Score Writer

Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 4.15
Format App
Compatibilité Score WriterMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $59  /  55€
Mis à jour le 24 mai 2011
Téléchargements 366
Télécharg. Mac 271
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 4.15
Format App
Compatibilité Score WriterWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $59  /  55€
Mis à jour le 24 mai 2011
Téléchargements 366
Télécharg. PC 95

Notation musicale

GenieSoft Score Writer est un logiciel de notation conçu pour vous permettre d'enregistrer, éditer, arranger et imprimer votre musique de manière simple et rapide. Vous pouvez entrer les notes à l'écran à l'aide de la souris ou du clavier d'ordinateur, ou enresgistrer une exécution MIDI. L'interface intuitive de Score Writer met à disposition des outils d'édition et palettes de symbole, sans avoir à chercher dans les menus. Des fonctions d'édition de texte permettent d'insérer ou d'éditer facilement paroles, texte, notes d'exécution…
Score Writer lit et enregistre les fichiers MIDI standard, de nombreuses options d'enregistrement, et lit complètement les marques de dynamique, de répétition et de fin.
Score Writer Score Writer v 4.15 24 mai 2011 MacOS X Intel
* Fixed Shift-Click on Dynamics handle to align dynamics and hair pins.
* Fixed problem with moving cursor to next measure with arrow and then pasting. Paste was off by one measure.
* Fixed Step Input not entering notes after eighth notes.
* Fixed crash after Extracting Parts (with Split and Divisi set on)
* Improved tie placement and accidental spacing on clusters.
* Fixed crash when recording real time, with Auto-Transcribe turn off, on tracks above or below a track containing lyrics.

Mac Specific - New Native Intel Version
* Implemented Audio Units (See AU Menu in application)
* Fixed problem that prevented playback to be stopped.
* Fixed Set Key Signature dialog bug that did not transpose correctly.
* Fixed print bug that sometimes did not print bracket on first system.
* Fixed staccatissimo symbol problems
* Fixed problem with selecting note and sharp at the same time.
* Right click now allows Set Key Signature and Time Signature.
* Fixed problem that prevented stretching dotted/dashed lines on Expressions.
* Fixed problem with heavy beam thickness when printing.
* Fixed a few problems in Lyrics Window. Return key now enters a space instead of closing the window.
* Enabled Option/Cmd-Arrows keys on MacBook Pro as Home, End, Page Down, and Page Up.
* Implemented "Default Document" to work on both opening and saving files.

Known issues not resolved
* Audio Preferences in AU menu has not been implemented..
* Audio Units saved with a score are not loaded when score is opened on Windows platform and vice-versa.
Score Writer Score Writer v 4.15 24 mai 2011 Windows
* Fixed Shift-Click on Dynamics handle to align dynamics and hair pins.
* Fixed problem with moving cursor to next measure with arrow and then pasting. Paste was off by one measure.
* Fixed Step Input not entering notes after eighth notes.
* Fixed crash after Extracting Parts (with Split and Divisi set on)
* Improved tie placement and accidental spacing on clusters.
* Fixed crash when recording real time, with Auto-Transcribe turn off, on tracks above or below a track containing lyrics.

Mac Specific - New Native Intel Version
* Implemented Audio Units (See AU Menu in application)
* Fixed problem that prevented playback to be stopped.
* Fixed Set Key Signature dialog bug that did not transpose correctly.
* Fixed print bug that sometimes did not print bracket on first system.
* Fixed staccatissimo symbol problems
* Fixed problem with selecting note and sharp at the same time.
* Right click now allows Set Key Signature and Time Signature.
* Fixed problem that prevented stretching dotted/dashed lines on Expressions.
* Fixed problem with heavy beam thickness when printing.
* Fixed a few problems in Lyrics Window. Return key now enters a space instead of closing the window.
* Enabled Option/Cmd-Arrows keys on MacBook Pro as Home, End, Page Down, and Page Up.
* Implemented "Default Document" to work on both opening and saving files.

Known issues not resolved
* Audio Preferences in AU menu has not been implemented..
* Audio Units saved with a score are not loaded when score is opened on Windows platform and vice-versa.
Acheter Score Writer en ligne chez:
Acheter Score Writer près de Columbus, United States chez:

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