
par DDMF
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.1.1
Compatibilité NoLimitsMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $20  /  19€
Mis à jour le 30 avril 2012
Téléchargements 345
Télécharg. Mac 201
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.1.1
Compatibilité NoLimitsWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $20  /  19€
Mis à jour le 30 avril 2012
Téléchargements 345
Télécharg. PC 144


Limiteur de mixage et de mastering doté de fonctions d'auto-gain optionnel, de deux modes de traitement (avec ou sans génération d'harmoniques) et d'un algorithme de dithering.
Mac OS X 10.4+
NoLimits NoLimits v 1.1.1 30 avril 2012 MacOS X UB
All DDMF plugins are now available in RTAS (Protools) format (except the plugin chainer Metaplugin, for legal reasons). The new format is available for all owners of the current versions for free, just like that, de nada. AAX (the upcoming Protools format) versions will follow later this year, this update will also be free.
DDMF NoLimits NoLimits v 1.1 21 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
This new version is a major improvement of the 1.0 version. The DSP algorithm has been redesigned to some extent, leading to noticeably lower distortion artefacts. While keeping the usability and ease of operation of the first version, an advanced mode has been added which allows to dial in the lookahead, attack and release times and to set the output ceiling variably. When not in advanced mode, the GUI will shrink to its original size, exposing only the threshold knob as in version 1.0.
NoLimits NoLimits v 1.1.1 30 avril 2012 Windows
This new version is a major improvement of the 1.0 version. The DSP algorithm has been redesigned to some extent, leading to noticeably lower distortion artefacts. While keeping the usability and ease of operation of the first version, an advanced mode has been added which allows to dial in the lookahead, attack and release times and to set the output ceiling variably. When not in advanced mode, the GUI will shrink to its original size, exposing only the threshold knob as in version 1.0.
DDMF NoLimits NoLimits v 1.1 21 mars 2011 Windows
This new version is a major improvement of the 1.0 version. The DSP algorithm has been redesigned to some extent, leading to noticeably lower distortion artefacts. While keeping the usability and ease of operation of the first version, an advanced mode has been added which allows to dial in the lookahead, attack and release times and to set the output ceiling variably. When not in advanced mode, the GUI will shrink to its original size, exposing only the threshold knob as in version 1.0.
Acheter NoLimits près de Columbus, United States chez:

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