
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 1.5.1
Format App
Compatibilité RecordMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $302  /  279€
Mis à jour le 30 nov. 2010
Téléchargements 2 095
Télécharg. Mac 1 535
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 1.5.1
Format App
Compatibilité RecordWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $302  /  279€
Mis à jour le 30 nov. 2010
Téléchargements 2 095
Télécharg. PC 560

Station de travail audio-MIDI

Record vous offre un nombre de pistes illimité, des effets et des outils de mixage de grande qualité, et une nouvelle approche de l'enregistrement musical. Doté d'une interface intuitive Record a été conçu pour les musiciens, non pour les ingénieurs du son.

Fonctions :
- enregistrement instantané
- modélisation d'ampli et de cabinet de guitare Line 6
- Record Rack, regroupant toutes les unités d'effet, de traitement, d'instruments présentes dans votre enregistrement
- ID8, boîte d'outil de composition multi-instrument pour donner une base rapide à votre projet
- Séquenceur audio rapide et flexible
- Comp Editor pour choisir rapidement et facilement les meilleurs moments de plusieurs prises
- Time stretch automatique en fonction des changements de tempo
- séquenceur MIDI...
Record vous offre un nombre de pistes illimité, des effets et des outils de mixage de grande qualité, et une nouvelle approche de l'enregistrement musical. Doté d'une interface intuitive Record a été conçu pour les musiciens, non pour les ingénieurs du son.

Fonctions :
- enregistrement instantané
- modélisation d'ampli et de cabinet de guitare Line 6
- Record Rack, regroupant toutes les unités d'effet, de traitement, d'instruments présentes dans votre enregistrement
- ID8, boîte d'outil de composition multi-instrument pour donner une base rapide à votre projet
- Séquenceur audio rapide et flexible
- Comp Editor pour choisir rapidement et facilement les meilleurs moments de plusieurs prises
- Time stretch automatique en fonction des changements de tempo
- séquenceur MIDI contrôlant les instruments intégrés ou les instruments de Reason quand Reason est couplé avec Record, et gérant aussi l'automation
- console de mixage modélisée d'après la SSL 9000k. Routage flexible, outil de traitement de dynamique, égaliseur, effets, automation complète
* Intel Mac (multiple cores highly recommended) * 1 GB RAM or more * DVD drive * 2 GB free hard disk space (program may use up to 20 GB scratch disk space) * Mac OS X 10.4 or higher * Monitor with at least 1024x768 resolution * CoreAudio compliant audio interface or built-in audio hardware * Free USB port for Ignition Key * Internet connection for registration
* Intel P4 / AMD Athlon XP at 2GHz or better (multiple cores highly recommended) * 1 GB RAM or more * DVD drive * 2 GB free hard disk space (program may use up to 20 GB scratch disk space) * Windows XP (SP2)*, Vista or later * Monitor with at least 1024x768 resolution * Audio Interface with ASIO driver * Free USB port for Ignition Key * Internet connection for registration * Minimum OS requirements is Windows XP Service Pack 2. But we strongly recommend Service Pack 3 (if you use Windows XP), because this allows the program to better adapt to the processor configuration.
Record Record v 1.5.1 30 nov. 2010 MacOS X Intel
* CodeMeter has been updated to version 4.20b. This version provides better handling of various installation issues.
* The MClass Mastering Suite Combinator appeared on the Create menu when the Japanese language was selected in Record. It has been removed (the way to use mastering combi patches in Record is to load them as Master Insert FX).
* The EQ, Filter and Input Gain settings in the main mixer were not chased properly. This could cause clicks or slight fades in the beginning of bounced or played back tracks.
* There was an audible hiccup (a small pause in the audio) whenever an effect (Wah or Compressor) was switched on or off on a Line 6 Amp device. The Line 6 components have been updated to fix this.
* An interpolation issue could cause a very slight loss of high frequency content when processing audio in Neptune.
* The size of Kong devices in the Record rack navigator was slightly incorrect.
* In rare cases users had to authenticate twice when starting Record.
* Normalize Clip did not work on clips with extremely long audio recordings.
* The handling of bad sound drivers has been improved, lessening the risk of a crash due to faulty drivers.
* Added Remote support for M-Audio Oxygen 88.
* Added localized help and documentation in German, Japanese and French. Note: The localized help and documentation files are automatically included when Reason or Record are installed from the DVD. When downloading Reason or Record, you need to download and install localized help and documentation separately.
* During certain circumstances, if a MIDI control surface was locked to a device and the user deleted any device from that song, the program could crash. This would happen if there was another song open and that song was playing back in the background.
* The "Arpeggio Notes to Track" function on the RPG-8 could cause the program to crash if some of the RPG-8 parameters had been automated.
* Saving a patch could in rare cases cause the program to crash. This happened if the user loaded a patch from a folder containing a huge number of patches, then moved the patch file to another folder and finally attempted to resave the patch by Alt-clicking the Save Patch button on the device.
* In some cases, after copying and pasting a sample-based device from one song to another, the pasted device could refer to the wrong samples if the samples were self-contained.
* Cable drawing has been slightly improved.
* Thor's step sequencer in random mode triggered two voices. This could happen when the "Step" run mode was selected and the direction was set to "Random".
* The program will occasionally check the available hard disk space. On some systems, these checks could make the user interface temporarily unresponsive.
* Duplicating devices a large number of times could cause a graphical bug in the rack.
* A number of localized (translated) text strings were cut off.
* Voice handling for the NN-XT has been optimized slightly.
* Dr. OctoRex slice numbers were not shown correctly in Edit mode when using the application in German.
* If a song used SoundFonts under Windows Vista or Windows 7, the program could store the wrong path to the referenced samples. As a result, there would be missing sounds next time the song was opened.
* Switching from MIDI sync to internal sync could result in an "Unknown Exception" alert.
* The program could become very unresponsive when working with songs with a large number of self-contained samples.
* Songs or combi patches could load with incorrect settings. This happened if a Combi rotary or button had been programmed to control a certain device parameter, and this parameter had been changed "manually" so that its state conflicted with the Combi rotary/button. After saving and loading, the setting of the device parameter was reset to match the Combi settings.
* When stopping after recording in ReWire mode, the program could freeze for a few seconds.
* Updated some Japanese translations.
* The program could assert when changing to virtual MIDI input settings.
* Kong's Nurse Rex in Slice Trig mode within a Mute Group would not mute the voice when another pad was triggered.
* A crash could be caused by dragging one or more half width devices and hovering over a Disk Channel device that doesn't show inserts.
* The function of bouncing several audio clips to new samples or to a new recording could take longer than expected.
* The remote override mode was not completely blocked while the program tried to quit.
* Muted audio clips in Blocks while adjusting the Block Clip offset could look a bit peculiar.
* Sample Editor now handles samples with a sampling frequency below 8000 HZ correctly.
* Names of Mix Channels could become blank in certain cases.
* Bug in the Mix/Disk-channel, which could occur whenever a device was added or removed in the combi of a channel device (insert effects). This bug might show itself by some short clicking sound, artifact or short freeze when adding or removing devices in a channel device. The Combinator was not affected, and also not the master section.
* There was a bug when the user tried to move the notes that were being recorded either by scaling the tempo in the tool window or nudging them with Ctrl-left/right.
* Handling of ReGrooved blocks has been improved.
* NN-Nano now uses High Quality Interpolation when pitching samples.
* Converting pattern automation to notes disregarded pattern offsets incorrectly.
* Automation of aftertouch, expression and breath are now smoothed in Thor.
Propellerhead Record Record v 1.5 25 août 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • Blocks

  • Record 1.5 adds a whole new take on sequencing: Blocks, letting you build your song parts like patterns and string them together for super fast arranging.

  • Neptune

  • The new effect device Neptune is a pitch correction tool and amazing voice synthesizer. Neptune turns your less than perfect performances into great ones in no time. Simply play your new harmonies on your MIDI keyboard for instant backing vocals.
    Propellerhead Record v 1.0.1 27 avril 2010 MacOS X Intel
    Record 1.0.1 fix list

  • Added remote files for the FBV floorboards from Line 6.

  • Load Last Song On Startup didn't remember RSN Songs

  • Weird peak meter behaviour when using Apple LED Cinema Display audio in

  • Volume difference in L6 bass amp between versions when using Direct Input

  • + and - on numeric keyboard didn't work on detached windows.

  • Importing Audiofiles made them appear between the mastersection / sendeffects.

  • Added Remote support for CakeWalk A-Pro series

  • Crash after license misuse.

  • Record + Reason: changing step count in Thor sequencer should work with LED buttons

  • Renaming of tracks / mix channels did not change Mackie scribble script

  • Multiple File Import Failed poorly if One or More Files are of Bad Format

  • When copying Insert Effects between tracks, the name of the copy was blank.

  • Asserts in Japanese Record due to missing strings

  • Resolving persistant items for drive letters "A" and "B" caused "unknown exception"

  • Assert DLLPeakMeter:184 when bypassing scream in feedback loop

  • Line 6 Amps: Remote Tooltip wrong for Next/Prev Cabinet buttons

  • Sample rate change while the Line 6 HW disconnection alert is shown causes "compatibility problem"

  • Multi License Exceeded gave wrong alert.

  • Wrong wording in Authorization dialog.

  • MIssing apostrophe in "Line 6 Hardware Disconnected:"

  • Disabled private aggregate devices under Mac OS X 10.4

  • PodFarm2 support added

  • MultiLicense functionality added

  • Import multiple audio files feature added

  • Proper update of copyright year, program name and icecream names for splash, about and credits

  • CodeMeter kext was not installed

  • ASSERT MIDIRecorderModel.cpp(55) when recording a pattern change into very busy pattern lane

  • Meaningful names of new tracks when importing audio

  • ASSERT when drawing notes/performance controllers or automation in a muted clip.

  • Localization implementation bugs

  • Export Song as Audio File..." made the document dirty

  • Thor multi oscillator issues at 96kHz

  • Audio Recording Overflow during multi-track audio recording + MIDI Sync

  • xtree ASSERT in engine RT thread.

  • Recording Latency Compensation made to work with manual monitoring OFF

  • New documents always opened on secondary (right) screen.

  • Improved tracing

  • Aggregate device stopped audio when switching sample rate

  • Note clips in note edit overview were drawn too short, so underlying clip border was seen through

  • Stretch / Sample Rate conversion could give audible artifacts

  • Improved recording latency compensation

  • Made default window wider.

  • Backdrop disappeared when combi effect was opened as insert effect and resaved

  • Internet Verification dialog text

  • Translation of Disk overload LED tool tip

  • Authorize Reason dialog text

  • ASSERT AutomationSnippet.cpp(50) trying to join 2 time signature snippets

  • Fixed infinite recursion call

  • Crash in browser when recent patch was deleted

  • RECORD Install Issues caused "locked" app

  • Record couldn't be zipped due to permission issues

  • Incorrect alert when codemeterhealer installation fails

  • Defaut template had 4ms Lookahead activated

  • MIDI files with unusual PPQ gave asserts

  • Incompatible Line 6 patch data made it impossible to open Record songs

  • Upgraded to CodeMeter 4.10b

  • Sequencer didn't scroll to reveal when selecting clips with keyboard

  • Auto-routing with insert effects connected was broken

  • Missing translation in Japanese setup wizard

  • Help user set up Function keys on Mac (Setup Wizard)

  • Improved built-in audio on mac (using private aggregate devices)

  • Legato Adjustments could produce copies of identical notes

  • Write Problem when trying to rename favorite in browser

  • No FX presets in the drop-down menu of RV7000 in template songs

  • Wrong tool tip for Disk Overload

  • Missing ellipsis in menu items

  • Groove patch spinner control was dislocated

  • Creating a track/device always showed the rack

  • MIDI overflow with lots of Remote activity

  • Same velocity level could generate different levels in output

  • "Record Automation as Performance Controllers" disabled automation recording on some devices

  • Conflicting keyboard shortcuts for vertical zoom in / Open Help Viewer on Macbook

  • Wrong French translation in Song Self Contain dialog

  • Mix channel device name was not visible in ReWire host

  • Added correct Tooltip for RPG8 Pattern

  • Clip name could become cut off

  • Made it possible to start Record when version number is 1.0.1

  • Corrected errors in map files, added Record-device specific support for REMOTE 25 and X-Station

  • Record 1.0 - Launch issues under Mac OS 10.5 Leopard

  • Assert MacRootWindow.cpp:2770 when switching to Record with On Screen Keyboard

  • ASSERT scoped_ptr.hpp(94) when browsing patch on removed hard drive

  • DDL-1 Timing problem

  • Crash when deleting NNXT sample

  • Crash when qutting Record with certain browser states

  • Mixer Channel Insert Device (Rack) Routing Problem

  • Advanced MIDI Device: Master Section: In was not available as target

  • Duplicating mixer channel always created mono copy

  • Rendering of some custom fonts was wrong under Mac OS X 10.6

  • Added text output remotable items for Category and Sound in the ID8

  • Crash while loading certain NN-19 patches

  • Crash when creating device with enter-key in device palette if there are no open documents

  • ASSERT EngineTrackMap.cpp(115) when creating/deleting many tracks

  • Assertion failure when deleting tracks and audio hardware is removed

  • Changing Control Surface Parameters could cause Asserts with Axiom 61

  • Updated EULA with Privacy Policy

  • Tweaked english dialogs
  • Record Record v 1.5.1 30 nov. 2010 Windows
    * CodeMeter has been updated to version 4.20b. This version provides better handling of various installation issues.
    * The MClass Mastering Suite Combinator appeared on the Create menu when the Japanese language was selected in Record. It has been removed (the way to use mastering combi patches in Record is to load them as Master Insert FX).
    * The EQ, Filter and Input Gain settings in the main mixer were not chased properly. This could cause clicks or slight fades in the beginning of bounced or played back tracks.
    * There was an audible hiccup (a small pause in the audio) whenever an effect (Wah or Compressor) was switched on or off on a Line 6 Amp device. The Line 6 components have been updated to fix this.
    * An interpolation issue could cause a very slight loss of high frequency content when processing audio in Neptune.
    * The size of Kong devices in the Record rack navigator was slightly incorrect.
    * In rare cases users had to authenticate twice when starting Record.
    * Normalize Clip did not work on clips with extremely long audio recordings.
    * The handling of bad sound drivers has been improved, lessening the risk of a crash due to faulty drivers.
    * Added Remote support for M-Audio Oxygen 88.
    * Added localized help and documentation in German, Japanese and French. Note: The localized help and documentation files are automatically included when Reason or Record are installed from the DVD. When downloading Reason or Record, you need to download and install localized help and documentation separately.
    * During certain circumstances, if a MIDI control surface was locked to a device and the user deleted any device from that song, the program could crash. This would happen if there was another song open and that song was playing back in the background.
    * The "Arpeggio Notes to Track" function on the RPG-8 could cause the program to crash if some of the RPG-8 parameters had been automated.
    * Saving a patch could in rare cases cause the program to crash. This happened if the user loaded a patch from a folder containing a huge number of patches, then moved the patch file to another folder and finally attempted to resave the patch by Alt-clicking the Save Patch button on the device.
    * In some cases, after copying and pasting a sample-based device from one song to another, the pasted device could refer to the wrong samples if the samples were self-contained.
    * Cable drawing has been slightly improved.
    * Thor's step sequencer in random mode triggered two voices. This could happen when the "Step" run mode was selected and the direction was set to "Random".
    * The program will occasionally check the available hard disk space. On some systems, these checks could make the user interface temporarily unresponsive.
    * Duplicating devices a large number of times could cause a graphical bug in the rack.
    * A number of localized (translated) text strings were cut off.
    * Voice handling for the NN-XT has been optimized slightly.
    * Dr. OctoRex slice numbers were not shown correctly in Edit mode when using the application in German.
    * If a song used SoundFonts under Windows Vista or Windows 7, the program could store the wrong path to the referenced samples. As a result, there would be missing sounds next time the song was opened.
    * Switching from MIDI sync to internal sync could result in an "Unknown Exception" alert.
    * The program could become very unresponsive when working with songs with a large number of self-contained samples.
    * Songs or combi patches could load with incorrect settings. This happened if a Combi rotary or button had been programmed to control a certain device parameter, and this parameter had been changed "manually" so that its state conflicted with the Combi rotary/button. After saving and loading, the setting of the device parameter was reset to match the Combi settings.
    * When stopping after recording in ReWire mode, the program could freeze for a few seconds.
    * Updated some Japanese translations.
    * The program could assert when changing to virtual MIDI input settings.
    * Kong's Nurse Rex in Slice Trig mode within a Mute Group would not mute the voice when another pad was triggered.
    * A crash could be caused by dragging one or more half width devices and hovering over a Disk Channel device that doesn't show inserts.
    * The function of bouncing several audio clips to new samples or to a new recording could take longer than expected.
    * The remote override mode was not completely blocked while the program tried to quit.
    * Muted audio clips in Blocks while adjusting the Block Clip offset could look a bit peculiar.
    * Sample Editor now handles samples with a sampling frequency below 8000 HZ correctly.
    * Names of Mix Channels could become blank in certain cases.
    * Bug in the Mix/Disk-channel, which could occur whenever a device was added or removed in the combi of a channel device (insert effects). This bug might show itself by some short clicking sound, artifact or short freeze when adding or removing devices in a channel device. The Combinator was not affected, and also not the master section.
    * There was a bug when the user tried to move the notes that were being recorded either by scaling the tempo in the tool window or nudging them with Ctrl-left/right.
    * Handling of ReGrooved blocks has been improved.
    * NN-Nano now uses High Quality Interpolation when pitching samples.
    * Converting pattern automation to notes disregarded pattern offsets incorrectly.
    * Automation of aftertouch, expression and breath are now smoothed in Thor.
    Propellerhead Record Record v 1.5 25 août 2010 Windows
  • Blocks

  • Record 1.5 adds a whole new take on sequencing: Blocks, letting you build your song parts like patterns and string them together for super fast arranging.

  • Neptune

  • The new effect device Neptune is a pitch correction tool and amazing voice synthesizer. Neptune turns your less than perfect performances into great ones in no time. Simply play your new harmonies on your MIDI keyboard for instant backing vocals.
    Propellerhead Record v 1.0.1 27 avril 2010 Windows
    Record 1.0.1 fix list

  • Added remote files for the FBV floorboards from Line 6.

  • Load Last Song On Startup didn't remember RSN Songs

  • Weird peak meter behaviour when using Apple LED Cinema Display audio in

  • Volume difference in L6 bass amp between versions when using Direct Input

  • + and - on numeric keyboard didn't work on detached windows.

  • Importing Audiofiles made them appear between the mastersection / sendeffects.

  • Added Remote support for CakeWalk A-Pro series

  • Crash after license misuse.

  • Record + Reason: changing step count in Thor sequencer should work with LED buttons

  • Renaming of tracks / mix channels did not change Mackie scribble script

  • Multiple File Import Failed poorly if One or More Files are of Bad Format

  • When copying Insert Effects between tracks, the name of the copy was blank.

  • Asserts in Japanese Record due to missing strings

  • Resolving persistant items for drive letters "A" and "B" caused "unknown exception"

  • Assert DLLPeakMeter:184 when bypassing scream in feedback loop

  • Line 6 Amps: Remote Tooltip wrong for Next/Prev Cabinet buttons

  • Sample rate change while the Line 6 HW disconnection alert is shown causes "compatibility problem"

  • Multi License Exceeded gave wrong alert.

  • Wrong wording in Authorization dialog.

  • MIssing apostrophe in "Line 6 Hardware Disconnected:"

  • Disabled private aggregate devices under Mac OS X 10.4

  • PodFarm2 support added

  • MultiLicense functionality added

  • Import multiple audio files feature added

  • Proper update of copyright year, program name and icecream names for splash, about and credits

  • CodeMeter kext was not installed

  • ASSERT MIDIRecorderModel.cpp(55) when recording a pattern change into very busy pattern lane

  • Meaningful names of new tracks when importing audio

  • ASSERT when drawing notes/performance controllers or automation in a muted clip.

  • Localization implementation bugs

  • Export Song as Audio File..." made the document dirty

  • Thor multi oscillator issues at 96kHz

  • Audio Recording Overflow during multi-track audio recording + MIDI Sync

  • xtree ASSERT in engine RT thread.

  • Recording Latency Compensation made to work with manual monitoring OFF

  • New documents always opened on secondary (right) screen.

  • Improved tracing

  • Aggregate device stopped audio when switching sample rate

  • Note clips in note edit overview were drawn too short, so underlying clip border was seen through

  • Stretch / Sample Rate conversion could give audible artifacts

  • Improved recording latency compensation

  • Made default window wider.

  • Backdrop disappeared when combi effect was opened as insert effect and resaved

  • Internet Verification dialog text

  • Translation of Disk overload LED tool tip

  • Authorize Reason dialog text

  • ASSERT AutomationSnippet.cpp(50) trying to join 2 time signature snippets

  • Fixed infinite recursion call

  • Crash in browser when recent patch was deleted

  • RECORD Install Issues caused "locked" app

  • Record couldn't be zipped due to permission issues

  • Incorrect alert when codemeterhealer installation fails

  • Defaut template had 4ms Lookahead activated

  • MIDI files with unusual PPQ gave asserts

  • Incompatible Line 6 patch data made it impossible to open Record songs

  • Upgraded to CodeMeter 4.10b

  • Sequencer didn't scroll to reveal when selecting clips with keyboard

  • Auto-routing with insert effects connected was broken

  • Missing translation in Japanese setup wizard

  • Help user set up Function keys on Mac (Setup Wizard)

  • Improved built-in audio on mac (using private aggregate devices)

  • Legato Adjustments could produce copies of identical notes

  • Write Problem when trying to rename favorite in browser

  • No FX presets in the drop-down menu of RV7000 in template songs

  • Wrong tool tip for Disk Overload

  • Missing ellipsis in menu items

  • Groove patch spinner control was dislocated

  • Creating a track/device always showed the rack

  • MIDI overflow with lots of Remote activity

  • Same velocity level could generate different levels in output

  • "Record Automation as Performance Controllers" disabled automation recording on some devices

  • Conflicting keyboard shortcuts for vertical zoom in / Open Help Viewer on Macbook

  • Wrong French translation in Song Self Contain dialog

  • Mix channel device name was not visible in ReWire host

  • Added correct Tooltip for RPG8 Pattern

  • Clip name could become cut off

  • Made it possible to start Record when version number is 1.0.1

  • Corrected errors in map files, added Record-device specific support for REMOTE 25 and X-Station

  • Record 1.0 - Launch issues under Mac OS 10.5 Leopard

  • Assert MacRootWindow.cpp:2770 when switching to Record with On Screen Keyboard

  • ASSERT scoped_ptr.hpp(94) when browsing patch on removed hard drive

  • DDL-1 Timing problem

  • Crash when deleting NNXT sample

  • Crash when qutting Record with certain browser states

  • Mixer Channel Insert Device (Rack) Routing Problem

  • Advanced MIDI Device: Master Section: In was not available as target

  • Duplicating mixer channel always created mono copy

  • Rendering of some custom fonts was wrong under Mac OS X 10.6

  • Added text output remotable items for Category and Sound in the ID8

  • Crash while loading certain NN-19 patches

  • Crash when creating device with enter-key in device palette if there are no open documents

  • ASSERT EngineTrackMap.cpp(115) when creating/deleting many tracks

  • Assertion failure when deleting tracks and audio hardware is removed

  • Changing Control Surface Parameters could cause Asserts with Axiom 61

  • Updated EULA with Privacy Policy

  • Tweaked english dialogs
  • Propellerhead
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