
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.24
Compatibilité EQualityMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $120  /  111€
Mis à jour le 26 sept. 2014
Téléchargements 1 339
Télécharg. Mac 917
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.24
Compatibilité EQualityWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $120  /  111€
Mis à jour le 26 sept. 2014
Téléchargements 1 339
Télécharg. PC 422


- usage processeur très faible
- modes phase linéaire/analogique/minimum pour master et canaux spéciaux
- mode Digital+
- graphique sans alias, grand et clair
- analyseur de spectre haute résolution
- trois mode d'interface : total, graphe et boutons
- K-metering
- modes de traitement Mid/Side
- contrôle lié pour tous les paramètres d'égalisation
* 6 bands, 2 shelf/bells, 4 bell/notches, Q 0.1->50, +/-36dB range
- 2 filtres totalement paramétriques (passe haut et passe bas), 6/12/18/24/30/36db/oct Q 0.1->20
- filtre passe haut extra pour supprimer le rumble
- undo/redo
- 8 banques A/B
- filtres shelves dispose d'un contrôle de "shift" pour décaler la résonance au-dessus ou en-dessous de la courbe
- Décalage de fréquence pour accorder les fréquences vers l'aigu ou le grave
- Autolisten
Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion (10.5,10.6,10.7,10.8)
Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
EQuality EQuality v 1.24 26 sept. 2014 MacOS X UB
Tidying and optimisation.
Reduce saved preset sizes further.
Fix crashes with undo/redo.
Fixes for Sonar.
Fix automation of discrete parameters for PT11 AAX.
Fix samplerate issues in Wavelab for VST3.
EQuality: Remove AAX GR meter.
EQuality: Fix "true Q" preference.
EQuality: Fix crash with SoundMiner
EQuick: Remove AAX GR meter.
EQuilibrium: Remove AAX GR meter.
EQuilibrium: Fix "true Q" preference.
EQuilibrium: Fix "FX Start" preset.
EQuilibrium: Fix rare crash on setup wizard completion.
EQuilibrium: Fix recall of filter type buttons.
PitchFunk: Remove AAX GR meter.
DMG Audio EQuality EQuality v 1.22 30 nov. 2013 MacOS X UB

Versioning display for binaries.
Significant reduction in load/save times.
All-round optimisation and tidying.
Ceased support for 10.4. 10.5 now required. PPC still supported.
Improvements for RTAS versions.
Fix samplerate related issues for AU.
Improvements for AAX Automation.
Improvements for redraw strategy on OSX.
Improvements for UIs for AU&Cocoa.
Fix mousewheel handling on Windows.
Fix UI resizing in Live 9 Mac.
Fix obscure crash bug related to Analyser usage.
Fix crash when closing UI for Cocoa AUs
Fix obscure UI bug with mouse in specific location while preset loading.
Move Windows presets to My Documents to improve Win7/8 usage.
Added warning box if file save/load fails.


Experimental preference to allow extended band frequency range at higher samplerates.
Optimise redraw speed.
Grouped Undo/Redo.
Fix rare crash bugs.
Automating bypass buttons with shortcut in AAX fixed.
Fix 4th order shelves in parallel mode.
Fix pops with some band types.
Fix "fiddly" gain dragging issue.
Fix Meter Ballistics pref.
Improve handling of Avid control surfaces.
Fix crash with loading corrupt presets.
Fix obscure crash bug related to Analyser usage.
Fix obscure UI bug with mouse in specific location while preset loading.


Fix "node stuck at top of graph" bug.
Fix black-screen bug.
Fix obscure race-condition bug.
Fix obscure crash bug related to Analyser usage.


Fix obscure crash bug related to Analyser usage.

Note: If you experience issues with 32bit VST3 on Mac, or 64bit AAX on Windows, please re-download and reinstall. There was an issue with the release that has since been resolved.
DMG Audio EQuality v 1.19 14 févr. 2013 MacOS X UB

AAX-AudioSuite Enabled
Fix samplerate handling for VST3 in StudioOne
AAX enable click-thru - prevents first click from being absorbed when UI is opened
AAX Bypass mechanism reworked to match RTAS version


Fix mousewheel handling bug
Fix bug that could cause pops when automated
Added preference: Band-Q follows Zoom
Added preference: Configure right-click as Invert/Bypass/None
Tidy up automation handling
Improve mousewheel and autolisten
Added preference: Sticky selection, to retain selected bands, rather than allow dragging
Added preference: Control+Mousewheel behaviour (adjust gain/freq)
Added preference: Larger EQ band dots
Reduce CPU usage when automated in Reaper


Fix "glitching" DSP bug
Fix delay times for samplerates other than 44k1


Fix Detector Graph bug
passe EQuality v 1.18 21 janv. 2013 MacOS X UB

AAX version included
Tweaks for stability
VST3 Automation improvements
Mac builds and Installers optimised and signed
Massive optimise for reload of presets.

EQuality v1.17->1.18

Improve HPFs.

EQuick v1.02->1.03

Fix click-thru menubar bug
Fix reset-to-previous after resetting to default bug.
Recalibrate VU meter
Make graph textboxes usable to engage automation in ProTools.

Compassion v1.06->1.07

Fix Clip-Limiter denormal issue

PitchFunk v1.02->1.03

Fixed rare redraw issue
Improved Loading process
Added pagetable for ProTools automation
contr EQuality v 1.17 1 mai 2012 MacOS X UB
Fixed memory leak
Fixed potential crash in UI
Massive improvements to CPU usage with UI redraw/animation
Fix focus stealing bug on windows
Fix UI crash on mac
Invalid text entry returns controls to default values.
Fix "stuck-on" clip light in ProTools HD
Fix Win+Ctrl click for Windows ProTools
Fix AudioSuite redraw for Windows ProTools
Presets are compressed to dramatically reduce session sizes (1/50th)
modes EQuality v 1.16 2 déc. 2011 MacOS X UB
Fixed textbox display, ProTools Mac RTAS.
Fix crash when switching between DMGAudio plugins in ProTools using header menu.
Fixed obscure potential crash bug.
VST3 versions support presets.
Fixed clip-light handling in ProTools.
Fixed bug whereby host redraw would slow down when UI was open.
Improved AudioSuite metering and processing.
Enable Windows ProTools automation menu.
Fixed issues relating to window resizing in ProTools.
Added A/B Automation type preference.
Always report zero latency when expired/hard bypassed.
Can now right-click the A/B menu to toggle.
Fixed bug where saving filter with 48db/oct (entered numerically) reloads as 42db/oct.
Fixed bug whereby analyser could hide high-frequency spikes.
Fix Spec-analyser pops.
filtres EQuality v 1.15 19 août 2011 MacOS X UB
CPU Usage Improvements
Added ProTools metering support
Fix M/S / bypass latency for non-8k IR length.
Added analyser outlined/filled/both pref.
param EQuality v 1.14 17 juin 2011 MacOS X UB
Fixed rare memory leak
Fixed A/B automation
Improved ProTools Controlsurface integration
Fixed M/S mode bug
Improved denormal handling
Improved mousewheel handling
Added Manual to EQuality installer
Added soft-bypass to eliminate CPU load for inactive bands
Improved Digital+ phase-cancellation
telecharger EQuality v 1.12 10 mai 2011 MacOS X UB
* Graph zoom.
* 64bit VST/VST3 mac support.
* Configurable CPU usage for Minimum/Analogue/Linear Phase modes
* CPU Optimises in Digital/Digital+ modes.
* Other misc tweaks (AU value display, ProTools controlsurface support enhanced, tweaks, fixes).
mac EQuality v 1.11 24 janv. 2011 MacOS X UB
* Fix RTAS/AudioSuite mousehandling
* Fix RTAS/AudioSuite resizing bug
* Fix RTAS automation highlights bug
* Graph Zoom (as pref)
* Enter note names on note-mode textboxes
* Fix slider 'hover' mode
windows EQuality v 1.10 16 déc. 2010 MacOS X UB
* Efficiency improvements
* Fix loading issue with Logic9
* Fix bug whereby wrong UI mode was loaded
* Change grouping colours
* Increase visibility of 0dB on meters
* Fix RTAS automation and enable shortcuts
* Graph grid brightness preference
* Ctrl/Apple+Shift-click on frequency textboxes to show note values
* Pagetable enhancements for C24 / ProControl
* Fix Digital+ / Mid modes for RTAS
* Support for PT9 latency compensation
* Fix redraw issue on some macs
* Support for Digi ICON/D-Control control surfaces
* Fix AU Validation
* Improve RTAS UI handling
* Improve display of textboxes for RTAS/Mac
* Fix AudioSuite handling
* Fix processing of long offline blocks
* Fix special peaks bug
* Fix 64bit UI handling
* Fix RTAS samplerate issue
* Sliders have textboxes for display/entry
* VST2.4 mono version, for convenience
* Fix range=0 bug
* Double-click sliders/knobs to reset to default.
* Button added to Setup to save state as default.
* Mousewheel adjusts Q for all bands
* Autolisten uses q=12 pref.
* Alt-dblclick on the graph resets a band to default.
* Alt-drag Range/Shift will not change value without affecting bands.
macintosh EQuality v 1.08 27 avril 2010 MacOS X UB
* Fix latency compensation for RTAS
* Fix bug with textbox entry on Mac
* Optimised VU redraw
* Fix reporting of latency in VST3 version
* Optimisations for Graph redraw
* MASSIVE speed increase for UI redraw on Windows
* Analyser is no longer pink
* Enhanced CPU efficiency for redraw for AU version
* Solo by Select preference (new default)
* Use "Factory Bank" if no Default Bank found (no overwriting of your defaults)
* Improve ultra-low frequency performance
* Analyser Tilt and Smooth preferences
* Avoid glitches when switching between Stereo <-> M/S/L/R modes with Linphase
* Compensate for mouse position, so touching bands doesn't nudge frequency
* "Show me the EXACT Q value" preference
* 48db/oct filters
* Tidyup preferences
* Fix bug whereby "hide mouse" preference could become permanent
* Fix two crash bugs
* Prevent pop on start with Phase modes
* VST2: Avoid reporting latency IN the audio thread (avoids weird delays in Cubase)
* VST2: Keep UI in synch with preset selected from host
* Make FLAT smarter
* Make entered text undoable
* Preference for Red or Blue analyser colour
* Added "press shift to lock graph to adjust only gain, not frequency"
* Fine-drag with knobs/textboxes with right mousebutton
* Improved "pointer hide" mode
* VST3: Don't map all channels incorrectly
* VST3: Don't crash when inserted on a mono channel
* Fix Stereo and Double Precision processing for VST3
* Fix metering bug
* Reinstate +/-6dB zoomed range, add +/-3dB range
* Stop the registration info from rotating
* Add Shift+Ctrl (Shift+Apple) click to invert a band's gain.
pc EQuality v 1.06 7 avril 2010 MacOS X UB
* Tweak to make high-pass filters nicer
EQuality EQuality v 1.24 26 sept. 2014 Windows
Tidying and optimisation.
Reduce saved preset sizes further.
Fix crashes with undo/redo.
Fixes for Sonar.
Fix automation of discrete parameters for PT11 AAX.
Fix samplerate issues in Wavelab for VST3.
EQuality: Remove AAX GR meter.
EQuality: Fix "true Q" preference.
EQuality: Fix crash with SoundMiner
EQuick: Remove AAX GR meter.
EQuilibrium: Remove AAX GR meter.
EQuilibrium: Fix "true Q" preference.
EQuilibrium: Fix "FX Start" preset.
EQuilibrium: Fix rare crash on setup wizard completion.
EQuilibrium: Fix recall of filter type buttons.
PitchFunk: Remove AAX GR meter.
DMG Audio EQuality EQuality v 1.22 30 nov. 2013 Windows

Versioning display for binaries.
Significant reduction in load/save times.
All-round optimisation and tidying.
Ceased support for 10.4. 10.5 now required. PPC still supported.
Improvements for RTAS versions.
Fix samplerate related issues for AU.
Improvements for AAX Automation.
Improvements for redraw strategy on OSX.
Improvements for UIs for AU&Cocoa.
Fix mousewheel handling on Windows.
Fix UI resizing in Live 9 Mac.
Fix obscure crash bug related to Analyser usage.
Fix crash when closing UI for Cocoa AUs
Fix obscure UI bug with mouse in specific location while preset loading.
Move Windows presets to My Documents to improve Win7/8 usage.
Added warning box if file save/load fails.


Experimental preference to allow extended band frequency range at higher samplerates.
Optimise redraw speed.
Grouped Undo/Redo.
Fix rare crash bugs.
Automating bypass buttons with shortcut in AAX fixed.
Fix 4th order shelves in parallel mode.
Fix pops with some band types.
Fix "fiddly" gain dragging issue.
Fix Meter Ballistics pref.
Improve handling of Avid control surfaces.
Fix crash with loading corrupt presets.
Fix obscure crash bug related to Analyser usage.
Fix obscure UI bug with mouse in specific location while preset loading.


Fix "node stuck at top of graph" bug.
Fix black-screen bug.
Fix obscure race-condition bug.
Fix obscure crash bug related to Analyser usage.


Fix obscure crash bug related to Analyser usage.

Note: If you experience issues with 32bit VST3 on Mac, or 64bit AAX on Windows, please re-download and reinstall. There was an issue with the release that has since been resolved.
DMG Audio EQuality v 1.19 14 févr. 2013 Windows

AAX-AudioSuite Enabled
Fix samplerate handling for VST3 in StudioOne
AAX enable click-thru - prevents first click from being absorbed when UI is opened
AAX Bypass mechanism reworked to match RTAS version


Fix mousewheel handling bug
Fix bug that could cause pops when automated
Added preference: Band-Q follows Zoom
Added preference: Configure right-click as Invert/Bypass/None
Tidy up automation handling
Improve mousewheel and autolisten
Added preference: Sticky selection, to retain selected bands, rather than allow dragging
Added preference: Control+Mousewheel behaviour (adjust gain/freq)
Added preference: Larger EQ band dots
Reduce CPU usage when automated in Reaper


Fix "glitching" DSP bug
Fix delay times for samplerates other than 44k1


Fix Detector Graph bug
passe EQuality v 1.18 21 janv. 2013 Windows
Fixed memory leak
Fixed potential crash in UI
Massive improvements to CPU usage with UI redraw/animation
Fix focus stealing bug on windows
Fix UI crash on mac
Invalid text entry returns controls to default values.
Fix "stuck-on" clip light in ProTools HD
Fix Win+Ctrl click for Windows ProTools
Fix AudioSuite redraw for Windows ProTools
Presets are compressed to dramatically reduce session sizes (1/50th)
contr EQuality v 1.17 1 mai 2012 Windows
Fixed memory leak
Fixed potential crash in UI
Massive improvements to CPU usage with UI redraw/animation
Fix focus stealing bug on windows
Fix UI crash on mac
Invalid text entry returns controls to default values.
Fix "stuck-on" clip light in ProTools HD
Fix Win+Ctrl click for Windows ProTools
Fix AudioSuite redraw for Windows ProTools
Presets are compressed to dramatically reduce session sizes (1/50th)
modes EQuality v 1.16 2 déc. 2011 Windows
Fixed textbox display, ProTools Mac RTAS.
Fix crash when switching between DMGAudio plugins in ProTools using header menu.
Fixed obscure potential crash bug.
VST3 versions support presets.
Fixed clip-light handling in ProTools.
Fixed bug whereby host redraw would slow down when UI was open.
Improved AudioSuite metering and processing.
Enable Windows ProTools automation menu.
Fixed issues relating to window resizing in ProTools.
Added A/B Automation type preference.
Always report zero latency when expired/hard bypassed.
Can now right-click the A/B menu to toggle.
Fixed bug where saving filter with 48db/oct (entered numerically) reloads as 42db/oct.
Fixed bug whereby analyser could hide high-frequency spikes.
Fix Spec-analyser pops.
filtres EQuality v 1.15 19 août 2011 Windows
CPU Usage Improvements
Added ProTools metering support
Fix M/S / bypass latency for non-8k IR length.
Added analyser outlined/filled/both pref.
param EQuality v 1.14 17 juin 2011 Windows
Fixed rare memory leak
Fixed A/B automation
Improved ProTools Controlsurface integration
Fixed M/S mode bug
Improved denormal handling
Improved mousewheel handling
Added Manual to EQuality installer
Added soft-bypass to eliminate CPU load for inactive bands
Improved Digital+ phase-cancellation
telecharger EQuality v 1.12 10 mai 2011 Windows
* Graph zoom.
* 64bit VST/VST3 mac support.
* Configurable CPU usage for Minimum/Analogue/Linear Phase modes
* CPU Optimises in Digital/Digital+ modes.
* Other misc tweaks (AU value display, ProTools controlsurface support enhanced, tweaks, fixes).
mac EQuality v 1.11 24 janv. 2011 Windows
* Fix RTAS/AudioSuite mousehandling
* Fix RTAS/AudioSuite resizing bug
* Fix RTAS automation highlights bug
* Graph Zoom (as pref)
* Enter note names on note-mode textboxes
* Fix slider 'hover' mode
windows EQuality v 1.10 16 déc. 2010 Windows
* Efficiency improvements
* Fix loading issue with Logic9
* Fix bug whereby wrong UI mode was loaded
* Change grouping colours
* Increase visibility of 0dB on meters
* Fix RTAS automation and enable shortcuts
* Graph grid brightness preference
* Ctrl/Apple+Shift-click on frequency textboxes to show note values
* Pagetable enhancements for C24 / ProControl
* Fix Digital+ / Mid modes for RTAS
* Support for PT9 latency compensation
* Fix redraw issue on some macs
* Support for Digi ICON/D-Control control surfaces
* Fix AU Validation
* Improve RTAS UI handling
* Improve display of textboxes for RTAS/Mac
* Fix AudioSuite handling
* Fix processing of long offline blocks
* Fix special peaks bug
* Fix 64bit UI handling
* Fix RTAS samplerate issue
* Sliders have textboxes for display/entry
* VST2.4 mono version, for convenience
* Fix range=0 bug
* Double-click sliders/knobs to reset to default.
* Button added to Setup to save state as default.
* Mousewheel adjusts Q for all bands
* Autolisten uses q=12 pref.
* Alt-dblclick on the graph resets a band to default.
* Alt-drag Range/Shift will not change value without affecting bands.
macintosh EQuality v 1.08 27 avril 2010 Windows
* Fix latency compensation for RTAS
* Fix bug with textbox entry on Mac
* Optimised VU redraw
* Fix reporting of latency in VST3 version
* Optimisations for Graph redraw
* MASSIVE speed increase for UI redraw on Windows
* Analyser is no longer pink
* Enhanced CPU efficiency for redraw for AU version
* Solo by Select preference (new default)
* Use "Factory Bank" if no Default Bank found (no overwriting of your defaults)
* Improve ultra-low frequency performance
* Analyser Tilt and Smooth preferences
* Avoid glitches when switching between Stereo <-> M/S/L/R modes with Linphase
* Compensate for mouse position, so touching bands doesn't nudge frequency
* "Show me the EXACT Q value" preference
* 48db/oct filters
* Tidyup preferences
* Fix bug whereby "hide mouse" preference could become permanent
* Fix two crash bugs
* Prevent pop on start with Phase modes
* VST2: Avoid reporting latency IN the audio thread (avoids weird delays in Cubase)
* VST2: Keep UI in synch with preset selected from host
* Make FLAT smarter
* Make entered text undoable
* Preference for Red or Blue analyser colour
* Added "press shift to lock graph to adjust only gain, not frequency"
* Fine-drag with knobs/textboxes with right mousebutton
* Improved "pointer hide" mode
* VST3: Don't map all channels incorrectly
* VST3: Don't crash when inserted on a mono channel
* Fix Stereo and Double Precision processing for VST3
* Fix metering bug
* Reinstate +/-6dB zoomed range, add +/-3dB range
* Stop the registration info from rotating
* Add Shift+Ctrl (Shift+Apple) click to invert a band's gain.
pc EQuality v 1.06 7 avril 2010 Windows
* Tweak to make high-pass filters nicer
EQuality v 1.04 24 mars 2010 Windows
* Fix Analogue Phase mode
* Fix mousewheel handling on Windows
* Fix A/B issue.
* Enlarged Setup window
* Mouse-hiding preference for dragging controls
* Inverted-Q preference for graph
* Mousewheel-Q on graph
DMG Audio
Acheter EQuality près de Columbus, United States chez:

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