
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.5
Format AppAUVST
Compatibilité MobiusMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 26 nov. 2012
Téléchargements 11 531
Télécharg. Mac 6 549
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.5
Format AppVST
Compatibilité MobiusWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 26 nov. 2012
Téléchargements 11 531
Télécharg. PC 4 982

Boucleur audio

Mobius est un programme de création et manipulation de boucles audio en temps réel. Ses fonctionnalités sont conçues d'après l'Echoplex Digital Pro avec logiciel Loop IV. Il ne s'agit pas d'une complète émulation, mais il comporte de nombreuses fonctions de Loop IV, plus des fonctions inédites. Le logiciel permet le contrôle par MIDI ou depuis le clavier de l'ordinateur.
Requires OS X 10.5 or higher, Intel Only
Windows XP or higher, 32 or 64 bit
Mobius Mobius v 2.5 26 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
Release 2.5 of Mobius is now available.

There were a few minor bugs fixed, but the big new feature is Loop
Windowing. If you don't know what this means then you probably won't
be very impressed, but if you're an old EDP user you might find this

Basically, loop windowing lets you create loops by sliding a "window"
back and forth over the entire history of the loop. Imagine that all
of the loop layers are connected together in one seamless piece of
recording tape. Then being able to instantly jump to any location
within that tape and play a section of any size. The results can be
completely unpredictable as fragments of different layers are glued
together. Or with careful use of quantization and the windowing
parameters you can create windows that play varying rhythms at a
consistent tempo.

There are are six functions to control the window, and two more
for use in scripts.

Window Backward
Window Forward
Window Start Backward
Window Start Forward
Window End Backward
Window End Forward

In addition to sliding the window backward and forward you can also
adjust the edges of the window independently to make the window smaller
or larger. For complete documentation on this new feature, read
the Loop Windowing section in the Mobius Techniques manual.

I've been having a great time with this. It's not for everyone, but I hope some of you give it a try.

The following bugs were fixed:

Script action buttons always behaving like !momentary scripts

GlobalReset called from within a script was not canceling other scripts

Take out the common bindings used for development since they often
conflict with new user bindings.

Remove some EDPisms that most people don't expect.

Mute+Multiply = Realign
Mute+Insert = RestartOnce (aka SamplePlay)
Reset+Mute = previous preset
Reset+Insert = next preset
Circular Labs Mobius Mobius v 2.4 9 oct. 2012 MacOS X Intel
Bugs fixed:

Slow memory leak on Mac when drawing text in the UI

Large Memory leak if Max Redo Count is more than 1

Changing "Beats per Bar" unstable with mouse

Input Port and a few other parameters not displaying correctly in the main status area

Binding dialogs always show 8 tracks and 4 groups rather than the number of tracks and groups configured

Crash on Mac at startup when OSC is enabled

Missing Mac osc.xml file

Synchronization beats missed when Ableton transport is playing in a loop

New features:

The "Periodic Status Log" global parameter enables printing of Mobius memory consumption once a minute for debugging
Circular Labs Mobius v 2.3 18 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
The focus of this release was fixing bugs reported in the 2.2 release
related to continuous speed and rate shifting, and a few assorted old bugs.

In addition the OSC interface has been completely redesigned and a new
manual has been written and is available on the documentataion page.

As always, I ask that if you find a bug in this release that you post that
in the General forum rather than as a reply to this thread. This thread can be used for questions about new features or comparisons with older releases.

Bugs fixed:

  • SpeedBend can now be set as a control in scripts: set speedBend 0

  • CC bindings to Auto Record Bars and other integer parameters should work

  • Empty Loop Action and a few other parameter can now be bound

  • Midi Binding to Setup should now work

  • Custom bend ranges were not active until a preset was edited

  • Custom bend range could not reach the maximum value with a MIDI CC

  • Custom Speed Bend Range was wonky when bound to a MIDI pitch wheel

  • Spread function ranges on different channels were canceling each other

  • MuteOff will always force mute off instead of toggle

  • New features:

  • Interrupt statement can be used to cancel a script wait

  • Instant Multiply 2 is now just "Instant Multiply" and can take a

  • binding argument

  • Instant Divide 2 is now just "Instant Divide" and can take a

  • binding argument

  • Binding arguments can be enumerated parameter names,

  • "subcycle" "off" etc.

  • "ReloadScripts" function can be used to reload all scripts from

  • a menu or a MIDI event

  • Setup, Preset, and Bindings are now parameters that may be bound

  • to a MIDI CC to sweep through the values

  • "UIRedraw" function can be used in scripts or bound to a switch

  • to force a redisplay of the UI

  • Redesigned OSC support

  • Reply With Quote
    fonctions Mobius v 2.0 20 mars 2012 MacOS X Intel
    The new features that will be visible are:
  • Redesigned synchronization engine for improved sync

  • Support for Audio Units host sync (Logic, Garageband)

  • Support for other sample rates besides 44100

  • Redesigned UI button window that works like other binding windows

  • Improved OSC support

  • While this release has many improvements over 1.45, due to number of changes it is quite possible that new bugs have been introduced. We expect to find bugs over the next few months and we will do our best to fix them promptly. If you are an active performing musician and do not have time to test the new release to make sure all of your current scripts and techniques will work the same, then I recommend that you consider this like a beta release and wait for one or two point release.
    logiciel Mobius v 1.45 1 juin 2011 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

  • Setup and Preset may be selected as Instant Parameters so they

  • are always visible in the main window.

    Bugs Fixed:

  • Rename button on OSX not working.

  • Sustain functions not working.

  • Popup message when presets change not working.

  • Changing a setup with "set setup" was being delayed so saving

  • and restoring the currently selected track wasn't working. (Fro)

  • Loading scripts in a scrip directory is doing a case sensitive

  • comparison for ".mos" and missing ".MOS". (Fro)

  • The script name used after the "Call" statement in scripts was

  • case sensitive. (Fro)

    Reported Issues:

  • Calling a script by referencing it like function without the "Call"

  • prefix delays the execution. This makes scripts behave differently
    than functions. If you want the script to run immediately you must
    preceded it with Call. This will be fixed in a later release.
    audio Mobius v 1.44 4 mai 2011 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    - GlobalReset will clear all user defined global and track variables.

    - Add "Sustain Functions" preset parameter to replace the the old
    InsertMode/RecordMode/OverdubMode=Sustain parameters.

    - Binding overlays can now be specified in the track setup.

    - Add "Binding Configuration" to the visible parameters list so it can
    be seen in the UI and selected like a preset.

    - Configuration objects that have names (Presets, Setups, binding sets)
    now use a "Rename" button and a popup window rather than the confusing
    text field.

    Bugs Fixed:

    - OS X AU Validator failing.

    - Sustain Insert and Sustain Multiply don't work, they leave you
    in Insert/Mulitply mode.

    - Crash changing the number of tracks on Mac. (Todd Matthews)
    You must now restart in order to change track count.

    - Track Sync'd recordings aren't doing alternate endings correctly.

    - Selected track changed after using the MIDI Control and other
    configuration windows.

    - Track preset changed after using MIDI control and other
    configuration windows.

    - MidiOut function cancels Record and Multiply modes.

    - Move function not working if the argument was an expression.

    - Crash doing record/overdub/overdub. (palmwino)

    This happened only when Max Undo is 1, Enable Secondary Feedback is on,
    and Secondary Feedback is less than 127.

    - Keyboard bindings empty if more than one MIDI binding set was
    created and selected.

    - Focus Lock Functions being reset to the default list after deleting
    all of them.

    - Upgrading TrackCopy to EmptyTrackAction isn't upgrading the values
    e.g. sound->copy, timing->copyTime (simeon)

    - Crash after changing binding overlays.
    telecharger Mobius v 1.43 14 janv. 2011 MacOS X UB
    This release contains *many* small changes and improvements that were
    added during the writing of the new documentation. Some of the old
    EDP preset parameters have been removed and some have been replaced
    with more flexible parameters. Lots of names have been changed to
    make them clearer and more consistent.

    If you are a new user I recommend you install this release because it
    will match the documentation.

    If you are an old user I do not recommend that you upgrade until you
    have time to verify that the new version will work for you. I tried
    to automatically upgrade the mobius.xml and ui.xml files but some
    scripts may no longer work. Always back up your mobius.xml, ui.xml,
    and all of your script files so you can go back to the previous version
    if something goes wrong.

    Some of the parameters changes are:

    - "Interface Mode" and "Insert Mode" parameters have been removed

    - "Alt Feedback Enable" checkbox replaces InterfaceMode=Expert

    - No more "Record Mode" parameter, now we have "Record Resets Feedback"

    - No more "Overdub Mode", now we have "Overdub Quantized"

    - No more "Sampler Style", now have "Switch Location", "Switch Duration",
    and several other new parameters
    mac Mobius v 1.42 24 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Crash in Reaper when closing the VST edit window.

  • Occasional crash in Global Reset.

  • Ending a Multiply with Sync=Out sometimes jumps to the start of the

  • second cycle rather than beginning of the loop.
    windows Mobius v 1.41 2 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Bugs fixed:

  • With SyncMode=Out, ending a Multiply sometimes starts

  • playing at the beginning of the last cycle rather than
    starting over from the beginning.

  • Unable to select track 4 out of 6 when running as a plugin

  • with parameter Selected Track published as a plugin parameter.

  • Add type corection functions int(), float(), and string().

  • float() was necessary for the "scrub" script.

  • On Mac, when moving more than one MIDI slider, knob or pedal

  • at the same time, messages are lost and some controls won't move.

    New features:

  • Shuffle supports shorter or longer patterns than the

  • source layer

  • Bi-directional feedback of MIDI controls
  • macintosh Mobius v 1.40 8 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
    This release fixes the following bugs:
    - Threshold recording broken, could never stop recording
    - loopCount variable always returns zero
    - script lines ignored if they didn't end with a newline
    - VST edit window not remembering the last location

    The following features were added:
    - Loop radar "packmans" are back!
    - Shuffle now supports complex patterns in scripts
    pc Mobius v 1.39 21 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
    This release adds a UI to configure which parameters to expose
    to the VST host. The dialog is described in more detail below.

    The following bugs were also fixed:
    - Reset not resetting Global Mute state (Matthias L)
    - Audio Unit not passing "auval" validation
    - Audio Unit UI not working correctly under Rax
    Mobius Mobius v 2.5 26 nov. 2012 Windows
    Release 2.5 of Mobius is now available.

    There were a few minor bugs fixed, but the big new feature is Loop
    Windowing. If you don't know what this means then you probably won't
    be very impressed, but if you're an old EDP user you might find this

    Basically, loop windowing lets you create loops by sliding a "window"
    back and forth over the entire history of the loop. Imagine that all
    of the loop layers are connected together in one seamless piece of
    recording tape. Then being able to instantly jump to any location
    within that tape and play a section of any size. The results can be
    completely unpredictable as fragments of different layers are glued
    together. Or with careful use of quantization and the windowing
    parameters you can create windows that play varying rhythms at a
    consistent tempo.

    There are are six functions to control the window, and two more
    for use in scripts.

    Window Backward
    Window Forward
    Window Start Backward
    Window Start Forward
    Window End Backward
    Window End Forward

    In addition to sliding the window backward and forward you can also
    adjust the edges of the window independently to make the window smaller
    or larger. For complete documentation on this new feature, read
    the Loop Windowing section in the Mobius Techniques manual.

    I've been having a great time with this. It's not for everyone, but I hope some of you give it a try.

    The following bugs were fixed:

    Script action buttons always behaving like !momentary scripts

    GlobalReset called from within a script was not canceling other scripts

    Take out the common bindings used for development since they often
    conflict with new user bindings.

    Remove some EDPisms that most people don't expect.

    Mute+Multiply = Realign
    Mute+Insert = RestartOnce (aka SamplePlay)
    Reset+Mute = previous preset
    Reset+Insert = next preset
    Circular Labs Mobius Mobius v 2.4 9 oct. 2012 Windows
    Bugs fixed:

    Slow memory leak on Mac when drawing text in the UI

    Large Memory leak if Max Redo Count is more than 1

    Changing "Beats per Bar" unstable with mouse

    Input Port and a few other parameters not displaying correctly in the main status area

    Binding dialogs always show 8 tracks and 4 groups rather than the number of tracks and groups configured

    Crash on Mac at startup when OSC is enabled

    Missing Mac osc.xml file

    Synchronization beats missed when Ableton transport is playing in a loop

    New features:

    The "Periodic Status Log" global parameter enables printing of Mobius memory consumption once a minute for debugging
    Circular Labs Mobius v 2.3 18 sept. 2012 Windows
    The focus of this release was fixing bugs reported in the 2.2 release
    related to continuous speed and rate shifting, and a few assorted old bugs.

    In addition the OSC interface has been completely redesigned and a new
    manual has been written and is available on the documentataion page.

    As always, I ask that if you find a bug in this release that you post that
    in the General forum rather than as a reply to this thread. This thread can be used for questions about new features or comparisons with older releases.

    Bugs fixed:

  • SpeedBend can now be set as a control in scripts: set speedBend 0

  • CC bindings to Auto Record Bars and other integer parameters should work

  • Empty Loop Action and a few other parameter can now be bound

  • Midi Binding to Setup should now work

  • Custom bend ranges were not active until a preset was edited

  • Custom bend range could not reach the maximum value with a MIDI CC

  • Custom Speed Bend Range was wonky when bound to a MIDI pitch wheel

  • Spread function ranges on different channels were canceling each other

  • MuteOff will always force mute off instead of toggle

  • New features:

  • Interrupt statement can be used to cancel a script wait

  • Instant Multiply 2 is now just "Instant Multiply" and can take a

  • binding argument

  • Instant Divide 2 is now just "Instant Divide" and can take a

  • binding argument

  • Binding arguments can be enumerated parameter names,

  • "subcycle" "off" etc.

  • "ReloadScripts" function can be used to reload all scripts from

  • a menu or a MIDI event

  • Setup, Preset, and Bindings are now parameters that may be bound

  • to a MIDI CC to sweep through the values

  • "UIRedraw" function can be used in scripts or bound to a switch

  • to force a redisplay of the UI

  • Redesigned OSC support

  • Reply With Quote
    fonctions Mobius v 2.0 20 mars 2012 Windows
    The new features that will be visible are:
  • Redesigned synchronization engine for improved sync

  • Support for Audio Units host sync (Logic, Garageband)

  • Support for other sample rates besides 44100

  • Redesigned UI button window that works like other binding windows

  • Improved OSC support

  • While this release has many improvements over 1.45, due to number of changes it is quite possible that new bugs have been introduced. We expect to find bugs over the next few months and we will do our best to fix them promptly. If you are an active performing musician and do not have time to test the new release to make sure all of your current scripts and techniques will work the same, then I recommend that you consider this like a beta release and wait for one or two point release.
    logiciel Mobius v 1.45 1 juin 2011 Windows
    New Features:

  • Setup and Preset may be selected as Instant Parameters so they

  • are always visible in the main window.

    Bugs Fixed:

  • Rename button on OSX not working.

  • Sustain functions not working.

  • Popup message when presets change not working.

  • Changing a setup with "set setup" was being delayed so saving

  • and restoring the currently selected track wasn't working. (Fro)

  • Loading scripts in a scrip directory is doing a case sensitive

  • comparison for ".mos" and missing ".MOS". (Fro)

  • The script name used after the "Call" statement in scripts was

  • case sensitive. (Fro)

    Reported Issues:

  • Calling a script by referencing it like function without the "Call"

  • prefix delays the execution. This makes scripts behave differently
    than functions. If you want the script to run immediately you must
    preceded it with Call. This will be fixed in a later release.
    audio Mobius v 1.44 4 mai 2011 Windows
    New Features:

    - GlobalReset will clear all user defined global and track variables.

    - Add "Sustain Functions" preset parameter to replace the the old
    InsertMode/RecordMode/OverdubMode=Sustain parameters.

    - Binding overlays can now be specified in the track setup.

    - Add "Binding Configuration" to the visible parameters list so it can
    be seen in the UI and selected like a preset.

    - Configuration objects that have names (Presets, Setups, binding sets)
    now use a "Rename" button and a popup window rather than the confusing
    text field.

    Bugs Fixed:

    - OS X AU Validator failing.

    - Sustain Insert and Sustain Multiply don't work, they leave you
    in Insert/Mulitply mode.

    - Crash changing the number of tracks on Mac. (Todd Matthews)
    You must now restart in order to change track count.

    - Track Sync'd recordings aren't doing alternate endings correctly.

    - Selected track changed after using the MIDI Control and other
    configuration windows.

    - Track preset changed after using MIDI control and other
    configuration windows.

    - MidiOut function cancels Record and Multiply modes.

    - Move function not working if the argument was an expression.

    - Crash doing record/overdub/overdub. (palmwino)

    This happened only when Max Undo is 1, Enable Secondary Feedback is on,
    and Secondary Feedback is less than 127.

    - Keyboard bindings empty if more than one MIDI binding set was
    created and selected.

    - Focus Lock Functions being reset to the default list after deleting
    all of them.

    - Upgrading TrackCopy to EmptyTrackAction isn't upgrading the values
    e.g. sound->copy, timing->copyTime (simeon)

    - Crash after changing binding overlays.
    telecharger Mobius v 1.43 14 janv. 2011 Windows
    This release contains *many* small changes and improvements that were
    added during the writing of the new documentation. Some of the old
    EDP preset parameters have been removed and some have been replaced
    with more flexible parameters. Lots of names have been changed to
    make them clearer and more consistent.

    If you are a new user I recommend you install this release because it
    will match the documentation.

    If you are an old user I do not recommend that you upgrade until you
    have time to verify that the new version will work for you. I tried
    to automatically upgrade the mobius.xml and ui.xml files but some
    scripts may no longer work. Always back up your mobius.xml, ui.xml,
    and all of your script files so you can go back to the previous version
    if something goes wrong.

    Some of the parameters changes are:

    - "Interface Mode" and "Insert Mode" parameters have been removed

    - "Alt Feedback Enable" checkbox replaces InterfaceMode=Expert

    - No more "Record Mode" parameter, now we have "Record Resets Feedback"

    - No more "Overdub Mode", now we have "Overdub Quantized"

    - No more "Sampler Style", now have "Switch Location", "Switch Duration",
    and several other new parameters
    mac Mobius v 1.42 24 nov. 2009 Windows
  • Crash in Reaper when closing the VST edit window.

  • Occasional crash in Global Reset.

  • Ending a Multiply with Sync=Out sometimes jumps to the start of the

  • second cycle rather than beginning of the loop.
    windows Mobius v 1.41 2 nov. 2009 Windows
    Bugs fixed:

  • With SyncMode=Out, ending a Multiply sometimes starts

  • playing at the beginning of the last cycle rather than
    starting over from the beginning.

  • Unable to select track 4 out of 6 when running as a plugin

  • with parameter Selected Track published as a plugin parameter.

  • Add type corection functions int(), float(), and string().

  • float() was necessary for the "scrub" script.

  • On Mac, when moving more than one MIDI slider, knob or pedal

  • at the same time, messages are lost and some controls won't move.

    New features:

  • Shuffle supports shorter or longer patterns than the

  • source layer

  • Bi-directional feedback of MIDI controls
  • macintosh Mobius v 1.40 8 oct. 2009 Windows
    This release fixes the following bugs:
    - Threshold recording broken, could never stop recording
    - loopCount variable always returns zero
    - script lines ignored if they didn't end with a newline
    - VST edit window not remembering the last location

    The following features were added:
    - Loop radar "packmans" are back!
    - Shuffle now supports complex patterns in scripts
    pc Mobius v 1.39 21 sept. 2009 Windows
    This release adds a UI to configure which parameters to expose
    to the VST host. The dialog is described in more detail below.

    The following bugs were also fixed:
    - Reset not resetting Global Mute state (Matthias L)
    - Audio Unit not passing "auval" validation
    - Audio Unit UI not working correctly under Rax
    Circular Labs

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