PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle

Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.1.3
Compatibilité PCM Native Reverb Plug-in BundleMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $600  /  553€
Mis à jour le 1 oct. 2010
Téléchargements 4 272
Télécharg. Mac 3 754
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 1.1.3
Compatibilité PCM Native Reverb Plug-in BundleWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $600  /  553€
Mis à jour le 1 oct. 2010
Téléchargements 4 272
Télécharg. PC 518

Reverbs Lexicon

Avec toute la flexibilité qu'on peut attendre d'un plug-in, ce bundle regroupe 7 réverbs Lexicon légendaires accompagnés de centaines de presets dont certains classiques de l'immension biblothèque sonore de Lexicon.
Chaque algorithme (Vintage Plate, Plate, Hall, Room, Random Hall, Concert Hall, Chamber) peut fonctionner aussi bien en mono qu'en stéréo, ou en combinaison des deux. Chaque plug-in est doté d'une section d'égalisation et de mesures d'entrée et sortie. La fonctionnalité principale réside dans un affichage multi-dimensionnel en temps réel: trois écrans animés montrent les différentes couches fréquencielle de l'algorithme pour vous aider à scuplter votre son.
PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle v 1.1.3 1 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
1.1.3 – Bug fixes
  • Room Pattern parameter could reset to first pattern in the list on compare cancel.

  • 1.1.2 – Bug fixes
  • ConcertHall produced white noise under some circumstances at higher sample rates.

  • ConcertHall had subtle crackling noise in chorus.

  • Hall, RandomHall and Chamber could build up feedback under Cubase at higher sample rates when instantiated for the first time in a project.

  • Room Pattern parameter could reset to first pattern in the list during the first navigation to Room edit page.
  • Lexicon PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle v 1.1.0 31 août 2010 MacOS X UB
    1.1 – Bug fixes
    Minor fix to Real Time Visualization.

    1.0.9 - Bug Fixes
    The removal of the redundant Tail Width parameter (in Room) caused an unforeseen problem when loading a session stored with V1.04 plugins. While the plugin would load, the stored values would not be loaded and the plugin would revert to default values. This has been fixed. The problem only affected Beta users.

    Other Changes
    Some new Tempo-sensitive presets have been added to Vintage Plate.

    1.0.8 – Bug fixes
    Upgraded framework to fix Wavelab 6 crash.
    Fixed a few drawing issues on Windows systems.

    1.0.7 – Bug fixes
    Fixed a bug that caused the plugins not to be able to find the user presets.
    Factory presets for Concert Hall needed to be updated in 1.05 and they weren't. They should now sound identical (minus artifacts) to the V1.04 presets.

    1.0.6– internal release

    1.0.5 – Bug fixes
    There was occasionally a loud blast of noise when loading the Room algorithm. We believe that has now been corrected.
    There was a redundant copy of the Tail Width parameter on the Room page of the Room algorithm. That has been removed.
    The Store dialog has been corrected so that illegal characters can no longer be entered in file names.
    The ConcertHall algorithm caused clicks and pops when changing size (which could result from changing presets). That has been repaired.
    In some DAWs (for instance, Logic) a plugin instantiated in mono-in/stereo-out form would only have dry signal on the left side. That has been corrected.

    In 64-bit applications on the Mac, the plugins now recognize the name of their 32-bit shell. This is
    informational only.
    A new parameter has been added to ConcertHall. It is named "Chorus Type" and it can be used to modify the way in which pitch is affected by Chorus. Additional presets have been added using new settings. There are further details on this parameter in an appendix at the end of this document.
    Lexicon PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle v 1.04 21 janv. 2010 MacOS X UB
    Bugs fixes
    PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle v 1.1.3 1 oct. 2010 Windows
    1.1.3 – Bug fixes
  • Room Pattern parameter could reset to first pattern in the list on compare cancel.

  • 1.1.2 – Bug fixes
  • ConcertHall produced white noise under some circumstances at higher sample rates.

  • ConcertHall had subtle crackling noise in chorus.

  • Hall, RandomHall and Chamber could build up feedback under Cubase at higher sample rates when instantiated for the first time in a project.

  • Room Pattern parameter could reset to first pattern in the list during the first navigation to Room edit page.
  • Lexicon PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle v 1.1.0 31 août 2010 Windows
    1.1 – Bug fixes
    Minor fix to Real Time Visualization.

    1.0.9 - Bug Fixes
    The removal of the redundant Tail Width parameter (in Room) caused an unforeseen problem when loading a session stored with V1.04 plugins. While the plugin would load, the stored values would not be loaded and the plugin would revert to default values. This has been fixed. The problem only affected Beta users.

    Other Changes
    Some new Tempo-sensitive presets have been added to Vintage Plate.

    1.0.8 – Bug fixes
    Upgraded framework to fix Wavelab 6 crash.
    Fixed a few drawing issues on Windows systems.

    1.0.7 – Bug fixes
    Fixed a bug that caused the plugins not to be able to find the user presets.
    Factory presets for Concert Hall needed to be updated in 1.05 and they weren't. They should now sound identical (minus artifacts) to the V1.04 presets.

    1.0.6– internal release

    1.0.5 – Bug fixes
    There was occasionally a loud blast of noise when loading the Room algorithm. We believe that has now been corrected.
    There was a redundant copy of the Tail Width parameter on the Room page of the Room algorithm. That has been removed.
    The Store dialog has been corrected so that illegal characters can no longer be entered in file names.
    The ConcertHall algorithm caused clicks and pops when changing size (which could result from changing presets). That has been repaired.
    In some DAWs (for instance, Logic) a plugin instantiated in mono-in/stereo-out form would only have dry signal on the left side. That has been corrected.

    In 64-bit applications on the Mac, the plugins now recognize the name of their 32-bit shell. This is
    informational only.
    A new parameter has been added to ConcertHall. It is named "Chorus Type" and it can be used to modify the way in which pitch is affected by Chorus. Additional presets have been added using new settings. There are further details on this parameter in an appendix at the end of this document.
    Acheter PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle en ligne chez:
    Acheter PCM Native Reverb Plug-in Bundle près de , United States chez:

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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 1.0, MacOS X UB
    Tout le monde attendait ça... mais pas au prix indiqué (1899 $), voir les threads sur kvr, gearslutz... Ça flirte je crois avec l'erreur de positionnement, on est trop proche du hardware, et pour les studios pro ce sont les clients qui demandent et prescrivent indirectement l'achat. Et que voudront-ils ? Du VST, même s'il est exceptionnel ? Ou le hardware d'origine ? Alors oui, , la moins bonne ergonomie/integration, la conversion, l'horloge, etc... Mais on est dans le marché du studio pro alors pas de pb de ce côté a priori. Bizarre.
    Voilà en tout cas la future cible numéro 1 des Robins des bois de Warez, H20, etc...
    Et c'est peut être la la stratégie de Lexicon, engranger vite du cash avant.

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