
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version R4.1
Format AUVST
Compatibilité DiscoveryMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $81  /  75€
Mis à jour le 15 oct. 2013
Téléchargements 546
Télécharg. Mac 367
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version R4.1
Format VST
Compatibilité DiscoveryWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $81  /  75€
Mis à jour le 15 oct. 2013
Téléchargements 546
Télécharg. PC 179


Syntthétiseur à modélisation analogique avec 8 oscillateurs, 4 couches, oversampling/undersampling 2X, arpégiateur intégré, synchronisation, FM, 8 types de filtres, unisson, modulation de panoramique, délai stéréo et effets de gate. Import de données SysEx Nord Lead 2.
Mac OS X 10.6+
XP / Vista / 7
Discovery Discovery v R4.1 15 oct. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Up to 2X CPU speed optimizations.
Smaller fle size.
Simpler dialog boxes descriptions.
Streamlined Morph knob display.
Export/Import point to better folder locations.
Added Buy links to EDIT menu on Demo version.
Reworked and streamlined EDIT menu.
FX Bypass moved to main EDIT menu position.
Mac GUI shows R4.
Fixed Cubase hangs.
Fixed Import/Export fle paths.
DiscoDSP Discovery Discovery v R4.0 15 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
New zero-feedback delay filters modeled after the Nord Lead 2.
High contrast drop down menus.
Discovery data location placed at ~/Documents/discoDSP/Discovery/
Manual revision.
DiscoDSP Discovery v R3.3 20 nov. 2012 MacOS X UB
tiseur Discovery v R3.3 28 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
* 64 bit Audio Units support for Mac.
* 64 bit VST support for Windows.
* New selected item EDIT menu background color.
* Instant refresh in Bank Browser for new FXB files.
* Better preset renaming dialog box.
* Manual revision.
Discovery Discovery v R4.1 15 oct. 2013 Windows
Up to 2X CPU speed optimizations.
Smaller fle size.
Simpler dialog boxes descriptions.
Streamlined Morph knob display.
Export/Import point to better folder locations.
Added Buy links to EDIT menu on Demo version.
Reworked and streamlined EDIT menu.
FX Bypass moved to main EDIT menu position.
Mac GUI shows R4.
Fixed Cubase hangs.
Fixed Import/Export fle paths.
DiscoDSP Discovery Discovery v R4.0 15 juil. 2013 Windows
New zero-feedback delay filters modeled after the Nord Lead 2.
High contrast drop down menus.
Discovery data location placed at ~/Documents/discoDSP/Discovery/
Manual revision.
DiscoDSP Discovery v R3.3 28 avril 2011 Windows
* 64 bit Audio Units support for Mac.
* 64 bit VST support for Windows.
* New selected item EDIT menu background color.
* Instant refresh in Bank Browser for new FXB files.
* Better preset renaming dialog box.
* Manual revision.
Acheter Discovery près de Columbus, United States chez:

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