
par Tone2
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.6
Format AUVST
Compatibilité GladiatorMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $199  /  149€
Mis à jour le 8 avril 2017
Téléchargements 2 039
Télécharg. Mac 1 582
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.6
Format AppVST
Compatibilité GladiatorWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $199  /  149€
Mis à jour le 8 avril 2017
Téléchargements 2 039
Télécharg. PC 457

Synthétiseur hybride

GLADIATOR est un synthétiseur utilisant le système de synthèse "Harmonic Content Morphing HCM", développé par Tone2, qui permet de créer des sons impossibles avec les synthèses soustractive FM ou additive seules.
Le HCM permet aux harmoniques des oscillateurs d'être modifiées au fil du temps pour obtenir de superbes sons dynamiques. Les harmoniques des sons dans le monde réel changent dans le temps ce qui les rend agréables et intéressantes. GLADIATOR imite ce comportement en changeant le contenu harmonique de ses oscillateurs dans le temps.

fonctionnalités :
- Harmonic Content Morphingavancé
- FM
- AM
- Sync
- Modulation de phase
- Waveshaping
- Distorsion
- Supersaw
- Synthèse additive
- Resynthèse sonore
- Distorsion de Phase
- Lecture de samples...
GLADIATOR est un synthétiseur utilisant le système de synthèse "Harmonic Content Morphing HCM", développé par Tone2, qui permet de créer des sons impossibles avec les synthèses soustractive FM ou additive seules.
Le HCM permet aux harmoniques des oscillateurs d'être modifiées au fil du temps pour obtenir de superbes sons dynamiques. Les harmoniques des sons dans le monde réel changent dans le temps ce qui les rend agréables et intéressantes. GLADIATOR imite ce comportement en changeant le contenu harmonique de ses oscillateurs dans le temps.

fonctionnalités :
- Harmonic Content Morphingavancé
- FM
- AM
- Sync
- Modulation de phase
- Waveshaping
- Distorsion
- Supersaw
- Synthèse additive
- Resynthèse sonore
- Distorsion de Phase
- Lecture de samples
- 30208 formes d'onde
- 18 oscillateurs par voix
- 40 filtres stéréo différents
- 20 effets
- Stéréo réelle
- Oversampling x162
- Arpégiateur et STEP LFO/trancegate programmables
- Synchronisable avec le BPM
- Microtuning
- Equalizer
- Routage modulaire
- Polyphonie 64 voix
Gladiator Gladiator v 2.6 8 avril 2017 MacOS X UB
Drastically enhanced sound quality, especially if you run the plugin in 44khz
More clean and detailed overall sound
Enhanced sound of the filters: More linear frequency response for high cutoffs
Enhanced sound of the effects section: Higher precesion interpolation
Enhanced sound of the distortion: Added oversampling for more crisp sound
Enhanced sound of the osciallors: Higher precesion interpolation
Added a high-end resampling algorithm
More linear frequency response, especially above 10 kHz
More tight timing
Enhanced stability
More inituitive parameter names for automation
More beautiful ligths for the buttons
Fixed a possible pop sound on opening the plugin
More robustness
Less aggressive psychoacoustic processing
Workaround for a host bug in Orion 8.6
In the Mac version patches can now be renamed from within the plugin (if the host supports it)
Several other minor fixes
Tone2 Gladiator Gladiator v 2.4 7 août 2012 MacOS X UB
This huge update includes a 64 bit VST and AU version for Mac, a 64 bit standalone version for PC, a more comfortable installation and many enhancements.
Tone2 Gladiator v 2.3 1 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
New features:
* 64 bit version of VST plugin for PC
* Standalone version for PC
* SSE2 support
* Scrollbars in standalone version for low resolution displays
* Gladiator now ships with 1135 sounds (30 new ones have been added)
* Progression and Workstation soundset have an own section in 'category'

* Improved compatibility for Windows7 and Vista Systems
* Improved sound quality: Better psychoacoustic processing and cleaner sound
* Smart installer which automatically fixes possible Windows7 compatibility problems of VST directory
* Slightly improved usability and workflow
* Slightly lower CPU
* Important Popups are always displayed on top
* More precise fine tuning of knobs with shift+leftMouseButton

* Editor is large by default
* The soundsets can now be installed by placing Workstation.glb or Progression.glb within the plugin directory

* Minor GUI and audio fixes
* Workarounds for some well-known host bugs
* Fixed a bug in 'sin spirit mode'
synth Gladiator v 2.2 23 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
New: Midi learn support

PC: Shift + strg/control + left mousebutton on a knob activates Midi learn mode. If Midi learn is activated the next incoming Midi controler command is assigned to the knob. The Midi learn configuration of all controlers is stored in an automatically generated file 'gladiatormidi.cfg' within the vst directory. If 'gladiatormidi.cfg' is deleted it automatically resets to the default assignments.

Mac: Shift + Apple + left mousebutton on a knob activates Midi learn mode. If Midi learn is activated the next incoming Midi controler command is assigned to the knob. The Midi learn configuration of all controlers is stored in an automatically generated file 'Library/Audio/Plugins/gladiatormidi.cfg'. If 'gladiatormidi.cfg' is deleted it automatically resets to the default assignments.

New features, changes, fixes and improvements:
* Smoother overall sound with more 'analog hardware-like' feeling
* More punchy envelopes
* Drastically improved sound of Chorus and Ensemble effect. Replaced them with an 'analog modeled' version.
* Additional lowpass filter: LP Superfat
* New modifier: 'Time Delay' delays an oscillator spectrum
* New modifier: 'Pitch Harmonizer' stacks up to 16 additional harmonics to an osciallator spectrum
* New modifier: 'Pitch Octaver' stacks up to 8 oscillators which are tuned in octaves
* Improved Moog filter: Analog modelling with self oscillation support for high resonance
* Smoother filter sound: Comb+, Double Comb
* Improved LP 12dB Analog, BP 12dB Analog, HP 12dB Analog: More silky treble
* 35 additional sounds
* Reworked and resorted factory presets
* Slightly improved psychoacoustical processing
* Full version: User name is shown above preset browser
* Improved robustness against user errors and corrupt installations
* A warning is displayed if a user tries to register with the wrong keyfile
* Renamed filters: "Comb1"->"Comb+","Comb2"->"Double Comb"
* The hotkey 'm' resets the mod matrix (Note: Not all hosts support this)
* Gladiator banks (glb files) contain now up to 4096 presets
* Fixed (Fullversion on Mac): Username sometimes was not displayed correctly
* Fixed a rarely appearing crash that could appear with certain system configurations (PC)
* Two spectra were missing because of invalid filenames (Mac)
* Fixed a possible crash with Midi CC 121
oscillateurs Gladiator v 2.1 5 juin 2009 MacOS X UB
Improvements in sound quality:
* Drastically improved low notes oscillator sound
* Improved reverb sound: Softer and more diffuse reverb tails
* Improved psychoacustical processing
* Improved spectral slope of low frequencies to reduce gibbs effect for more 'analog' sound
* Improved sound quality of intelligent microtuning (IQM): Warmer sound for long release times
* Extended dB range of master volume knob
* Reworked existing factory presets: Warmer sound

New features:
* 3 new phase modulators for analog sounding pulsewidth modulation: PWM, PWM alt, phase shift
* Added song position sync support for LFO 1/2 ('bpm' has to be set to 'on' and 'retrigger' to 'off')
* Added split keyboard support; new modulation sources: Low keys, High keys
* Added new 'split' arp mode which applies ARP on high keys only and leaves low keys for basses
* 18 new factory sounds

Changes, fixes and improvements:
* Faster loading time of PC full version
* Demo version: Nag Voice only every 9 minutes instead of every minute
* Improved host compatibility: Cubase 4 & 5, Orion, Fruity Loops, Logic
* Fixed (PC): Wrong version number was displayed in Cubase
* Fixed: Microglitch in volume envelope
* Fixed (Full version, Mac): 'Demoversion' instead of user name was displayed for 2 seconds after loading
* Fixed (PPC Mac): 'Spec format' and 'Spec clean' modifier could output silence
* Fixed (FUll version, Mac): 'save all' could crash Gladiator2
* Changed (Mac): Focus of mouseover when 'show editor' was set to 'off'
temps Gladiator v 2.0 18 févr. 2009 MacOS X UB
Most important changes:
* The HCM3 engine extends HCM synthesis with complex phase manipulation. It provides warmer sounds, noisy sounds, 'analogue' sounds and a bigger sonic range.
* At least 300 new presets; Improved and sorted 'old' factory presets
* New quality mode: 'Ultra' provides 2x oversampling for audio and modulation sources with psychoacoustical postprocessing
* New quality mode: 'Linear' provides highest precision rendering with linear phase for audiophiles and scientific applications
* 6657 additional waveforms OSC 1A-4D
* 25 additional waveforms for OSC 5
* OSC 5 can be played as additional subosc
* New and improved filters
* 6 new unision modes
* Separate pan for OSCs
* Improved modulation: More sources, more destinations, more routings, more slots in mod matrix, 2 Aux envelopes, more LFOs with more features, double precision rendering, shapers for envelopes
* 10 additional effects
Gladiator Gladiator v 2.6 8 avril 2017 Windows
Drastically enhanced sound quality, especially if you run the plugin in 44khz
More clean and detailed overall sound
Enhanced sound of the filters: More linear frequency response for high cutoffs
Enhanced sound of the effects section: Higher precesion interpolation
Enhanced sound of the distortion: Added oversampling for more crisp sound
Enhanced sound of the osciallors: Higher precesion interpolation
Added a high-end resampling algorithm
More linear frequency response, especially above 10 kHz
More tight timing
Enhanced stability
More inituitive parameter names for automation
More beautiful ligths for the buttons
Fixed a possible pop sound on opening the plugin
More robustness
Less aggressive psychoacoustic processing
Workaround for a host bug in Orion 8.6
In the Mac version patches can now be renamed from within the plugin (if the host supports it)
Several other minor fixes
Tone2 Gladiator Gladiator v 2.4 7 août 2012 Windows
This huge update includes a 64 bit VST and AU version for Mac, a 64 bit standalone version for PC, a more comfortable installation and many enhancements.
Tone2 Gladiator v 2.3 1 mars 2011 Windows
New features:
* 64 bit version of VST plugin for PC
* Standalone version for PC
* SSE2 support
* Scrollbars in standalone version for low resolution displays
* Gladiator now ships with 1135 sounds (30 new ones have been added)
* Progression and Workstation soundset have an own section in 'category'

* Improved compatibility for Windows7 and Vista Systems
* Improved sound quality: Better psychoacoustic processing and cleaner sound
* Smart installer which automatically fixes possible Windows7 compatibility problems of VST directory
* Slightly improved usability and workflow
* Slightly lower CPU
* Important Popups are always displayed on top
* More precise fine tuning of knobs with shift+leftMouseButton

* Editor is large by default
* The soundsets can now be installed by placing Workstation.glb or Progression.glb within the plugin directory

* Minor GUI and audio fixes
* Workarounds for some well-known host bugs
* Fixed a bug in 'sin spirit mode'
synth Gladiator v 2.2 23 sept. 2009 Windows
New: Midi learn support

PC: Shift + strg/control + left mousebutton on a knob activates Midi learn mode. If Midi learn is activated the next incoming Midi controler command is assigned to the knob. The Midi learn configuration of all controlers is stored in an automatically generated file 'gladiatormidi.cfg' within the vst directory. If 'gladiatormidi.cfg' is deleted it automatically resets to the default assignments.

Mac: Shift + Apple + left mousebutton on a knob activates Midi learn mode. If Midi learn is activated the next incoming Midi controler command is assigned to the knob. The Midi learn configuration of all controlers is stored in an automatically generated file 'Library/Audio/Plugins/gladiatormidi.cfg'. If 'gladiatormidi.cfg' is deleted it automatically resets to the default assignments.

New features, changes, fixes and improvements:
* Smoother overall sound with more 'analog hardware-like' feeling
* More punchy envelopes
* Drastically improved sound of Chorus and Ensemble effect. Replaced them with an 'analog modeled' version.
* Additional lowpass filter: LP Superfat
* New modifier: 'Time Delay' delays an oscillator spectrum
* New modifier: 'Pitch Harmonizer' stacks up to 16 additional harmonics to an osciallator spectrum
* New modifier: 'Pitch Octaver' stacks up to 8 oscillators which are tuned in octaves
* Improved Moog filter: Analog modelling with self oscillation support for high resonance
* Smoother filter sound: Comb+, Double Comb
* Improved LP 12dB Analog, BP 12dB Analog, HP 12dB Analog: More silky treble
* 35 additional sounds
* Reworked and resorted factory presets
* Slightly improved psychoacoustical processing
* Full version: User name is shown above preset browser
* Improved robustness against user errors and corrupt installations
* A warning is displayed if a user tries to register with the wrong keyfile
* Renamed filters: "Comb1"->"Comb+","Comb2"->"Double Comb"
* The hotkey 'm' resets the mod matrix (Note: Not all hosts support this)
* Gladiator banks (glb files) contain now up to 4096 presets
* Fixed (Fullversion on Mac): Username sometimes was not displayed correctly
* Fixed a rarely appearing crash that could appear with certain system configurations (PC)
* Two spectra were missing because of invalid filenames (Mac)
* Fixed a possible crash with Midi CC 121
oscillateurs Gladiator v 2.1 5 juin 2009 Windows
Improvements in sound quality:
* Drastically improved low notes oscillator sound
* Improved reverb sound: Softer and more diffuse reverb tails
* Improved psychoacustical processing
* Improved spectral slope of low frequencies to reduce gibbs effect for more 'analog' sound
* Improved sound quality of intelligent microtuning (IQM): Warmer sound for long release times
* Extended dB range of master volume knob
* Reworked existing factory presets: Warmer sound

New features:
* 3 new phase modulators for analog sounding pulsewidth modulation: PWM, PWM alt, phase shift
* Added song position sync support for LFO 1/2 ('bpm' has to be set to 'on' and 'retrigger' to 'off')
* Added split keyboard support; new modulation sources: Low keys, High keys
* Added new 'split' arp mode which applies ARP on high keys only and leaves low keys for basses
* 18 new factory sounds

Changes, fixes and improvements:
* Faster loading time of PC full version
* Demo version: Nag Voice only every 9 minutes instead of every minute
* Improved host compatibility: Cubase 4 & 5, Orion, Fruity Loops, Logic
* Fixed (PC): Wrong version number was displayed in Cubase
* Fixed: Microglitch in volume envelope
* Fixed (Full version, Mac): 'Demoversion' instead of user name was displayed for 2 seconds after loading
* Fixed (PPC Mac): 'Spec format' and 'Spec clean' modifier could output silence
* Fixed (FUll version, Mac): 'save all' could crash Gladiator2
* Changed (Mac): Focus of mouseover when 'show editor' was set to 'off'
temps Gladiator v 2.0 18 févr. 2009 Windows
Most important changes:
* The HCM3 engine extends HCM synthesis with complex phase manipulation. It provides warmer sounds, noisy sounds, 'analogue' sounds and a bigger sonic range.
* At least 300 new presets; Improved and sorted 'old' factory presets
* New quality mode: 'Ultra' provides 2x oversampling for audio and modulation sources with psychoacoustical postprocessing
* New quality mode: 'Linear' provides highest precision rendering with linear phase for audiophiles and scientific applications
* 6657 additional waveforms OSC 1A-4D
* 25 additional waveforms for OSC 5
* OSC 5 can be played as additional subosc
* New and improved filters
* 6 new unision modes
* Separate pan for OSCs
* Improved modulation: More sources, more destinations, more routings, more slots in mod matrix, 2 Aux envelopes, more LFOs with more features, double precision rendering, shapers for envelopes
* 10 additional effects
Acheter Gladiator près de Columbus, United States chez:

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version 2.1, MacOS X UB
Perso j'utilise pour ce type de son Nexus 2 et je crois qu'on ne verra pas mieux de si tôt.
Cela Dis Gladiator m'as tout de même impressionné, il a des sons également très intéressant.

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