Ircam Verb

par Flux
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 3.0.35
Compatibilité Ircam VerbMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $899  /  699€
Mis à jour le 14 sept. 2013
Téléchargements 740
Télécharg. Mac 493
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 3.0.34
Compatibilité Ircam VerbWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $899  /  699€
Mis à jour le 24 juil. 2013
Téléchargements 740
Télécharg. PC 247

Réverbération et simulation spatiale

Fruit de plus de dix années de recherches menées par l'équipe Acoustic and Cognitive Spaces de l'Ircam, Ircam Verb est un processeur de réverbération et d'espace acoustique conçu de manière modulaire, autour d'un moteur de réverbération à base de filtrage récursif qui reproduit et synthétise les caractéristiques acoustiques spécifiques d'espaces sonores.

Ircam Verb est doté de huit canaux d'entrées et sorties et permet donc le traitement en multicanal/surround. Une matrice de routage permet de configurer l'organisation des entrées et sorties en fonction du système de diffusion choisi.
Mac OS X (Intel) - 10.7 and 10.8 in both 32 and 64 bits Ircam Verb v3 AAX Native supports 32 bit in Pro Tools 10.3.5 and 64 bit in Pro Tools 11.
Windows - Vista, 7 and 8 all in both 32 and 64 bits. (XP v.2.4 / 32 bit only) Ircam Verb v3 AAX Native supports 32 bit in Pro Tools 10.3.5 and 64 bit in Pro Tools 11.
Ircam Verb Ircam Verb v 3.0.35 14 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Bug fixes
  • Authorizations issue on AudioUnits

  • Logic X compatibility fix

  • Digital Performer 8 compatibility fix

  • Wavelab 8 compatibility fix

  • Known issue:
  • Logic 32bit can still present authorization issues in old projects.
  • Flux Ircam Verb Ircam Verb v 3.0.34 24 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Today, we have the pleasure to announce the release of Ircam Verb v3, algorithmic room acoustics and reverberation processor, in AAX Native and 64-bit compatible versions built on our latest 64-bit version 3 (v3) framework.

    The v3 framework improves the performance dramatically, and for the graphic rendering it includes our GPU-efficient 2D/3D graphic engine, first introduced in the Pure Analyzer System, based on the OpenGL standard optimizing the audio-to-visual experience utilizing the GPU on the computer's built in graphics card.
    Flux Ircam Verb v 1.3.8 10 oct. 2012 MacOS X UB
    Main Enhancements

    Mac OSX Mountain Lion Support

    Main Fixes

    SPAT & VERB crash in 7.1...
    some minor fixes...
    ration Ircam Verb v 1.2.4 25 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB
    New Feature - Mac & Windows - Elixir - Dynamic Channel Linking: Make the channels linkage dynamic according to the signal. It means; when On, the Channel Link will automatically move from 0 when High Dynamic (High transient) are detected and the desired value when no dynamic (low transient) are detected.
    Enhancement - Mac & Windows - Elixir - in addition to dBTP; dBFS output level is now also guaranty.
    Fixed - Mac - Elixir - Middle meter scale not displayed correctly
    Fixed - Mac - Elixir - GR meter values not visible in Logic Pro 9.1.6
    Fixed - Windows - Spat - Correct IR not always displayed
    Fixed - Mac & Windows - HEar - Can't recall some parameters on Cubase6
    Fixed - Mac & Windows - IRCAM Tools - I/O config not always reloaded correctly in VST
    Fixed - Windows - IRCAM Tools - Some plugins was shown as Trojan by some anti-virus
    ircam Ircam Verb v 1.2.1 17 oct. 2011 MacOS X UB
    Fixed - When loading a preset in ProTools, parameter changes were not exposed to the host (OS X & Windows).
    Fixed - Old projects (sessions) could not be re-loaded in various host softwares (OS X & Windows).
    sorties Ircam Verb v 1.1.4 3 juil. 2011 MacOS X UB
    Fixed - Mac OS: in DP7: Bypass in some plug-ins mute the output
    Fixed - Mac OS: Preset Recall from Audio Unit Header Interface (Was recalling all parameters by default, including channels layout)
    Fixed - Windows: Spat cue processing after stop / play in Samplitude
    Fixed - Mac OS: Credits request crash in audio unit
    Fixed - Mac OS: Spat Erratic view recall in audio unit
    Fixed - Mac OS: Preset Manager open on Factory by default
    Fixed - Mac OS: GUI Parameter offset with Steinberg Hosts
    Fixed - Windows & Mac OS: Spat HRTF Menu
    Fixed - Mac OS: IrcamTools setup overwrite
    Fixed - Mac OS: Alchemist MCS Selector was hidden
    Fixed - Windows & Mac OS: Epure crash when enabling last MS encoder in multi-channel mode
    Fixed - Windows & Mac OS: some authorization issues
    Fixed - Mac OS: Verb: IO routing not well reloaded
    Fixed - Some minor bugs ...
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Morphing optimization
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Spat Day skin
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Verb: new preset added
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Spat and Verb: no more click when changing time parameters
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Spat HRTF: add 2 different standard Head (Kemar and Head Acoustic)
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: TRAX: global sound quality enhancement; especially voice transformation; even in Frequency domain mode
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: TRAX: less cpu consumption in PT
    permet Ircam Verb v 1.1.0 15 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
    * fix crash under Ableton Live, while reloading session containing at least one Flux:: plug-in.
    * fix Ableton Live CPU overload issue, force to 2/5 at max, to reduce CPU load
    * fix MacOS 10.4 Tiger compatibility issue with iLok driver.
    * WARNING: change spat source presence to source presence offset. Option is available to go back to the former mode. A reload of the complete host software is mandatory to take this change in account. Projects done with the former mode must be re-loaded with the Absolute mode enabled.
    * add pref for cartesian automation of coordinates in Spat, for a better handling with external controllers. Option is available to go back to the standard mode. A reload of the complete host software is mandatory to take this change in account. You should force the host to rescan the plug-in in order to take in account the new parameters.
    * Fix Avid Protools Audiosuite latency incorrectly handled.
    * Fix Verb reset issue upon Play/Stop
    * Generic: Fixed preset manager edit dialog issue.
    * Generic: Fixed preset manager gui issue.
    * Added the option "Report zero latency" to the VST version for Wavelab clip effects..
    * Avira antivirus : Fixed virus detection.
    telecharger Ircam Verb v 1.0.15 20 déc. 2010 MacOS X UB
    Enhancements & Bug fixes:
    * Enhance plug-in loading time, especially on projects loading multiples instances of a plugin.
    * Solve MacOS 10.6.5 compatibility bug
    * Fix Pro Tools automation reloading issue

    Known issues:
    * With Pro Tools under MacOS Tiger 10.4, Plugins can lead to a crash at first init (pro tools loading time). Plug-in is still usable in session.
    Ircam Verb Ircam Verb v 3.0.34 24 juil. 2013 Windows
    Today, we have the pleasure to announce the release of Ircam Verb v3, algorithmic room acoustics and reverberation processor, in AAX Native and 64-bit compatible versions built on our latest 64-bit version 3 (v3) framework.

    The v3 framework improves the performance dramatically, and for the graphic rendering it includes our GPU-efficient 2D/3D graphic engine, first introduced in the Pure Analyzer System, based on the OpenGL standard optimizing the audio-to-visual experience utilizing the GPU on the computer's built in graphics card.
    Flux Ircam Verb Ircam Verb v 1.3.8 10 oct. 2012 Windows
    Main Enhancements

    Mac OSX Mountain Lion Support

    Main Fixes

    SPAT & VERB crash in 7.1...
    some minor fixes...
    Flux Ircam Verb v 1.2.4 25 févr. 2012 Windows
    New Feature - Mac & Windows - Elixir - Dynamic Channel Linking: Make the channels linkage dynamic according to the signal. It means; when On, the Channel Link will automatically move from 0 when High Dynamic (High transient) are detected and the desired value when no dynamic (low transient) are detected.
    Enhancement - Mac & Windows - Elixir - in addition to dBTP; dBFS output level is now also guaranty.
    Fixed - Mac - Elixir - Middle meter scale not displayed correctly
    Fixed - Mac - Elixir - GR meter values not visible in Logic Pro 9.1.6
    Fixed - Windows - Spat - Correct IR not always displayed
    Fixed - Mac & Windows - HEar - Can't recall some parameters on Cubase6
    Fixed - Mac & Windows - IRCAM Tools - I/O config not always reloaded correctly in VST
    Fixed - Windows - IRCAM Tools - Some plugins was shown as Trojan by some anti-virus
    ration Ircam Verb v 1.2.1 17 oct. 2011 Windows
    Fixed - When loading a preset in ProTools, parameter changes were not exposed to the host (OS X & Windows).
    Fixed - Old projects (sessions) could not be re-loaded in various host softwares (OS X & Windows).
    ircam Ircam Verb v 1.1.4 3 juil. 2011 Windows
    Fixed - Mac OS: in DP7: Bypass in some plug-ins mute the output
    Fixed - Mac OS: Preset Recall from Audio Unit Header Interface (Was recalling all parameters by default, including channels layout)
    Fixed - Windows: Spat cue processing after stop / play in Samplitude
    Fixed - Mac OS: Credits request crash in audio unit
    Fixed - Mac OS: Spat Erratic view recall in audio unit
    Fixed - Mac OS: Preset Manager open on Factory by default
    Fixed - Mac OS: GUI Parameter offset with Steinberg Hosts
    Fixed - Windows & Mac OS: Spat HRTF Menu
    Fixed - Mac OS: IrcamTools setup overwrite
    Fixed - Mac OS: Alchemist MCS Selector was hidden
    Fixed - Windows & Mac OS: Epure crash when enabling last MS encoder in multi-channel mode
    Fixed - Windows & Mac OS: some authorization issues
    Fixed - Mac OS: Verb: IO routing not well reloaded
    Fixed - Some minor bugs ...
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Morphing optimization
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Spat Day skin
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Verb: new preset added
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Spat and Verb: no more click when changing time parameters
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: Spat HRTF: add 2 different standard Head (Kemar and Head Acoustic)
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: TRAX: global sound quality enhancement; especially voice transformation; even in Frequency domain mode
    Enhancement - Windows & Mac OS: TRAX: less cpu consumption in PT
    sorties Ircam Verb v 1.1.0 15 mars 2011 Windows
    * fix crash under Ableton Live, while reloading session containing at least one Flux:: plug-in.
    * fix Ableton Live CPU overload issue, force to 2/5 at max, to reduce CPU load
    * fix MacOS 10.4 Tiger compatibility issue with iLok driver.
    * WARNING: change spat source presence to source presence offset. Option is available to go back to the former mode. A reload of the complete host software is mandatory to take this change in account. Projects done with the former mode must be re-loaded with the Absolute mode enabled.
    * add pref for cartesian automation of coordinates in Spat, for a better handling with external controllers. Option is available to go back to the standard mode. A reload of the complete host software is mandatory to take this change in account. You should force the host to rescan the plug-in in order to take in account the new parameters.
    * Fix Avid Protools Audiosuite latency incorrectly handled.
    * Fix Verb reset issue upon Play/Stop
    * Generic: Fixed preset manager edit dialog issue.
    * Generic: Fixed preset manager gui issue.
    * Added the option "Report zero latency" to the VST version for Wavelab clip effects..
    * Avira antivirus : Fixed virus detection.
    permet Ircam Verb v 1.0.15 20 déc. 2010 Windows
    Enhancements & Bug fixes:
    * Enhance plug-in loading time, especially on projects loading multiples instances of a plugin.
    * Solve MacOS 10.6.5 compatibility bug
    * Fix Pro Tools automation reloading issue

    Known issues:
    * With Pro Tools under MacOS Tiger 10.4, Plugins can lead to a crash at first init (pro tools loading time). Plug-in is still usable in session.
    Acheter Ircam Verb en ligne chez:
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