
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.8.2
Format AUVST
Compatibilité AaltoMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $99  /  91€
Mis à jour le 18 mars 2017
Téléchargements 2 405
Télécharg. Mac 1 906
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.8.2
Format VST
Compatibilité AaltoWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $99  /  91€
Mis à jour le 18 mars 2017
Téléchargements 2 405
Télécharg. PC 499

Synthétiseur semi-modulaire

Aalto est un synthétiseur semi-modulaire doté d'une interface patchable innovante.

Le cœur d'Aalto est un oscillateur complexe inspiré des synthétiseurs Buchla, avec modulation de fréquence, contrôles de timbre et waveshape qui autorisent une large gamme de sons expressifs, vivants et malléables parce que conçus par calcul dynamique, non par tables d'ondes statiques.

Aalto est destiné autant pour des patterns séquencés que pour le jeu de notes individuelles. Chaque voix dipose d'un séquenceur propre avec contrôles indivuduels.

Chaque voix contient aussi un module de gate passe-bas avec émulation Vactrol dans le circuit de contrôle. L'équation Vactrol ralentit la réponse aux signaux de contrôle entrant grâce à un filtre non-linéaire complexe.

Ensuite vient un module de délai avec...
Aalto est un synthétiseur semi-modulaire doté d'une interface patchable innovante.

Le cœur d'Aalto est un oscillateur complexe inspiré des synthétiseurs Buchla, avec modulation de fréquence, contrôles de timbre et waveshape qui autorisent une large gamme de sons expressifs, vivants et malléables parce que conçus par calcul dynamique, non par tables d'ondes statiques.

Aalto est destiné autant pour des patterns séquencés que pour le jeu de notes individuelles. Chaque voix dipose d'un séquenceur propre avec contrôles indivuduels.

Chaque voix contient aussi un module de gate passe-bas avec émulation Vactrol dans le circuit de contrôle. L'équation Vactrol ralentit la réponse aux signaux de contrôle entrant grâce à un filtre non-linéaire complexe.

Ensuite vient un module de délai avec waveshaper et égaliseur intégré à la boucle de feedback. Des temps de délai très courts permettent de l'utiliser comme un oscillateur additionnel ou waveguide.

Enfin le filtre d'Aalto a une étendue similaire à un filtre SEM Oberheim, mais avec une résonance un peu plus accusée.

D'autres fonctions sont prévues dans des versions à venir:
- synchronisation au tempo hôte
- tables d'accordages alternatifs
Mac OS X 10.7 or higher.
Windows XP, 7 or 8
Aalto Aalto v 1.8.2 18 mars 2017 MacOS X Intel
Platform compatibility, bug fixes and optimization
Madrona Labs Aalto Aalto v 1.8.1 7 janv. 2017 MacOS X Intel
.1 update of all three plugins to address some things that were broken in the recent extensive updates.
Madrona Labs Aalto v 1.8.0b4 10 déc. 2016 MacOS X Intel
New registration system
new software PLL host sync
UTF-8 compatibility for patch and registration names
fixed an issue where the protocol type (MIDI, MPE, OSC) was not loading if the plugin editor did not exist
fixed an issue where folder or patch names starting in numbers might not appear
code signed Mac OS installer for Gatekeeper compatibility
code signed Windows installer for security and good feels
fixed a drawing problem with multiple plugin windows
fixed a problem where the sequencer would restart when its parameters were changed
fixed a problem where sequencer voices would stop after a program change
contr Aalto v 1.7 2 août 2015 MacOS X Intel
With version 1.7 of Aalto, our favorite West Coast softsynth now adds MPE support, and other improvements.

MPE stands for Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression. It's a way of using MIDI to transmit the rich, per-note expressive performances that instruments like the Haken Continuum, Seaboard, Linnstrument and of course our own Soundplane are capable of. Geert Bevin, longtime Eigenharp player and currently a software developer at Moog Music, lead the charge on this effort, and I thank him for moving things forward. You can find Geert's post with the MPE specifications here: [expressiveness.org]

Many smart and experienced people, including all us makers of new and ambitious controllers, looked over a draft of this spec and contributed changes. MPE makes sense, is easy to implement, and should be very useful. With its addition Aalto becomes one of a just a few great sound makers out there for per-note expression. I am hotly anticipating more Linnstrument+Aalto, Seaboard+Aalto sounds.

Soundplane owners have always had a great connection to Aalto over OSC. But the big deal for the Soundplane is that now, while we are still waiting for the OSC-based composition environment of our dreams, we can use ordinary DAWs to record and edit an entire Soundplane performance.

Aalto version 1.7 also brings improved Soundplane compatibility with MIDI patches, optimized animation drawing, and bug fixes. MPE support in Kaivo synthesizer will follow next month with other changes.
filtre Aalto v 1.6.1 27 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Fixed a problem where parameter automation was turning off due to a loop.
Fixed "ghost window" issue on close in 32-bit Live
fixed issue with AU version not loading in Live
fixed errors in OSC enabled state
fixed a possible crash in the patch converter
patch converter on VST version was generating default patches from .aupreset - fixed
synth Aalto v 1.6 14 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Both AU and VST versions now use .mlpreset files in new JSON format
added preset converter to convert all old presets to new format
presets directory moved to ~/Music/Madrona Labs
improved speed of preset loading
fixed a problem with keyboard stealing in 64-bit VST
now saving window size state properly in compatible DAWs
fixed an issue with the oscillator and extreme pitch modulation
added OSC enable / disable and port offset (Mac OS)
sequencer now quantizes to currently selected musical scale.
fix parameter loading when no DSP is active in application (for Max/MSP and Vienna Instruments)
fixed problem with sequencer retrig
fixed defaults for envelope trigger and x vel
added defaults to make MIDI patches more compatible with Soundplane / t3d
added clearer display of multiple channels in scope dials
fixed a bug affecting MIDI timing
added multi-channel MIDI receive for voice-per-channel operation with Soundplane / t3d
fixed an issue affecting Save as... on some systems
improved graphics performance
fixed a problem that prevented MIDI program changes on some systems
fixed bug when no MIDI Programs folder was present
Scala keyboard mapping files (.kbm) now loaded if present in scales directory with same name as
improved UI response for dials with only a few values
on Save as... outside normal patch directory, warn then allow anyway.
fix an issue loading patches if the home directory was renamed (Mac OS)
fixed a bug where a program change could cause t3d to stop receiving
added environment menu that contains editor and OSC settings
added "reset editor size" option in settings
chaque Aalto v 1.5 18 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Fixed an issue that was slowing down Aalto dramatically on some Windows systems.
Fixed an issue requiring a runtime support pack on some Windows systems.
Improved latency through the patcher when running at large host buffer sizes.
Aalto now draws at full resolution on Macintosh Retina Display, in compatible hosts.
Aalto is now compatible with Soundplane version 1.0 and higher.
Fix mousewheel direction on Mac OS 10.7 and higher.
Accelerated drawing to the screen on Mac OS with OpenGL.
Optimized drawing scheduling to avoid glitches, especially in Logic.
User and factory presets now share the same location.
Improved ergonomics of patcher with larger handles and smoother graphics.
Fixed a drawing problem with bipolar dials.
Improved drag ergonomics for dials.
d'aalto Aalto v 1.4.1 5 août 2013 MacOS X Intel
This fixes the Logic validation problem some people were seeing on Mac OS 10.8.
telecharger Aalto v 1.4 30 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Over 100 new presets
KEY module now recognizes MIDI sustain messages
fixed LFO self loop problem
SEQ: quantize now snaps to current scale in KEY module
touches over OSC / Soundplane are now quantized on release
fixed problem scanning MIDI programs in MainStage
fixed possible crash with preset menu in MainStage
fixed unison mode for OSC / Soundplane
fixed zipper noise in OSC / Soundplane input
fixed possible OSC-related crash in Ableton Live
fixed a problem with OSC / Soundplane input when UI was not open
fixed a problem loading presets with default tuning
fixed a problem where window could become stuck after maximizing
mac Aalto v 1.3.2 25 janv. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Added new patch save features:
  • quick save as version

  • save (over existing)

  • revert to saved

  • added revert to saved via MIDI (program change 128)
    fixed sync problems in sequencer
    fixed signal viewer cold startup in UI
    restored bipolar dials in UI
    windows Aalto v 1.3.0 16 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • redesigned, rewritten, vector-based, smoothly resizeable UI

  • DSP optimizations

  • Open Sound Control input for Soundplane / t3d format controllers

  • fixed key stealing in Ableton Live

  • fixed Fxpansion RTAS wrapper compatibility

  • improved dial / mouse wheel ballistics

  • fixed Logic noise burst bug of doom

  • sync by ratios to host sequencer

  • added MIDI program change automation

  • store window location / num / anim prefs with saved data, not patch

  • fix startup / shutdown issues affecting Max/MSP, Reaper

  • KEY: added two MIDI modulation outputs

  • KEY: rearranged knobs for Soundplane/t3d switch

  • SEQ: added random sequence button

  • SEQ: added steps signal input

  • SEQ: allow fine delay time changes in steps of 0.1

  • ENV: increased attack, decay ranges

  • ENV2: added delay, attack signal inputs

  • LFO: add level signal input

  • OSCILLATOR: fix linear pitch input range

  • patcher: fixed sticky signal displays

  • patcher: display bipolar signals as absolute
  • macintosh Aalto v 1.2.6 26 juil. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Improved performance!
    optimized patch loading
    fixed Logic dropouts, improved Logic CPU spikes
    fixed Live 7 UI hangs
    fixed Sonar crash
    fixed Maschine scan crash
    fixed multislider parameter behavior
    added debug diagnostics
    smaller executable
    pc Aalto v 1.2 13 juin 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • Mac and Windows VST versions added

  • 64-bit Mac AU / VST added

  • 64-bit Windows VST added

  • Improved performance (20-50% faster than version 1.1)

  • Brand new patching interface

  • New cross-platform preset format

  • Improved dial ballistics

  • Over 100 new presets from Richard Devine, Rory Dow, Surachai, Edward Ten Eyck and Madrona Labs.
  • moins...
    Aalto Aalto v 1.8.2 18 mars 2017 Windows
    Platform compatibility, bug fixes and optimization
    Madrona Labs Aalto Aalto v 1.8.1 7 janv. 2017 Windows
    .1 update of all three plugins to address some things that were broken in the recent extensive updates.
    Madrona Labs Aalto v 1.8.0b4 10 déc. 2016 Windows
    New registration system
    new software PLL host sync
    UTF-8 compatibility for patch and registration names
    fixed an issue where the protocol type (MIDI, MPE, OSC) was not loading if the plugin editor did not exist
    fixed an issue where folder or patch names starting in numbers might not appear
    code signed Mac OS installer for Gatekeeper compatibility
    code signed Windows installer for security and good feels
    fixed a drawing problem with multiple plugin windows
    fixed a problem where the sequencer would restart when its parameters were changed
    fixed a problem where sequencer voices would stop after a program change
    contr Aalto v 1.7 2 août 2015 Windows
    With version 1.7 of Aalto, our favorite West Coast softsynth now adds MPE support, and other improvements.

    MPE stands for Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression. It's a way of using MIDI to transmit the rich, per-note expressive performances that instruments like the Haken Continuum, Seaboard, Linnstrument and of course our own Soundplane are capable of. Geert Bevin, longtime Eigenharp player and currently a software developer at Moog Music, lead the charge on this effort, and I thank him for moving things forward. You can find Geert's post with the MPE specifications here: [expressiveness.org]

    Many smart and experienced people, including all us makers of new and ambitious controllers, looked over a draft of this spec and contributed changes. MPE makes sense, is easy to implement, and should be very useful. With its addition Aalto becomes one of a just a few great sound makers out there for per-note expression. I am hotly anticipating more Linnstrument+Aalto, Seaboard+Aalto sounds.

    Soundplane owners have always had a great connection to Aalto over OSC. But the big deal for the Soundplane is that now, while we are still waiting for the OSC-based composition environment of our dreams, we can use ordinary DAWs to record and edit an entire Soundplane performance.

    Aalto version 1.7 also brings improved Soundplane compatibility with MIDI patches, optimized animation drawing, and bug fixes. MPE support in Kaivo synthesizer will follow next month with other changes.
    filtre Aalto v 1.6.1 27 févr. 2015 Windows
    Fixed a problem where parameter automation was turning off due to a loop.
    Fixed "ghost window" issue on close in 32-bit Live
    fixed issue with AU version not loading in Live
    fixed errors in OSC enabled state
    fixed a possible crash in the patch converter
    patch converter on VST version was generating default patches from .aupreset - fixed
    synth Aalto v 1.6 14 févr. 2015 Windows
    Both AU and VST versions now use .mlpreset files in new JSON format
    added preset converter to convert all old presets to new format
    presets directory moved to ~/Music/Madrona Labs
    improved speed of preset loading
    fixed a problem with keyboard stealing in 64-bit VST
    now saving window size state properly in compatible DAWs
    fixed an issue with the oscillator and extreme pitch modulation
    added OSC enable / disable and port offset (Mac OS)
    sequencer now quantizes to currently selected musical scale.
    fix parameter loading when no DSP is active in application (for Max/MSP and Vienna Instruments)
    fixed problem with sequencer retrig
    fixed defaults for envelope trigger and x vel
    added defaults to make MIDI patches more compatible with Soundplane / t3d
    added clearer display of multiple channels in scope dials
    fixed a bug affecting MIDI timing
    added multi-channel MIDI receive for voice-per-channel operation with Soundplane / t3d
    fixed an issue affecting Save as... on some systems
    improved graphics performance
    fixed a problem that prevented MIDI program changes on some systems
    fixed bug when no MIDI Programs folder was present
    Scala keyboard mapping files (.kbm) now loaded if present in scales directory with same name as
    improved UI response for dials with only a few values
    on Save as... outside normal patch directory, warn then allow anyway.
    fix an issue loading patches if the home directory was renamed (Mac OS)
    fixed a bug where a program change could cause t3d to stop receiving
    added environment menu that contains editor and OSC settings
    added "reset editor size" option in settings
    chaque Aalto v 1.5 18 févr. 2014 Windows
    Fixed an issue that was slowing down Aalto dramatically on some Windows systems.
    Fixed an issue requiring a runtime support pack on some Windows systems.
    Improved latency through the patcher when running at large host buffer sizes.
    Aalto now draws at full resolution on Macintosh Retina Display, in compatible hosts.
    Aalto is now compatible with Soundplane version 1.0 and higher.
    Fix mousewheel direction on Mac OS 10.7 and higher.
    Accelerated drawing to the screen on Mac OS with OpenGL.
    Optimized drawing scheduling to avoid glitches, especially in Logic.
    User and factory presets now share the same location.
    Improved ergonomics of patcher with larger handles and smoother graphics.
    Fixed a drawing problem with bipolar dials.
    Improved drag ergonomics for dials.
    d'aalto Aalto v 1.4 30 juil. 2013 Windows
    Over 100 new presets
    KEY module now recognizes MIDI sustain messages
    fixed LFO self loop problem
    SEQ: quantize now snaps to current scale in KEY module
    touches over OSC / Soundplane are now quantized on release
    fixed problem scanning MIDI programs in MainStage
    fixed possible crash with preset menu in MainStage
    fixed unison mode for OSC / Soundplane
    fixed zipper noise in OSC / Soundplane input
    fixed possible OSC-related crash in Ableton Live
    fixed a problem with OSC / Soundplane input when UI was not open
    fixed a problem loading presets with default tuning
    fixed a problem where window could become stuck after maximizing
    telecharger Aalto v 1.3.2 25 janv. 2013 Windows
    Added new patch save features:
  • quick save as version

  • save (over existing)

  • revert to saved

  • added revert to saved via MIDI (program change 128)
    fixed sync problems in sequencer
    fixed signal viewer cold startup in UI
    restored bipolar dials in UI
    mac Aalto v 1.3.0 16 nov. 2012 Windows
  • redesigned, rewritten, vector-based, smoothly resizeable UI

  • DSP optimizations

  • Open Sound Control input for Soundplane / t3d format controllers

  • fixed key stealing in Ableton Live

  • fixed Fxpansion RTAS wrapper compatibility

  • improved dial / mouse wheel ballistics

  • fixed Logic noise burst bug of doom

  • sync by ratios to host sequencer

  • added MIDI program change automation

  • store window location / num / anim prefs with saved data, not patch

  • fix startup / shutdown issues affecting Max/MSP, Reaper

  • KEY: added two MIDI modulation outputs

  • KEY: rearranged knobs for Soundplane/t3d switch

  • SEQ: added random sequence button

  • SEQ: added steps signal input

  • SEQ: allow fine delay time changes in steps of 0.1

  • ENV: increased attack, decay ranges

  • ENV2: added delay, attack signal inputs

  • LFO: add level signal input

  • OSCILLATOR: fix linear pitch input range

  • patcher: fixed sticky signal displays

  • patcher: display bipolar signals as absolute
  • plus...
    windows Aalto v 1.2.6 26 juil. 2011 Windows
    Improved performance!
    optimized patch loading
    fixed Logic dropouts, improved Logic CPU spikes
    fixed Live 7 UI hangs
    fixed Sonar crash
    fixed Maschine scan crash
    fixed multislider parameter behavior
    added debug diagnostics
    smaller executable
    macintosh Aalto v 1.2 13 juin 2011 Windows
  • Mac and Windows VST versions added

  • 64-bit Mac AU / VST added

  • 64-bit Windows VST added

  • Improved performance (20-50% faster than version 1.1)

  • Brand new patching interface

  • New cross-platform preset format

  • Improved dial ballistics

  • Over 100 new presets from Richard Devine, Rory Dow, Surachai, Edward Ten Eyck and Madrona Labs.
  • moins...
    Madrona Labs
    Acheter Aalto près de Columbus, United States chez:

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