when adding huge patterns, fixed
Mousewheel did not work properly in all cases, fixed
Modules were loosing focus and focus was set for playlist (TAB shortcut issue), fixed
Deprecated effect "Simple reverb" was not recovered properly from older projects, fixed
"Audio Input" text was not drawn properly on expanded playlist, fixed
Hitting [Alt]+[-] to invoke MDI window caused hang, fixed
Styles imported from V7 with automation in them did not show the automation, fixed
Pattern list Drop-down in Playlist did not always work, fixed
VST effect "PSP-85" crashed after inserting it, fixed
"Receive MIDI from..." did not work for VST effects, fixed
IL plugins had drawing issues, fixed
Recorded MIDI CC Automation was sometimes not shown for VST plugins, fixed
Event Editor: Events drawn with the line tool while left button was held down were erased by playlist cursor, fixed
Imported v7 projects with many generators did not show all mixer strips, fixed
Scrolling in Piano Roll and Playlist was sluggish sometimes, fixed
Generator window was not resizable if pianoroll was opened while window was rolled, fixed
After un-maximizing a window, the border was not redrawn correctly, fixed
Toxic 2 "Init Program" function created a silent patch, fixed
Calling up minimized Windows from the Window menu did not work, fixed
On some systems the Mixer had redraw issues, fixed
Synapse Audio
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