
Categorie Divers / Lecteurs & Jukebox
Version 1.5.1
Format App
Compatibilité FideliaMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $20  /  18€
Mis à jour le 16 mars 2014
Téléchargements 1 790
Télécharg. Mac 1 790

Lecteur de musique

Fidelia est un lecteur de musique élégant et puissant conçu exclusivement pour mac OS X.

- contrôles intuitifs
- fonctions Mute et Dim un clic
- détails des pistes individuelles, niveaux stéréo et formes d'ondes audio
- conversion de taux d'échantillonnage par iZotope
- dithering audio temps réel par technologie MBIT+ª d'iZotope
- Support des formats AIFF, WAV, CAF, MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC
- Suppport de taux d'échantillonage jusqu'à 192 kHz et résolution jusqu'à 32 bit virgule flottante
- support effets Audio Unit et VST
- accès à la bibliothèque iTunes
- réorganisation des fichiers de la bibliothèque iTunes
- bibliothèque Fidelia
Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or higher.
Fidelia Fidelia v 1.5.1 16 mars 2014 MacOS X Intel
Fidelia 1.5 contains numerous improvements including...

  • €¢ More reliable playback of troublesome audio files

  • €¢ Significantly improved reliability and performance

  • €¢ Support for Notification Center

  • €¢ Improvements to FHXâ„¢ (available via in-app purchase)

  • Fidelia 1.5.1 resolves an issue with Mac App Store receipt validation.
    Audiofile Engineering Fidelia Fidelia v 1.3.1 21 juin 2013 MacOS X Intel
    IMPORTANT: Fidelia 1.3 requires Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or higher.

    * improves audio system
    * improves support for Retina displays
    * includes the very latest updates to FHX
  • significantly improves performance and stability
  • Audiofile Engineering Fidelia v 1.3.0b3 22 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
    * Rescan is now disabled during import and conversion
  • resolves an issue with the display of song titles containing commas

  • resolves an issue where clicking at the end of a song's waveform would prevent the next song from playing

  • resolves an issue where "No Artwork Available" would be displayed over actual artwork
  • audio Fidelia v 1.3.0b2 14 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
    * support requests no longer require telephone numbers
    * the main library is now selected by default when the app launches for the first time
    * columns in the View menu are now active if the player is in the foreground
    * improves sorting when two artists have an album with the same name
    * improves IDv3 genre tag support
    * improves support of Album Artist metadata in FLAC files
    * improves the handling of corrupt AIFF files
    * adds support for FLAC images
    * "Next" button now moves to first song in a playlist if the last is playing
  • resolves an issue where status indicators would disappear during multiple conversions or imports

  • resolves a hang that might occur when deleting multiple files from the Fidelia library

  • resolves a memory leak that generated errors in the console

  • resolves an error that could occur when converting particular FLAC files

  • resolves errors that would occur when initiating multiple imports

  • resolves errors that would occur when canceling imports

  • resolves an issue where unsupported files types would appear to import

  • resolves an issue where a song would play indefinitely if the hardware sample rate was not a multiple of the song's sample rate

  • resolves an issue where clicking at the end of a song's waveform would prevent the next song from playing

  • resolves an issue where the playback position would change when the hardware sample rate was changed

  • resolves inconsistent behavior using the delete key in a playlist when no songs were selected

  • resolves inconsistent behavior using the delete key when the Library is selected

  • resolves an issue where effects were not recalled between launches

  • resolves a hang that would occur when clicking the "done" button in an effects window

  • resolves an issue where playback would stop after disconnecting an external DAC

  • resolves multiple application errors that would occur when changing then removing an effect

  • resolves an issue where songs in a playlist would not play in the correct order if the order was changed during playback

  • resolves application errors that were generated when importing AAC files with bad metadata

  • resolves applications errors that would occur with the Swiss French keyboard layout

  • resolves an issue artist/song display that would occur when Fidelia moved from the background to the foreground

  • resolves a hang that would occur when attempting to save more than one effects preset at a time

  • resolves a crash that would occur when closing Fidelia when an effect window was open
  • biblioth Fidelia v 1.2.3b4 26 févr. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • resolves an issue with sample rate matching

  • resolves an issue with Fidelia remote
  • lecteur Fidelia v 1.2.3b2 14 févr. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    * greatly improved performance and stability
    * resolved performance issues with FLAC files
    * beta versions now utilize release license keys
    * restored manuals
    * updated About panel
    musique Fidelia v 1.2.2b2 5 juin 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • resolved a minor issue in FHX

  • improved performance and stability
  • jusqu' Fidelia v 1.2.1 28 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
    * FHX: option to enable or disable clip protection
    * FHX: improved reliability of the EQ user interface
    * improves reliability of iTunes Library access
  • Advanced: improves the stability of the advanced iZotope options

  • resolves an issue where the contents of a user's library would not be retained in the Fidelia database
  • telecharger Fidelia v 1.2.1rc2 23 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • resolved a minor issue in FHX
  • mac Fidelia v 1.2.1rc1 16 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
    * FHX: clip protection is now on by default
  • FHX: improved reliability of the EQ user interface
  • plus...
    windows Fidelia v 1.2.1b2 15 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
    * FHX: adds option to enable or disable clip protection
  • resolves an issue where the contents of a user's library would not be retained in the Fidelia database

  • Advanced: improves the stability of the advanced iZotope options

  • improves reliability of iTunes Library access
  • macintosh Fidelia v 1.2.0 2 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
    + new FHXâ„¢ Headphone Processor add-on (US $49.99)
    + memory playback included in Fidelia Advanced
    + support for album artwork
    * improved metadata view including editing
    * performance and stability improvements
    pc Fidelia v 1.2.0rc9 27 mars 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • resolved an issue where the app would crash when leaving an AU window open

  • resolved a sorting issue in the Library

  • resolved an issue in the Help Desk

  • various other fixes
  • Fidelia v 1.2.0rc8 21 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    * minor improvements to the user guide
  • resolved an app error generated when removing Audio Units plug-ins
  • Fidelia v 1.2.0rc5 15 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    * updated User Guide
  • resolved an issue launching in 32-bit on 10.6.8
  • Fidelia v 1.2.0rc4 14 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    + added User Guide in PDF and iBooks format (Help menu)
    * moved Support to Help menu
    * added FHXâ„¢ info to User Guide
    Fidelia v 1.2.0rc2 10 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    1.2.0rc2 Feb 09 2012
  • resolved an issue with FHXâ„¢ preferences on Mac OS X 10.6.8

  • 1.2.0rc1 Feb 08 2012
  • various bug fixes and improvements

  • * Fidelia Heaphones is now FHX
    + added Monitoring controls to FHX preferences
    Fidelia v 1.1.2 18 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
    + new mini player
  • resolves an issue launching on versions of Snow Leopard prior to 10.6.8

  • resolves an issue where VST plug-ins would not instantiate

  • various performance improvements and bug fixes
  • Fidelia v 1.1.1 4 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
    * significantly improved communication with Fidelia Remote for iOS (requires Fidelia Remote 1.1.0)
    * implemented a workaround for a bug in Mac OS X Lion that caused audio dropouts on Core 2 Duo Macs
    Fidelia v 1.0.7 8 mai 2011 MacOS X UB
  • resolved an issue wherein playback produced overs under certain circumstances

  • resolved issue where Support window wasn't viewable when in demo mode

  • resolved issue where Player did not reset after playing last song in list

  • resolved issue switching sample rates when hardware sample rate matches file sample rate

  • resolved issue where certain FLAC files did not show up in the Library

  • resolved errors relating to playback in shuffle mode

  • resolved error when selecting rescan during playback

  • resolved issue playing mono files

  • resolved issue where certain DAC's sample rates were not available

  • resolved issue where menus are grayed out on launch

  • various other bug fixes
  • Fidelia v 1.0.6 16 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
    * rescan automatically when iTunes library is selected in Preferences
  • resolved issue playing back files with unsupported sample rates

  • resolved issue with certain metadata tags not appearing

  • resolved issue where song advances prematurely

  • resolved error when song from playlist is not found on launch

  • various other bug fixes
  • Fidelia v 1.0.5 10 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
  • resolved an issue where songs containing accented characters appeared missing in library

  • resolved an issue where clicking in waveform view where it is not rendered caused playback to stop

  • various other bug fixes
  • Fidelia v 1.0.4 9 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
    + added shuffle and repeat buttons to the main window
    * removed "Dither" button from main window, moved to Preferences > General
    * upgraded the Fidelia library from flat files to a database
    * the state of Library view is now retained between launches
    * added "Rescan" command in File menu which will update Fidelia and iTunes library contents
    * search in Library now includes "Kind"
    * added "Bitrate" column to the Library
    * added anti-click on stop
    * added the ability to manually reorder songs within Fidelia Playlists
    * creating a new playlist will open the Library window if it is closed
    * improved the dialog presented when no songs are loaded and "Play" is pressed
    * improved user experience for plug-in validation
  • fixed multiple issues communicating with Fidelia iOS remote

  • resolved an issue where playback stuttered when selecting Repeat > Song

  • resolved an issue where adding the same song created duplicate entries in the library

  • various other bug fixes
  • Fidelia v 1.0.3 22 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
    * added confirmation dialog when deleting songs and playlists
    * improved visual responsiveness of next/previous buttons in player window
  • resolved an issue where playback will not advance to next song if sample rate differs from current song

  • resolved an issue where search in Library did not function for Composer, Album Artist and Genre

  • resolved an issue where mouse scrolling did not function properly in left column of the Library window

  • restored support for PowerPC processors (Mac OS X 10.5)
  • Fidelia v 1.0.2 21 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
    + Advanced iZotope MBIT+ and 64-bit SRC options (Requires purchase of Fidelia Advanced license)
    + Exclusive access to audio device also known as Hog mode (Requires purchase of Fidelia Advanced license)
    * added shuffle and repeat in Controls menu
    * added Genre, Composer, Album Artist and Date Added columns
    * added disable all Effects in Controls menu
  • Various bug fixes
  • Fidelia v 1.0.1 14 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Resolves a bug wherein repeat functions did not work

  • Resolves an issue loading specific iTunes libraries

  • Addresses an application error when loading an iTunes library that has missing files
  • moins...
    Audiofile Engineering
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