
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.100
Compatibilité ReverberateMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $125  /  116€
Mis à jour le 11 juin 2016
Téléchargements 3 054
Télécharg. Mac 1 956
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.100
Compatibilité ReverberateWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $125  /  116€
Mis à jour le 11 juin 2016
Téléchargements 3 054
Télécharg. PC 1 098

Réverbération à convolution

Reverberate est un plug-in de réverbération à convolution qui propose plusieurs façon de moduler le son réverbéré : via le mélange de 2 réponses impulsionnelles dosé par un LFO, via un chorus ou bien encore via un égaliseur paragraphique en fin de chaîne dont les paramètres peuvent être modulés par 2 LFO.

Caractéristiques :

• réverbe à convolution stéréo
• permet d'utiliser jusqu'à 2 réponses impulsionnelles stéréo séparées (true-stéréo)
• latence nulle (peut être réglée jusqu'à 8192 samples)
• support des IR aux formats WAV, AIFF et FLAC
• enveloppes ADSHR
• stretch des IR de 50 à 150%
• égalisation suréchantillonnée de chaque IR
• pre-delay jusqu'à 500ms
• mélange des 2 IR dosé par un LFO
• chorus à interpolation linéaire
• égalisation post effet avec modulation par LFO
Reverberate Reverberate v 2.100 11 juin 2016 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Significant reduction in CPU consumption for the standard and true stereo convolvers.

  • All: Modest reduction in CPU consumption for the Fusion-IR convolver.
  • LiquidSonics Reverberate Reverberate v 2.020 18 févr. 2016 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Four additional colour schemes (dark and light red and orange).

  • OS X: Fix for occasional bug in Studio One.
  • LiquidSonics Reverberate v 2.01 20 nov. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Support for Fusion-IR installers and modified menus for quick access to installed Fusion-IR banks.

  • OS X AAX: Fix for an occasional signing related issue on some systems.
  • jusqu' Reverberate v 2.0 1 nov. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Support for Fusion-IR files.

  • All: Three new modern flat skins (blue, green and purple).

  • All: Collapsible file and preset browsers to save screen space.
  • convolution Reverberate v 1.916 16 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
    All: Fixed an issue with true stereo file normalisation.
    galisation Reverberate v 1.913 15 juin 2014 MacOS X Intel
    VST/AU: Improved support in WaveLab.
    chorus Reverberate v 1.911 7 mars 2014 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Additional filetype support.

  • AU: An additional fallback AU implementation for hosts incompatible with the regular AU is now selectable in the installer.
  • ponses Reverberate v 1.910 4 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Optimisations for additional CPUs and instruction sets.

  • OS X: Improved support within Renoise 3 and Digital Performer 8.
  • telecharger Reverberate v 1.900 6 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    All: New SplitMod feature to provide modulating delay spin-wander type effects to the early and late components of an IR.
    mac Reverberate v 1.822 1 déc. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Reduced the impact of an audible click artefact when changing presets using delays and choruses.

  • All: Improved support within Audition.
  • plus...
    windows Reverberate v 1.821 28 oct. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • AU: Crash fix for some x64 hosts due to window closure management.

  • AU: Fix for an issue where the plugin could start in a bypass state in some hosts.
  • macintosh Reverberate v 1.820 30 août 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • VST/AU: The reverb tail can now be flushed using MIDI-CC automation.
  • pc Reverberate v 1.810 20 août 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Pro Tools 10.3.5 and Pro Tools 11 AAX support added for Mac and PC (32-bit and 64-bit included).

  • All: Refreshed the classic grey and green interface.

  • All: Added a new Neon Blue skin.

  • All: Many parameter values can now be edited via text entry for absolute precision.

  • All: Recursive folder search for lost files feature added, items are specified in the Preset tab menu.

  • All: Categorised presets are now provided on a drop-down menu in the presets tab.

  • All: Included presets from

  • All: Added IR1-IR2 mix gain control for mid-point level control enabling smoother IR transitions.

  • All: Update for frequency selection bug in filters at rates other than 44.1 kHz in host independent mode.

  • All: Demo 30-day counter reset to allow everybody to try the new features.
  • Reverberate v 1.800 6 juin 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Pro Tools 10.3.5 and Pro Tools 11 AAX support added for Mac and PC (32-bit and 64-bit included).

  • All: Refreshed the classic grey and green interface.

  • All: Added a new Neon Blue skin.

  • All: Many parameter values can now be edited via text entry for absolute precision.

  • All: Recursive folder search for lost files feature added, items are specified in the Preset tab menu.

  • All: Categorised presets are now provided on a drop-down menu in the presets tab.

  • All: Included presets from

  • All: Added IR1-IR2 mix gain control for mid-point level control enabling smoother IR transitions.

  • All: Update for frequency selection bug in filters at rates other than 44.1 kHz in host independent mode.

  • All: Demo 30-day counter reset to allow everybody to try the new features.
  • Reverberate v 1.776 16 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • Mac: Fix for initial dialog box folder location preference.

  • Mac: Additional fix for license file registration.
  • Reverberate v 1.775 5 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • All: 192kHz operation fix when loading empty presets.

  • Mac: Fix for file license file registration window bug in OS X 10.8.x
  • Reverberate v 1.774 27 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Bugfix for IR2 early reflections module.
  • Reverberate v 1.773 25 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
    1.773: 22/05/12
  • Mac: Demo mode not starting correctly bug-fix.

  • 1.772: 22/05/12
  • All: File browser back button now permanently visible.

  • Mac: File locations are now resiliant to volume name changes.
  • Reverberate v 1.770 15 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Added IR1 EQ and IR2 EQ sheen control for adding synthetic high frequency content and presence.

  • All: Fixed IR2 views not obeying multiple visualisation setting.
  • Reverberate v 1.761 2 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Fix for dial operation mode in some hosts changing after the plugin is closed and re-opened.

  • All: Delays do not update if inactive saving CPU in projects with automated tempo changes.
  • Reverberate v 1.760 15 avril 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • PC: Mouse wheel now supported in more hosts.

  • All: IR view can now show individual IR channels (activated in the settings tab under IR Visualisation).
  • Reverberate v 1.753 27 mars 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • PC: Fixed a problem with the wrong preset number being loaded in Pyramix.
  • Reverberate v 1.752 22 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • PC: Update to fix a problem when used in Sound Forge where a render was not applied to the start of the audio.

  • All: Holding the alt keyboard button while clicking the EQ handle toggles the filter type.
  • Reverberate v 1.751 31 janv. 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Mouse wheel support for changing filter bandwidth in the EQ visualisation window.

  • All: Updated OS detection to support Wine (XP simulation is required for Wine users).
  • Reverberate v 1.750 20 janv. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    1.750: 19/01/12
  • All: Drag and drop support for IR files dropped into the IR visualisation area.

  • 1.742: 15/01/12
  • PC: Improved appearance of EQ handles on Windows XP.

  • 1.741: 09/01/12
  • VST: When loading an individual preset (fxp) file the current program number was changed incorrectly.

  • 1.740: 08/01/12
  • All: Added EQ handles that can be dragged to change gain and frequency.
  • Reverberate v 1.730 6 janv. 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Smoother rendering of ADSHR, filter curves and IRs (applies to Mac and Windows editions newer than XP).
  • Reverberate v 1.720 30 sept. 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Added a function to create a bank of presets based on the currently loaded preset by incrementing the current IR in the directory for each iteration.

  • All: Fix for a crash during heavy automation.
  • Reverberate v 1.704 18 juin 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Fix for clipping audio files where input values are outside the standard -1.0 to 1.0 floating point range.
    Reverberate v 1.691 3 mai 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • All: The IR1 and IR2 settings can now be swapped, this is useful when IRs are chained.

  • All: The IR browser now defaults to the previous location when the editor is closed and re-opened within a session.

  • All: Updated sound file library to incorporate bug fixes.
  • Reverberate v 1.690 2 avril 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Added the capability to apply the master modulation of IR1/2 pan and mix pre or post convolution (previously only post convolution was possible).
  • Reverberate v 1.687 21 mars 2011 MacOS X Intel
    1.687: 17/03/11
  • All: Additional tail generator tints added (cathedral, stone church, bright chapel and deep chapel).

  • All: Added 8 new tail generator presets using the new tints.

  • All: The copy and paste facility for presets now works after the editor is closed and re-opened.

  • 1.686: 11/03/11
  • All: Graphical fixes.

  • Mac: AU, VST and RTAS can now be installed independently.
  • Reverberate v 1.685 28 févr. 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Added a new IR type to generate synthetic IR tails.

  • All: Added 16 new presets utilising the tails generator.

  • OS X: Audio Unit update enabling 64-bit support (the old 32-bit version can optionally be installed using the installer customise option).

  • All: Memory is freed when IRs are inactive considerably reducing memory consumption in a single IR scenario.

  • All: Added an option to modulate the IRxEQs using a decaying exponential.

  • All: Changed the IRxEQs modulation view to be linear to more clearly visualise the decaying exp and linear behaviour.

  • All: Smoother audio during program changes.

  • All: More descriptive errors on registry or preferences file loading failures.

  • All: Fixed a bug in the delay unit that caused a feint distortion effect when different delays were set per channel.

  • All: Modification to enable full recall from chunk (assists full recall in Usine host).

  • All: More accurate reporting of the IR tail length to the host (assists Wavelab mixdowns).

  • All: Corrected focus bug in filters.

  • PC x64: Installer provides an option to use the same plug-in ID as the 32-bit version.
  • Reverberate v 1.681 9 févr. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    1.681 [Public Beta]:
  • All: Additional tail room tint models with true stereo capability.

  • All: Reduced memory consumption when IRs are inactive.
  • Reverberate v 1.679 28 janv. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    1.679 [Public Beta]:
  • All: Removed exponent option from IRxEQ modulation and changed log behaviour to be dependent on direction.

  • All: Changed IRxEQ modulation view to be linear to more clearly visualise the log and linear behaviour.

  • All: Corrected IR2 width operation when in mono position.
  • Reverberate v 1.675 23 janv. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    1.675 [Public Beta]:
  • All: Added a new IR type to generate synthetic IR tails.

  • OS X: Audio Unit update enabling 64-bit support.

  • PC x64: Installer provides an option to use the same plug-in ID as the 32-bit version.

  • All: Modification to enable full recall from chunk (assists full recall in Usine host).

  • All: More descriptive low memory condition error messages.
  • Reverberate v 1.660 4 déc. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Added the capability to assign up to 2 MIDI controllers (MIDI-CC) to some common Reverberate parameters for enhanced modulation capabilities in MIDI performance scenarios. Midi data must be routed to Reverberate via the host application (not all hosts are able to do this).
  • Reverberate v 1.650 15 nov. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Master wet lock icon added.

  • All: Changed the wet lock options to include a default insert mode, send mode, or as specified per bank as wet-lock is now saved in the preset banks allowing for banks to be configured as send banks.

  • All: The presets view now opens by default instead of the IR browser.
  • Reverberate v 1.630 2 nov. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Filter frequencies can now be selected from A0 - G#8 using pulldown menus providing a very natural and musical frequency selection approach.
  • Reverberate v 1.620 21 oct. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • Mac: 64-bit VST added to the plug-in binary (a 64-bit AU is not yet available). The 64-bit VST will load automatically in hosts supporting 64-bit plug-ins.

  • Mac: Audio file library speed optimisations for reduced start-up and audio file access times.
  • Reverberate v 1.614 9 oct. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Control+click on post IR gain controls now resets the slider positions as well as the parameter value.
  • Reverberate v 1.612 28 sept. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • OS X: Improved support for system volume names containing diacritics.
  • Reverberate v 1.611 16 sept. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • All: The demo timers have been reset so that all expired demos may now run for a further 30 days to enable past demo users to try all the new features added in recent releases.

  • All: Increased stability when system memory is depleted.
  • Reverberate v 1.610 15 sept. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Reduced memory consumption of the early reflections module.

  • All: The EQ states automatically enable when an EQ parameter is modified.

  • All: Fixed initial values for the stereo wideners where saves were made using version 1.506 (previous saves work as expected).
  • Reverberate v 1.600 12 sept. 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • All: Native RTAS x86 support.

  • All: New early reflections reverb module incorporating virtual point source generation models.

  • All: New stereo widener for each IR.

  • All: 64 new true stereo impulse responses.

  • All: Two additional preset banks utilising the new true stereo IRs and the early reflections module.

  • All: New consolidated EQ views for IR1, IR2 and post to show all 5 bands on a single tab for quicker EQ editing.

  • All: A mirror of the IR1 and IR2 mixer gain controls on the IR1 and IR2 tabs for convenience during editing and selection.

  • All: Updates to the GUI for increased graphical texturing and a clearer representation of the IR state.

  • All: The IR reverse and normalisation controls have been moved to make space for the additional IR dials.

  • Mac: Fixed impulse response normalisation bug.

  • PC: Improved font rendering.
  • Reverberate v 1.506 27 août 2010 MacOS X Intel
    1.506: 24/08/10
  • All: Fix for directory listings sort order on some systems.

  • 1.505: 13/08/10
  • Mac: Fix for mono AU crash in Ardour on some systems.
  • Reverberate v 1.504 8 août 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • Mac: Fix for /Users/ location some systems with a single volume.
  • Reverberate v 1.503 7 août 2010 MacOS X Intel
    1.503: 01/08/10
  • All: Reduced CPU usage of the delay module when automating the host song tempo with tempo-lock enabled.

  • 1.502: 28/07/10
  • PC: Corrected a bug where the first directory in a drive's root was not displayed in some cases.
  • Reverberate v 1.501 29 juil. 2010 MacOS X Intel
    1.501: 26/07/10
  • All: Improved lost file search functionality where lost files can be found by back-tracking by one directory level.
  • Reverberate v 1.500 30 juin 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • All: New stereo delay modules incorporating delay line modulation and tempo sync added to the IR1, IR2 and master signal paths.

  • All: Some factory default presets have been updated to use the new delay module.
  • Reverberate v 1.417 20 mai 2010 MacOS X Intel
    1.417: 18/05/10
  • All: Processing indicators have been added to all tabs (they were previously only shown on the IR1/IR2 tabs) to show activity during preset changes.

  • All: The currently selected preset number in the radio brower did not always correctly update.

  • All: The post-EQ LFO was incorrectly timed when operating above 44.1kHz.

  • 1.416: 07/05/10
  • All: Fixed an issue with the VST-RTAS beta period expiration date preventing the demo from running correctly under the VST-RTAS wrapper.

  • OS X: Better handling of lost file user interaction mechanisms.
  • Reverberate v 1.415 7 mai 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • OS X: An additional default search path is included for /Library/Audio/Impulse Responses/LiquidSonics/Reverberate/Factory-flac/ so if the flac compatibility presets package is installed it is not necessary to update all song files with the new location for the old flac files.
  • moins...
    Reverberate Reverberate v 2.100 11 juin 2016 Windows
  • All: Significant reduction in CPU consumption for the standard and true stereo convolvers.

  • All: Modest reduction in CPU consumption for the Fusion-IR convolver.
  • LiquidSonics Reverberate Reverberate v 2.020 18 févr. 2016 Windows
  • All: Four additional colour schemes (dark and light red and orange).

  • OS X: Fix for occasional bug in Studio One.
  • LiquidSonics Reverberate v 2.01 20 nov. 2015 Windows
  • All: Support for Fusion-IR installers and modified menus for quick access to installed Fusion-IR banks.

  • OS X AAX: Fix for an occasional signing related issue on some systems.
  • jusqu' Reverberate v 2.0 1 nov. 2015 Windows
  • All: Support for Fusion-IR files.

  • All: Three new modern flat skins (blue, green and purple).

  • All: Collapsible file and preset browsers to save screen space. All: Fixed an issue with true stereo file normalisation.
  • convolution Reverberate v 1.916 16 févr. 2015 Windows
    All: Fixed an issue with true stereo file normalisation.
    galisation Reverberate v 1.913 15 juin 2014 Windows
    VST/AU: Improved support in WaveLab.
    chorus Reverberate v 1.911 7 mars 2014 Windows
  • All: Additional filetype support.

  • AU: An additional fallback AU implementation for hosts incompatible with the regular AU is now selectable in the installer.
  • ponses Reverberate v 1.910 4 févr. 2014 Windows
  • All: Optimisations for additional CPUs and instruction sets.

  • OS X: Improved support within Renoise 3 and Digital Performer 8.
  • telecharger Reverberate v 1.900 6 janv. 2014 Windows
    All: New SplitMod feature to provide modulating delay spin-wander type effects to the early and late components of an IR.
    mac Reverberate v 1.822 1 déc. 2013 Windows
  • All: Reduced the impact of an audible click artefact when changing presets using delays and choruses.

  • All: Improved support within Audition.
  • plus...
    windows Reverberate v 1.821 28 oct. 2013 Windows
  • AU: Crash fix for some x64 hosts due to window closure management.

  • AU: Fix for an issue where the plugin could start in a bypass state in some hosts.
  • macintosh Reverberate v 1.820 30 août 2013 Windows
  • VST/AU: The reverb tail can now be flushed using MIDI-CC automation.
  • pc Reverberate v 1.810 20 août 2013 Windows
  • All: User definable favourite banks feature added.
  • Reverberate v 1.800 6 juin 2013 Windows
  • All: Pro Tools 10.3.5 and Pro Tools 11 AAX support added for Mac and PC (32-bit and 64-bit included).

  • All: Refreshed the classic grey and green interface.

  • All: Added a new Neon Blue skin.

  • All: Many parameter values can now be edited via text entry for absolute precision.

  • All: Recursive folder search for lost files feature added, items are specified in the Preset tab menu.

  • All: Categorised presets are now provided on a drop-down menu in the presets tab.

  • All: Included presets from

  • All: Added IR1-IR2 mix gain control for mid-point level control enabling smoother IR transitions.

  • All: Update for frequency selection bug in filters at rates other than 44.1 kHz in host independent mode.

  • All: Demo 30-day counter reset to allow everybody to try the new features.
  • Reverberate v 1.776 16 nov. 2012 Windows
  • Mac: Fix for initial dialog box folder location preference.

  • Mac: Additional fix for license file registration.
  • Reverberate v 1.775 5 nov. 2012 Windows
  • All: 192kHz operation fix when loading empty presets.

  • Mac: Fix for file license file registration window bug in OS X 10.8.x
  • Reverberate v 1.774 27 sept. 2012 Windows
  • All: Bugfix for IR2 early reflections module.
  • Reverberate v 1.773 25 mai 2012 Windows
    1.773: 22/05/12
  • Mac: Demo mode not starting correctly bug-fix.

  • 1.772: 22/05/12
  • All: File browser back button now permanently visible.

  • Mac: File locations are now resiliant to volume name changes.
  • Reverberate v 1.770 15 mai 2012 Windows
  • All: Added IR1 EQ and IR2 EQ sheen control for adding synthetic high frequency content and presence.

  • All: Fixed IR2 views not obeying multiple visualisation setting.
  • Reverberate v 1.761 2 mai 2012 Windows
  • All: Fix for dial operation mode in some hosts changing after the plugin is closed and re-opened.

  • All: Delays do not update if inactive saving CPU in projects with automated tempo changes.
  • Reverberate v 1.760 15 avril 2012 Windows
  • PC: Mouse wheel now supported in more hosts.

  • All: IR view can now show individual IR channels (activated in the settings tab under IR Visualisation).
  • Reverberate v 1.753 27 mars 2012 Windows
  • PC: Fixed a problem with the wrong preset number being loaded in Pyramix.
  • Reverberate v 1.752 22 févr. 2012 Windows
  • PC: Update to fix a problem when used in Sound Forge where a render was not applied to the start of the audio.

  • All: Holding the alt keyboard button while clicking the EQ handle toggles the filter type.
  • Reverberate v 1.751 31 janv. 2012 Windows
  • All: Mouse wheel support for changing filter bandwidth in the EQ visualisation window.

  • All: Updated OS detection to support Wine (XP simulation is required for Wine users).
  • Reverberate v 1.750 20 janv. 2012 Windows
    1.750: 19/01/12
  • All: Drag and drop support for IR files dropped into the IR visualisation area.

  • 1.742: 15/01/12
  • PC: Improved appearance of EQ handles on Windows XP.

  • 1.741: 09/01/12
  • VST: When loading an individual preset (fxp) file the current program number was changed incorrectly.

  • 1.740: 08/01/12
  • All: Added EQ handles that can be dragged to change gain and frequency.
  • Reverberate v 1.730 6 janv. 2012 Windows
  • All: Smoother rendering of ADSHR, filter curves and IRs (applies to Mac and Windows editions newer than XP).
  • Reverberate v 1.720 30 sept. 2011 Windows
  • All: Added a function to create a bank of presets based on the currently loaded preset by incrementing the current IR in the directory for each iteration.

  • All: Fix for a crash during heavy automation.
  • Reverberate v 1.704 18 juin 2011 Windows
    Fix for clipping audio files where input values are outside the standard -1.0 to 1.0 floating point range.
    Reverberate v 1.691 3 mai 2011 Windows
  • All: The IR1 and IR2 settings can now be swapped, this is useful when IRs are chained.

  • All: The IR browser now defaults to the previous location when the editor is closed and re-opened within a session.

  • All: Updated sound file library to incorporate bug fixes.
  • Reverberate v 1.690 2 avril 2011 Windows
  • All: Added the capability to apply the master modulation of IR1/2 pan and mix pre or post convolution (previously only post convolution was possible).
  • Reverberate v 1.687 21 mars 2011 Windows
    1.687: 17/03/11
  • All: Additional tail generator tints added (cathedral, stone church, bright chapel and deep chapel).

  • All: Added 8 new tail generator presets using the new tints.

  • All: The copy and paste facility for presets now works after the editor is closed and re-opened.

  • 1.686: 11/03/11
  • All: Graphical fixes.

  • Mac: AU, VST and RTAS can now be installed independently.
  • Reverberate v 1.685 28 févr. 2011 Windows
  • All: Added a new IR type to generate synthetic IR tails.

  • All: Added 16 new presets utilising the tails generator.

  • OS X: Audio Unit update enabling 64-bit support (the old 32-bit version can optionally be installed using the installer customise option).

  • All: Memory is freed when IRs are inactive considerably reducing memory consumption in a single IR scenario.

  • All: Added an option to modulate the IRxEQs using a decaying exponential.

  • All: Changed the IRxEQs modulation view to be linear to more clearly visualise the decaying exp and linear behaviour.

  • All: Smoother audio during program changes.

  • All: More descriptive errors on registry or preferences file loading failures.

  • All: Fixed a bug in the delay unit that caused a feint distortion effect when different delays were set per channel.

  • All: Modification to enable full recall from chunk (assists full recall in Usine host).

  • All: More accurate reporting of the IR tail length to the host (assists Wavelab mixdowns).

  • All: Corrected focus bug in filters.

  • PC x64: Installer provides an option to use the same plug-in ID as the 32-bit version.
  • Reverberate v 1.681 9 févr. 2011 Windows
  • All: Additional tail room tint models with true stereo capability.

  • All: Reduced memory consumption when IRs are inactive.
  • Reverberate v 1.679 28 janv. 2011 Windows
    1.679 [Public Beta]:
  • All: Removed exponent option from IRxEQ modulation and changed log behaviour to be dependent on direction.

  • All: Changed IRxEQ modulation view to be linear to more clearly visualise the log and linear behaviour.

  • All: Corrected IR2 width operation when in mono position.
  • Reverberate v 1.675 23 janv. 2011 Windows
    1.675 [Public Beta]:
  • All: Added a new IR type to generate synthetic IR tails.

  • OS X: Audio Unit update enabling 64-bit support.

  • PC x64: Installer provides an option to use the same plug-in ID as the 32-bit version.

  • All: Modification to enable full recall from chunk (assists full recall in Usine host).

  • All: More descriptive low memory condition error messages.
  • Reverberate v 1.660 4 déc. 2010 Windows
  • All: Added the capability to assign up to 2 MIDI controllers (MIDI-CC) to some common Reverberate parameters for enhanced modulation capabilities in MIDI performance scenarios. Midi data must be routed to Reverberate via the host application (not all hosts are able to do this).
  • Reverberate v 1.650 15 nov. 2010 Windows
  • All: Master wet lock icon added.

  • All: Changed the wet lock options to include a default insert mode, send mode, or as specified per bank as wet-lock is now saved in the preset banks allowing for banks to be configured as send banks.

  • All: The presets view now opens by default instead of the IR browser.
  • Reverberate v 1.630 2 nov. 2010 Windows
  • All: Filter frequencies can now be selected from A0 - G#8 using pulldown menus providing a very natural and musical frequency selection approach.
  • Reverberate v 1.614 9 oct. 2010 Windows
  • All: Control+click on post IR gain controls now resets the slider positions as well as the parameter value.
  • Reverberate v 1.612 28 sept. 2010 Windows
  • OS X: Improved support for system volume names containing diacritics.
  • Reverberate v 1.611 16 sept. 2010 Windows
  • All: The demo timers have been reset so that all expired demos may now run for a further 30 days to enable past demo users to try all the new features added in recent releases.

  • All: Increased stability when system memory is depleted.
  • Reverberate v 1.610 15 sept. 2010 Windows
  • All: Reduced memory consumption of the early reflections module.

  • All: The EQ states automatically enable when an EQ parameter is modified.

  • All: Fixed initial values for the stereo wideners where saves were made using version 1.506 (previous saves work as expected).
  • Reverberate v 1.600 12 sept. 2010 Windows
  • All: Native RTAS x86 support.

  • All: New early reflections reverb module incorporating virtual point source generation models.

  • All: New stereo widener for each IR.

  • All: 64 new true stereo impulse responses.

  • All: Two additional preset banks utilising the new true stereo IRs and the early reflections module.

  • All: New consolidated EQ views for IR1, IR2 and post to show all 5 bands on a single tab for quicker EQ editing.

  • All: A mirror of the IR1 and IR2 mixer gain controls on the IR1 and IR2 tabs for convenience during editing and selection.

  • All: Updates to the GUI for increased graphical texturing and a clearer representation of the IR state.

  • All: The IR reverse and normalisation controls have been moved to make space for the additional IR dials.

  • Mac: Fixed impulse response normalisation bug.

  • PC: Improved font rendering.
  • Reverberate v 1.506 27 août 2010 Windows
  • All: Fix for directory listings sort order on some systems.
  • Reverberate v 1.503 7 août 2010 Windows
  • All: Reduced CPU usage of the delay module when automating the host song tempo with tempo-lock enabled.
  • Reverberate v 1.502 29 juil. 2010 Windows
    1.502: 28/07/10
  • PC: Corrected a bug where the first directory in a drive's root was not displayed in some cases.

  • 1.501: 26/07/10
  • All: Improved lost file search functionality where lost files can be found by back-tracking by one directory level.
  • Reverberate v 1.500 30 juin 2010 Windows
  • All: New stereo delay modules incorporating delay line modulation and tempo sync added to the IR1, IR2 and master signal paths.

  • All: Some factory default presets have been updated to use the new delay module.
  • Reverberate v 1.417 20 mai 2010 Windows
    1.417: 18/05/10
  • All: Processing indicators have been added to all tabs (they were previously only shown on the IR1/IR2 tabs) to show activity during preset changes.

  • All: The currently selected preset number in the radio brower did not always correctly update.

  • All: The post-EQ LFO was incorrectly timed when operating above 44.1kHz.

  • 1.416: 07/05/10
  • All: Fixed an issue with the VST-RTAS beta period expiration date preventing the demo from running correctly under the VST-RTAS wrapper.

  • OS X: Better handling of lost file user interaction mechanisms.
  • Reverberate v 1.415 7 mai 2010 Windows
  • OS X: An additional default search path is included for /Library/Audio/Impulse Responses/LiquidSonics/Reverberate/Factory-flac/ so if the flac compatibility presets package is installed it is not necessary to update all song files with the new location for the old flac files.
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