Density Granular Synthesis

Categorie Production Audio / Expérimental
Version 2.0.0
Format App
Compatibilité Density Granular SynthesisMacOS X UB
Licence Update Gratuit
Prix $29  /  25€
4 / 5 , 3 votes
Mis à jour le 7 mars 2011
Téléchargements 635
Télécharg. Mac 453
Categorie Production Audio / Expérimental
Version 2.0.0
Format App
Compatibilité Density Granular SynthesisWindows
Licence Update Gratuit
Prix $29  /  25€
4 / 5 , 3 votes
Mis à jour le 7 mars 2011
Téléchargements 635
Télécharg. PC 182

Synthèse granulaire

Density est un programme de resynthèse granulaire en temps réel capable de générer une large palette d'effets: time/pitch shifting, pitch desintegration, time jittering, etc.

- huit flots granulaire simultanés
- chargement jusqu'à 12 fichiers sons (aiff, wav) pour chaque flot
- fonctions de scrub pad dynamique, crop, normalize, wrap-around…
- quantisation du scrub: zero-crossing, bpm, phase et samples
- fenêtres de buffer son ajustables
- changement rapide de fichier son, en sautant d'une fenêtre à l'autre
- gestion des enveloppes/fenêtrages jusqu'à 12 protypes de forme
- mixer global, 8 canaux, 1 master, solo/mute et slots VST
- canal master export en enregistrement rapide
- déclenchement des flots granulaires: foreground, sync, all
- support VST: 1 pour...
Density est un programme de resynthèse granulaire en temps réel capable de générer une large palette d'effets: time/pitch shifting, pitch desintegration, time jittering, etc.

- huit flots granulaire simultanés
- chargement jusqu'à 12 fichiers sons (aiff, wav) pour chaque flot
- fonctions de scrub pad dynamique, crop, normalize, wrap-around…
- quantisation du scrub: zero-crossing, bpm, phase et samples
- fenêtres de buffer son ajustables
- changement rapide de fichier son, en sautant d'une fenêtre à l'autre
- gestion des enveloppes/fenêtrages jusqu'à 12 protypes de forme
- mixer global, 8 canaux, 1 master, solo/mute et slots VST
- canal master export en enregistrement rapide
- déclenchement des flots granulaires: foreground, sync, all
- support VST: 1 pour chaque canal + 1 pour le master
- mémoires de snapshots jusqu'à 24 pour chaque flot et 24 pour le mixer
- transitions entre snapshots
- 4 tables pour dessiner les courbes de transition
- micro-pad d'interpolation entre 4 snapshots
- pad hyper-vectoriel combinant 9 snapshots
- raccourcis clavier pour sélection de voix , mouvement des potentiomètres
- oscilloscope et spectrographe
Mac OS X (10.4 or higher; G5 or Intel faster recommended)
Windows XP/Vista/7; QuickTime to enable mpeg support.
Density Granular Synthesis Density Granular Synthesis v 2.0.0 7 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
. new GUI lock
. new dialog-box windows, does not stop audio
. new NOTES you can save your notes in the project
. new tool bar quick functions access
. new HV_pad 2D nodes parameters interpolation
. add HV_pad jitter exploration
. add HV_pad in "reflects", "jitter" and "drunk" now you can interact with the pad
. HV_pad on/off monitor bar in main HV_Pad window
. MIDI/OSC add 14 bit precise Control Change I/O
. MIDI removed pitch bend in favor of 14 bit MIDI I/O
. MIDI/OSC new midi monitor, parse 7 and 14 bit control change and show detailed messages
. MIDI/OSC new OSC learn function
. MIDI/OSC you can append a prefix ID on the OSC Output address
. MIDI/OSC now OSC I/O send and receive automatically in the same address
. MIDI/OSC improved rescale range (old project are't compatible)
. MIDI/OSC now MidiRaw sends data for I/O sync
. MIDI/OSC MidiToggle integrated in MidiRaw
. MIDI/OSC new MIDI/OSC sync mode: mouse down, up, downup, continuous
. MIDI/OSC MidiRaw add input data mapping: incr, decr, incr/decr modes
. MIDI/OSC MIDI I/O disabled when CC = -1 (default)
. MIDI/OSC toggle switch now show correctly the value
. MIDI/OSC Osc input can be selected from a list of four elements
. MIDI/OSC new inverse mapping for MIDI/OSC I/O
. MIDI/OSC OSC void string bug fixed
. GSNAPS defaults all turnoff DSP
. new Parameters rescale, multiply/divide (/4 /2 x2 x3 x4)
. new GUI faders relative/absolute mousing mode switch
. panning now update correctly value when you select manual
. panning removed auto update knob when automatic or random
. WAVEPAD tools shortcuts (F1, F2, F3, F4) enabled
. LIVE/Sample button switch
. snap-seq add global transport enable/disable trigger
. MIXER native FILTER 24 band equalizer for each channel and Master
. MIXER native reverb for each channel and Master
. MIXER native compressor for each channel and Master
. MIXER rebuild solo/mute system
. MIXER add solo/mute fade in/out time
. FILTER add filters types select
. FILTER add cutoff, gain and Q/S fine controller
. FILTER dry/wet knob
. FILTER dynamic filter allocation, until 24
. FILTER auto generate filter bands: Harmonic, Geometric, Scalar and Fibonacci
. FILTER frequency zoom in/out
. new Record Master/Multichannel, now save file/folder patch in project
. Record Master/Multichannel new GUI lock
. New detailed user manual online
. WAVEPADS load files, unsupported files does't overwrite path bug fixed
. WAVEPAD scrub, normalized in the MIDI/OSC params
. WAVEPAD newscan mode wrap/mirror/once
. WAVEPAD new out-of-range mode: loop
. WAVEPAD out-of-range mode: none (now can be disabled)
. WAVEPAD SR Size Rescale bug fixed, now you can load and play correctly any sound file
. LIVE input dirty buffer bug fixed when change channel
. LIVE input channels moved into mixer
. SNAP-SEQ step jump bug fixed
. SNAP-SEQ add portamento transition
. SNAP-SEQ some gui adjustments
Alessandro Petrolati Density Granular Synthesis Density Granular Synthesis v 1.1.5 17 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
. add MP3 support
. add snd-files/LIVE buffers consolidate (copy buffers in the prj folder)
. add autopopulate soundfiles folder
. add global presets, menage all Density widgets together
. add dynamic snapshots allocation (until over 100 snaps)
. add panning time sync
. add project sampling rate saving
. add snapshots consecutive renumber list
. add snapshots call/rename/scrub window
. add global transport time
. add snapshots sequencer rhythms improviser unit
. add windowing draw bipolar view
. add windowing new resolution speed limit for curve/gauss deformation
. add extra precision MIDI pitch bend values scrub fine control
. add windowing deformation shape MIDI/OSC
. add clue windows, report widgets information under the mouse
. LIVE integrate in stream window
. LIVE now save own parameters in the project
. LIVE some other bugs fixed
. now streams/windowing menùs, shows file name
. windowing/streams normalize bug fixed
. defaults_params/defaults_all, bug fixed
. improved project load/save, more fast and flexible
. un/subsribe clients transitions, now saved in the project
. removed the useless ones oscilloscope/spectralscope and sonogram
Alessandro Petrolati Density Granular Synthesis v 1.0.6 9 juil. 2010 MacOS X UB
.add LIVE buffer granulation
.add stereo panning rotation: pan, jitter, lfo (shape/hz)
.add transitions elapsed time
.add front-lock in the pitch keyboard (streams)
.add OSC I/O support
.add HV_pad X/Y MIDI/OSC mapping
.add file multichannel rec
.add mixer multichannels I/O mapping
.add pop-up menu transitions: now you can chose between manual or auto-recall snapshot
.add mixer faders pre/post metering show signals
.MIDI mapping GUI restyling
.improved quickrecord, now renamed in master rec
.improved HV_pad pad resolution
.wave-pad wraparound bug fixed
.some minor change
.some bugs fixed
Density Granular Synthesis Density Granular Synthesis v 2.0.0 7 mars 2011 Windows
. new GUI lock
. new dialog-box windows, does not stop audio
. new NOTES you can save your notes in the project
. new tool bar quick functions access
. new HV_pad 2D nodes parameters interpolation
. add HV_pad jitter exploration
. add HV_pad in "reflects", "jitter" and "drunk" now you can interact with the pad
. HV_pad on/off monitor bar in main HV_Pad window
. MIDI/OSC add 14 bit precise Control Change I/O
. MIDI removed pitch bend in favor of 14 bit MIDI I/O
. MIDI/OSC new midi monitor, parse 7 and 14 bit control change and show detailed messages
. MIDI/OSC new OSC learn function
. MIDI/OSC you can append a prefix ID on the OSC Output address
. MIDI/OSC now OSC I/O send and receive automatically in the same address
. MIDI/OSC improved rescale range (old project are't compatible)
. MIDI/OSC now MidiRaw sends data for I/O sync
. MIDI/OSC MidiToggle integrated in MidiRaw
. MIDI/OSC new MIDI/OSC sync mode: mouse down, up, downup, continuous
. MIDI/OSC MidiRaw add input data mapping: incr, decr, incr/decr modes
. MIDI/OSC MIDI I/O disabled when CC = -1 (default)
. MIDI/OSC toggle switch now show correctly the value
. MIDI/OSC Osc input can be selected from a list of four elements
. MIDI/OSC new inverse mapping for MIDI/OSC I/O
. MIDI/OSC OSC void string bug fixed
. GSNAPS defaults all turnoff DSP
. new Parameters rescale, multiply/divide (/4 /2 x2 x3 x4)
. new GUI faders relative/absolute mousing mode switch
. panning now update correctly value when you select manual
. panning removed auto update knob when automatic or random
. WAVEPAD tools shortcuts (F1, F2, F3, F4) enabled
. LIVE/Sample button switch
. snap-seq add global transport enable/disable trigger
. MIXER native FILTER 24 band equalizer for each channel and Master
. MIXER native reverb for each channel and Master
. MIXER native compressor for each channel and Master
. MIXER rebuild solo/mute system
. MIXER add solo/mute fade in/out time
. FILTER add filters types select
. FILTER add cutoff, gain and Q/S fine controller
. FILTER dry/wet knob
. FILTER dynamic filter allocation, until 24
. FILTER auto generate filter bands: Harmonic, Geometric, Scalar and Fibonacci
. FILTER frequency zoom in/out
. new Record Master/Multichannel, now save file/folder patch in project
. Record Master/Multichannel new GUI lock
. New detailed user manual online
. WAVEPADS load files, unsupported files does't overwrite path bug fixed
. WAVEPAD scrub, normalized in the MIDI/OSC params
. WAVEPAD newscan mode wrap/mirror/once
. WAVEPAD new out-of-range mode: loop
. WAVEPAD out-of-range mode: none (now can be disabled)
. WAVEPAD SR Size Rescale bug fixed, now you can load and play correctly any sound file
. LIVE input dirty buffer bug fixed when change channel
. LIVE input channels moved into mixer
. SNAP-SEQ step jump bug fixed
. SNAP-SEQ add portamento transition
. SNAP-SEQ some gui adjustments
Alessandro Petrolati Density Granular Synthesis Density Granular Synthesis v 1.1.5 17 sept. 2010 Windows
. add MP3 support
. add snd-files/LIVE buffers consolidate (copy buffers in the prj folder)
. add autopopulate soundfiles folder
. add global presets, menage all Density widgets together
. add dynamic snapshots allocation (until over 100 snaps)
. add panning time sync
. add project sampling rate saving
. add snapshots consecutive renumber list
. add snapshots call/rename/scrub window
. add global transport time
. add snapshots sequencer rhythms improviser unit
. add windowing draw bipolar view
. add windowing new resolution speed limit for curve/gauss deformation
. add extra precision MIDI pitch bend values scrub fine control
. add windowing deformation shape MIDI/OSC
. add clue windows, report widgets information under the mouse
. LIVE integrate in stream window
. LIVE now save own parameters in the project
. LIVE some other bugs fixed
. now streams/windowing menùs, shows file name
. windowing/streams normalize bug fixed
. defaults_params/defaults_all, bug fixed
. improved project load/save, more fast and flexible
. un/subsribe clients transitions, now saved in the project
. removed the useless ones oscilloscope/spectralscope and sonogram
Alessandro Petrolati Density Granular Synthesis v 1.0.6 9 juil. 2010 Windows
.add LIVE buffer granulation
.add stereo panning rotation: pan, jitter, lfo (shape/hz)
.add transitions elapsed time
.add front-lock in the pitch keyboard (streams)
.add OSC I/O support
.add HV_pad X/Y MIDI/OSC mapping
.add file multichannel rec
.add mixer multichannels I/O mapping
.add pop-up menu transitions: now you can chose between manual or auto-recall snapshot
.add mixer faders pre/post metering show signals
.MIDI mapping GUI restyling
.improved quickrecord, now renamed in master rec
.improved HV_pad pad resolution
.wave-pad wraparound bug fixed
.some minor change
.some bugs fixed
Alessandro Petrolati
Acheter Density Granular Synthesis près de Columbus, United States chez:

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Loopy C
version 1.1.5, MacOS X UB
Btw, both purchasing process and developer response are 5 star also ;-)
Loopy C
version 1.1.5, MacOS X UB
I am really enjoying this conception of granular functions, each developer brings a different POV to make granular synthesis 'musical', hopefully while still being interesting/innovative and openly experimental...Density achieves and surpasses this on many levels (and I am an enthusiastic collector of variations on this method so have a deep context for saying that).
Overall great app and absolutely great value ;-)
version 1.0.0, MacOS X UB
you've been warned. ;)

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