
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 2.1
Format App
Compatibilité MuseScoreMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 6 mai 2017
Téléchargements 11 506
Télécharg. Mac 6 880
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 2.1
Format App
Compatibilité MuseScoreWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 6 mai 2017
Téléchargements 11 506
Télécharg. PC 4 626

Edition de partition

MuseScore est un éditeur WYSIWYG de partitions multiplateforme sous licence GNU GPL. Quelques précisions:

* WYSIWYG, Les notes sont saisies sur une "partition virtuelle"
* Un nombre illimité de portées
* Jusqu'à 4 voix par portée
* Saisie des notes facile et rapide avec la souris, le clavier ou un clavier MIDI
* Séquenceur intégré et le synthétiseur logiciel FluidSynth
* Import et export du format MusicXml et des fichiers MIDI standards
* Code indépendant de la plateforme, binaires pour Windows, Mac et Linux.
* Licence GNU GPL
Mac OS X 10.7+
Windows 7+
MuseScore MuseScore v 2.1 6 mai 2017 MacOS X Intel
New note input modes allow you to play music on a MIDI keyboard in real time and have MuseScore transcribe both pitches and rhythms, either using the built-in metronome or your foot pedal to keep the tempo
New input mode to allow entry of rhythm first, pitches later
New command to rewrite rhythms to show beat divisions according to time signature rules
New and improved commands to change duration of existing notes while in note input mode, including adding and removing augmentation dots
Synthesizer improvements, including updates to the default SoundFont and better support for SFZ format
Ability to upload audio to along with your score, so others can hear your score with your chosen SoundFont or SFZ
Improved historical tablature support, including lute bass strings
When changing instruments mid-score (e.g., from flute to clarinet), the transposition is now handled correctly
Improved selection controls, including the ability to select notes of the same pitch, duration, or notehead, and the ability to select or deselect all element types in the Selection Filter
New command to swap selection with clipboard (simultaneously paste to and copy from the selected range)
More controls: ability to reorder score tabs, customize pause length of breaths and caesuras, add/remove brackets on accidentals, set MP3 bitrate, add page breaks when creating albums, include fingering in tablature staves
New and improved templates and instruments, including various marching bands and percussion ensembles, a general percussion staff, more standard clefs for basses, additional ethnic instruments
UI improvements in Staff Properties, New Score Wizard, Edit Drumset, and other windows
MuseScore MuseScore MuseScore v 2.0.1 5 mai 2015 MacOS X Intel

Allow voltas on all staves
#14910: Piano Keyboard doesn't show notes during playback
New "Getting Started" tutorial score
#56786: Allow the bends input in a standard staff
#54761: Easier way to search an item in shorcut list
Add palette context menu to enable single palette mode
Play chords out of note input mode


Display "Report a bug" and "Copy" button in About box
Fix "copy revision" button in About box on Retina display
Move Add button in time signature dialog in the same corner than in the key signature dialog

Templates and instruments

Add Chamber Music templates
Custom template files are now in the second category
Add Violins, Violas, Violoncellos and Contrabasses
Add Ukulele and Ukulele Tablature to the list of common instruments
Better abbreviations for Euphonium, Tuba, and Double Bass


Add command line option -w to disable the webview in startcenter
Add command line option to create template
Add originalFormat as metatag when importing a file

Misc. bug fixes

Fix #58706: Regression in MuseScore 2—Em dash (—) not supported
Fix #58646: Pinch to zoom (on touch screen) results in net zero zoom
Fix #54691: SHIFT- adds note to same octave when key signature contains flats
Fix #7886: [trunk] Section break and courtesy clef
Fix #58496: Section break doesn't reset courtesy time sig
Fix #58481: A time signature change with an attached image to the staff may cause problems
Fix #58231: Crash changing text style on empty lyric
Fix #57646: Segment-attached element in Voice 2 causes corruption in Voice 1 on copy and paste
Fix #57756: Crash when deleting time signature when vertical frame is present
Fix #57556: Arrow key / transpose (and others) commands don't obey selection filter
Fix #57496: Section Break pause properties don't stick if set to 0.00sec
Fix #57861: [XML and CAPX Import] An & in the partname or in a staff text of MusicXML or CAPX file results in unloadable MuseScore file
Fix #57431: Courtesy time signature not created when changing time signature
Fix #57436: Undo from common to cut time time sig displays 2/2
Fix #57226: Crash pasting chords symbols from different staves
Fix #56951: Starting playback with repeats in a certain order causes a crash
Fix #55411: Cross-staff tuplet number collision avoidance is incorrect
Fix #56876: Load Album dialog sometimes shows scores, not albums - and vice versa
Fix #56536: "Break every X measures" tool does not operate on the last measure in selection
Fix #23473: Notes and rests shorter than 128th do not display or copy properly
Fix #53481: FreeSerif font included with MuseScore is missing italic
Fix #53341: Undo doesn't works after appending a frame
Fix #51761: Slurs & lines disappear or move in the non-rewritten measures on add of time signature
Fix #55446: Split staff in parts with slur causes a crash
Fix #53266: Corruption pasting into a sequence that ends in the middle of a tuplet
Fix #56191: Crash playing score with ties and tremolo
Fix #53161: Notes created by extending chord over barline are not tied to the correct notes
Fix #53461: Respell Pitches command changes only concert pitch spelling, regardless of current state
Fix #54346: Clef in part is offseted when system text is present in pickup
Fix #52506: Split Staff on particular slur crashes MuseScore
Fix #54556: Multimeasure clef position bug
Fix #54766: Not able to move fret to maximum when using Up arrow key
Fix #54506: Infinite program loop while playback with looping tie of death
Fix #51886: Enharmonic change made using "J" on concert pitch instrument not saved
Fix #54196: Regression after 2.0 - Score with pickup measure are corrupted when reopen
Fix #51881: Measure number mode not preserved on save/reload
Fix #53196: Chord Symbols on Multi-Measure Rest NOT Transposed to/from Concert Pitch
Fix #52936: 8va with Bravura or Gonville not read correctly
Fix #52386: symbols added to "Repeat measure sign" measure will disapear on reload (win & linux 2.0)
Fix #53751: Shorten stem are not read correctly
Fix #53931: Customised slide position is not read correctly.
Fix #52926: Tremolo position
Fix #54216: Crash when creating new score using empty custom template
Fix #53506: MuseJazz font line spacing too wide
Fix #53761: cross-staff beam too short
Fix #52841: Add sound feedback in repitch mode
Fix #42356: Pedal playback remains on if pedal line ends at closing repeat bar
Fix #53631: "Export Parts" generates a "Score_and_Parts" in a continous view.
Fix #53696: Export as audio gets stuck at 99% with some file and some soundfont.
Fix #53406: Technique text style should be spatium dependent
Fix #51876: Crash navigating into multimeasure rest using Measure Properties
Fix #51201: Voltas don't respond to CTRL-R
Fix #52131: REGRESSION: Preferences | Shortcuts: Detection of conflicts ignores shortcut states
Fix #51721: Staff miscentered vertically when set to 1 line musescore 2.0
Add controller read in PortMidi driver
MuseScore MuseScore v 2.0 24 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
User interface

  • Continuous view - scroll horizontally through your score with no line or page breaks

  • Start Center - start-up window which lets you easily pick up your work in progress or create new scores—and includes old MuseScore Connect, which puts a MuseScore composer in the spotlight and links to the MuseScore music sharing website and social media

  • Inspector panel - easily alter parameters (e.g., positioning) of any element

  • Piano keyboard - on-screen piano keyboard for note entry

  • Customizable palettes and workspaces Basic and Advanced workspaces included by default, or define your own

  • Usability

  • Selection filter - choose which types of elements to select for copy and paste operations

  • Re-pitch mode - replace pitches without changing rhythms

  • Image capture mode - save rectangular selections as graphics

  • Explode/Implode - separate chords onto multiple staves, or combine multiple staves into chords

  • More precise manual adjustments - nudge nearly any element any direction with keyboard or Inspector

  • Musical notation

  • Tablature support - variety of tab notation styles for guitar, bass, lute, and more

  • Fret diagrams - easily create diagrams and set up your own palette of commonly used chords

  • Dynamic text styles - changes automatically apply to all elements with that style

  • New fonts - three musical fonts to choose from, with matching text fonts

  • Flexible chord symbols - enter chord symbols using any common spellings, including support for German and solfege note naming and lower case minor chords

  • Slash notation - fill selection with beat slashes, or convert notated rhythms to slashes on, above, or below staff

  • Layout improvements - automatic correct positioning and spacing for multi-voice chords and rests, dots, accidentals, ties, articulations, hairpins, pedal markings, voltas, etc.

  • More supported notations - pedal change markings, grace notes after (trill endings), falls/doits/scoops/plops/bends, bagpipe embellishments, figured bass, ambitus, early music notations, more flexible time signatures, and a huge set of additional music symbols from Steinberg's new open source Bravura music font

  • Import/Export

  • Guitar Pro import - supports GP3, GP4, GP5, and GPX formats

  • Import PDF - addition of an OMR service to import PDF files

  • MusicXML import/export improvements - greater compatibility with other applications, ability to control degree of layout to be preserved

  • MIDI import improvements - automatic simplification of rhythms, handling of multiple voices

  • MP3 export - in addition to other audio formats WAV, FLAC and OGG

  • Save online - improved integration with for online publishing

  • Playback

  • New SoundFont - MuseScore's own more realistic Fluid R3

  • Mid-score instrument changes - play a different instrument on the same staff

  • Flexible swing style - swing eighth note or sixteenth note, set swing ratio

  • Improved JACK support - for interoperability with other MIDI and audio programs

  • Playback of more score markings - crescendo, decrescendo, smart tempo text interpretation, tremolo, mordents, improved repeats and voltas, etc.

  • Score management

  • Linked parts - changes in score automatically reflect in parts and vice versa

  • Albums - combine several scores, e.g. multiple movements, into albums

  • Styles - define and apply custom score styles, select default styles for scores and for parts

  • Split and join measures - divide measure into shorter ones or combine measures into longer one

  • Accessibility

  • Keyboard shortcuts - expanded availability of actions and many more shortcuts by default

  • Documentation - extended handbook, available in print-friendly HTML and as PDF download

  • Translations - into more than 50 languages, which can receive updates via the web

  • Screen reader - support for NVDA screen reader (Windows-only) to read the music verbally

  • Contextual help - new online help (F1) system aggregating online help resources
  • wysiwyg MuseScore v 1.3 3 mars 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Bug fixes

    Fix #19148: Distortion in sound playback after several measures of play due to reverb
    Improve the stability of the sequencer and user interface interaction


    Fix crash when loading files with invalid tuplet
    Fix crash when exporting parts with voltas
    Fix possible crash during MusicXML import
    Fix crash when changing voices without valid input state

    User Interface

    Fix #16692: Save and Save As dialogue boxes fail to open when Title contains colon
    Fix last element in file format combo box in the File -> Open Dialog is empty on Mac OS X
    Fix Two percussion clefs in palette
    Fix #16301: Verbose program listing in Add/Remove Programs
    Change default shortcut for voices to Ctrl + Alt + Voice number (Previous shortcuts were not working on Mac)
    Fix small icons on Windows and Mac
    Add 1024x1024 icons on Mac OSX for retina display
    Fix: Fermata applied to rest isn’t positioned where it was placed until score is saved and re-opened
    Better looking new score wizard on Mac OS X
    Fix: Two invisible boxes in 'Lines'


    Windows binaries are now signed with an Authenticode certificate
    Windows installer is also available in MSI format to ease the deployment of MuseScore through Group Policy
    Both Windows installers are signed with an Authenticode certificate


    Updated “Save online” plugin, cosmetic changes
    Updated ABC import plugin, support for larger files
    clavier MuseScore v 1.2 22 mars 2012 MacOS X UB
    MuseScore 1.2 includes nearly 100 bug fixes, mainly in MusicXML import and export, notation, user interface, playback, styling and parts. With the much improved MusicXML support, you can now reliably import your sheet music collection from Sibelius or Finale into MuseScore.

    A lot of effort went again into localizing MuseScore 1.2. The MuseJazz font has been extended tremendously for international alphabets. There are new translations for Estonian and Belarusian, and updates for the other 43 translations.

    We also said goodbye to Moussorgsky’s Picture of an Exhibition, which has served us well as the MuseScore demo score for many years now. We found a worthy replacement in Marc Sabatella’s Reunion, which was composed specifically for MuseScore.

    Last but not least, MuseScore Connect – which was introduced in version 1.1 – has been completely rebuilt. You can now search for sheet music shared by the community on as well as search through your own collection and open scores directly into MuseScore. But this is just the start. From now on, MuseScore Connect will improve independently from the MuseScore releases.
    notes MuseScore v 1.1 28 juil. 2011 MacOS X UB
    MuseScore 1.1 is a bug fix release. The focus of this release was stability by reducing bugs, only a very limited set of new features were added. Several new translations were added.

    New Features

    MuseScore Connect
    add sol notehead, alternative brevist notehead group, new symbols for old notation
    fix #4526: Adding ties to chords
    MuseJazz font includes triangle, circle with a slash, and other symbols for chords
    MuseJazz font includes complete ASCII character set for text
    New "MuseJazz" style to use MuseJazz for all text elements
    New "Jazz Lead Sheet" template and style
    New chord description (XML) files to switch between popular styles of chord symbols
    Space / Shift-Space in chordname entry allows chords to be placed on beats with no notes
    Tab / Shift-Tab in chordname entry skips to the next / previous measure
    "Acoustic Bass" (pizz. default) added to instrument list

    Bug fixes


    fix printing of images (fix #10140: Save as PDF with several images causes crash)
    fix #11245: MusicXML doesn't save Tempo Text if there's no name
    fix crash on capella import with timesig 0
    import part name from MusicXML
    Add support for notehead color in MusicXML export and import
    Add shape notehead support in MusicXML export and import
    add MusicXML testfile for noteheads
    import & export harmony even if not on chord/rest in MusicXML
    fix #10849: musicxml exports lyrics only with notes in voice 1.
    note: file attached to not handled yet
    fix crash on WAV export in fluid
    fix #9919: error on open/read musicxml was not handled
    fix #9842: Tempo value not exported in Lilypond
    fix #9830: Percussion sounds not exported correctly in MusicXML


    reduce default reverb gain from 0.5 to 0.2
    fix #11164: Synth control status on startup and audio export
    fix #5142: Notes do not release together in Swing or Shuffle mode
    fix playback start position when repeat in the score
    fallback to default soundfont if can't load the preferences one

    Usability and interface

    open MuseScore maximize on very first startup
    fix entry of underline character in lyrics entry mode
    (for german keyboard press Strg+Umsch+"-", for english Ctrl+"_")
    better handling of Tab key in text element
    fix #11246: change default number of measures and pickup measure timesig
    Restore ability to delete instrument name in place
    Right click on instrument name for staff properties
    new chordstyle is apply now immediatly
    remove "what's this" in toolbar and help menu
    remove delete button in symboldialog, fix system flag
    fix #10935: fix Soundfont path //
    fix #10934: double error message on opening a 2.0 score
    add shortcut for navigating between score tab


    add timesig object in plugin framework
    add undo support for scnote pitch and tuning
    add : chord.small, chord.noStem, rest.small, note.velocity, score.keysig
    set notehead shape from plugin framework
    more page format option accessible via plugins


    fix #10915: Rename WRC to WRC.BAT in CMakeList.txt


    fix #11267: Shift + drag tuplet, delete, undo cause crash
    fix #10585: Accidental offset in small staves corrupted by saving and reloading (patch by Miwarre)
    fix #10313: Align settings in Edit Text Style dlg box not stored (patch by Miwarre)
    fix rest position for 1 and 3 staff lines
    don't play midi note according to preferences (#10024)
    measure number no more selectable to avoid crash on undo
    barline at start of system not selectable to avoid crash on undo
    can't create empty part anymore
    fix #10564: Selecting voice before enabling Note Entry and entering notes causes crash
    fix #9107: Pasting multiple multi-voice notes causes crash
    fix #9805: Second Voice can end up broken
    fix #9307: Nested tuplets causes crash
    fix crash reported in comment 2
    fix #1722: Continue last session tries to open discarded score
    fix #9338: chordname scrolls offscreen
    fix #10660: Continue last session & play panel enabled
    fix #5900: Courtesy accidentals lost in transposition
    fix #9332: Unable to create slash-headed notes on drum staff
    fix #10165: Measure num. every n shows number (every n) + 1
    fix #9342: repeat entry doesn't scroll display
    fix #10048: Opening Page Settings causes crash
    fix #10370: Shortcuts cannot be cleared, implement "reset to defaults" in preferences-shortcuts dialog
    fix #10335: importCharsetList does not appear
    fix #10264: Select a flag and enter a note causes crash
    fix #7814: error with single-line-staff percussion notation
    don't print blue frame around selected image
    fix #7944: Instrument limit (again)
    fix #9996: Chord navigation does not work on multistaff
    fix #9883: Insert vertical frame between two parts of the same line (volta, cresc) causes crash
    fix #9852: Measure number hidden by horizontal frame
    fix #9792: Clef not displayed after changing clefs in previous measures
    fix #9790: Pasting notes featuring key signature change and lyrics corrupts following bar
    fix crash when inserting vertical frame (#9765)


    New languages: Faeroese, Slovak, Lithuanian, Croatian, Belarusian, Vietnamese, Esperanto, Persian
    All existing languages are updated from
    licence MuseScore v 1 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
    * fix #6775: Seg. fault by double clicking any element twice
    * fix #7233: Transpose by diminished second doesn't work (0.9.6 branch regression)
    * fix #7232: D.S. after coda sign freezes playback
    * fix #7167: Time signature change causes triplets to corrupt score
    * fix #7211: Copy/Paste notes over rest of diff. durations in staves
    * fix #7142: Crescendo & delete measures problems
    * fix #7197: MuseScore fails to open MSCZ files with capitals
    * fix #6932: Changing notehead of a breve crash
    * fix #7077: Applying double-note tremolo to dotted notes fails and alter measure duration
    * fix #6937: Measure Properties should be modal dialog
    * fix #6888: When exchanging voice, voice 1 is removed
    * fix get keysig from plugin when concert pitch mode is set
    * fix #6735: C# for AltoSax in default soundfont is silent
    * add access to DPI and notehead, note boundingbox and note position from plugin framework
    * fix #7150: Changing soundfont does not work for audio export
    partition MuseScore v 7 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
    * fix #6597: Close/reload crash on XP
    * fix #6658: Natural in every keysig on mac PPC
    * fix #6508: Crash removing instrument with volta
    * fix #6706: Crash when inserting slurs from palette while editing text
    * fix #6740: Autosave works only the first time
    * fix #6479: Crash when closing score during playback
    * fix #6624: Crash when deleting a tuplet from a MusicXML import
    * fix #5667: Font problem (quarternote looks too big in text on Linux)
    * fix #6620 : Crash on changing dynamics font size

    Plugin framework
    + fix cursor move on repeatmeasure in plugin framework
    + fix instrument name containing flats for plugin framework

    + fix #6505: Mixer is not refreshed when scores are switched
    + fix mouse wheel handling for mixer elements
    + fix repeat command (ctrl+r) for staves > 1

    + New language: Asturian
    + All other languages are updated from
    telecharger MuseScore v 0.9.6rc1 21 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
    * The focus for the past weeks was to improve stability and fix as many bugs and crashes as possible. Besides that, improvements were made to the MuseScore code, the plugin framework, import & export and more.
    * This RC1 contains the translations coming from the translation server and one new language has been added: Simplified Chinese. Also the pdf handbooks have been updated, including two new ones Japanese and Simplified Chinese handbook. A big thumbs up to all translators.
    * The 0.9.6 Release Candidate looks different with the new wordmark being integrated. This includes a new splash screen, a new default background image and various tweaks.
    mac MuseScore v 0.9.6b2 30 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
    * Many bug fixes
    * New F keys for Mac OS
    * The installation path has changed from "C:\Program Files\MuseScore 0.9" to "C:\Program Files\MuseScore".
    * The Windows installation file is 25% smaller in size due to a changed compression setting
    * The available handbooks in pdf have been updated. There are a couple of new handbooks in the pipeline which still need a final check: Hungarian, Romanian, Russian. These will be included in the 0.9.6 Release Candidate.
    MuseScore MuseScore v 2.1 6 mai 2017 Windows
    New note input modes allow you to play music on a MIDI keyboard in real time and have MuseScore transcribe both pitches and rhythms, either using the built-in metronome or your foot pedal to keep the tempo
    New input mode to allow entry of rhythm first, pitches later
    New command to rewrite rhythms to show beat divisions according to time signature rules
    New and improved commands to change duration of existing notes while in note input mode, including adding and removing augmentation dots
    Synthesizer improvements, including updates to the default SoundFont and better support for SFZ format
    Ability to upload audio to along with your score, so others can hear your score with your chosen SoundFont or SFZ
    Improved historical tablature support, including lute bass strings
    When changing instruments mid-score (e.g., from flute to clarinet), the transposition is now handled correctly
    Improved selection controls, including the ability to select notes of the same pitch, duration, or notehead, and the ability to select or deselect all element types in the Selection Filter
    New command to swap selection with clipboard (simultaneously paste to and copy from the selected range)
    More controls: ability to reorder score tabs, customize pause length of breaths and caesuras, add/remove brackets on accidentals, set MP3 bitrate, add page breaks when creating albums, include fingering in tablature staves
    New and improved templates and instruments, including various marching bands and percussion ensembles, a general percussion staff, more standard clefs for basses, additional ethnic instruments
    UI improvements in Staff Properties, New Score Wizard, Edit Drumset, and other windows
    MuseScore MuseScore MuseScore v 2.0.1 5 mai 2015 Windows

    Allow voltas on all staves
    #14910: Piano Keyboard doesn't show notes during playback
    New "Getting Started" tutorial score
    #56786: Allow the bends input in a standard staff
    #54761: Easier way to search an item in shorcut list
    Add palette context menu to enable single palette mode
    Play chords out of note input mode


    Display "Report a bug" and "Copy" button in About box
    Fix "copy revision" button in About box on Retina display
    Move Add button in time signature dialog in the same corner than in the key signature dialog

    Templates and instruments

    Add Chamber Music templates
    Custom template files are now in the second category
    Add Violins, Violas, Violoncellos and Contrabasses
    Add Ukulele and Ukulele Tablature to the list of common instruments
    Better abbreviations for Euphonium, Tuba, and Double Bass


    Add command line option -w to disable the webview in startcenter
    Add command line option to create template
    Add originalFormat as metatag when importing a file

    Misc. bug fixes

    Fix #58706: Regression in MuseScore 2—Em dash (—) not supported
    Fix #58646: Pinch to zoom (on touch screen) results in net zero zoom
    Fix #54691: SHIFT- adds note to same octave when key signature contains flats
    Fix #7886: [trunk] Section break and courtesy clef
    Fix #58496: Section break doesn't reset courtesy time sig
    Fix #58481: A time signature change with an attached image to the staff may cause problems
    Fix #58231: Crash changing text style on empty lyric
    Fix #57646: Segment-attached element in Voice 2 causes corruption in Voice 1 on copy and paste
    Fix #57756: Crash when deleting time signature when vertical frame is present
    Fix #57556: Arrow key / transpose (and others) commands don't obey selection filter
    Fix #57496: Section Break pause properties don't stick if set to 0.00sec
    Fix #57861: [XML and CAPX Import] An & in the partname or in a staff text of MusicXML or CAPX file results in unloadable MuseScore file
    Fix #57431: Courtesy time signature not created when changing time signature
    Fix #57436: Undo from common to cut time time sig displays 2/2
    Fix #57226: Crash pasting chords symbols from different staves
    Fix #56951: Starting playback with repeats in a certain order causes a crash
    Fix #55411: Cross-staff tuplet number collision avoidance is incorrect
    Fix #56876: Load Album dialog sometimes shows scores, not albums - and vice versa
    Fix #56536: "Break every X measures" tool does not operate on the last measure in selection
    Fix #23473: Notes and rests shorter than 128th do not display or copy properly
    Fix #53481: FreeSerif font included with MuseScore is missing italic
    Fix #53341: Undo doesn't works after appending a frame
    Fix #51761: Slurs & lines disappear or move in the non-rewritten measures on add of time signature
    Fix #55446: Split staff in parts with slur causes a crash
    Fix #53266: Corruption pasting into a sequence that ends in the middle of a tuplet
    Fix #56191: Crash playing score with ties and tremolo
    Fix #53161: Notes created by extending chord over barline are not tied to the correct notes
    Fix #53461: Respell Pitches command changes only concert pitch spelling, regardless of current state
    Fix #54346: Clef in part is offseted when system text is present in pickup
    Fix #52506: Split Staff on particular slur crashes MuseScore
    Fix #54556: Multimeasure clef position bug
    Fix #54766: Not able to move fret to maximum when using Up arrow key
    Fix #54506: Infinite program loop while playback with looping tie of death
    Fix #51886: Enharmonic change made using "J" on concert pitch instrument not saved
    Fix #54196: Regression after 2.0 - Score with pickup measure are corrupted when reopen
    Fix #51881: Measure number mode not preserved on save/reload
    Fix #53196: Chord Symbols on Multi-Measure Rest NOT Transposed to/from Concert Pitch
    Fix #52936: 8va with Bravura or Gonville not read correctly
    Fix #52386: symbols added to "Repeat measure sign" measure will disapear on reload (win & linux 2.0)
    Fix #53751: Shorten stem are not read correctly
    Fix #53931: Customised slide position is not read correctly.
    Fix #52926: Tremolo position
    Fix #54216: Crash when creating new score using empty custom template
    Fix #53506: MuseJazz font line spacing too wide
    Fix #53761: cross-staff beam too short
    Fix #52841: Add sound feedback in repitch mode
    Fix #42356: Pedal playback remains on if pedal line ends at closing repeat bar
    Fix #53631: "Export Parts" generates a "Score_and_Parts" in a continous view.
    Fix #53696: Export as audio gets stuck at 99% with some file and some soundfont.
    Fix #53406: Technique text style should be spatium dependent
    Fix #51876: Crash navigating into multimeasure rest using Measure Properties
    Fix #51201: Voltas don't respond to CTRL-R
    Fix #52131: REGRESSION: Preferences | Shortcuts: Detection of conflicts ignores shortcut states
    Fix #51721: Staff miscentered vertically when set to 1 line musescore 2.0
    Add controller read in PortMidi driver
    MuseScore MuseScore v 2.0 24 mars 2015 Windows
    User interface

  • Continuous view - scroll horizontally through your score with no line or page breaks

  • Start Center - start-up window which lets you easily pick up your work in progress or create new scores—and includes old MuseScore Connect, which puts a MuseScore composer in the spotlight and links to the MuseScore music sharing website and social media

  • Inspector panel - easily alter parameters (e.g., positioning) of any element

  • Piano keyboard - on-screen piano keyboard for note entry

  • Customizable palettes and workspaces Basic and Advanced workspaces included by default, or define your own

  • Usability

  • Selection filter - choose which types of elements to select for copy and paste operations

  • Re-pitch mode - replace pitches without changing rhythms

  • Image capture mode - save rectangular selections as graphics

  • Explode/Implode - separate chords onto multiple staves, or combine multiple staves into chords

  • More precise manual adjustments - nudge nearly any element any direction with keyboard or Inspector

  • Musical notation

  • Tablature support - variety of tab notation styles for guitar, bass, lute, and more

  • Fret diagrams - easily create diagrams and set up your own palette of commonly used chords

  • Dynamic text styles - changes automatically apply to all elements with that style

  • New fonts - three musical fonts to choose from, with matching text fonts

  • Flexible chord symbols - enter chord symbols using any common spellings, including support for German and solfege note naming and lower case minor chords

  • Slash notation - fill selection with beat slashes, or convert notated rhythms to slashes on, above, or below staff

  • Layout improvements - automatic correct positioning and spacing for multi-voice chords and rests, dots, accidentals, ties, articulations, hairpins, pedal markings, voltas, etc.

  • More supported notations - pedal change markings, grace notes after (trill endings), falls/doits/scoops/plops/bends, bagpipe embellishments, figured bass, ambitus, early music notations, more flexible time signatures, and a huge set of additional music symbols from Steinberg's new open source Bravura music font

  • Import/Export

  • Guitar Pro import - supports GP3, GP4, GP5, and GPX formats

  • Import PDF - addition of an OMR service to import PDF files

  • MusicXML import/export improvements - greater compatibility with other applications, ability to control degree of layout to be preserved

  • MIDI import improvements - automatic simplification of rhythms, handling of multiple voices

  • MP3 export - in addition to other audio formats WAV, FLAC and OGG

  • Save online - improved integration with for online publishing

  • Playback

  • New SoundFont - MuseScore's own more realistic Fluid R3

  • Mid-score instrument changes - play a different instrument on the same staff

  • Flexible swing style - swing eighth note or sixteenth note, set swing ratio

  • Improved JACK support - for interoperability with other MIDI and audio programs

  • Playback of more score markings - crescendo, decrescendo, smart tempo text interpretation, tremolo, mordents, improved repeats and voltas, etc.

  • Score management

  • Linked parts - changes in score automatically reflect in parts and vice versa

  • Albums - combine several scores, e.g. multiple movements, into albums

  • Styles - define and apply custom score styles, select default styles for scores and for parts

  • Split and join measures - divide measure into shorter ones or combine measures into longer one

  • Accessibility

  • Keyboard shortcuts - expanded availability of actions and many more shortcuts by default

  • Documentation - extended handbook, available in print-friendly HTML and as PDF download

  • Translations - into more than 50 languages, which can receive updates via the web

  • Screen reader - support for NVDA screen reader (Windows-only) to read the music verbally

  • Contextual help - new online help (F1) system aggregating online help resources
  • wysiwyg MuseScore v 1.3 3 mars 2013 Windows
    Bug fixes

    Fix #19148: Distortion in sound playback after several measures of play due to reverb
    Improve the stability of the sequencer and user interface interaction


    Fix crash when loading files with invalid tuplet
    Fix crash when exporting parts with voltas
    Fix possible crash during MusicXML import
    Fix crash when changing voices without valid input state

    User Interface

    Fix #16692: Save and Save As dialogue boxes fail to open when Title contains colon
    Fix last element in file format combo box in the File -> Open Dialog is empty on Mac OS X
    Fix Two percussion clefs in palette
    Fix #16301: Verbose program listing in Add/Remove Programs
    Change default shortcut for voices to Ctrl + Alt + Voice number (Previous shortcuts were not working on Mac)
    Fix small icons on Windows and Mac
    Add 1024x1024 icons on Mac OSX for retina display
    Fix: Fermata applied to rest isn’t positioned where it was placed until score is saved and re-opened
    Better looking new score wizard on Mac OS X
    Fix: Two invisible boxes in 'Lines'


    Windows binaries are now signed with an Authenticode certificate
    Windows installer is also available in MSI format to ease the deployment of MuseScore through Group Policy
    Both Windows installers are signed with an Authenticode certificate


    Updated “Save online” plugin, cosmetic changes
    Updated ABC import plugin, support for larger files
    clavier MuseScore v 1.2 22 mars 2012 Windows
    MuseScore 1.2 includes nearly 100 bug fixes, mainly in MusicXML import and export, notation, user interface, playback, styling and parts. With the much improved MusicXML support, you can now reliably import your sheet music collection from Sibelius or Finale into MuseScore.

    A lot of effort went again into localizing MuseScore 1.2. The MuseJazz font has been extended tremendously for international alphabets. There are new translations for Estonian and Belarusian, and updates for the other 43 translations.

    We also said goodbye to Moussorgsky’s Picture of an Exhibition, which has served us well as the MuseScore demo score for many years now. We found a worthy replacement in Marc Sabatella’s Reunion, which was composed specifically for MuseScore.

    Last but not least, MuseScore Connect – which was introduced in version 1.1 – has been completely rebuilt. You can now search for sheet music shared by the community on as well as search through your own collection and open scores directly into MuseScore. But this is just the start. From now on, MuseScore Connect will improve independently from the MuseScore releases.
    notes MuseScore v 1.1 28 juil. 2011 Windows
    MuseScore 1.1 is a bug fix release. The focus of this release was stability by reducing bugs, only a very limited set of new features were added. Several new translations were added.

    New Features

    MuseScore Connect
    add sol notehead, alternative brevist notehead group, new symbols for old notation
    fix #4526: Adding ties to chords
    MuseJazz font includes triangle, circle with a slash, and other symbols for chords
    MuseJazz font includes complete ASCII character set for text
    New "MuseJazz" style to use MuseJazz for all text elements
    New "Jazz Lead Sheet" template and style
    New chord description (XML) files to switch between popular styles of chord symbols
    Space / Shift-Space in chordname entry allows chords to be placed on beats with no notes
    Tab / Shift-Tab in chordname entry skips to the next / previous measure
    "Acoustic Bass" (pizz. default) added to instrument list

    Bug fixes


    fix printing of images (fix #10140: Save as PDF with several images causes crash)
    fix #11245: MusicXML doesn't save Tempo Text if there's no name
    fix crash on capella import with timesig 0
    import part name from MusicXML
    Add support for notehead color in MusicXML export and import
    Add shape notehead support in MusicXML export and import
    add MusicXML testfile for noteheads
    import & export harmony even if not on chord/rest in MusicXML
    fix #10849: musicxml exports lyrics only with notes in voice 1.
    note: file attached to not handled yet
    fix crash on WAV export in fluid
    fix #9919: error on open/read musicxml was not handled
    fix #9842: Tempo value not exported in Lilypond
    fix #9830: Percussion sounds not exported correctly in MusicXML


    reduce default reverb gain from 0.5 to 0.2
    fix #11164: Synth control status on startup and audio export
    fix #5142: Notes do not release together in Swing or Shuffle mode
    fix playback start position when repeat in the score
    fallback to default soundfont if can't load the preferences one

    Usability and interface

    open MuseScore maximize on very first startup
    fix entry of underline character in lyrics entry mode
    (for german keyboard press Strg+Umsch+"-", for english Ctrl+"_")
    better handling of Tab key in text element
    fix #11246: change default number of measures and pickup measure timesig
    Restore ability to delete instrument name in place
    Right click on instrument name for staff properties
    new chordstyle is apply now immediatly
    remove "what's this" in toolbar and help menu
    remove delete button in symboldialog, fix system flag
    fix #10935: fix Soundfont path //
    fix #10934: double error message on opening a 2.0 score
    add shortcut for navigating between score tab


    add timesig object in plugin framework
    add undo support for scnote pitch and tuning
    add : chord.small, chord.noStem, rest.small, note.velocity, score.keysig
    set notehead shape from plugin framework
    more page format option accessible via plugins


    fix #10915: Rename WRC to WRC.BAT in CMakeList.txt


    fix #11267: Shift + drag tuplet, delete, undo cause crash
    fix #10585: Accidental offset in small staves corrupted by saving and reloading (patch by Miwarre)
    fix #10313: Align settings in Edit Text Style dlg box not stored (patch by Miwarre)
    fix rest position for 1 and 3 staff lines
    don't play midi note according to preferences (#10024)
    measure number no more selectable to avoid crash on undo
    barline at start of system not selectable to avoid crash on undo
    can't create empty part anymore
    fix #10564: Selecting voice before enabling Note Entry and entering notes causes crash
    fix #9107: Pasting multiple multi-voice notes causes crash
    fix #9805: Second Voice can end up broken
    fix #9307: Nested tuplets causes crash
    fix crash reported in comment 2
    fix #1722: Continue last session tries to open discarded score
    fix #9338: chordname scrolls offscreen
    fix #10660: Continue last session & play panel enabled
    fix #5900: Courtesy accidentals lost in transposition
    fix #9332: Unable to create slash-headed notes on drum staff
    fix #10165: Measure num. every n shows number (every n) + 1
    fix #9342: repeat entry doesn't scroll display
    fix #10048: Opening Page Settings causes crash
    fix #10370: Shortcuts cannot be cleared, implement "reset to defaults" in preferences-shortcuts dialog
    fix #10335: importCharsetList does not appear
    fix #10264: Select a flag and enter a note causes crash
    fix #7814: error with single-line-staff percussion notation
    don't print blue frame around selected image
    fix #7944: Instrument limit (again)
    fix #9996: Chord navigation does not work on multistaff
    fix #9883: Insert vertical frame between two parts of the same line (volta, cresc) causes crash
    fix #9852: Measure number hidden by horizontal frame
    fix #9792: Clef not displayed after changing clefs in previous measures
    fix #9790: Pasting notes featuring key signature change and lyrics corrupts following bar
    fix crash when inserting vertical frame (#9765)


    New languages: Faeroese, Slovak, Lithuanian, Croatian, Belarusian, Vietnamese, Esperanto, Persian
    All existing languages are updated from
    licence MuseScore v 1 oct. 2010 Windows
    * fix #6775: Seg. fault by double clicking any element twice
    * fix #7233: Transpose by diminished second doesn't work (0.9.6 branch regression)
    * fix #7232: D.S. after coda sign freezes playback
    * fix #7167: Time signature change causes triplets to corrupt score
    * fix #7211: Copy/Paste notes over rest of diff. durations in staves
    * fix #7142: Crescendo & delete measures problems
    * fix #7197: MuseScore fails to open MSCZ files with capitals
    * fix #6932: Changing notehead of a breve crash
    * fix #7077: Applying double-note tremolo to dotted notes fails and alter measure duration
    * fix #6937: Measure Properties should be modal dialog
    * fix #6888: When exchanging voice, voice 1 is removed
    * fix get keysig from plugin when concert pitch mode is set
    * fix #6735: C# for AltoSax in default soundfont is silent
    * add access to DPI and notehead, note boundingbox and note position from plugin framework
    * fix #7150: Changing soundfont does not work for audio export
    partition MuseScore v 7 sept. 2010 Windows
    * fix #6597: Close/reload crash on XP
    * fix #6658: Natural in every keysig on mac PPC
    * fix #6508: Crash removing instrument with volta
    * fix #6706: Crash when inserting slurs from palette while editing text
    * fix #6740: Autosave works only the first time
    * fix #6479: Crash when closing score during playback
    * fix #6624: Crash when deleting a tuplet from a MusicXML import
    * fix #5667: Font problem (quarternote looks too big in text on Linux)
    * fix #6620 : Crash on changing dynamics font size

    Plugin framework
    + fix cursor move on repeatmeasure in plugin framework
    + fix instrument name containing flats for plugin framework

    + fix #6505: Mixer is not refreshed when scores are switched
    + fix mouse wheel handling for mixer elements
    + fix repeat command (ctrl+r) for staves > 1

    + New language: Asturian
    + All other languages are updated from
    telecharger MuseScore v 15 juil. 2010 Windows
    MuseScore is mainly a bugfix release including almost 40 bugfixes. There are no new features in compared to 0.9.6. You can read the details of the bugfixes below.

    Crashes and critical
    * fix #6425: Crash loading score with breath mark selected
    * fix #6388: Crash on importing a MusicXML file (beam problem)
    * fix #6072: Crash when adding note to wrong percussion staff
    * fix #6335: Crash on creating triplet on a chord
    * fix #6289: crash on loading score where a key signature is selected
    * fix #6275: Remove the last inserted vertical frame make musecore hangs
    * fix #6138: crash on creating new score (after some steps)
    * fix #6076: crash on play a new score after exiting a playing score
    * fix #6049: 0.9.5 file with breve or longa cannot be opened with MuseScore 0.9.6

    Memory management
    * fix #6164: free memory after removing score

    * fix #5162: Artefacts in "Strings CLP" sound
    * fix #6093: Dynamics are not played for Soprano in TimGM6mb.sf2
    * fix #6253: High CPU usage when idle if reverb is on

    Import & export
    * fix #6318: MusicXML export of syllabic is broken
    * fix #5949: MIDI import gives unexpectedly silent notes
    * fix #6163: Export MIDI in wrong preference tab
    * fix #6283: R key does not work as expected in drum staff

    * fix #6254: Concert pitch lossy transposition
    * fix #6264: Chordnames not transposed on copy-paste or concert pitch
    * fix #5923: Transpose chordnames does not preserve pitch spelling

    * fix #6060: Help > Local Handbook doesn't work on windows
    * fix #6060: Change pdf filenames for composed locale handbook

    Miscellaneous fixes
    * fix dragging from palette of measure repeat symbol
    * remove incompatible "temperament tuning" plugin
    * fix adding notes on voice > 0 from plugin framework
    * fix ove import charset preferences init
    * fix layout of fermata if in staff > 1
    * fix #6245: Underscores in Lyrics are not copied badly/not at all
    * fix #5906: Tick value shown in Object Inspector limited to 999999
    * fix #5903: Duration arithmentic with longa and brevis
    * fix #6195: breve rest & longa rest are inversed
    * fix #6079: problem in multimeasure rests with 2 staves score
    * fix #6172: note properties does not keep notehead group
    * fix #6144: Notes (and other signs) in small staves are smaller than they should
    * fix #6134: Fingering text offset does not save units and alignment
    * fix #6114: SVG graphics disappear after reload
    * fix #6453: File containing a horizontal frame directly before a bar with a line break cannot be opened
    * no empty tab if user tries to open a file with unknown extension
    * page numbers are no more editable in the score since formatting does not stick
    * refuse to open incompatible score files (file version number > current version number); this adds new translatable strings

    * updated translations
    * new translations : Basque, Hebrew, Slovenian
    mac MuseScore v 15 juil. 2010 Windows
    MuseScore is mainly a bugfix release including almost 40 bugfixes. There are no new features in compared to 0.9.6. You can read the details of the bugfixes below.

    Crashes and critical
    * fix #6425: Crash loading score with breath mark selected
    * fix #6388: Crash on importing a MusicXML file (beam problem)
    * fix #6072: Crash when adding note to wrong percussion staff
    * fix #6335: Crash on creating triplet on a chord
    * fix #6289: crash on loading score where a key signature is selected
    * fix #6275: Remove the last inserted vertical frame make musecore hangs
    * fix #6138: crash on creating new score (after some steps)
    * fix #6076: crash on play a new score after exiting a playing score
    * fix #6049: 0.9.5 file with breve or longa cannot be opened with MuseScore 0.9.6

    Memory management
    * fix #6164: free memory after removing score

    * fix #5162: Artefacts in "Strings CLP" sound
    * fix #6093: Dynamics are not played for Soprano in TimGM6mb.sf2
    * fix #6253: High CPU usage when idle if reverb is on

    Import & export
    * fix #6318: MusicXML export of syllabic is broken
    * fix #5949: MIDI import gives unexpectedly silent notes
    * fix #6163: Export MIDI in wrong preference tab
    * fix #6283: R key does not work as expected in drum staff

    * fix #6254: Concert pitch lossy transposition
    * fix #6264: Chordnames not transposed on copy-paste or concert pitch
    * fix #5923: Transpose chordnames does not preserve pitch spelling

    * fix #6060: Help > Local Handbook doesn't work on windows
    * fix #6060: Change pdf filenames for composed locale handbook

    Miscellaneous fixes
    * fix dragging from palette of measure repeat symbol
    * remove incompatible "temperament tuning" plugin
    * fix adding notes on voice > 0 from plugin framework
    * fix ove import charset preferences init
    * fix layout of fermata if in staff > 1
    * fix #6245: Underscores in Lyrics are not copied badly/not at all
    * fix #5906: Tick value shown in Object Inspector limited to 999999
    * fix #5903: Duration arithmentic with longa and brevis
    * fix #6195: breve rest & longa rest are inversed
    * fix #6079: problem in multimeasure rests with 2 staves score
    * fix #6172: note properties does not keep notehead group
    * fix #6144: Notes (and other signs) in small staves are smaller than they should
    * fix #6134: Fingering text offset does not save units and alignment
    * fix #6114: SVG graphics disappear after reload
    * fix #6453: File containing a horizontal frame directly before a bar with a line break cannot be opened
    * no empty tab if user tries to open a file with unknown extension
    * page numbers are no more editable in the score since formatting does not stick
    * refuse to open incompatible score files (file version number > current version number); this adds new translatable strings

    * updated translations
    * new translations : Basque, Hebrew, Slovenian
    windows MuseScore v 0.9.6 8 juin 2010 Windows
    macintosh MuseScore v 0.9.6rc1 21 mai 2010 Windows
    * The focus for the past weeks was to improve stability and fix as many bugs and crashes as possible. Besides that, improvements were made to the MuseScore code, the plugin framework, import & export and more.
    * This RC1 contains the translations coming from the translation server and one new language has been added: Simplified Chinese. Also the pdf handbooks have been updated, including two new ones Japanese and Simplified Chinese handbook. A big thumbs up to all translators.
    * The 0.9.6 Release Candidate looks different with the new wordmark being integrated. This includes a new splash screen, a new default background image and various tweaks.
    pc MuseScore v 0.9.6b2 30 mars 2010 Windows
    * Many bug fixes
    * New F keys for Mac OS
    * The installation path has changed from "C:\Program Files\MuseScore 0.9" to "C:\Program Files\MuseScore".
    * The Windows installation file is 25% smaller in size due to a changed compression setting
    * The available handbooks in pdf have been updated. There are a couple of new handbooks in the pipeline which still need a final check: Hungarian, Romanian, Russian. These will be included in the 0.9.6 Release Candidate.

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