
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.8.10
Compatibilité SynthmasterMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $129  /  120€
Mis à jour le 12 juil. 2017
Téléchargements 2 060
Télécharg. Mac 1 328
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.8.10
Compatibilité SynthmasterWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $129  /  120€
Mis à jour le 12 juil. 2017
Téléchargements 2 060
Télécharg. PC 732

All-Around Semi Modular Software Synthesizer

SynthMaster 2.5 is an 'all-around' semi-modular software synthesizer and effect plug-in that features many different synthesis methods including VA, Additive, Wavetable, Wavescanning, Phase Modulation, Frequency Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, Ring Modulation, Amplitude Modulation, Physical Modeling and SFZ Sample Playback synthesis. With its multi-synthesis oscillators, analog modelled/digital filters, flexible effects routing with 11 types of high quality effects and a massive modulation architecture with 95 separate modulation sources and 650+ modulation targets; SynthMaster is a 'must-have' for all synthesizer enthusiasts!


* Cross-platform VST & AU: SynthMaster 2.5 runs as a VST instrument/effect on both Windows and Mac OSX, and as an Audio Unit instrument/effect on...
SynthMaster 2.5 is an 'all-around' semi-modular software synthesizer and effect plug-in that features many different synthesis methods including VA, Additive, Wavetable, Wavescanning, Phase Modulation, Frequency Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, Ring Modulation, Amplitude Modulation, Physical Modeling and SFZ Sample Playback synthesis. With its multi-synthesis oscillators, analog modelled/digital filters, flexible effects routing with 11 types of high quality effects and a massive modulation architecture with 95 separate modulation sources and 650+ modulation targets; SynthMaster is a 'must-have' for all synthesizer enthusiasts!


* Cross-platform VST & AU: SynthMaster 2.5 runs as a VST instrument/effect on both Windows and Mac OSX, and as an Audio Unit instrument/effect on Mac OSX.
* 400+ Factory Presets: SynthMaster 2.5 comes with 400+ new factory presets from a world class team of sound designers: BigTone, ?mit 'Insigna' Uy, Frank 'Xenox' Neumann, Teoman Pasinlioglu, Mr Shoufuku and Brian 'Xenos' Lee.
* Semi-Modular Architecture: For each SynthMaster 2.5 instance, there are 2 layers followed by 2 global effect send busses. Each layer has its own: Arpeggiator, 2 Oscillators, 4 Modulators, 2 Filters, 4 ADSR Envelopes, 2 Multistage Envelopes, 2 2D Envelopes, 2 LFOs and 4 Keyscalers. The modulators can modulate frequency, phase, amplitude or pulse width of the oscillators or any other modulators at audio rate.
* Massive Modulation Architecture: SynthMaster 2.5 has more than 650 modulation targets and 95 modulation sources including ADSR Envelopes, 2D Envelopes, Multistage Envelopes, LFOs, KeyScalers, Easy Parameters, Vocoder Bands, MIDI Velocity, Aftertouch, Pitch Bend and MIDI CC. Each modulation target can have up to 3 modulation sources. The modulation matrix, which has 64 available slots, has visual filtering as well so that targets for a specific source, or sources for a specific target can be filtered and shown on the user interface.
* Easy Parameters: SynthMaster 2.5 features 8 easy knobs and 2 XY pads that can be freely assigned as modulation sources, so that the complexity of the synth engine could be hidden away and only most important parameters of a preset can be controlled by the user. The easy parameters can be globally linked to MIDI controllers, and they can be assigned automatically by SynthMaster as well.
* Powerful Arpeggiator: The arpeggiator in SynthMaster 2.5 features classic arpeggiator modes such as Up, Down, UpDown, DownUp, UpDown2, DownUp2, AsPlayed as well as Sequence, Chord and Arpeggiate modes. Each of the 32 steps of the arpeggiator has its own Velocity, Note Number, Note Length, Slide and Hold parameters.
* Basic Oscillators: 'Basic' oscillators in SynthMaster 2.5 are capable of synthesizing many different types of waveforms: Sine, Square, Triangle, Sawtooth, Pulse, Noise, Wavetable and multisampled WAV/AIFFs defined in SFZ files.
* Additive Oscillators: An 'Additive' oscillator is actualy 8 'basic' oscillators running together. Each 'basic' oscillator has its own detune, tone, phase/pulse width, frequency and waveform type.
* Vector Oscillators: A 'Vector' oscillator consists of 4 'basic' oscillators, mixed at different ratios. The mix ratios are determined by 2 orthogonal parameters in 2 dimensions: 'X Index' and 'Y index'.
* Wavescanning Oscillators: A 'Wavescanning' oscillator is similar to basic oscillator, except that the waveform can be scanned (interpolated) through 16 different waveforms shapes. The position of the waveform can be adjusted using the 'wave index' parameter.
* Stereo Oscillators with Improved Unison: Oscillators in SynthMaster 2.5 have stereo output. With the new "voices", "pan spread" and "detune spread" parameters, each basic/wavescanning oscillator can have its own unison settings which eliminates the need to enable unison for all voice elements.
* Analog Filters: The 'analog' filters are modelled after the famous ladder filter, so they self oscillate when the filter resonance is maxed out. They have continuosly variable slope, which is unique to SynthMaster.
* Digital Filters: The 'digital' filters are biquad filters with a hard limiter in their output. The limiter features an envelope follower with attack, release and threshold parameters.
* Multimode Filters: With the new 'multimode' filter type, it is possible to switch from Lowpass to Bandpass to Highpass filter types continuously. For analog multimode filters, it is also possible to change the slope of the filter continously from 0 db/oct to 24 db/oct.
* Dual Filters: With the new 'dual' filter type, two multimode filters can be run simultaneously, either in parallel, or in series. The mix ratios between the filters, and the topology (parallel/series) between them can be changed continuosly, as well as the modes and cutoff frequencies of the filters.
* Comb Filters: Comb filters are digital filters used in physical modeling synthesis.
* Before/Inside/After Filter Distortion: A distortion stage can be inserted before, after, or even inside the filters. For analog filters, the distortion is applied for each of the 4 filter stages in 'inside' mode.
* Rich Set of Effects: SynthMaster features 11 different effect types: Distortion, LoFi, Ensemble, Phaser, 6 Band EQ, Compressor, Vocoder, Delay, Chorus, Tremolo, Reverb.
* Flexible Effects Routing: Each of the 11 effect types can be inserted on any layer insert or on any of the 2 global effect bus inserts.
* Microtuning: SynthMaster 2.5 supports Scala tuning, so tuning can be set either for each preset or globally by loading from a Scala tuning file.
* Preset Browser: SynthMaster 2.5 features a comprehensive preset browser with separate search criterias for instrument type, preset attributes, music style or preset author.
* Online Preset Browser: Registered users can upload their presets to the online preset library, or browse and download presets created by other registered users; using the preset browser right inside the plug-in window.
* Multiple Skins: SynthMaster 2.5 comes with 3 different skins in different color variations. Using the included user interface editor, users can not only customize the existing skins but also can create their own custom interfaces as well.
* Importing MIDI patterns as Arpeggiator Sequence: Monophonic or even polyphonic (chord) MIDI patterns can be imported into the arpeggiators in SynthMaster 2.5 by just drag and drop of the MIDI file onto the arpeggiator view on the plugin window.
* Importing WAV/AIFF Multisamples as SFZ definitions: Multisamples in WAV/AIFF formats could be imported into SynthMaster as SFZ definitions, by simply drag and drop of the WAV/AIFF files onto the oscillator waveform view on the plugin window.

Pricing and Availability

SynthMaster 2.5 is available for purchase as online download at KV331 Audio website. The standard license costs $129, while there is also academic licencing (available for students, teachers and faculty) that costs $59

A demo version of SynthMaster 2.5 is available for download at KV331 Audio website as well. The demo version is identical to the standard version except 3 limitations:

1. Saving presets is disabled
2. Mutes output and emits white noise at every 60 seconds
3. Comes with 150 factory presets (demo users can check out the remaining factory presets from the online presets browser though)
Synthmaster Synthmaster v 2.8.10 12 juil. 2017 MacOS X Intel
  • €˘ Resizeable UI: All of the default KV331 skins are now available at the following sizes: 100%, 120%, 140% and 160%. The plugin also automatically selects the correct size based on the user's current screen size.

  • €˘ New Factory Presets: SynthMaster and SynthMaster Player 2.8.10 come with 70 new factory presets designed by Vandalism Sound.

  • €˘ More Free Presets: The free version of SynthMaster Player 2.8.10 now comes with 400 factory presets.

  • There are also critical bug fixes for SynthMaster and SynthMaster Player in this update:

    1. SynthMaster crashes when a skin with the correct size is not found.
    2. Load Random preset menu doesn't work
    3. SynthMaster generates noisy output when engine buffer size >= XLarge and engine quality >= Better
    4. Portamento doesn’t work when engine quality > Good and buffer size >= Large
    5. Portamento duration shortens when engine quality is increased
    6. SynthMaster throws "SynthMaster could not find data files" error on Windows
    7. SynthMaster Windows setup doesn’t write installation location to SynthMasterFolders.txt file on 64bit systems
    8. SynthMaster prompts user to close and reopen plugin window when samples are imported
    9. SynthMaster chooses wrong folder for sample import
    10. Layer1:Filter2 Filter Type buttons control Layer1:Filter1 Filter Type
    11. Save menu items (Rename, add to favorites, upload) don't work
    KV331Audio Synthmaster Synthmaster v 2.8.9 24 juin 2017 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:
    1. Added scaled UI support with 120%, 140% and 160% skins for Default (Gray), Blue, Orange and Red skins
    2. Added Undo/Redo support
    3. Added 70 new factory presets by Vandalism:…/factory-vandalism-synthmaster-28-f…

    4. FX screen now displays effects in the correct order for Layer 1, Layer 2, FX Bus 1 or FX Bus 2.
    5. Increased demo tryout period to 30 minutes

    1. Added Windows keyboard handler for up/down/left/right arrows to the plugin editor window
    2. Fixed minor UI issues
    3. When importing MIDI into the arpeggiator, notes are now quantized.
    4. Fixed aliasing inside the Reverb algorithm
    KV331Audio Synthmaster v 2.8.7 12 nov. 2016 MacOS X Intel
    This update includes support for MIDI program change, has a new skin by SatyaTunes and bug fixes.
    filters Synthmaster v 2.8.4 11 juin 2016 MacOS X Intel
    1. NEW: Added new global parameter to turn on/off arpeggiator MIDI Output. By default it's off now.
    2. FIX: SynthMaster/SynthMaster Player AAX crashes Protools upon launch due to buffer overflow (Might be happening with other hosts as well, we detected the issue on ProTools 10)
    3. FIX: Sustain pedal implementation not working correctly
    4. FIX: KeyScaler view doesn't display notes correctly
    modulation Synthmaster v 2.8 29 mai 2016 MacOS X Intel
    4 new filter categories: Ladder (Moog), Diode Ladder (TB303), Bite (Korg MS20) and State Variable (SEM) filters all based on "zero delay feedback" (ZDF in short) topology. All the new filter categories also haven an Acid button. When turned on, this couples the resonance to the cutoff frequency so that resonance decreases with decreasing cutoff frequency.
    Analog ADSR envelope type: This new envelope type is modelled after Moog Sub Phatty envelopes. The attack/decay durations are between 1 milloseconds - 9 seconds.
    Dual LFO type: In this new LFO type, you can choose two waveforms and crossfade between them to create a variable shaped LFO. There's also bitcrush and sample&hold available in this mode.
    Drag-n-drop modulation: Now you can create modulation matrix entries by dragging a modulation source displayed on the new modulation sources tab and dragging it onto any know on the user interface. When you click on any knob, the modulation matrix is filtered to show only entries for that target. Similarly, when you click on any modulation source on the modulation source tab, only targets for that source are displayed and modulation amounts for targets are drawn as rings around the knobs.
    Layer Effects on a single tab: Prior to v2.8, layer effects were scattered in 3 different tabs. Now in v2.8, they are displayed on a single tab in the order they are inserted. The ordering of the insert effects can be easily changed by dragging an insert effect and dropping it onto another one.
    Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support: Starting with v2.8, SynthMaster now supports multichannel MIDI input. New generation keyboard like the ROLI Seaboard generate MIDI messages in different MIDI channels for each key pressed, allowing each key to have separate modwheel, pitch bend, etc. values. To suppor ROLI further, we also added a new global parameter called "Map CC74 to CC1" so that the CC74 messages generated by Roli can be change to CC1 to take advantage of presets using CC1 modulation.
    New Drum Kit: Our first factory drum kit, recorded at Mars Yap?m by Mehmet U?ur Memi? and Atalay Ant is finally available in this update. The drum kit features percussion instruments with multiple velocity regions. Our product manager Gercek Dorman (who also happens to be a multi-percussionist!) created 50 drum patterns/presets as factory presets in this update.
    DrumKit Mode for the Arpeggiator: A new mode called "DrumKit" has been added to the arpeggiatgor. In this mode, you can easily write drum patterns for a selected drum kit. Drum kits can be created in plain text files, where percussion instruments are mapped to specific MIDI notes. Each drum kit can have up to 16 percussion instruments defined.
    Recording Mono/Poly (Chord) Sequences directly from MIDI: Starting with v2.8, now it's possible to record mono or poly (chord) into the arpeggiator in "Sequence" mode.
    New Factory Presets: We added 150 new factory presets in this update. Arksun, who is a well known sound designer, has contributed to our factory library with 50 awesome presets!
    oscillators Synthmaster v 2.7.6 20 sept. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    NEW: SynthMaster now reads scala tuning files from \SynthMaster\Scales folder as well
    NEW: SynthMaster now reads root note information from scala tuning files. The root note is specified at the beginning of the file on a comment line: !rootnote=C4
    NEW: On Windows, SynthMaster now has a single installer for 32/64 bit versions
    NEW: SynthMaster now has weekly version checking.
    NEW: SynthMaster Player updated to v2.7 with 300 new presets! The free version of the Player is also updated and now comes with 300 factory presets.
    NEW: Added 50 new factory presets by Bluffmunkey
    FIX: When user saves a file, file extension is now automatically added to the file name if missing
    FIX: WAV files containing invalid cue chunks are now read correctly by SynthMaster
    FIX: Favorite presets with longer that 31 characthers might cause SynthMaster to crash
    FIX: Popup window at startup causes some DAW applications such as Cubase to freeze
    FIX: FavouritePresets.txt file saved on Windows is not loaded correctly on MacOSX
    FIX: Browsing online presets and then going back to local presets might cause a crash
    FIX: When user clicks prev/next buttons, current preset is not shown on the presets listbox
    FIX: On MacOSX, preset search textbox is not entirely visible
    FIX: Analog filter resonances cause noisy output at high resonance and high cutoff values
    FIX: SynthMaster doesn't read WAV files correcly when then contain label chunks
    FIX: Phase parameter doesnt work for HP/LP algorithms
    FIX: Osc Coarse Tune/Layer Pitch parameter values are now quantized to semitones
    FIX: Background pictures contain labels for LFO/filter sections
    FIX: Wavetable oscillator display doesnt display sync/quantize algorithms correctly
    preset Synthmaster v 2.7.1 5 août 2015 MacOS X UB
    1. We added 16 different oscillator algorithms in the following categories: Spectral (HP, HS, LS, BP, BS), Bend (Bend+, Bend-, Bend +/-), Sync (No Window, Cos Window, Half Window, Tri Window, Saw Window), Other (Pulse1, Pulse2, Bit Crush)

    2. The analog filter algorithms have been rewritten so now they have 3 different CPU modes: Basic, Normal and High. The "Basic" algorithm should sound similar to the other algorithms in most cases and it lowers CPU usage by at least 50%, compared to version 2.6.

    3. The unison (voice stacking) features of basic/wavetable oscillators have been vastly improved: Now we have 2 new spread parameters for the osc algorithm parameters (tone spread and phase spread), and also voices mix and detune curve parameters to better control detune and volume of each voice.

    4. The wavetable oscillator UI has been rewritten to simply workflow.

    5. The modulators in each layer can now be used as sub-oscillators as well.

    6. It's now possible to assign multiple parameters to a single modulation source with a single click, so that complex morphs can be created.

    7. It's now possible to export your own presets as an iOS preset bank so that it can be loaded on yout SynthMaster Player iOs app!

    8. We added 300 new presets to our factory library, designed by Nori Ubukata, Rob Lee, Ufuk Kevser, Gercek Dorman, VorpalSound and BluffMonkey
    presets Synthmaster v 2.6.21 27 oct. 2014 MacOS X UB
    1. NEW: Added preset search textbox and button to the browser (longtime missing feature! :))
    2. NEW: Added support for reading 64bit WAV files
    3. FIX: Initial startup time of SynthMaster has further been reduced, due to the replacement of FIR filters with FFT based filters
    4. FIX: User waveforms are not imported correctly when folder name is longer than 31 characthers
    5. FIX: Preset browser might jump suddenly when a new preset is selected
    6. FIX: Preset bank names are truncated on the Browser tab.
    7. FIX: Preset browser scroller handle becomes almost invisible when all expansion banks are loaded
    8: FIX: Preset names/metadata are not displayed in sorted order
    9. FIX: Midi learn for Easy Parameter 1 doesn't work
    10.FIX: Global midi links are removed if loaded preset has its own midi mappings
    telecharger Synthmaster v 2.6.20 21 oct. 2014 MacOS X UB
    This update fixes a longstanding issue in SynthMaster: Prior to v2.6.20, it's been taking a while for SynthMaster to scan single cycle waveforms and import them into its database. We have changed that logic, and now it IS possible to import thousands of waveforms into SynthMaster.
    mac Synthmaster v 2.6.19 21 août 2014 MacOS X UB
    For those of you who've always wanted (and asked us) to assign envelopes/LFOs or even MIDI velocity to effect parameters (such as the EQ!), yes it IS possible now starting with v2.6.19!

    Also, in the version we have the following fixes/updates:

    1. NEW: /SynthMaster/Presets folder is now added to preset search folders list upon startup
    2. FIX: Changing the HP cutoff frequency of the EQ effect generates noise/out of range values
    3. FIX: Sampling rate is set to 44.1 khz for all SynthMaster AAX instances
    4. FIX: When importing MIDI sequences to the arpeggiator, rests in between notes are not recognized correctly
    5. FIX: When number of loops is set to 0 for multistage/2D envelopes, they don't work as "one shot" envelopes
    windows Synthmaster v 2.6.17 13 août 2014 MacOS X UB

    1. SynthMaster AAX is not syncing to host tempo
    2. Mouse wheel increment is incorrect for knobs
    3. Decreased SynthMaster startup time
    4. Favorite attribute is not assigned for expansion presets
    5. Midi learn for XY Pads doesn't work
    macintosh Synthmaster v 2.6.15 23 avril 2014 MacOS X UB
    New Fetures for SynthMaster:
    1. Added AAX version of SynthMaster (32/64 bits on Win/Mac platforms)
    2. SynthMaster Player skins are now included with SynthMaster as well
    3. Added Midi Learn for XYPad controls
    4. Added delete preset feature (by right clicking on a preset)
    5. Added random waveform selection for oscillators (by right clicking on an osc waveform)
    6. Added listbox scroll using mouse wheel
    7. Added preset bank import feature
    8. Updated SynthMaster User Manual
    9. All SynthMaster installers are now digitally signed
    10.Changed Unison implementation to better manage resources
    11.Users can now set the default preset to be used when initializing a new instance's settings
    12.Users can now search presets by typing in text inside preset search textbox
    13.Users can now load a preset randomly selected from current filtered presets list

    Fixes for SynthMaster:
    1. SynthMaster AU doesnt respond to up/down keyboard events to change current preset
    2. SynthMaster VST/AU doesnt normalize discrete parameter values between 0 and 1, causing incompatibilities with many host applications
    3. Selecting a Player skin crashes SynthMaster
    4. Updated factory presets that have missing easy parameters
    5. Updated Ufuk Kevser factory presets that have missing samples
    6. SynthMaster doesn't read samples under \SynthMaster\Samples folder
    7. SynthMaster doesn't read waveforms under My Documents
    pc Synthmaster v 2.6.9 26 nov. 2013 MacOS X UB
    This update brings critical fixes and adds 50 new presets to our factory library, created by Ufuk Kevser. The fixes in this update are:

    1.Moving the last point of distortion curve crashes SynthMaster.
    2.When multiple SynthMaster windows are open, switching between tabs might crash SynthMaster or can cause areas drawn in red.
    3.Resetting settings of a section doesnt refresh the user interface correctly.
    4.Pasting settings of a section from clipboard doesnt refresh the user interface correctly.
    5.Keyscaler view doesnt draw piano keys correctly
    Synthmaster v 2.6.8 20 août 2013 MacOS X UB
    This update brings an important feature that's been requested by most of our users:
    Being able to mark presets as 'Favorites' so that they can be loaded easily.

    There are also critical fixes in this update:
    NEW: SynthMaster User Manual updated
    FIX: Renaming a preset and then reloading again crashes SynthMaster
    FIX: Loading partial presets dont cause a refresh of the GUI until it is closed and reopened
    FIX: Waveform cache data is different between 32/64bit versions, causing issues when both versions are used on the same computer
    FIX: Pressing on 'Online' button to bring up online presets list crashes SynthMaster
    FIX: SynthMaster reverts waveforms in presets to default Sine wave when the preset is loaded more than once
    FIX: SynthMaster might crash the host application when the GUI is open and automated parameters are being updated by the host
    FIX: When an instance of SynthMaster is destroyed and then recreated again by the VST host, the instance might not be initialized correctly and might crash the host
    FIX: Changing discrete parameters values might not set the parameter value correctly when running under Ableton Live
    FIX: SynthMaster doesnt set default preset folder correctly when user saves a preset
    FIX: SynthMaster doesnt read WAV files correctly when format chunk size is not 16
    FIX: Renaming presets dont rename the preset file
    Synthmaster v 2.6.3 5 mai 2013 MacOS X UB
    Synthmaster v 2.6.2 18 avril 2013 MacOS X UB
    1. NEW: Added new partial presets (124) by Insigna
    2. NEW: Added new factory presets (24) by Insigna
    3: NEW: On Windows, SynthMaster now writes its temporary data under the Common Documents folder so that users dont have to run the DAW application as "administrator"
    4. NEW: On MacOSX, SynthMaster now writes its temporary data under the /Users/Shared folder so that users dont have to deal with forder permissions
    5. FIX: Synthmaster doesn't save bank name when saving preset settings
    6. FIX: CC7 to Master Volume default midi cc mapping causes issues with some DAWs such as Sonar/DP7
    7. FIX: Changing the HP cutoff frequency of the EQ effect generates noise
    Synthmaster v 2.6.1 16 mars 2013 MacOS X UB
    1. NEW: SynthMaster now reads SynthMasterCM/SynthMasterBE presets
    2. NEW: SynthMaster now has access to presets uploaded to the online library by SynthMasterCM/SynthMaster users
    3. NEW: SynthMaster VST now sends MIDI output for its 2 layers separately
    4. NEW: Updated the OnlinePresets bank
    5. NEW: Easy parameters auto assign algorithm has been vastly improved
    6. NEW: Number of modulation sources per parameter has been increased to 4
    7. FIX: Easy parameter default values are not correct
    8. FIX: Preset scale dropdown is not working correctly
    9. FIX: There is a click between overlapping notes in mono mode
    10.FIX: Layer2 Ensemble effect is not working correctly
    Synthmaster v 25 févr. 2013 MacOS X UB
    Synthmaster v 13 févr. 2013 MacOS X UB
    The fixes in this update are:
    Save/SaveAs buttons dont show up save file dialog for SynthMaster RTAS.
    Arpeggiator doesnt import MIDI files correctly when they contains triplet notes.
    Constant modulation source doesnt work.
    Pitch bend doesnt work correctly for comb filters.
    SynthMaster crashes when VST host changes buffer size.
    SynthMaster doesnt accept arbitrary buffer sizes from VST host.
    Saving preset settings might cause SynthMaster RTAS to crash.
    MIDI Node number of each SynthMaster RTAS instance is not unique.
    Preset browser bank filter missing in Synthmaster RTAS.
    For VST hosts that use variable buffer size (such as Orion), SynthMaster doesnt work correctly.
    When engine quality is greater than draft, MIDI CC filter lag time is incorrect.
    When engine quality is greater than draft, non-voice MIDI messages are not processed correctly.
    When voice stealing, notes that are held should not be stolen.
    Deleting keyscaler points with right mouse button doesnt work.
    For multiline textboxes (preset description), the last line is not displayed.
    SynthMaster AU 64bits might crash if there are certain plugins in the session.
    Step LFO doesnt start at correct step index.
    SynthMaster should warn user if temporary files can not be written (under Program Files or Library).
    After saving a preset its name is displayed twice on the preset browser.
    For SFZ oscillators, phase (sample start index) parameter can not be modulated.
    This update also brings the following new features:
    SynthMaster now supports multiple user preset folders.
    SynthMaster now adds default preset extension smpr while saving presets.
    SynthMaster now remembers user's last folder selection for imported samples.
    SynthMaster now supports global A4 tune through configuration file.
    Added tripled/dotted timing for arpeggiator steps.
    Added stereo panning for stereo SFZ oscillators.
    Synthmaster v 31 janv. 2013 MacOS X UB
    1. NEW: Added tripled/dotted timing for arpeggiator steps
    2. NEW: Added stereo panning for stereo SFZ oscillators
    3. FIX: Saving preset settings might cause SynthMaster RTAS to crash
    4. FIX: MIDI Node number of each SynthMaster RTAS instance is not unique
    5. FIX: Preset browser bank filter missing in Synthmaster RTAS
    6. FIX: For VST hosts that use variable buffer size (such as Orion), SynthMaster doesnt work correctly.
    7. FIX: When engine quality is greater than draft, MIDI CC filter lag time is incorrect
    8. FIX: When engine quality is greater than draft, non-voice MIDI messages are not processed correctly
    9. FIX: When voice stealing, notes that are held should not be stolen
    10. FIX: Deleting keyscaler points with right mouse button doesnt work
    11. FIX: For multiline textboxes (preset description), the last line is not displayed
    12. FIX: SynthMaster AU 64bits might crash if there are certain plugins in the session
    13. FIX: Step LFO doesnt start at correct step index
    14. FIX: SynthMaster should warn user if temporary files can not be written (under Program Files or Library)
    15. FIX: After saving a preset its name is displayed twice on the preset browser.
    16. FIX: For SFZ oscillators, phase (sample start index) parameter can not be modulated
    Synthmaster v 5 déc. 2012 MacOS X UB
    Synthmaster v 2 nov. 2012 MacOS X UB
    1. NEW: Added Michael Kastrup's Factory presets to the installer
    2. NEW: Added Aiyn Zahev's Factory presets to the installer
    3. NEW: On MacOSX, Control-Click now works as right mouse button
    4. NEW: Added filtering presets by 'Bank Name'
    5. FIX: Sending Hold pedal on CC64 message may cause hanging notes
    6. FIX: Initial value of Layer voice volume can sometimes have an out of range value, causing spikes
    7. FIX: On MacOSX, new preset banks are not shown on the preset browser
    Synthmaster v 1 sept. 2012 MacOS X UB
    Synthmaster v 22 mai 2012 MacOS X UB
    The fixes in this update are:

    Right clicking on preset list-box crashes SynthMaster.
    SynthMaster crashes when easy parameters are auto assigned for vector oscillators.
    Saving expansion presets as individual preset files is not possible.
    SynthMaster RTAS sends parameter indexes that are out of range to ProTools, which might cause crashes.
    Synthmaster v 1 mars 2012 MacOS X UB
    RTAS version
    Synthmaster v 2.5.1 19 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
    * Layers: In SynthMaster 2.5, every voice consists of 2 layers. Each layer has its own Arpeggiator/Sequencer, 2 Oscillators, 2 Multimode filters, 4 Modulators, 4 ADSR Envelopes, 2 Multistage Envelopes, 2 XY Envelopes, 2 LFOs, 4 KeyScalers and Distortion/LoFi/4 Band EQ effects.
    * "Analog" filters: SynthMaster now sounds warmer with the addition of "analog" LP/HP/BP/BS filters modelled after the famous "Ladder" filter. Aside from those, 1/2/3/4 stage Allpass and Comb filters are new additions as well.
    * "Wavetable/Wavescanning" oscillators: With the addition of Wavetable/wavescanning synthesis in SynthMaster 2.5, now it is possible to create very complex and evolving sounds using multiple wavetables and sequencing between them.
    * Flexible Modulation Options: It is possible to modulate almost every continuous parameter using LFOs, Envelopes, KeyScalers, MIDI Velocity, MIDI Aftertouch or MIDI Controllers; which makes it possible to create very complex sounds with SynthMaster 2.0
    * Rich Wavetable Content: Aside from the 128 factory wavetables licensed from Galbanum, 320 user wavetables selected from the Muz3um for Rapture patch set also comes with SynthMaster 2.5
    * Rich Preset Content: To show the power of SynthMaster 2.0, a team of professional sound designers formed by Scot Solida, LeLotusBleu Sound Design, Xenos Soundworks, CFA-Audio and KV331 Audio's own Teoman Pasinlioğlu have created more than 500 presets in a wide range of categories/genres.
    * Preset Browser: With the addition of a preset browser users can now easily find the sound they're looking for by filtering through preset category, music style or preset author.
    * Skin Editor: SynthMaster 2.5 comes with its skin editor which allows the users to customize the look of SynthMaster, or to create new skins with different layouts.
    Synthmaster Synthmaster v 2.8.10 12 juil. 2017 Windows
  • €˘ Resizeable UI: All of the default KV331 skins are now available at the following sizes: 100%, 120%, 140% and 160%. The plugin also automatically selects the correct size based on the user's current screen size.

  • €˘ New Factory Presets: SynthMaster and SynthMaster Player 2.8.10 come with 70 new factory presets designed by Vandalism Sound.

  • €˘ More Free Presets: The free version of SynthMaster Player 2.8.10 now comes with 400 factory presets.

  • There are also critical bug fixes for SynthMaster and SynthMaster Player in this update:

    1. SynthMaster crashes when a skin with the correct size is not found.
    2. Load Random preset menu doesn't work
    3. SynthMaster generates noisy output when engine buffer size >= XLarge and engine quality >= Better
    4. Portamento doesn’t work when engine quality > Good and buffer size >= Large
    5. Portamento duration shortens when engine quality is increased
    6. SynthMaster throws "SynthMaster could not find data files" error on Windows
    7. SynthMaster Windows setup doesn’t write installation location to SynthMasterFolders.txt file on 64bit systems
    8. SynthMaster prompts user to close and reopen plugin window when samples are imported
    9. SynthMaster chooses wrong folder for sample import
    10. Layer1:Filter2 Filter Type buttons control Layer1:Filter1 Filter Type
    11. Save menu items (Rename, add to favorites, upload) don't work
    KV331Audio Synthmaster Synthmaster v 2.8.9 24 juin 2017 Windows
    New Features:
    1. Added scaled UI support with 120%, 140% and 160% skins for Default (Gray), Blue, Orange and Red skins
    2. Added Undo/Redo support
    3. Added 70 new factory presets by Vandalism:…/factory-vandalism-synthmaster-28-f…

    4. FX screen now displays effects in the correct order for Layer 1, Layer 2, FX Bus 1 or FX Bus 2.
    5. Increased demo tryout period to 30 minutes

    1. Added Windows keyboard handler for up/down/left/right arrows to the plugin editor window
    2. Fixed minor UI issues
    3. When importing MIDI into the arpeggiator, notes are now quantized.
    4. Fixed aliasing inside the Reverb algorithm
    KV331Audio Synthmaster v 2.8.7 12 nov. 2016 Windows
    This update includes support for MIDI program change, has a new skin by SatyaTunes and bug fixes.
    filters Synthmaster v 2.8.4 11 juin 2016 Windows
    1. NEW: Added new global parameter to turn on/off arpeggiator MIDI Output. By default it's off now.
    2. FIX: SynthMaster/SynthMaster Player AAX crashes Protools upon launch due to buffer overflow (Might be happening with other hosts as well, we detected the issue on ProTools 10)
    3. FIX: Sustain pedal implementation not working correctly
    4. FIX: KeyScaler view doesn't display notes correctly
    modulation Synthmaster v 2.8 29 mai 2016 Windows
    4 new filter categories: Ladder (Moog), Diode Ladder (TB303), Bite (Korg MS20) and State Variable (SEM) filters all based on "zero delay feedback" (ZDF in short) topology. All the new filter categories also haven an Acid button. When turned on, this couples the resonance to the cutoff frequency so that resonance decreases with decreasing cutoff frequency.
    Analog ADSR envelope type: This new envelope type is modelled after Moog Sub Phatty envelopes. The attack/decay durations are between 1 milloseconds - 9 seconds.
    Dual LFO type: In this new LFO type, you can choose two waveforms and crossfade between them to create a variable shaped LFO. There's also bitcrush and sample&hold available in this mode.
    Drag-n-drop modulation: Now you can create modulation matrix entries by dragging a modulation source displayed on the new modulation sources tab and dragging it onto any know on the user interface. When you click on any knob, the modulation matrix is filtered to show only entries for that target. Similarly, when you click on any modulation source on the modulation source tab, only targets for that source are displayed and modulation amounts for targets are drawn as rings around the knobs.
    Layer Effects on a single tab: Prior to v2.8, layer effects were scattered in 3 different tabs. Now in v2.8, they are displayed on a single tab in the order they are inserted. The ordering of the insert effects can be easily changed by dragging an insert effect and dropping it onto another one.
    Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support: Starting with v2.8, SynthMaster now supports multichannel MIDI input. New generation keyboard like the ROLI Seaboard generate MIDI messages in different MIDI channels for each key pressed, allowing each key to have separate modwheel, pitch bend, etc. values. To suppor ROLI further, we also added a new global parameter called "Map CC74 to CC1" so that the CC74 messages generated by Roli can be change to CC1 to take advantage of presets using CC1 modulation.
    New Drum Kit: Our first factory drum kit, recorded at Mars Yap?m by Mehmet U?ur Memi? and Atalay Ant is finally available in this update. The drum kit features percussion instruments with multiple velocity regions. Our product manager Gercek Dorman (who also happens to be a multi-percussionist!) created 50 drum patterns/presets as factory presets in this update.
    DrumKit Mode for the Arpeggiator: A new mode called "DrumKit" has been added to the arpeggiatgor. In this mode, you can easily write drum patterns for a selected drum kit. Drum kits can be created in plain text files, where percussion instruments are mapped to specific MIDI notes. Each drum kit can have up to 16 percussion instruments defined.
    Recording Mono/Poly (Chord) Sequences directly from MIDI: Starting with v2.8, now it's possible to record mono or poly (chord) into the arpeggiator in "Sequence" mode.
    New Factory Presets: We added 150 new factory presets in this update. Arksun, who is a well known sound designer, has contributed to our factory library with 50 awesome presets!
    oscillators Synthmaster v 2.7.6 20 sept. 2015 Windows
    NEW: SynthMaster now reads scala tuning files from \SynthMaster\Scales folder as well
    NEW: SynthMaster now reads root note information from scala tuning files. The root note is specified at the beginning of the file on a comment line: !rootnote=C4
    NEW: On Windows, SynthMaster now has a single installer for 32/64 bit versions
    NEW: SynthMaster now has weekly version checking.
    NEW: SynthMaster Player updated to v2.7 with 300 new presets! The free version of the Player is also updated and now comes with 300 factory presets.
    NEW: Added 50 new factory presets by Bluffmunkey
    FIX: When user saves a file, file extension is now automatically added to the file name if missing
    FIX: WAV files containing invalid cue chunks are now read correctly by SynthMaster
    FIX: Favorite presets with longer that 31 characthers might cause SynthMaster to crash
    FIX: Popup window at startup causes some DAW applications such as Cubase to freeze
    FIX: FavouritePresets.txt file saved on Windows is not loaded correctly on MacOSX
    FIX: Browsing online presets and then going back to local presets might cause a crash
    FIX: When user clicks prev/next buttons, current preset is not shown on the presets listbox
    FIX: On MacOSX, preset search textbox is not entirely visible
    FIX: Analog filter resonances cause noisy output at high resonance and high cutoff values
    FIX: SynthMaster doesn't read WAV files correcly when then contain label chunks
    FIX: Phase parameter doesnt work for HP/LP algorithms
    FIX: Osc Coarse Tune/Layer Pitch parameter values are now quantized to semitones
    FIX: Background pictures contain labels for LFO/filter sections
    FIX: Wavetable oscillator display doesnt display sync/quantize algorithms correctly
    preset Synthmaster v 2.7.1 5 août 2015 Windows
    1. We added 16 different oscillator algorithms in the following categories: Spectral (HP, HS, LS, BP, BS), Bend (Bend+, Bend-, Bend +/-), Sync (No Window, Cos Window, Half Window, Tri Window, Saw Window), Other (Pulse1, Pulse2, Bit Crush)

    2. The analog filter algorithms have been rewritten so now they have 3 different CPU modes: Basic, Normal and High. The "Basic" algorithm should sound similar to the other algorithms in most cases and it lowers CPU usage by at least 50%, compared to version 2.6.

    3. The unison (voice stacking) features of basic/wavetable oscillators have been vastly improved: Now we have 2 new spread parameters for the osc algorithm parameters (tone spread and phase spread), and also voices mix and detune curve parameters to better control detune and volume of each voice.

    4. The wavetable oscillator UI has been rewritten to simply workflow.

    5. The modulators in each layer can now be used as sub-oscillators as well.

    6. It's now possible to assign multiple parameters to a single modulation source with a single click, so that complex morphs can be created.

    7. It's now possible to export your own presets as an iOS preset bank so that it can be loaded on yout SynthMaster Player iOs app!

    8. We added 300 new presets to our factory library, designed by Nori Ubukata, Rob Lee, Ufuk Kevser, Gercek Dorman, VorpalSound and BluffMonkey
    presets Synthmaster v 2.6.21 27 oct. 2014 Windows
    1. NEW: Added preset search textbox and button to the browser (longtime missing feature! :))
    2. NEW: Added support for reading 64bit WAV files
    3. FIX: Initial startup time of SynthMaster has further been reduced, due to the replacement of FIR filters with FFT based filters
    4. FIX: User waveforms are not imported correctly when folder name is longer than 31 characthers
    5. FIX: Preset browser might jump suddenly when a new preset is selected
    6. FIX: Preset bank names are truncated on the Browser tab.
    7. FIX: Preset browser scroller handle becomes almost invisible when all expansion banks are loaded
    8: FIX: Preset names/metadata are not displayed in sorted order
    9. FIX: Midi learn for Easy Parameter 1 doesn't work
    10.FIX: Global midi links are removed if loaded preset has its own midi mappings
    telecharger Synthmaster v 2.6.20 21 oct. 2014 Windows
    This update fixes a longstanding issue in SynthMaster: Prior to v2.6.20, it's been taking a while for SynthMaster to scan single cycle waveforms and import them into its database. We have changed that logic, and now it IS possible to import thousands of waveforms into SynthMaster.
    mac Synthmaster v 2.6.19 21 août 2014 Windows
    For those of you who've always wanted (and asked us) to assign envelopes/LFOs or even MIDI velocity to effect parameters (such as the EQ!), yes it IS possible now starting with v2.6.19!

    Also, in the version we have the following fixes/updates:

    1. NEW: /SynthMaster/Presets folder is now added to preset search folders list upon startup
    2. FIX: Changing the HP cutoff frequency of the EQ effect generates noise/out of range values
    3. FIX: Sampling rate is set to 44.1 khz for all SynthMaster AAX instances
    4. FIX: When importing MIDI sequences to the arpeggiator, rests in between notes are not recognized correctly
    5. FIX: When number of loops is set to 0 for multistage/2D envelopes, they don't work as "one shot" envelopes
    windows Synthmaster v 2.6.17 13 août 2014 Windows

    1. SynthMaster AAX is not syncing to host tempo
    2. Mouse wheel increment is incorrect for knobs
    3. Decreased SynthMaster startup time
    4. Favorite attribute is not assigned for expansion presets
    5. Midi learn for XY Pads doesn't work
    macintosh Synthmaster v 2.6.15 23 avril 2014 Windows
    New Fetures for SynthMaster:
    1. Added AAX version of SynthMaster (32/64 bits on Win/Mac platforms)
    2. SynthMaster Player skins are now included with SynthMaster as well
    3. Added Midi Learn for XYPad controls
    4. Added delete preset feature (by right clicking on a preset)
    5. Added random waveform selection for oscillators (by right clicking on an osc waveform)
    6. Added listbox scroll using mouse wheel
    7. Added preset bank import feature
    8. Updated SynthMaster User Manual
    9. All SynthMaster installers are now digitally signed
    10.Changed Unison implementation to better manage resources
    11.Users can now set the default preset to be used when initializing a new instance's settings
    12.Users can now search presets by typing in text inside preset search textbox
    13.Users can now load a preset randomly selected from current filtered presets list

    Fixes for SynthMaster:
    1. SynthMaster AU doesnt respond to up/down keyboard events to change current preset
    2. SynthMaster VST/AU doesnt normalize discrete parameter values between 0 and 1, causing incompatibilities with many host applications
    3. Selecting a Player skin crashes SynthMaster
    4. Updated factory presets that have missing easy parameters
    5. Updated Ufuk Kevser factory presets that have missing samples
    6. SynthMaster doesn't read samples under \SynthMaster\Samples folder
    7. SynthMaster doesn't read waveforms under My Documents
    pc Synthmaster v 2.6.9 26 nov. 2013 Windows
    This update brings critical fixes and adds 50 new presets to our factory library, created by Ufuk Kevser. The fixes in this update are:

    1.Moving the last point of distortion curve crashes SynthMaster.
    2.When multiple SynthMaster windows are open, switching between tabs might crash SynthMaster or can cause areas drawn in red.
    3.Resetting settings of a section doesnt refresh the user interface correctly.
    4.Pasting settings of a section from clipboard doesnt refresh the user interface correctly.
    5.Keyscaler view doesnt draw piano keys correctly
    Synthmaster v 2.6.8 20 août 2013 Windows
    This update brings an important feature that's been requested by most of our users:
    Being able to mark presets as 'Favorites' so that they can be loaded easily.

    There are also critical fixes in this update:
    NEW: SynthMaster User Manual updated
    FIX: Renaming a preset and then reloading again crashes SynthMaster
    FIX: Loading partial presets dont cause a refresh of the GUI until it is closed and reopened
    FIX: Waveform cache data is different between 32/64bit versions, causing issues when both versions are used on the same computer
    FIX: Pressing on 'Online' button to bring up online presets list crashes SynthMaster
    FIX: SynthMaster reverts waveforms in presets to default Sine wave when the preset is loaded more than once
    FIX: SynthMaster might crash the host application when the GUI is open and automated parameters are being updated by the host
    FIX: When an instance of SynthMaster is destroyed and then recreated again by the VST host, the instance might not be initialized correctly and might crash the host
    FIX: Changing discrete parameters values might not set the parameter value correctly when running under Ableton Live
    FIX: SynthMaster doesnt set default preset folder correctly when user saves a preset
    FIX: SynthMaster doesnt read WAV files correctly when format chunk size is not 16
    FIX: Renaming presets dont rename the preset file
    Synthmaster v 2.6.3 5 mai 2013 Windows
    Synthmaster v 2.6.2 18 avril 2013 Windows
    1. NEW: Added new partial presets (124) by Insigna
    2. NEW: Added new factory presets (24) by Insigna
    3: NEW: On Windows, SynthMaster now writes its temporary data under the Common Documents folder so that users dont have to run the DAW application as "administrator"
    4. NEW: On MacOSX, SynthMaster now writes its temporary data under the /Users/Shared folder so that users dont have to deal with forder permissions
    5. FIX: Synthmaster doesn't save bank name when saving preset settings
    6. FIX: CC7 to Master Volume default midi cc mapping causes issues with some DAWs such as Sonar/DP7
    7. FIX: Changing the HP cutoff frequency of the EQ effect generates noise
    Synthmaster v 2.6.1 16 mars 2013 Windows
    1. NEW: SynthMaster now reads SynthMasterCM/SynthMasterBE presets
    2. NEW: SynthMaster now has access to presets uploaded to the online library by SynthMasterCM/SynthMaster users
    3. NEW: SynthMaster VST now sends MIDI output for its 2 layers separately
    4. NEW: Updated the OnlinePresets bank
    5. NEW: Easy parameters auto assign algorithm has been vastly improved
    6. NEW: Number of modulation sources per parameter has been increased to 4
    7. FIX: Easy parameter default values are not correct
    8. FIX: Preset scale dropdown is not working correctly
    9. FIX: There is a click between overlapping notes in mono mode
    10.FIX: Layer2 Ensemble effect is not working correctly
    Synthmaster v 25 févr. 2013 Windows
    Synthmaster v 13 févr. 2013 Windows
    The fixes in this update are:
    Save/SaveAs buttons dont show up save file dialog for SynthMaster RTAS.
    Arpeggiator doesnt import MIDI files correctly when they contains triplet notes.
    Constant modulation source doesnt work.
    Pitch bend doesnt work correctly for comb filters.
    SynthMaster crashes when VST host changes buffer size.
    SynthMaster doesnt accept arbitrary buffer sizes from VST host.
    Saving preset settings might cause SynthMaster RTAS to crash.
    MIDI Node number of each SynthMaster RTAS instance is not unique.
    Preset browser bank filter missing in Synthmaster RTAS.
    For VST hosts that use variable buffer size (such as Orion), SynthMaster doesnt work correctly.
    When engine quality is greater than draft, MIDI CC filter lag time is incorrect.
    When engine quality is greater than draft, non-voice MIDI messages are not processed correctly.
    When voice stealing, notes that are held should not be stolen.
    Deleting keyscaler points with right mouse button doesnt work.
    For multiline textboxes (preset description), the last line is not displayed.
    SynthMaster AU 64bits might crash if there are certain plugins in the session.
    Step LFO doesnt start at correct step index.
    SynthMaster should warn user if temporary files can not be written (under Program Files or Library).
    After saving a preset its name is displayed twice on the preset browser.
    For SFZ oscillators, phase (sample start index) parameter can not be modulated.
    This update also brings the following new features:
    SynthMaster now supports multiple user preset folders.
    SynthMaster now adds default preset extension smpr while saving presets.
    SynthMaster now remembers user's last folder selection for imported samples.
    SynthMaster now supports global A4 tune through configuration file.
    Added tripled/dotted timing for arpeggiator steps.
    Added stereo panning for stereo SFZ oscillators.
    Synthmaster v 31 janv. 2013 Windows
    Synthmaster v 5 déc. 2012 Windows
    Synthmaster v 2 nov. 2012 Windows
    1. NEW: Added Michael Kastrup's Factory presets to the installer
    2. NEW: Added Aiyn Zahev's Factory presets to the installer
    3. NEW: On MacOSX, Control-Click now works as right mouse button
    4. NEW: Added filtering presets by 'Bank Name'
    5. FIX: Sending Hold pedal on CC64 message may cause hanging notes
    6. FIX: Initial value of Layer voice volume can sometimes have an out of range value, causing spikes
    7. FIX: On MacOSX, new preset banks are not shown on the preset browser
    Synthmaster v 1 sept. 2012 Windows
    Synthmaster v 22 mai 2012 Windows
    The fixes in this update are:

    Right clicking on preset list-box crashes SynthMaster.
    SynthMaster crashes when easy parameters are auto assigned for vector oscillators.
    Saving expansion presets as individual preset files is not possible.
    SynthMaster RTAS sends parameter indexes that are out of range to ProTools, which might cause crashes.
    Synthmaster v 1 mars 2012 Windows
    RTAS version
    Synthmaster v 2.5.1 19 oct. 2010 Windows
    * Layers: In SynthMaster 2.5, every voice consists of 2 layers. Each layer has its own Arpeggiator/Sequencer, 2 Oscillators, 2 Multimode filters, 4 Modulators, 4 ADSR Envelopes, 2 Multistage Envelopes, 2 XY Envelopes, 2 LFOs, 4 KeyScalers and Distortion/LoFi/4 Band EQ effects.
    * "Analog" filters: SynthMaster now sounds warmer with the addition of "analog" LP/HP/BP/BS filters modelled after the famous "Ladder" filter. Aside from those, 1/2/3/4 stage Allpass and Comb filters are new additions as well.
    * "Wavetable/Wavescanning" oscillators: With the addition of Wavetable/wavescanning synthesis in SynthMaster 2.5, now it is possible to create very complex and evolving sounds using multiple wavetables and sequencing between them.
    * Flexible Modulation Options: It is possible to modulate almost every continuous parameter using LFOs, Envelopes, KeyScalers, MIDI Velocity, MIDI Aftertouch or MIDI Controllers; which makes it possible to create very complex sounds with SynthMaster 2.0
    * Rich Wavetable Content: Aside from the 128 factory wavetables licensed from Galbanum, 320 user wavetables selected from the Muz3um for Rapture patch set also comes with SynthMaster 2.5
    * Rich Preset Content: To show the power of SynthMaster 2.0, a team of professional sound designers formed by Scot Solida, LeLotusBleu Sound Design, Xenos Soundworks, CFA-Audio and KV331 Audio's own Teoman Pasinlioğlu have created more than 500 presets in a wide range of categories/genres.
    * Preset Browser: With the addition of a preset browser users can now easily find the sound they're looking for by filtering through preset category, music style or preset author.
    * Skin Editor: SynthMaster 2.5 comes with its skin editor which allows the users to customize the look of SynthMaster, or to create new skins with different layouts.
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