Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.4
Format AUVST
Compatibilité VB3MacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $53  /  49€
Mis à jour le 21 juin 2010
Téléchargements 1 455
Télécharg. Mac 1 020
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.4
Format VST
Compatibilité VB3Windows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $53  /  49€
Mis à jour le 21 juin 2010
Téléchargements 1 455
Télécharg. PC 435

Orgue virtuel

Le VB3 est un orgue virtuel très complet pour une consommation CPU minime.
VB3 VB3 v 1.4 21 juin 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Added new Rotary Speaker simulation derived from the code for the upcoming VB3 version 2!

  • Added option to choose the destination of MIDI CC# 64 (sustain, rotary switch or assignable)

  • Added new item in the DAT (ini) file for the CC# of rotary brake for the "2 controllers" option

  • When the organ preset octave isn't active, keys below the first C and above the last C play folded-back octaves

  • When switching between organ presets something made the switching get slower over and over. Fixed.

  • When switching between organ presets while playing, an audible crackle was produced. Fixed.

  • Now the "Midi Learn" takes the correct Channel even when the Split is active.

  • Now the Split function leaves the pedalboard available on its own separate channel

  • The pedalboard tapering is now correct (sub-harmonics were missing on some notes)

  • When the host saved a project, VB3 muted its sound and caused an audible click. Fixed. *

  • * Now programs and banks are saved as "custom chunks"

  • * Reorganized the .DAT file and renamed it to .INI and moved the .FXP .INI and .LIC file locations on Mac to the User Library
  • Genuine Soundware VB3 VB3 v 1.3 16 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
    VB3 now supports the use of the sustain pedal for... sustaining notes!
    VB3 1.3 introduces the new "Advanced MIDI Learn" function that enormously extends the number of compatible hardware controllers.

    Last but not least, the Mac version of VB3 1.3 is now compatible with MOTU Digital Performer.
    Genuine Soundware VB3 v 1.2.2 26 févr. 2009 MacOS X UB
    VB3 VB3 v 1.4 21 juin 2010 Windows
  • Added new Rotary Speaker simulation derived from the code for the upcoming VB3 version 2!

  • Added option to choose the destination of MIDI CC# 64 (sustain, rotary switch or assignable)

  • Added new item in the DAT (ini) file for the CC# of rotary brake for the "2 controllers" option

  • When the organ preset octave isn't active, keys below the first C and above the last C play folded-back octaves

  • When switching between organ presets something made the switching get slower over and over. Fixed.

  • When switching between organ presets while playing, an audible crackle was produced. Fixed.

  • Now the "Midi Learn" takes the correct Channel even when the Split is active.

  • Now the Split function leaves the pedalboard available on its own separate channel

  • The pedalboard tapering is now correct (sub-harmonics were missing on some notes)

  • When the host saved a project, VB3 muted its sound and caused an audible click. Fixed. *

  • * Now programs and banks are saved as "custom chunks"

  • * Reorganized the .DAT file and renamed it to .INI and moved the .FXP .INI and .LIC file locations on Mac to the User Library
  • Genuine Soundware VB3 VB3 v 1.3 16 mars 2010 Windows
    VB3 now supports the use of the sustain pedal for... sustaining notes!
    VB3 1.3 introduces the new "Advanced MIDI Learn" function that enormously extends the number of compatible hardware controllers.

    Last but not least, the Mac version of VB3 1.3 is now compatible with MOTU Digital Performer.
    Genuine Soundware VB3 v 1.2.2 26 févr. 2009 Windows
    Genuine Soundware
    Acheter VB3 près de , United States chez:

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